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Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks folks for all info on last thread.

Replied: 12th Dec 2023 at 20:32

Posted by: bambam (3071)

All over estate I went I should have started with your street first.

Replied: 12th Dec 2023 at 20:34

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Great Bambam!…And well done with this forum!…Been following it for a while. Always a great read!…Good info. I’ve learned a lot. And great to see how you and everyone is doing. It really does keep Downall Green alive. I joined in at the time as it had gone a bit quiet at the time and thought maybe I could add some input. Great job Dave, great memories!

Replied: 12th Dec 2023 at 20:48

Posted by: bambam (3071)

I knew the names was the clue, I couldn't see small print broke my specs poor lamps are not what they used be.

Replied: 12th Dec 2023 at 20:51

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Have you been on album on walking days, loads of us on there.

Replied: 12th Dec 2023 at 20:52

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Also your street to Bambam!

My next clue was gonna be that I’d worked at the same places as you, sammys, Dag, and Curtsy had worked!

You at DW, as I also Stewarded there.
Sammys at Romix.
Dag at Mabeys.
Curtsy at Kwik Save.

Don’t know if that would have gave it away!

Replied: 12th Dec 2023 at 20:56

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Yeh, been on Walking Days!…Great looking back!…also the Downall Green pictures.

That was a good text off you about the Welsh lads coming to Runcorn. Didn’t realise the Buffs did that kind of thing!…Well done, and you had a right to feel proud!

Replied: 12th Dec 2023 at 21:00

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Probably not I wasn't aware you'd worked at them places, thought Dag would have got you first he was your brothers best mate.

Replied: 12th Dec 2023 at 21:02

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Well what can you expect Bambam…He’s a thick Leeds Fan!

Replied: 12th Dec 2023 at 21:15

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

You still do the DW Bambam?…I was there for quite a few years!…On West Stand!…Under the late Dave Johnson.

Replied: 12th Dec 2023 at 21:18

Posted by: bambam (3071)

No I couldn't carry on with stadium it was affecting the job I had at the time, I worked with Dave Johnson on old Latics door on match days, he was great fella was Dave, they couldn't replace him after he finished all staff left when other people tried fill his boots, they had no idea.

Replied: 12th Dec 2023 at 21:32

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Yeh, nice fella Dave!…Always had time for you!…Used to see him in Hingmakers when I sometimes called in!…Our Malc stewarded there for a bit as well…He,s 60 tomorrow by the way!…I think he,s about your Martins age!…I was in Arthur’s year at school, so he’ll be about 62 now!…He was a rum un at school! …He had the Harry Lowe prod a few times!
I remember he could never stop laughing when he was being told off!

Replied: 12th Dec 2023 at 21:58

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Yes he would be down that end Dave he lived on Ashton Heath, I used see him in wigan a lot as he was a bailiff, our Arthur mad as hatter, me and kev Thompson got some prods of piano fingers Lowe, he wouldn't get away with that today.

Replied: 12th Dec 2023 at 22:19

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

I remember digging escort of snow at Liverpool Road dust remember gustavos bet that was 83 84 deep snow that neet thicker than a Wales tung me he he nice one gustavos thy did well theer

Replied: 12th Dec 2023 at 22:20

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Gustavus, what made you choose that name.

Replied: 12th Dec 2023 at 23:01

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Oh no Bambam, he wouldn’t get away with it today!…Shame really as kids today get away with murder!

Ha ha, thanks Dag! …Some of your questions nearly made me give my i.d. away!…Walls were closing in!…Bambam got me in the end!…Once he was discussing Elm Avenue I was getting a bit twitchy!

Aye Dag, I do remember the snow buried Escort. All the snow was blowing off fields as well as heavy snow!…Never seen it as deep!
Good seeing your Dad as your profile picture!…Beltin fella your Dad. …And yer Mum was lovely!…She was my betting partner when I was in the bookies shed at top of Elm Avenue!

Replied: 12th Dec 2023 at 23:20

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

‘’Gustavus, what made you choose that name.’’

Well Bambam, I use ‘Gustavus Hillock FC’ as my team name in a Fantasy Football competition I am in.
I’m trying to keep the name alive!
Downall Green was known and maybe still is known as Gustavus Hillock. But more know it as Downall Green.
I do think there should be some kind of sign/plaque saying Gustavus Hillock on a wall or post maybe near the church, so the name doesn’t die.
And that’s why I used Gustavus.

Replied: 12th Dec 2023 at 23:28

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Good name to choose, gustavus hillock is on all old maps, spindle hillock kept it's name and there are a few good pics on album, do you remember Tony birkett turning his dad's van over at fearns farm, I was driving down to ashton same time as he went over, he'd just past deromas house and I said to Chris boland he's lost it.

Replied: 12th Dec 2023 at 23:37

Posted by: whups (13685) 

it,s about time you came clean geoff . been keeping it under my hat for ages . the quip about david parkinson shud have given you a clue .

Replied: 12th Dec 2023 at 23:54
Last edited by whups: 12th Dec 2023 at 23:55:35

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Bambam, you won’t believe this!…I was in the very van!…It was one of those thin VW (I think) vans!…Light blue if I remember right!…it had sliding doors on driver and passenger side!…We was coming home from work, from Romix on three sisters at around 5pm. Tony drove that van far too fast!…I was sat in the back which was a big space. About half way up Low Bank Road I climbed over into the front seat and sat in the passenger seat. And because of Tony’s fast driving I slid the passenger door shut as both sliding doors were open being summertime. Seat belts weren’t compulsory then. As Tony took the bend where Dag lives at a too fast speed, a wagon was coming the opposite way. Tony swerved to the left, as he said after the wagon was over the white middle line. The van went over onto my side of the van and Tony fell on top of me and squashed me against the door as the van slid along the road. God only knows what would have happened had I not shut that door. We had to climb up and lift ourselves up through the drivers door. Tony’s dad arrived not long after and Tony said it was Chris Boland speeding partly on his side of the road and had to swerve. But believe me it was Tony’s fault, he was mad in that van!…I sometimes think how lucky I was that day!

Replied: 13th Dec 2023 at 00:04

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Yes Whups!…I wondered about that!…as I said ‘good try’ when you mentioned Dave Parky!…That’s when I said I feel the walls are closing in! I did watch you by the way playing darts on Morecambe Pier once. It was Mick Mellings stag do at Morecambe and we came in to watch you playing for Lancashire!…Don’t know if you remember!

Replied: 13th Dec 2023 at 00:11

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Oh yes, I knew it was going keck over on the bend the speed it was travelling at, can't remember type of van but the wheel Base was tucked right under van both sides, very unstable, we was going down to Brian boru that day good job you shut the door.

Replied: 13th Dec 2023 at 00:15

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Exactly Bambam!…Yes, very unstable van, not one for speeding in, especially on bends!…That’s why I shut the door!

Replied: 13th Dec 2023 at 00:20

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Just thinking back to bell days, I'm a pipe smoker just like your dad was, I smoked a peterson and you're dad smoked a falcon, Jack walker never had pipe out of gob, me boland and spike along with John dooney and ste hayes dad smooked rat shop out many times.

Replied: 13th Dec 2023 at 00:33

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes i do geoff . that was "back in the day " . the darts lads in wigan have christened me a "hounourary wiganer" so i must have been good at sometime .

Replied: 13th Dec 2023 at 01:22

Posted by: whups (13685) 

that stag do did our john & phil taylor go on that "do" ? .

Replied: 13th Dec 2023 at 01:25

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Yes, going back a few years now that was Bri…Yes, I think John and Phil did go. There was quite a few Greeners and quite a few Ashton lads on that Stag do!…And yes, you were a good darter mate!…I remember watching you play a ‘pro’ int Bell. I can’t remember who it was, you played him last game. Could have been Warriner!…Bets were flowing around the pub as to who would win. There was a lot of pressure on you to win I would guess!…But you did win and I won a few quid off someone!…Yes!…Definitely a Wiganer!

Replied: 13th Dec 2023 at 14:15

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Yes Dave!…My dad did smoke a Falcon!…You did well to remember that!…I do remember all you pipe smokers. You hardly see anyone with a pipe nowadays. Do you still smoke yours?

Replied: 13th Dec 2023 at 14:21

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Oh yes, still got my peterson's last one I bought was £200 but I have a couple worth a lot more, could never smoke a falcon as they are aluminium though I have a couple, I mentioned on here a while ago that your family grave was nicely kept, I pop up occasionally to put flowers on our grave, I always have a walk around to visit other past greeners resting places.

Replied: 13th Dec 2023 at 15:01

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Yes Dave, On the occasion I have a walk up to the graves I do to have a walk around looking at other names on graves. On the last Fathers Day I remember having my walk round and thinking I possibly know more people in this graveyard than i know from my day living in Downall Green that are still living there. Not a good thought!
The family grave is nicely kept more-so by others than me. But when I go there isn’t much I could do anyway as it’s well looked after.
Sadly you became all too familiar with the graveyard far too soon. I’ll never forget the sad sad loss of Warren. X
Anyway, you keep puffing on that pipe for many a year mate!

Replied: 13th Dec 2023 at 16:06

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Oh I we will all end up in there one day, but fingers crossed and keep battling on, do you remember Dawber family I've not seen any of them for over 40yrs.

Replied: 13th Dec 2023 at 16:25

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Yes, I remember them Dave. But like you I haven’t heard or seen them for many many years.

Replied: 13th Dec 2023 at 21:23

Posted by: whups (13685) 

it was alan glazier geoff .

Replied: 13th Dec 2023 at 23:46

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Yes Bri, you’re right! …I remember now because he raffled his darts off at the end for charity and I won em!…Was a good night that, plenty in!

Replied: 14th Dec 2023 at 01:56

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes we,ve had plenty good nights . did you ever come on the county trips i ran from the bell with your malc & the gang ? .

Replied: 14th Dec 2023 at 11:35

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

No Bri I didn’t!…Always wish I had tho!…At that time I used to go everywhere watching United. So all my money was taken up with that!…Started watching em when they went down into 2nd Division!…60 odd thousand in 2nd Division!…Tommy Doc, Sexton, Atkinson days!…Had quite a few Wembley trips, but no league!…Then when Fergie came I dropped off going, got an house in Garswood and money was tight!…And not before long won the League time and again as you know!…I have vague memories of watching you in a big club in Wigan, Scholes area I think…it was packed. Must have been a decent competition!…Was sat with Bill Ryder and other Greeners, what a character he was!…Cant remember how you did, but I do remember you were doing well!…You may recall it!

Replied: 14th Dec 2023 at 17:24

Posted by: whups (13685) 

whelly labour club geoff & i lost in the last game of the wigan observer darts individual by the thickness of the wire after going t20,single 11 then hit the wire of the bull for a 121 shot out . that would have put me in the final where i would have won . the lad who got to the final dave smith i beat a month before in the final of the NW economy cars open final would have probably beat him again . the lad who beat me in the semi was a lad called jimmy west who i beat in that competition in the QF stage . but there you go . but we did win the team final with the stag & we played the kings vaults from l/pool who was run by tommy mcloughlin who was colleen rooney,s grandfather .

Replied: 15th Dec 2023 at 00:06

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Morning all great times back then there was was several decent darters in bell took ages get back on hokey if u got beat same wi pool n does cards it all happened in bell Brian had a good style n stance Ken lomax was same with style and stance but pissed most on time great lad tho keeperssss

Replied: 15th Dec 2023 at 07:48

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Yeh Bri, I knew you did well, I just couldn’t remember the end!…I would have remembered had you won I guess!…Memory not as good nowadays!…I remember seeing a you tube video not long ago, I think it was News of the Workd competition. Bobby George in final…They were hanging from the rafters in that venue…packed out!…Like a football crowd in there!…Great darting times! …Colleen Rooneys grandfather, well there’s a thing!

Replied: 15th Dec 2023 at 15:01

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Yeh Mal, great times!…Could hear a pin drop in games room when darts were on!…Great atmosphere!…And yes, great darters!…Oh yes, Ken liked a pint!…Ive seen him in some states over those times!

Replied: 15th Dec 2023 at 15:30

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes geoff i was with them & sat with kevin kenny & his gang . i knew tommy pretty well & he asked me to join his merseyside county team as i was at loggerheads with l/shire over the pit strike . needless to say i did,nt bother with the offer .

Replied: 15th Dec 2023 at 23:53

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Yeh Bri, I heard that you had issues playing for Lancashire over the pit strike. Such a pity!…Anyway, let’s hope tomorrow isn’t too painful!…Not got over last years result yet!

Replied: 16th Dec 2023 at 14:39

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Gustavus, are you still living in Garswood.

Replied: 16th Dec 2023 at 21:07

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes he does dav .

Replied: 17th Dec 2023 at 01:09

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Yes, still on Garswood!…I wouldn’t have minded staying in Downall Green. Wife wanted to move away. So I agreed on Spindle Hillock, as I wanted to stay local. We went for an house in Spindle Hillock but needed too much doing to it. Wife then spotted one half down Victoria Rd in Abinger Road. Which weren’t too far from the Bell. So went for that. Still there. Where did you go to Dave?

Replied: 17th Dec 2023 at 17:35

Posted by: bambam (3071)

I'm in Springfield now just off frog lane having lived all over wigan, life was great in pub I lived in but noisy which was on gidlow lane, they had a great darts & domino team and it was always packed on match days with stadium, loved it in there but it was hard work, so not doing nowt these days due to ill health, but onwards and upwards as they say.

Replied: 17th Dec 2023 at 19:31

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Yeh Dave, knew you was in Wigan somewhere but didn’t know you ran a pub. Which pub was it? …Didn’t know you hadn’t been too well mate. Hope you are managing ok! …I’ve had a bad time with health too. Kidneys packed in. Had a kidney transplant 18 months ago. As you say, onwards and upwards!

Replied: 17th Dec 2023 at 20:28

Posted by: bambam (3071)

I didn't run pub my daughter was landlady, I was jack duckworth on the premises as I lived there, I used to work on bar and do all cellarwork when they needed a hand, pub was bird it hand commonly known as (hen ole) people who owned it wanted sell out so we had to move on, my daughter had no problem getting another role as she is a licence holder, and loves her new job, I'm now battling diabetes and arthritis so can't do what I used to, but end of day there is always some poor soul worse off than yourself.

Replied: 17th Dec 2023 at 21:55

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Well I hope you don’t suffer too much with your conditions mate.
You won’t be too far away from Boston House on Frog Lane then?…I spent 3 and half years on dialysis there before my transplant. 3 days a week, 4-5 hours at a time. I was a regular customer at the new Lidl and Farmfoods on Woodhouse Lane on my way home. Good luck to your daughter and good luck to you too mate!

Replied: 17th Dec 2023 at 23:05

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

…and yes Dave, you are so right, there are plenty poor souls worse off than us!…Take care!

Replied: 17th Dec 2023 at 23:07

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Sure is Geoff, sorry to hear of you're illness with kidneys I wish you the very best of health in future, hope Karen is well I heard of all heartache family went through (devastating) yes Boston House a stone throw from me I know it very well I'm hounary member there myself, still attending there after 2 recent operations, hope I get invitation for Xmas party this week.

Replied: 17th Dec 2023 at 23:23

Posted by: whups (13685) 

a mate of mine was a regular in there dav , alan parkinson . did you know him ? .

Replied: 17th Dec 2023 at 23:52

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Thanks Dave, and best wishes to you too mate!
Yes, Karen’s family have been through terrible times. It’s been very hard for them. Karen is doing good, but she too has had her issues, but is all clear after surgery.
You never know I may see you at Boston House one day. I attend there now and again for check ups and tests. Bless the NHS.

Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 00:07

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Hi Bri, I,ll take the draw at todays match!…But I don’t like it that we have to go to games with the same tactics as say Sheff United and play so defensive to get anything there. Man United are famous for attacking football with flair. We are far from that at the moment. At least that lot lost 2 points and like I say I’ll take the draw considering how poor we are at the moment!

Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 00:16

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi Bri, sorry don't know the gent, we was in there from 2010 my daughter don't know him either, maybe before our time.

Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 11:26

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes dav did,nt tatty have it before you ? ;. alan,s having a hard time of it with alzimers at present .

Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 13:16

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Yes John tattum was in there Bri, I had a few pints in there when John had it, after John left it closed down and was empty for a while then a bloke from morecambe purchased the property and give it a full renovation, they built an extension on side which was a big function room, then a local lad ran it with his wife for a while before my daughter worked there, sadly since they leased it out it's not the pub it once was I don't go in there now.

Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 13:35

Posted by: whups (13685) 

where do you frequent now dav ? .

Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 23:33

Posted by: bambam (3071)

I don't go out much now Bri, in summertime I like a couple of pints in afternoon at the Anvil, or wigan cricket club, I certainly won't be going out over Xmas all good boozers have gone now Bri, the 5 pubs I frequented have now closed including pear tree.

Replied: 19th Dec 2023 at 00:01

Posted by: whups (13685) 

6yrs since i had a drink dav .

Replied: 19th Dec 2023 at 01:02

Posted by: bambam (3071)

You're not missing nowt Bri, people don't seem to go out these days prices have killed most places, it's much cheaper have a few bottles at home, I will treat myself to a nice malt whisky at Xmas.

Replied: 19th Dec 2023 at 05:55

Posted by: sammys (292) 

No pockets in shrouds lads get it spent

Replied: 19th Dec 2023 at 10:56

Posted by: whups (13685) 

sammy it,s a question of wot you spend it on ? .

Replied: 19th Dec 2023 at 11:39

Posted by: sammys (292) 

Cigs booze wild women

Replied: 19th Dec 2023 at 12:31

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

‘’No pockets in shrouds lads get it spent’’…

Yeh Sammy, no good being richest mon int graveyard!

What stopped you drinking Bri?…Only because of my health I stopped drinking. I do now have the occasional pint!

But like Dave said, any pubs that are left aren’t worth going in and it’s much cheaper drinking at home. I was in Simms for a couple of Saturday evenings recently and each time there was 3 customers in, besides us!…I said to Karen, how the hell did it get to this!…One time Saturday night was the ‘going out’ night for most!

Replied: 19th Dec 2023 at 13:58

Posted by: whups (13685) 

same as geoff, being diabetic it was killing me just having a couple of pints on saturday . i got fed-up of being bad thru it so i gave it a wide berth . still there,s a light at the end of the tunnel for us geoff as the double OO beer is ok for us .

Replied: 19th Dec 2023 at 15:05

Posted by: bambam (3071)

The reason I rarely go out now is because people sniffing and stinking everywhere out with wacky baccy, I'm certainly not socialising with folk who do that, I've seen it all having worked the doors for over 20yrs, I'm more for a quiet life these days.

Replied: 19th Dec 2023 at 15:05

Posted by: sammys (292) 

Seems like it's up to me to try and keep pubs going well bryn labour haha

Replied: 19th Dec 2023 at 19:23

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

I well you've all supped anough anyroad incl me to it's a passed time now boozing hinge makers seems do well tho

Replied: 19th Dec 2023 at 20:57

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hingemakers always been a good pub, I used call in there to have a couple of scoops with Walt and his dog.

Replied: 19th Dec 2023 at 21:24

Posted by: whups (13685) 

pity walt isnt with us anymore .

Replied: 19th Dec 2023 at 23:43

Posted by: bambam (3071)

True Bri, all great landlords have gone now and I've known a few, Arthur Williams (Bell) Walt (Hingemakers) Bill Edwards (simms rd) John tattum (simms rd & Bird ith hand) Frank Fielding (pear tree) Alan Houghton (Bird ith hand) John Meehan (Pagefield) Ernie Roughly (Springfield) Russ (Tudor House) Billy Boston (Griffin) Ray and Austin Doyle (Golden Lion & Red Lion) Terry Barton (Bath Springs) Des (Royal Oak Wigan Lane) Ian Thorpe (Anvil) And Landladies Rose (Kings Arms) Margaret Bannister (Colliers Frog Lane) and I bet I've missed some.

Replied: 20th Dec 2023 at 00:42

Posted by: whups (13685) 

boston & tatty ? .

Replied: 20th Dec 2023 at 01:04

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Very rarely got served by Billy or John, but they wouldn't have put up with the antics smack rats do now, Bob Dixon give it a good shot at commercial but I didn't go in there to often, do you ever remember the bloke who stood in for Frank Fielding when he went on holiday to his villa in Tenerife, Big Norman Cherrington now that was a fella you wouldn't want give any back chat to.

Replied: 20th Dec 2023 at 01:24

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes i do dav . did,nt he have the pagefield ? .

Replied: 20th Dec 2023 at 15:15

Posted by: bambam (3071)

He was a relief manager and served all over wigan, he played for WRLFC alongside Boston in 50s & 60s.

Replied: 20th Dec 2023 at 21:31

Posted by: whups (13685) 

i,m sure i played for the pagefield one time dav & he was the landlord . wot was the brew in there .

Replied: 21st Dec 2023 at 01:07

Posted by: bambam (3071)

I've never known him be a landlord Bri, I think it was Greenhalls but not really certain, the guy who was landlord when I first moved to wigan was John Meehan, I think the landlord afore him was Derek Lindley.

Replied: 21st Dec 2023 at 01:13

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Good morning David Landlord's and Landlady s was pillars of the community s back then long gone now tho same wi post Mon

Replied: 22nd Dec 2023 at 07:10

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Yeh Mal, wasn’t it a serious crime to assault a pub landlord or am I mistaken?
Didn’t know postmon had any stature!
You’d Ave made a good land Mal!

Replied: 22nd Dec 2023 at 17:47

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Years ago the postie had a regular route and got to know people on their route Now a days your lucky if you get the same postie day by day

Replied: 22nd Dec 2023 at 18:07

Posted by: bambam (3071)

That's true peterp, same as milkmen now they have long gone, can't remember last time I seen a milkfloat.

Replied: 22nd Dec 2023 at 19:21

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

That Postman Pat dropped on. Same route for years and in beautiful countryside and still at it. Kept him looking young too, never changed a bit. But that Milkman job was a dangerous business. I remember Two Ton Ted from Teddington killing Ernie with a stale pork pie. He was only 52.

Replied: 23rd Dec 2023 at 11:52

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Ha ha I remember that good old benny, was it unigate that had the Humpfrys, I actually drove one of the three wheelers when working with milkmen on estate.

Replied: 23rd Dec 2023 at 13:36

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

I think it was Unigate Dave!…I too used to help the milkman Dave, for a bit of pocket money, but never got to drive the float!
I remember at school in P.E. we got sent running, from Cansfield, down Low Bank Rd, over Millys Bridge to Jack Lyon’s and back through Spindle Hillock and down Low Bank Road. I remember running and being passed on Low Bank by a milk float heading towards school with about 5 lads sat on the back of it!

Anyway, all the very best to one and all for Christmas and the New Year!…Good health and best wishes!

Replied: 24th Dec 2023 at 11:47

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks Geoff, all the very best to you and family hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a great new year.

Replied: 24th Dec 2023 at 13:42

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Merry Christmas to everyone enjoy and all the very best fort new year

Replied: 25th Dec 2023 at 11:12

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks Malc, all the best to you and you're family.

Replied: 25th Dec 2023 at 12:30

Posted by: whups (13685) 

is it time to "dance the christmas polka" dav .

Replied: 25th Dec 2023 at 13:05

Posted by: bambam (3071)

I wish my old pal was still with us Bri, we could have definitely danced the Xmas polka, it would of been his birthday Christmas eve.

Replied: 25th Dec 2023 at 13:33

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes dav sad times for us all .

Replied: 25th Dec 2023 at 23:40

Posted by: bambam (3071)

They sure are Bri, I've not lost all my memories yet, I could write a book of antics we got upto on estate, it's great to remenice of characters on estate and there was some as you know, I'm so happy to still remember them all.

Replied: 26th Dec 2023 at 00:48

Posted by: whups (13685) 

not the same now dav it,s an estate of strangers with only a few of us greeners left here .

Replied: 26th Dec 2023 at 01:08

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

They started building the estate in the mid/late 40's so most of the old residents would be in their late 90's or even over 100 if still alive. There could be 4th or 5th generation D Greeners who never escaped from the estate. Our family moved onto the estate in about 1963 there were 8 of us ,I was the last of the kids to leave in 1975 and our stepfather moved to Billinge in approx 1993 so ending 30 years on the estate. Where we live now there are only 14 properties in the street and we bought our home at the back end of 2013 and there has been another 7 residents moved in since , time moves on and three of these homes will have new residents next year

Replied: 26th Dec 2023 at 07:30

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Times moves on iam a frayed Dag changed a long time ago and it doesn't help Bell being like it is it fars a bombs hit it no disrespect to people who run it it was a vocal point needs doing up again but people who don't know estate ride past in cars put foot down all the best everyone

Replied: 27th Dec 2023 at 09:16

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Observations of Christmas 2023.

In my younger days, the anticipation of Christmas was so powerful. I’m not religious at all and what Christmas to me was Father Christmas, Playing in the snow, Snowmen and presents. No particular interest in the religious part of it.
I remember wanting a train set for Christmas and also not being too hopeful as money was so tight for my parents. It must have been so so hard to keep all 4 of us kids happy on Christmas Day.
Christmas Day came and yes, I did get my train set. I could see it was a well played with 2nd hand train set, but I loved that train set and was so happy. All my siblings were very happy with what they got too. You grow up later really appreciating more how hard it was for my parents, but you realise more how much you were loved.
The streets on Christmas Day were occupied by kids riding their new bikes or playing with their new footballs, skates, scooters and the like. Kids with new trainers/pumps on, possibly Annie Deeks New jumpers and clothing, that had to last.

Fast track to Christmas Day 2023.

I went to pick my Mother in Law up in Downall Green to bring her for Christmas dinner. As I drove
through the village I noticed there was no kids at all out on the streets which once was my playground. In fact no sign of anyone. I drove past The Blue Bell and there was no sign of life at all. As I went past I remembered how The Bell back then was full of people getting together to wish each other Happy Christmas and celebrate with a celebratory drink or two. Then watching as the girls band squeezed in and congregate d near the Christmas Tree to play Carols. Then it was back home when it closed for the afternoon for our Christmas dinner.
All that now a memory.
My wife said to me on Christmas Day how Christmas Day didn’t feel like Christmas Day used to do. She had also been seeing on social media, clips of parents around the Country, showing kids opening their presents and saying things like ‘’is that it?’’…’’ well those are crap’’…and actually throwing their gifts across the room.
Thing is they get too much and anything they want during the year. Christmas Day is just another day to those kids. We were excited in anticipation of the ‘Big Day’.

We enjoyed Christmas Day and it was all down to our parents showing us the way and growing up with likewise families who worked so hard. I’m so glad I don’t have to live my
childhood in this throw away age.

Happy Christmas.

Replied: 27th Dec 2023 at 09:58

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

100% correct our Geoff the trouble today's a shoppings religion you can get anything you want all year round what do you buy kids they have everything anyway it's not a patch on what it was when was growing up all kids played gether playing squares from top of Elm avenue all way to bottom it used to afe hr before you see baw again there was many playing you con go on n on talking about our times HISTORY now never see that again LOVED THEM DAY AND MIS THEM DAYS ALL THE BEST TO ALL

Replied: 27th Dec 2023 at 16:00

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Spot on Malc!…Great great times as a kid growing up in Downall Green!…You said it all!
Was talking to your Lorraine this evening. She was telling me you was having trouble with your thigh after an injury. How are you doing with it?…Hope it’s not too painful mate!

Replied: 27th Dec 2023 at 22:44

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Malc don't feel pain Geoff, he's hard as a rock.

Replied: 27th Dec 2023 at 23:05

Posted by: whups (13685) 

mainly it was because we had nowt .

Replied: 27th Dec 2023 at 23:46

Posted by: bambam (3071)

That's true Bri, we survived playing on streets and made our own entertainment, kid's of today couldn't live how we did, rain, snow, wind,freezing cold weather, and we still played out as long as we could, proper upbringing.

Replied: 27th Dec 2023 at 23:58

Posted by: whups (13685) 

anyone remember these games ? . people in our street, comics & newspapers , lamposts & grids, piggy, mounting up . squares has already been mentioned .

Replied: 28th Dec 2023 at 12:26

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

I remember the majority of those games Bri!…Kids today wouldn’t catch any harm playing those games today!
I remember the gas meters being robbed from the washouses at the back of the houses, when the gas man was due for emptying it. Ours got done. It was easy access being backed onto a field. They used to turn the gas off and saw through the soft lead pipes. Found many an empty metre on the field behind us.

Replied: 28th Dec 2023 at 17:54

Posted by: whups (13685) 

how many of them did you play geoff .

Replied: 28th Dec 2023 at 23:22

Posted by: bambam (3071)

I've heard of those games Bri, but we only played mountain up and piggy, we played a game called Kirkby with a football and I was quite good at that, we also tried go round estate on walls and jumping from stump to stump, much to the residents distress.

Replied: 28th Dec 2023 at 23:38

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Farmer may we cross your golden river and the person who was farmer not unless your a mu fan and nobody crossed

Replied: 29th Dec 2023 at 07:49

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

…Good old days Mal!…We spent some time playing football on that land facing the Birketts!…We were always making goals out of planks of wood we could find and putting netting over them.

Replied: 29th Dec 2023 at 11:00

Posted by: bambam (3071)

I remember Birkett's had a metal netted goal, and played on the land on birch grove known as the croft, there was also full sized goal posts on Everton street at the rear of where Gustavus lived.

Replied: 29th Dec 2023 at 11:36

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

I Remember teeing Cotton to a old purse and leaving it outside bell we did loads wi that until mother Hill geet it one neet and took it in bell there was cotton all o place I remember thi Dad Geoff saying to yor malc have yor bin moying abeyt wi cotton malcolm he said all chaps was dragging it all o everyweer

Replied: 29th Dec 2023 at 13:29

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

O we geet up to some tricks when darkness fawed on us knock n run was another great times

Replied: 29th Dec 2023 at 13:32

Posted by: bambam (3071)

I remember tying cotton to Harry heyes door knocker and hiding in grass across rd then pulling it, we did it a couple of times until he sussed us, he came across rd and belted us.

Replied: 29th Dec 2023 at 14:35

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

…Yes, all good times!…Knock and run on Rectory road must’ve been a nightmare for those that lived there!…We used to run down knocking on every door. Most of the residents used to come to the door at the same time!

Replied: 29th Dec 2023 at 14:39

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

…Is there anything on this Wigan World that will alert you when someone has posted on here?…Or do you just Ave to keep looking?…Thanks.

Replied: 29th Dec 2023 at 14:42

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Don't think so Geoff, you just have keep looking refreshing the thread.

Replied: 29th Dec 2023 at 14:56

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Cheers Dave!

Replied: 29th Dec 2023 at 14:59

Posted by: whups (13685) 

malc we made those nets on birch grove with pieces of angle iron & the nets was from the farmers fence he put up .

Replied: 29th Dec 2023 at 15:26

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

We put up flood lights too teed a big log we got from timber hard ne mabeys dug hole n teed it too fence stole leet s out lorry it was fust flood lit game long before Ashton ath s n s club I feel sorry for kids today even tho they have every thing if you get drift

Replied: 29th Dec 2023 at 17:34

Posted by: sammys (292) 

I no trips to benidorm new trainers mobile phones Internet McDonald's Netflix were did it all go wrong as George best said

Replied: 29th Dec 2023 at 21:56

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Didn't change much when we got older sammys, a game of snooker and a flutter on horses but good times.

Replied: 29th Dec 2023 at 22:33

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hey Malc you finished work till Tuesday now, or are you doing a treble timer.

Replied: 29th Dec 2023 at 23:59

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Morning David off till Tuesday pal

Replied: 30th Dec 2023 at 08:07

Posted by: bambam (3071)

That's good Malc, hope you have a great new year.

Replied: 30th Dec 2023 at 12:18

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

You to David and your family

Replied: 30th Dec 2023 at 12:44

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Do you know if bell has been open over Xmas Malc.

Replied: 31st Dec 2023 at 15:40

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Hiya Dave, I just drove past Bell and it was open!…Used to be rammed on New Years Eve night…I also rode past Simms and it was in darkness. Don’t know if it’ll open later or not!

All the very best to everyone for the New Year!

Replied: 31st Dec 2023 at 17:49

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks Geoff, all the very best.

Replied: 31st Dec 2023 at 20:47

Posted by: bambam (3071)

All the best everyone hope you have a happy new year.

Replied: 1st Jan 2024 at 00:32

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Happy New Year to one and all lets hope this year is better than last year.

Replied: 1st Jan 2024 at 01:04

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Well guys it's all over after tonight, no more festive celebrations back to the grindstone, hope you all had a good time.

Replied: 1st Jan 2024 at 21:07

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

You too Dave! …Onwards and upwards!

Replied: 2nd Jan 2024 at 14:38

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Whups, just wondering, do you still follow the darts on TV, and what do you make of all the coverage of it you get nowadays. And what do you make of this young 16 year old making the headlines?

Replied: 2nd Jan 2024 at 14:40

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Not been in bell since David Houghton s passing went Leeds Monday paid £ 19.50 three pints no wonder pubs closing down and people stay in 3 pint bottles of same beer in shop bryn estate £6 it's no brainer and a joke

Replied: 2nd Jan 2024 at 15:54

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Dag are you going daft paying nearly £20 for 3 pints, I would have found a supermarket and got some cheap ale

Replied: 2nd Jan 2024 at 16:48

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Absolutely ridiculous, I had a couple of pints over festive season and paid £1.45 a pint from tesco, and I thought that was expensive, my pub days are well over now with prices they charge.

Replied: 2nd Jan 2024 at 17:15

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

What do you mean going peter we've been daft sin we were born it's shocking tho init in fairness

Replied: 2nd Jan 2024 at 22:11

Posted by: whups (13685) 

ask curtsy to get 3 of his cans from the fridge before you go malc .

Replied: 2nd Jan 2024 at 23:47

Posted by: whups (13685) 

no geoff i dont bother with darts anymore . not done for a long time .

Replied: 3rd Jan 2024 at 01:05

Posted by: bambam (3071)

I been watching the darts and that kid has got talent, Luke Humpfries has been exceptional for the past 12 months, and he's very hungry for the title, young Luke Littler is astonishing but I seen a bit of frustration in his latest match when he was behind, the young star has always had the upper hand and doesn't like to trail, if he can get in front in final he collects the trophy, but humpfries has the talent and experience to get what he's so much wanted for a long time, but what I've seen of the young talented lad it's going be a good final.

Replied: 3rd Jan 2024 at 01:24

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

The good darters today would wipe floor with past good darters of yesteryear only my thoughts

Replied: 3rd Jan 2024 at 06:41

Posted by: sammys (292) 

You can't watch a football match in supermarket

Replied: 3rd Jan 2024 at 09:43

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

True Sammy!

Well Bri, you’ll always be remembered for your darts!
It’s a funny game to weigh up is darts. All the different styles…There was Bristow, very clean straight throw. Jockey Wilson, lurching his throw. Taylor, looking down his darts like he’s shooting a gun. Anderson, very repetitive arm swing, each dart following the next. There seems to be no right way to throw. But it seems Taylors throw has proved to be the best. I don’t know!
Yes Dave, Humphries is a good un, and will take some beating. Watching him throw this week, I think if he loses tonight it’ll be down to finishing on the doubles. A little flaw in his game I feel.
If Littler wins he could be Sports Personality of the Year and it’s only 3rd January!

Replied: 3rd Jan 2024 at 11:33

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Yes Geoff, he won't be looking for work that's for sure, if he wins tonight he will be set for life, he'll be a millionaire by end of week with franchise and everyone wanting interviews and all TV activities, good start for him.

Replied: 3rd Jan 2024 at 12:05

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

To true Dave! Should be a good match!…And yes, he won’t be looking for work!

Replied: 3rd Jan 2024 at 12:48

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Kenny Lomax had a great style straight as an arrow was Ken after watching last night it a tough call I will stick mi neck out humphrey just 7 5

Replied: 3rd Jan 2024 at 13:09

Posted by: whups (13685) 

malc the only difference is that today they arnt getting up at 5-30 & doin a shift downt pit or hod carrying are they . they get up at dinner & throw darts all day & thats the difference as you cant do 2 things at once .

Replied: 3rd Jan 2024 at 15:30

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Fair point Bri…And I don’t think those fat darts some used with the bristles on helped much!

You could be right with the score Malc, but I’m gonna go 7-4 Littler. I think the crowd will be on Littlers side and I think Humphrey looked a bit suss on his doubles.
It’ll be interesting!

Replied: 3rd Jan 2024 at 16:02

Posted by: whups (13685) 

right score wrong player .

Replied: 3rd Jan 2024 at 23:44

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Yeh Bri, Malc was close with 7-5 Humphries. Dave got it right as well.
Thought the kid was gonna win it at 4-2 up but Humphries found his game in the 2nd half.

Replied: 4th Jan 2024 at 10:24

Posted by: whups (13685) 

he,s just got in the premier league geoff .

Replied: 5th Jan 2024 at 12:38

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Yeh Bri, I noticed. I’m not sure if that’s right or not. I’m guessing there’s a lot of money to be made by being in the Premier League and I now see Littler is now ranked at 33 PDC. How must someone in the top 8 feel not getting in the Premier League?…Surely the ones that miss out and have earned a top 8 ranking are losing out on a lot of money. Doesn’t seem right to me. I don’t understand.

Replied: 5th Jan 2024 at 14:34

Posted by: whups (13685) 

that,s possibly right geoff but it,s the publicity thats got him in . not fair on the others tho .

Replied: 5th Jan 2024 at 23:52

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yet another greener gone alf edwards .

Replied: 6th Jan 2024 at 01:10

Posted by: bambam (3071)

That's sad Bri, knew the family well when they lived on island used to see Alf shopping when Galleries was open, R.I.P Alf.

Replied: 6th Jan 2024 at 11:15

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Sad news. Rest in peace Alf.

Replied: 6th Jan 2024 at 13:02

Posted by: sammys (292) 

His brother Jimmy not well he's in a nursing home

Replied: 6th Jan 2024 at 19:35

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Such a shame, very nice family I wish Jimmy all the best.

Replied: 6th Jan 2024 at 22:00

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Does anyone remember the Irish family from over drummers fields, and the fight we all had when it kicked off in bell, that would have been late 70s early 80s.

Replied: 7th Jan 2024 at 12:53

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

I wasn’t there Dave, but did hear about it. Didn’t it escalate down Rectory Road?…What actually happened?

Replied: 7th Jan 2024 at 14:34

Posted by: bambam (3071)

I can't remember the Irish name, but they was playing pool for a lot of money and lost, then they wouldn't pay so greeners give em a good hiding and threw them out, an hour later they come back with shooters stood on back of a pick up, can't remember who I was with but they chased us down Elm Ave and we dove in your garden and they shot the wall, they was riding around estate for a while waiting for bell empty, quite scary at the time Geoff.

Replied: 7th Jan 2024 at 15:35
Last edited by bambam: 7th Jan 2024 at 17:27:05

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

I bet it was Dave!…Never a dull moment in Downall Green them days!

Replied: 7th Jan 2024 at 17:27

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

…Wigan v Man United tomorrow at the DW…A sell out I believe!
Tried to get 2 tickets from both grounds for the match but to no avail. Online ticket sellers are charging £50 a ticket for Wigan sections. And believe it or not £120 a ticket for Man United section…The robbing ########!
Needless to say I’ll be watching on TV.

Replied: 7th Jan 2024 at 17:34

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Our Arthur got a ticket for tomorrow but he has a Latics season ticket, think he's also got a ticket for WRLFC when they play penrith panthers.

Replied: 7th Jan 2024 at 18:31

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Great Dave! Yes, season ticket holders would have no problem!…Should be an interesting game. Seen Wigan on TV a few times this season, they can play good football at times.

Replied: 7th Jan 2024 at 19:42

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Better watching it on television Geoff, as you know it's the coldest ground in England, can't see the Tics containing united, I'm looking at 5 for united.

Replied: 7th Jan 2024 at 19:51

Posted by: whups (13685) 

the name was maguire dav .

Replied: 7th Jan 2024 at 23:49

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Cyroll Carroll warned maguire s don't mess wi bell lot I don't think they came back in bell after that there was always trouble wi card skoo as well Fri night s money money money I remember do with hickers too and so called Ashton bads they where like lambs some rum lads went in bell anyway anough of that rubbish it's certainly gone now

Replied: 8th Jan 2024 at 07:53

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks Bri, I couldn't remember name.

Replied: 8th Jan 2024 at 08:15

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks Bri, I couldn't remember name.

Replied: 8th Jan 2024 at 08:15

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

There still up drummers lane

Replied: 9th Jan 2024 at 07:52

Posted by: whups (13685) 

one of them has just died namely barry who was seeing gary speakmans widow lorna .

Replied: 9th Jan 2024 at 11:55

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

RIP to Barry

Replied: 9th Jan 2024 at 12:40

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Had a lovely stroll around edge of Garswood on Saturday afternoon. Lovely winters day. I stopped at Ernie Fiddians old house. It looks like someone has started to try and clear out all the mess and clutter. They’ve cut back quite a lot of the overgrowth, but still a lot to do. I went close to see the old windows and door. I imagined what it would have been like in its prime. Hopefully they’ll do a good job of restoring it.
It reminded me of a video I saw on You Tube a couple of years ago. Two lads, went in with their video camera and videoed inside. I don’t know who they are or where they are from. It was really interesting. Especially as I’d always wanted to look inside. If you haven’t watched it I suggest you take a look.
If you search on You Tube it’s titled ‘This creepy ABANDONED house was full of memories from the past’
Very interesting!

Replied: 9th Jan 2024 at 18:19

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

I think you mean Ernie phithian

Replied: 10th Jan 2024 at 10:23

Posted by: gaffer (8060) 

Replied: 10th Jan 2024 at 12:01

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Yes, thanks Bentlegs. It is Ernie Phythian, as I learned watching the video I suggested. Someone had told me his name years ago and I thought they said Fiddian.
Met him once, seemed a nice fella.

Replied: 10th Jan 2024 at 14:41

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

O hi Ernie was r reet always with wellybobs on artttt guin onn grand chap ho iits owd dwelling that gustavos

Replied: 10th Jan 2024 at 18:52

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Ernie and a few old greeners are on album school photo, have a look under ASM.

Replied: 10th Jan 2024 at 20:15

Posted by: bambam (3071)

By the way, thanks gaffer nice piece of information that, do you know if Ernie spent all his life on that property, I know he was in same class as my father at school.

Replied: 11th Jan 2024 at 00:47

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

I was born in a cottage at the end of Garswood Old Road and if you went down the road towards Carr Mill the road turned to the right and went over the railway, On the left was a large house which the Fredrick family(ice cream) lived in.Behind the house was/is a farm did Ernie live there or was/is it a relative

Replied: 11th Jan 2024 at 09:02

Posted by: gaffer (8060) 

The 1901 census lists Ernest’s grandfather George living on the farm. In later years Ernest’s father, also Ernest, is shown living there.
I was surprised to see that the farm was located in the parish of Orrell.

Replied: 11th Jan 2024 at 10:57

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

As far asi can remember Ernie was born on the farm, he had 2 older brothers who ran the farm but both passed away well before Ernie, he sold off his land and went on the booze, no matter when you saw hi he was drunk or on the way, he went to Cansfield school but was in the reform class , hard to teach, you could see him driving his tractor to Ashton to go to Tom and Gerry,s for his drink, I think he passed away 2 or3 years ago.may be more.

Replied: 11th Jan 2024 at 11:16

Posted by: gaffer (8060) 


Ernest died in 2017 aged 83.

Replied: 11th Jan 2024 at 12:08

Posted by: gaffer (8060) 


Ernest died in 2017 aged 83.

Replied: 11th Jan 2024 at 12:10

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks for info, gaffer, bentlegs.

Replied: 11th Jan 2024 at 18:01

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Morning Bri, I've just spoken to spike and he tells me his mother has been put in Ashton care home, they won't let her return home because of her condition, shame really as she's told Blakey she doesn't like the place at all.

Replied: 17th Jan 2024 at 11:11

Posted by: whups (13685) 

i,m not suprised dav & maybe the main "reason" they wont let her go is because of money after the TV show highlighted it .

Replied: 17th Jan 2024 at 11:20

Posted by: bambam (3071)

They have already been after her property Bri, but his brothers Dennis & Tony must have advised spike because they can't get the house unless he dies afore his mother, but you're right they will want everything quite annoying to think what extremes they will lower themselves to for gaining access to all monies.

Replied: 17th Jan 2024 at 11:30

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Your better having nothing it's a joke there all bent look at that wi post office not been same since privatisation and it doesn't matter who's running country

Replied: 17th Jan 2024 at 13:02

Posted by: whups (13685) 

malc it was the tory/lib coalition who privitised the royal mail . and it DOES matter who runs the country . tell us have you been better off in the last 14yrs under tory rule ? .

Replied: 18th Jan 2024 at 00:02

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

There not bothered wants there in Brian any of them tell thi out get In hate torries running country never vote for them ney will

Replied: 18th Jan 2024 at 07:33

Posted by: whups (13685) 

they never care about the general public malc & never have done & they sell off public owned concerns as tho it,s their own right to do so . anyone who votes tory are misguided if they think they are for them .

Replied: 18th Jan 2024 at 11:49

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Quite right lads!…Surely they can’t get in again next time!…It’s been non stop calamity during the time they’ve been in!
…and don’t forget your photo I.d. when you go to vote!

Replied: 18th Jan 2024 at 14:45

Posted by: bambam (3071)

If they stay In guys this country will be more fooked than it is now, all organisations will be privatised, they are trying very hard to kill our NHS, and they won't stop until they get ultimate power so now is the time to get rid of this lot, it shows you what they are by putting their own monies in other countries.

Replied: 18th Jan 2024 at 20:18

Posted by: whups (13685) 

they have been trying to kill it since 1948 & there are now more private companies in the NHS than ever before & that,s where the monies are going to . we need to get shut of these private companies out of the NHS & that,s the 1st thing labour shud do if they get in .

Replied: 18th Jan 2024 at 23:47

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Well Dave (Bambam)…It’s Happy Birthday to you today!…It’s 16 years today since you started this Downall Greeners thread! I bet it doesn’t seem 16 years!
Well done for bringing so many people together, some from afar, over the years!…Long May it last!
I’ve really enjoyed reading all the posts and it’s brought back to me some great memories! Well done Dave! and Happy Birthday!

Replied: 19th Jan 2024 at 18:11

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks Geoff, no it doesn't seem that long ago but since it started you're right it has brought a lot of people together after being absent for a long time, I've really enjoyed it and learned a lot on the way, gladly everyone has contributed with their knowledge and hopefully will continue to do so, thanks to all the folks who have posted and long may it continue.

Replied: 19th Jan 2024 at 19:24

Posted by: whups (13685) 

happy birthday dav .

Replied: 20th Jan 2024 at 23:47

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks Bri, I've loved the journey thanks to all of you.

Replied: 21st Jan 2024 at 00:39

Posted by: whups (13685) 

heard nowt about bob mcinnley yet dav .

Replied: 22nd Jan 2024 at 15:49

Posted by: bambam (3071)

I can't find any information for funeral yet Bri.

Replied: 22nd Jan 2024 at 16:12

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Was reading Wigan Observer yesterday. I noticed a new License application by Julie and Jack Duffy for the premises 10 and 12 Downall Green Road, that I believe is going to be called ‘The Colliery’. It is the building set back between what was The Oddys and the Dentist I think.
Opening times 9am - 11.30pm Mon - Thursday and 9am - 12.30am Fri - Sat. Including a recorded music license.
The same couple have also applied for a building extension to ‘ The Cotton Mill’ in Ashton, of which I am not familiar with.

Replied: 23rd Jan 2024 at 06:02

Posted by: whups (13685) 

the cotton mill is the makerfield mill geoff unless i,m wrong ? .

Replied: 23rd Jan 2024 at 12:10

Posted by: sammys (292) 

The cotton mill is opposite the red lion tony duffy owns it think he is doing the old doctors surgery Scott mandersonto

Replied: 23rd Jan 2024 at 12:59

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

The "cotton mill" is on Gerard street just to the left of the access ramp to Greenway shops

Replied: 23rd Jan 2024 at 14:43

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

It's in greens way

Replied: 23rd Jan 2024 at 21:34

Posted by: whups (13685) 

it must be the old b & m place .

Replied: 23rd Jan 2024 at 23:39

Posted by: JakeDawber23 (81) 

Which Dawber’s was you talking about?

Replied: 24th Jan 2024 at 02:03

Posted by: whups (13685) 

wot are you on about ? .no-one has mentioned dawber .

Replied: 24th Jan 2024 at 11:41

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

It is Brian owd M UN M PLACE

Replied: 24th Jan 2024 at 12:31

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Old B n M I ment to put on our way Leeds ney me n malc

Replied: 24th Jan 2024 at 17:50

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Good luck malc, hope you stuff Norwich I be watching match.

Replied: 24th Jan 2024 at 19:31

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

I went to Latics last night, won 2 free tickets. Wigan were poor, not at their best.
But funnily the ref got clattered and had to go off. An announcement came over the tannoy, was there anyone in the crowd qualified to officiate!
Wigan won right at the end of 20 minutes stoppage time!
My daughter, who came with me won £30 by having £4 on 1-0, so was very happy!
Doesn’t seem as many Stewards there as there used to be Dave.

Replied: 24th Jan 2024 at 20:44
Last edited by Gustavus: 24th Jan 2024 at 20:46:14

Posted by: bambam (3071)

There won't be Geoff, social caught up with them all it was cash in hand back then, nowadays they get paid straight in bank, I remember a few greeners working there besides us, Lee porter, Robin speakman, and probably more, I also worked on security in reception and the 5 night clubs they had there.

Replied: 24th Jan 2024 at 20:51
Last edited by bambam: 24th Jan 2024 at 20:52:25

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Ah, I see Dave!…Yeh I used to take Lee Porter when Paul Speakman couldn’t make it, as Paul worked there too. I knew you was on security, but didn’t know you did the night clubs there. Billy Prior did em too, I think. Billy was my best man at my wedding.
I wrapped up last night, Coz as you said, it could get bloody cold in that Stadium.
Took mi daughter in Pizza Hut for tea before we went in ground. We got 1 pizza (between us), 1 portion of Chips (about an hand full), 2 small bowls of salad, 1 coke and 1 coffee…£38 …Bloody Robbers!…Werent that dear when I last went in!
Won’t be rushing back!

Replied: 25th Jan 2024 at 00:21

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Certainly is expensive that Geoff, working man can't afford take his family there anymore, it's a weeks wage for a few hours of entertainment.

Replied: 25th Jan 2024 at 09:37

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

It's shocking what they charge tics doing OK tho to be fair with pts deduction

Replied: 26th Jan 2024 at 22:09

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi Malc, does John doran not support Leeds these days he used go to all home matches at one time.

Replied: 27th Jan 2024 at 19:39

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

You mean ged Doran no I had is mob no and lost some numbers when mi phone fawed down toilet at work I can't get is number ney he lives in Warrington he had his foot off last time I spoke to get cracking lad get he used ring regularly

Replied: 28th Jan 2024 at 19:35

Posted by: bambam (3071)

He had a leg amputated Malc, I was talking to his ex girlfriend recently and he was still in Warrington, I not seen him in years he worked with me and Paul Yates we travelled everywhere working at different rugby and footy grounds, we also did security for Houghton weavers who was playing for three nights at The old Leigh rugby ground, it was their challenge cup centenary some years ago, yes he was a good friend and we had some good times.

Replied: 28th Jan 2024 at 21:16

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi Malc, I know that people off estate and surrounding areas read this thread, just wished they would join and leave comments.

Replied: 5th Feb 2024 at 23:54

Posted by: whups (13685) 

we do wot we can dav .

Replied: 6th Feb 2024 at 01:04

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Good morning all hi thy s doing a very job David with this DAG site it's interesting what pops up ney n again but your right you do need more people getting involved pal we lost a very interesting friend in Dougie RIP

Replied: 6th Feb 2024 at 07:31

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Yes Dougie was D green encyclopedia, as is bentlegs.

Replied: 6th Feb 2024 at 10:46

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Yeh, such a shame there aren’t more people involved. There’s likely lots of stories and history of our area we,ll not find out without it being passed down. Hopefully more people will contribute.

Just read the Ben Johnson is to be turned into 6 apartments, so that’s another pub that won’t be coming back!

Replied: 7th Feb 2024 at 08:53

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Another very interesting chap was Ken Ryder he knew loads sadly no longer with us RIP pubs closing all time and iam surprised with prices of pints

Replied: 7th Feb 2024 at 10:20

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Yeh Dag, nice fella Ken. Always smiling. Yeh, pubs closing all the time and the rest looking over their shoulder. So sad.
Was looking at some recently posted pictures of the local area on another social media site. Pictures from yesteryear and I was thinking, have we really moved on for the better?…I don’t think so. Everything we humans seem to do is fix what wasn’t broken. All about money and speed. There wasn’t much wrong with how it used to be. And we all seem to be looking back on how it used to be and wishing it could be like that again.
Was talking to Tracy Duffy last week. I asked how Kevin was doing. She said she doesn’t think the garden will open again. Such a shame. Makes you wonder what will become of the garden in the future.

Replied: 7th Feb 2024 at 11:22

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Hi its sad that done a cracking job of that area of estate Down years with Carl shame what's happened I remember owd Jack Prescott having it clank had it for a spell o it's it's changed massively up DAG down years you don't know anyone now unfortunately gusto

Replied: 7th Feb 2024 at 12:49

Posted by: whups (13685) 

has alf edwards funeral been & gone dav ? .

Replied: 12th Feb 2024 at 11:51

Posted by: bambam (3071)

I've not heard anything Bri, I would have thought so as it's a while since he passed.

Replied: 12th Feb 2024 at 16:02

Posted by: whups (13685) 

there,s going to be a big hulaballo up here dav as the chemist is going to start charging for prescription deliveries at £7-50 a chuck .

Replied: 12th Feb 2024 at 16:58

Posted by: bambam (3071)

That's ridiculous, I would find another chemist they make a lot of money with prescriptions, I changed chemist last year as I was sick of getting an IOU every time, and the bloke who owned the business asked me go back so that tells you what they are making.

Replied: 12th Feb 2024 at 20:14

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

YES, I get that too.

Sometimes the deficit is never made good.

Royal Mail operate a prescription delivery service (along with a pharmacy) at zero cost.

Do not know if they are any good.

I guess also risk of being left bowt if postal strikes.

Replied: 12th Feb 2024 at 20:29

Posted by: whups (13685) 

boots tried it a few years ago & got a lot of stick for it & i think the backtracked on it . this lot will get the same . i mean wot if you cant get to the chemist thru mobility problems & no family to pick it up for you does this mean you have to go without ? , wot if you need essential medication like insulin . that kind of care could lead to deaths .

Replied: 12th Feb 2024 at 23:52

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Ena, this government are not looking after the people who have supported the country and paid money into it all their lives, they are trying to privatise everything and lining their own pockets, they have proved this since tories come to power, we have lost all our once famous industry and it's getting worse the sooner people awaken to this the better, I would hate to start a family under the present circumstances, it's so very sad what our once proud country has now become.

Replied: 12th Feb 2024 at 23:54

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes dav & when they privitise the NHS people will see the real cost of having a tory government .

Replied: 12th Feb 2024 at 23:58

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Hiya Bambam, don’t know if you just seen ‘Flog it’ on BBC 2, but some fella was selling a load of Buffalo ‘Buffs’ stuff on it, medals and other stuff. May have been of interest to you.
Hope all the Greeners are well and doing good!

Replied: 15th Feb 2024 at 17:54

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi gusto, no I didn't see it but I got loads of my own jewels during my time in buffs, you see a lot of stuff on car boot sales as well.

Replied: 15th Feb 2024 at 18:31

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi gusto, no I didn't see it but I got loads of my own jewels during my time in buffs, you see a lot of stuff on car boot sales as well.

Replied: 15th Feb 2024 at 18:31

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

It’ll probably be on catch up…BBC iPlayer Bambam if you wanted to watch it and see what his stuff sold for. Your stuff might be worth a few Bob.
I think the fella had got his stuff off his Dad or Grandad.

Replied: 15th Feb 2024 at 19:10

Posted by: whups (13685) 

genaral question - can you park on any single yellow lines with kerb markings on them if you have a blue badge ? . on bryn st in ashton they have these markings outside boutique dentist & across the road . iv,e google earthed bryn st & the post has 2 plates on it , 1 with yellow background with blue trim & another white . both display times but it only adds to the confusion ? . iv,e asked several people & even the council & i cant get any sense out of any of them ? . does anyone know ? . ive put this on general & handbags..

Replied: 22nd Feb 2024 at 15:30

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Hello all, hope you are all good and well. Just an update on the pub that was to open at Bryn cross, ‘ The Colliery’…It has been refused permission after a meeting with all concerned…Local residents lodged complaints, and following a brief adjournment, the chair of the sub-committee, Coun Paul Kenny said: “We are refusing the application on the grounds of the prevention of public nuisance.”
So that’s another Colliery closed, this one before it even opened!

Replied: 27th Feb 2024 at 21:15

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Was reading about the objections to the pub and I could not get my head round the objections one being they did not need a pub in a residential area ? What about the Oddfellows which was yards away and the Bath Springs just round the corner

Replied: 27th Feb 2024 at 22:13

Posted by: whups (13685) 


Replied: 28th Feb 2024 at 01:04

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15947)

Oddfellows !!!!

I have been trying to remember the name of that pub ever since I saw an article about the new pub in the Wigan Evening Post (crap) and I remember the Britannia, Park Lane Club, Golden Ball, Cranberry Hotel, Red Lion, the Downhall Green Soldiers and Sailors club, or was it Garswood S&S Club ? , it was on that corner, and I used to go to the once a month Stag Night there, they had Strippers on, a Bloo Comedian and a Blue Compere, that was in the 1970s

Replied: 28th Feb 2024 at 22:51

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

The building in question is set back from the main road and could hold 50 people at the most. Pubs have always been built in residential areas that was the idea to attract LOCALS Now Bryn has one pub and Landgate also has one pub even DG has only one pub that if it is still open. Good luck to any one who think they can make a go of it in the drinks trade

Replied: 29th Feb 2024 at 06:27

Posted by: whups (13685) 

they will still keep closing down until they get rid of that barrelage scheme they put in their system in the early 80s .

Replied: 29th Feb 2024 at 11:39

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Bambam I had a quick word with Paul Yates today in the chemist and told him he had been mentioned on WW by yourself. Ist time I had seen him for many a year he lived on Wigan road when we lived on Whitledge Green but say it fast it is just over 10 years ago since we moved house so lost track of a lot of people. Out of the 6 other houses in our row there are only 2 houses with the occupants who we knew still alive and same the other way out of 3 houses 2 of the residents have passed away since we moved

Replied: 29th Feb 2024 at 14:52

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Hi Bambam, hope you are ok mate. Noticed you hadn’t commented since 15th February, and since I’ve been on here you seem to comment more often than that. Hope all is well.

I’ve got it in my head there was a shop called ‘Daintys’ on Rectory Road. If there was, which shop was it and was it owned by someone called Dainty?

Replied: 2nd Mar 2024 at 14:18

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes it was geoff & they lived in spingle hillock . it was a toffee shop where the chinese is now .

Replied: 2nd Mar 2024 at 14:51

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Thanks Bri!…I kind of thought it was where the chippy was, but couldn’t remember going in there other than it being a chippy!…I remember the name Dainty’s well, so I must have been in there as a very young kid!
I remember in the summer school holidays peeling potatoes and chopping them with the pull down handled machine into a bucket and I got a free dinner of chips pudding and peas for my efforts. I would be about 11 I guess then, so would be about 1973. So Dainty’s must have been pre-1973.

Replied: 2nd Mar 2024 at 16:09

Posted by: whups (13685) 

it may have been geoff & mrs dainty lived in the 1st bungalow just after those new houses just to the left as you entered spingle hillock .

Replied: 3rd Mar 2024 at 01:10

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Yes peterp not seen Paul for a few years, he was a good mate of mine when we worked together, I used to watch his brother Ian play Pool for big money, but that was back in the old days, glad you've seen him as I was told he had been poorly, hope he's OK now, hi gusto I been busy lately with hospital appointments, and my ailments are playing up, ha ha not as fit these days, I remember Dainty's shop my grandfather used get his woodpecker cider from there, he would take me in and get me big stick of liquorice, I remember Eddie Scott opening it up as a chippie after Dainty's and he made a few bob from that place, Tommy Evans had a shop across from Dainty's but he was more expensive than all the others.

Replied: 3rd Mar 2024 at 09:11

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

Thanks for that Bri!…I never knew the Dainty’s lived in that bungalow. I never saw anyone go in or out of that bungalow either, it always seemed unoccupied, but now I know!
Good to see you here Bambam!…Yes, Eddie, that was his name at the chippy!…Busy place that chippy, especially Fridays. Queueing up all around the shop and outside, with plates in their hands. Yes, went in Tommy Evanses a few times as a kid. Like you say more expensive shop than the others and you always felt kids weren’t welcome in there. Never as busy as the other shops.

Replied: 3rd Mar 2024 at 13:48

Posted by: Gustavus (174)

…Opposite the bungalow in Spindle Hillock and behind the S & S Club there used to be quite a few garages as I remember. Don’t think I ever saw a car go in any of them. Who did those garages belong to? The area of the garages used to be a walk through, down the side of the Club and out the other end onto Spindle Hillock or the other way as well, coming out upside of the Club.

Replied: 3rd Mar 2024 at 13:56
Last edited by Gustavus: 3rd Mar 2024 at 13:59:07

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Jack pye's was another good shop, then Lucy Pearce had it from spindle Hillock, I think it was Reggie Jones after that, then Eddie Melling who also owned chippie on old road, Gerry Bentham was In there when I left, don't know what it is now.

Replied: 3rd Mar 2024 at 14:00

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Talking of Spindle Hillock and shops I remember there being a shop in one of the houses further down and on the opposite side to the S& S club. Cannot remember what it sold?

Replied: 3rd Mar 2024 at 15:29

Posted by: bambam (3071)

I think that was Clarks peterp, French George lived there I remember Ronnie and christene was there as well, they sold basic household goods, I remember washing powder being on window sills,or shelves.

Replied: 3rd Mar 2024 at 15:41

Posted by: whups (13685) 

eddie malone dav had the chippy .

Replied: 3rd Mar 2024 at 23:42

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

If it was the same Eddie he got himself in the papers because he was at one time very large and then he took up running in the dark where no one could see him. Then he entered I think the London Marathon Which was a big thing then

Replied: 4th Mar 2024 at 08:02

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Ìthe garages behind the S and S club belonged to the club, in the 1940s there were some great gardens all neat and tidy, the old Major who lived there really looked after them, I remember going with my grandad when the major died to buy rose bushes, the club owned the land when they bought the house, and put the garages on,

Replied: 6th Mar 2024 at 13:35

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Thelma Dainty was my mams cousin my grandmother had shop in rectory Rd what was chippy It was Ball back then

Replied: 7th Mar 2024 at 07:18

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Time for 26 Dave it's getting long winded

Replied: 15th Mar 2024 at 12:37

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Replied: 19th Mar 2024 at 16:52
Last edited by bambam: 19th Mar 2024 at 16:52:51

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 


Replied: 25th Mar 2024 at 08:31

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Replied: 27th Mar 2024 at 21:43


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