Stuff that doesn't fit in any other category will appear here. Use the navigation on the left to look around, this section is by far the biggest on the site.
Local Books
Founded on Coal
A history of a coal mining community: The Parish of St. Matthew Highfield and Winstanley by Ray Winstanley and Derek Winstanley.
Read the book. (PDF Doc. 5MB)
Further History
Further History of Winstanley and Highfield - Ray Winstanley.
Read the book. (PDF Doc. 1MB)
Childhood Memories
Fred Foster's book about his recollections from 1931 to 1950.
Read the book.
The Shop in Billinge Road
No. 94, Billinge Road. Shop stories from 1963 by Fred Foster.
Read the book.
Park Collieries, 1948 to 1959
Fred Foster's book about his recollections from 1948 to 1959.
Read the book.
Parkside Memories, 1959-89
Fred Foster's book about his recollections from 1959 to 1989.
Read the book.

Wigan Chronology
Local chronology from Wigan Almanacs covering most years from 1879 to 1949.

Your memories of old Wigan streets and shops.

Court Leet Rolls
Interesting insight into what life was like in Wigan in the 1600s.

I Remember...
Fond memories of items and events in Wigan.