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A Domestic Drama

Published by Brian on Monday 26th September 2022

Every now and again I come across some old news that's too good not to share, this time its from July 1880 and the reporting from the time is fascinating...

Ormskirk Road, Newtown
Ormskirk Road, Newtown

Wigan Observer and District Advertiser 10 July 1880


The inhabitants of Newtown in particular and Pemberton in general have during the past week been in a state of great excitement owing to the performance of a domestic drama previously unrehearsed in that locality, the basis of the plot being the vagaries of a young, and it is said not altogether unprepossessing wife, who possessed or was possessed by a husband, who is a collier, not endowed with quite as much spirit and life as herself. It is apparently a consequence of this fact and the wiles of an interloper (also a collier) who had not entered the "holy state of matrimony," that a few weeks since she commenced to tire of her wedded partner, and a fortnight ago eloped with her new "lover," leaving her husband to take care of her one child. The couple made, it was supposed, for the north, but left no definite traces behind them. In the meantime the deserted one sold his household goods and went into lodgings, feeling well quit no doubt of one who had thus kept her promise to "love, cherish, and obey" him till death did them part. He was settling down to the quiet glories of a bachelor's existence (being unable to discover the whereabouts of the run-aways), when his dreams were disturbed, on Saturday last, by the home-coming of the usurper, love or money, perhaps both, having become exhausted; but he had left the faithless one behind him. Of what took place between the two men we will not speak, nor need we comment upon the indignation of the neighbours at these events. Repentance came sure and soon to Mrs. Faithless, and full of remorse the wife wandered back to her own village on Wednesday, and spoke to some of her neighbours. The return of the wanderer was soon known, but shame overtook her, and for fear of meeting her husband, before long she had attempted to end her miserable state of being by jumping into the waters of the canal. But this action was seen by some men who were near, and who commendably rescued her from such a death. She was taken to a neighbouring house, where clothes were supplied while her own were being dried. In the meantime the husband had heard the intelligence concerning his once "seeming virtuous queen," and went to see her. Overtures and promises were made, and at last he conveyed her to his lodgings until such time as he could re-establish his home.

Comment by: Bob Norburn on 3rd January 2023 at 00:08

Brilliantly written, it's a shame when folks go through the difficulties of life but folks are still falling at the same fence over 100 years later, thankfully most get back in the saddle and ride on, that's the best thing to do.

Comment by: Helen of troy on 7th January 2023 at 15:28

Yes I agree, a brilliant piece of writing. Though probably a traumatic time for those involved...some humour comes shining through !

PS only just come across this blog...will tune in again !

Comment by: Veronica on 25th June 2023 at 14:34

This could have been written in todays world albeit the language is more melodramatic . It could almost be a soap opera by today’s standards.

Comment by: Alison Brookes on 2nd August 2024 at 02:20

This piece of writing has taken me some time to understand. I'm 48. So I have never come across such words. Brilliantly written, I must say. The words used to explain the cheating, wife. Are much more kindly written. Then todays explanation of similar circumstances would be.

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