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Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks for all your input on thread 20.

Replied: 2nd Dec 2022 at 14:18

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Thanks Bam bam

Replied: 2nd Dec 2022 at 15:11

Posted by: whups (13685) 

well dav another new one .

Replied: 2nd Dec 2022 at 23:45

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Yes Bri, let's see how it goes I ain't heard from Malc in a while perhaps he's glued to World Cup.

Replied: 3rd Dec 2022 at 00:08

Posted by: whups (13685) 

txt him tonite dav . he,s still with us .

Replied: 3rd Dec 2022 at 01:20

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Morning David no 21 yey done very well keeping it going pal how's mam un family doing how you doing security in market

Replied: 6th Dec 2022 at 07:26

Posted by: whups (13685) 

you cant get a piece of bubble gum past him malc .

Replied: 6th Dec 2022 at 11:36

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

I bet there's not many stalls left in market now there's not many outside stalls like Ashton gone

Replied: 6th Dec 2022 at 12:48

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

In the MEN about a violent robbery on Birch Grove

Replied: 6th Dec 2022 at 15:18

Posted by: whups (13685) 

they say "it,s the price of progress" .

Replied: 6th Dec 2022 at 15:18

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi Malc, mother and everyone ok thanks pal, I ain't in market anymore but I still in security working for building site on galleries at minute, it's hard work at moment with people thinking they can get through demolition site into market, it's also mad on market street as the pedestrian crossing is no longer there and people are walking into road not realising it is actually still a very busy road near to junction on new market street, council are planning to address this very soon (hopefully) .

Replied: 6th Dec 2022 at 19:29

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

O hi David people are ablivous to what's going on around them on mob afe on um especially people pushing babies round in prams take care pal Leeds have not lost for 3 wik ney

Replied: 6th Dec 2022 at 20:23

Posted by: bambam (3071)

They are on a run, that should make you and little Malc happy.

Replied: 6th Dec 2022 at 20:51

Posted by: whups (13685) 

on a run to the championship dav ? .

Replied: 7th Dec 2022 at 11:23

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Na na Brian there's worst teams than Leeds in prem what year did that happen in Bovies House on Birch Grove when Mr Jackson cut his self in atick early seventies I would say

Replied: 7th Dec 2022 at 13:01

Posted by: whups (13685) 

in boffey,s house malc it must have been in the mid 70s i,d guess . francis duffy could give you a better idea if you see him .

Replied: 7th Dec 2022 at 14:14

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

----------No comments Please, it's just to have a look ---------
--Think of others this winter-- Go full screen it's better, hope you've
found your way round the site, you may like to join

Replied: 7th Dec 2022 at 20:17
Last edited by dougie: 8th Dec 2022 at 10:03:06

Posted by: whups (13685) 

only found out yesterday that jean keating who lived in hawthorn ave has died , she leaves terry & daughter dawn behing .

Replied: 8th Dec 2022 at 12:35

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

It was in the 60s when Mr Jackson topped him inBoffy,s atic

Replied: 8th Dec 2022 at 14:14

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Late 60s then I remember I remember it and I was 64 cheers

Replied: 8th Dec 2022 at 15:09

Posted by: whups (13685) 

it,s bad outside today guys .

Replied: 10th Dec 2022 at 12:30

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Sure is Bri, they've forecast -5 coming.brrrr.

Replied: 10th Dec 2022 at 14:51

Posted by: whups (13685) 

getting colder by the day dav .

Replied: 11th Dec 2022 at 17:24

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Yes Bri, now it's going to be -6 wed thurs,that will be fresh When I get up at 4am.

Replied: 11th Dec 2022 at 21:44

Posted by: whups (13685) 

why so early dav ? .

Replied: 11th Dec 2022 at 23:49

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Spring will soon be here boys don't wish time away

Replied: 12th Dec 2022 at 08:05

Posted by: bambam (3071)

I start at 5 Bri, and I need a brew afore I set off.

Replied: 12th Dec 2022 at 18:34

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Bambam some people don't know there are two 5 o'clock in a day

Replied: 12th Dec 2022 at 19:25

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Thy must have a bloody big kettle David

Replied: 12th Dec 2022 at 19:50

Posted by: whups (13685) 

malc some people have only just found out that there are two 5 o,clocks in the day .

Replied: 12th Dec 2022 at 23:52

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

O yes fust un terrible but wants your up best part on day

Replied: 13th Dec 2022 at 06:37

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

I woke up at 4-30 this morning and made a cup of coffee so I will be awake for both 5 oclocks. When I worked on night turn we worked on rota Sunday nights used to get up Sunday Morn in between 7&8 stay up all day with the family then do a 12 hr night shift get home about 8ish take the kids to school come home have a bath get in bed about 9-30 but would still get up before kids got in from school. Normal time to wake up now is about 5-30 on average old habits die hard(time I used to get up for work)

Replied: 13th Dec 2022 at 07:48

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

When you've done it all your life your programmed simple as

Replied: 13th Dec 2022 at 10:22

Posted by: whups (13685) 

my old chap could,nt get out of the "habit" malc .

Replied: 13th Dec 2022 at 11:39

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Most of time I get up before alarm goes off at 4, I love it in summer but it's a bit harder in winter.

Replied: 13th Dec 2022 at 18:41

Posted by: whups (13685) 

it,s not the best part of the day when your dropping like a stone down a pit into the black at that time in the morning malc .

Replied: 13th Dec 2022 at 23:57

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Let mi violin out Brian hang on he he

Replied: 14th Dec 2022 at 07:31

Posted by: whups (13685) 

i hope your nice & warm in that warm room you have at the hoist place malc .

Replied: 14th Dec 2022 at 11:01

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

We cornt get in it ex miners Brian

Replied: 14th Dec 2022 at 13:01

Posted by: whups (13685) 

who r u refering to malc . surely not the future brother-in-law are you ? .

Replied: 15th Dec 2022 at 00:02

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

No no

Replied: 15th Dec 2022 at 06:49

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

I like thi car not sure on colour tho Brian shity Red

Replied: 15th Dec 2022 at 12:04

Posted by: whups (13685) 

the best coulour malc it,s wigan & united red .

Replied: 15th Dec 2022 at 12:28

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Get thi about that Brian don't go asda tho thy knows what happened last time

Replied: 15th Dec 2022 at 12:31

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes i do malc & if i,d have dragged that thief out of the car he,d have known about it to .

Replied: 15th Dec 2022 at 12:43

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

They dad made take rotrey arm off after that Brian

Replied: 15th Dec 2022 at 15:09

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes he did malc .

Replied: 15th Dec 2022 at 16:08

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

How old was the car which had a rotor arm

Replied: 15th Dec 2022 at 16:47

Posted by: whups (13685) 

i cant remember which part he took off malc?.

Replied: 15th Dec 2022 at 23:59

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

It was rotrey arm Brian defo ford fiesta 2 toned Blue it was at back on thi gate for years after your Dad Tommy past away RIP I don't think I see thee move as quick as that till that day

Replied: 16th Dec 2022 at 07:04

Posted by: whups (13685) 

that thief would have moved quicker if i,d have got him out of that car .

Replied: 16th Dec 2022 at 12:00

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

O yes that he would Brian how did we get back .

Replied: 16th Dec 2022 at 12:44

Posted by: whups (13685) 

ronnie miller was with us malc & he went home & got his car & dropped us off .

Replied: 16th Dec 2022 at 23:41

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

I Remember ney Brian I didn't know him pit Mon then

Replied: 17th Dec 2022 at 16:52

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes & got changed in my alley . he was andy clayton,s uncle .

Replied: 17th Dec 2022 at 17:33

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Anybody remember David Thompson from Cedar Grove, he played the trombone in North Ashton band, where is he now?

Replied: 19th Dec 2022 at 11:13

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Tumtingle, It was Albert not David that played in the band, don't know where he is living now or if he as passed away I know David as ,

Replied: 19th Dec 2022 at 12:49

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Dougie are there two Albert Thomson's? the one I know is "BERT" who now lives at Bryn

Replied: 19th Dec 2022 at 17:08

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Replied: 19th Dec 2022 at 21:10

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

I don't know why I put David

Replied: 20th Dec 2022 at 17:35

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

The Girls Band will be round Boxing day playing out the house's where veteran s lived spindle hillock Douglas Houghton lived and hazledins good morning all you greeners n x greeners there's only hond full left on band now there still great tho

Replied: 21st Dec 2022 at 06:09

Posted by: whups (13685) 

there was some good lookers in that girls band too malc .

Replied: 21st Dec 2022 at 11:12

Posted by: bambam (3071)

You are correct on that Bri, there was some head turners in the band over the years, I still see Audrey Banks who is still playing, they won a lot of trophys to I'm real proud of them.

Replied: 22nd Dec 2022 at 03:45

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Morning boys I drinkers too I remember them doing yard of ale in what was Blue Bell then

Replied: 22nd Dec 2022 at 06:35

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Hope you don't mined me putting this on as these three played in the Downall Green band in the 50s and this is the first girl long before the Girls Band,

Replied: 22nd Dec 2022 at 10:13
Last edited by dougie: 22nd Dec 2022 at 10:39:20

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Nice that Dougie remember there faces kath Roberts far left

Replied: 22nd Dec 2022 at 12:33

Posted by: whups (13685) 

guess who that is just to the left of the bandmaster dav ? .

Replied: 22nd Dec 2022 at 23:56

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

It fars pam simm on one side Brian How's thi car doing

Replied: 23rd Dec 2022 at 07:21

Posted by: whups (13685) 

which side malc . car doin ok charging it at present .

Replied: 23rd Dec 2022 at 11:56

Posted by: whups (13685) 

chowey,s sister janice extreme right stood with the trombone malc .

Replied: 23rd Dec 2022 at 12:10

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Don't know who it is next to bandmaster Bri, I recognise Audrey on extreme left, and Janice with trombone.

Replied: 23rd Dec 2022 at 15:11

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

The other photo I understand you not recognizing my Brother Ralph R.I.P, but every one should know the other two they met and married through the DG band in the 50s

Replied: 23rd Dec 2022 at 16:42

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Yes I remember them dougie, George fosters daughter from rectory rd married Mr Cooke and they had a shop on corner near booths brow rd.

Replied: 23rd Dec 2022 at 19:37

Posted by: whups (13685) 

it,s pam lazenko dav who married mark prior .

Replied: 23rd Dec 2022 at 21:57

Posted by: whups (13685) 

sorry to report the sad death of mick scully who lived in elm avenue . his death is unclear as the police & fire brigade cordoned the road off . it,s rumoured to be carbon monoxide poisoning .

Replied: 23rd Dec 2022 at 21:59

Posted by: bambam (3071)

That's more bad news Bri, knew mick very well last time I spoke to him was at Chris bolands funeral R.I.P Mick.

Replied: 23rd Dec 2022 at 23:29

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes dav yet another family member gone .

Replied: 23rd Dec 2022 at 23:44

Posted by: bambam (3071)

You've had no luck for last couple of years Bri, I sure hope the new year will be a better one for you pal.

Replied: 24th Dec 2022 at 00:31

Posted by: whups (13685) 

no we,ve not dav we have lost 6 with the last 5 of them in the last 18 mths . a lot gone on dhg .

Replied: 24th Dec 2022 at 01:10

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Brian I know we have had our disagreements over the years but this is very sad news especially at this time of year. Condolences to your brethren and may Mick rest in peace

Replied: 24th Dec 2022 at 07:56

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 


Replied: 24th Dec 2022 at 11:04

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes he was malc .

Replied: 24th Dec 2022 at 11:52

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks Bri, I do remember Pam although I did not know she was a member of the band, I believe her brother Alan has passed.

Replied: 24th Dec 2022 at 15:25

Posted by: whups (13685) 

which one was he dav ? . i think 1 lived at brocksteads & the other lived on landgate , i think ? .

Replied: 24th Dec 2022 at 23:52

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Not sure Where he ended up Bri, when I knew him he lived at Bryn.

Replied: 25th Dec 2022 at 00:13

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Merry Christmas ???? ???? everyone enjoy

Replied: 25th Dec 2022 at 12:12

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks Malc, all the best pal.

Replied: 25th Dec 2022 at 14:30

Posted by: whups (13685) 

i think i know him dav . thickset & used to knock around with malc walker .

Replied: 26th Dec 2022 at 01:17

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

One of them brothers was Paul

Replied: 26th Dec 2022 at 10:03

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Yes that was him Bri stocky lad.

Replied: 26th Dec 2022 at 11:51

Posted by: whups (13685) 

i think paul lived at broaksteads malc .

Replied: 26th Dec 2022 at 12:19

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Don't no that Brian

Replied: 26th Dec 2022 at 17:03

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi guys, any update on the land where village club was.

Replied: 27th Dec 2022 at 22:01

Posted by: whups (13685) 

no dav . very quiet .

Replied: 27th Dec 2022 at 23:52

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

It's a bloody shame leave it like it is I know that what a waste time knocking it down in fust place it needed to be run proper I don't know how Bell stays open what an eye sore when I go past any how we move on all the very best to everyone 2023 and here's to Good health that's main thing

Replied: 28th Dec 2022 at 11:16

Posted by: whups (13685) 

makes you wonder where the money went ? .

Replied: 28th Dec 2022 at 11:25

Posted by: whups (13685) 

wot do you think dav ? .

Replied: 29th Dec 2022 at 23:49

Posted by: bambam (3071)

They had a lot of members and good financial profit when I was on committee, it was always a thriving venue and reasonable prices, but to be honest I don't know what happened when I left the village but I do know it was still doing well in late 90s from updates I received, so I'm led to believe there must of been a good amount of money somewhere where it went is a mystery, perhaps they did something that used all the funds suppose we will never find out, the bowling green brought a lot of cash in and they had some stars performing there over the years and I know the maintenance of that would of been costly.

Replied: 30th Dec 2022 at 00:22

Posted by: suesa (646)

Very best wishes for the New Year to all current and ex Downallgreeners. Hope 2023 holds all good things for you.
All the best

Replied: 30th Dec 2022 at 11:24

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thank you suesa, and the very same to you and your family

Replied: 30th Dec 2022 at 12:37

Posted by: whups (13685) 

maybe they were wearing pants with clowns pockets too dav ? .

Replied: 30th Dec 2022 at 15:49

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

I all the very best to all in 2023 good luck ????

Replied: 30th Dec 2022 at 17:08

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Yes I know what you're saying Bri, do you know who got the monies from the land sale, quite a fair piece of area that was.

Replied: 30th Dec 2022 at 18:41

Posted by: whups (13685) 

dont know dav but someone got something .

Replied: 30th Dec 2022 at 23:49

Posted by: gaffer (8060) 


If you scroll down the page it shows that the club was bought for £80,000 in 2016 and sold for £200,000 three years later.

Replied: 31st Dec 2022 at 11:33
Last edited by gaffer: 31st Dec 2022 at 11:41:21

Posted by: whups (13685) 

that,s a lot of money . where did it go ? .

Replied: 31st Dec 2022 at 11:52

Posted by: bambam (3071)

There was no owner when club was functioning it was a members club, I know over the years they borrowed money from the brewery, so whoever sold it made a very good profit, Mr Richardson the present owner would have the answer as he knows who he paid for it.

Replied: 31st Dec 2022 at 13:52

Posted by: gaffer (8060) 


The Richardsons bought it as an investment for their son.
Not that long ago you could get the online land registry document showing previous owners for £3. However, you now have to fill in a form to get the historic owners details. The cost is a little more but still cheapish.

Replied: 31st Dec 2022 at 14:31

Posted by: whups (13685) 

we know why it was bought but where,s the money gone ? .

Replied: 1st Jan 2023 at 12:38

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

On the late Queens coronation was rhe first time that women were allowed to go into the Village Club,

Replied: 1st Jan 2023 at 12:53

Posted by: whups (13685) 


Replied: 1st Jan 2023 at 12:54

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

When we used go in you was sat in someone seat and there was 200 seats empty

Replied: 1st Jan 2023 at 14:15

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

whups/ Tumtingle , think it may have been after the Coronation as no Women ever went in the old club to drink, only them in the band on the sly at band practice
I think it was after the new club opened and it was one Trinity Sunday evening , I could be wrong

Replied: 1st Jan 2023 at 14:37

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

BRIAN, less of the Bullshit, I bet thewent born in 53,any road ask some of the old me nthey will put thee reetand if tha wants a bet on it hears my fiver

Replied: 2nd Jan 2023 at 16:59
Last edited by bentlegs: 3rd Jan 2023 at 12:03:53

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Dougie who owned the garage at bottom jack Lyons drive on right hand side I think part of brick work is still theer

Replied: 2nd Jan 2023 at 20:05

Posted by: whups (13685) 

could it be bob dixon malc ? .

Replied: 2nd Jan 2023 at 23:57

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Bri I think bob had a coal lorry in there if my memory serves me right, I remember thinking at the time he must of been smallest coal bagger on record, top bloke though.

Replied: 3rd Jan 2023 at 00:42
Last edited by bambam: 3rd Jan 2023 at 01:13:16

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks gaffer, it's a pity council won't let them build or develop the land.

Replied: 3rd Jan 2023 at 01:18

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Morning all not sure who had where was Frank Hesketh place

Replied: 3rd Jan 2023 at 07:04

Posted by: sammys (292) 

That was frank heskeths malc bottom jack lyons drive

Replied: 3rd Jan 2023 at 09:08

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

I think you may find when I was a lad on the left was old cottages, they could have also been some on the right at one time, it was always waste land in the 40/50s with nothing at all on it, going to the Mill Fields the edge row at the bottom was always like a dogs leg on the first field if you remember and may still be
This was the last time we were over there ---12 years ago-- 12 you may like to look before they build houses on it, may bring memories back for some

Replied: 3rd Jan 2023 at 10:21
Last edited by dougie: 3rd Jan 2023 at 10:36:56

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Two brothers George and Bob Dixon rented it from Tom Sharples ,it,sthe brick building I am on about,

Replied: 3rd Jan 2023 at 11:57
Last edited by bentlegs: 3rd Jan 2023 at 11:59:56

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

I that's it Legs we used cut thourgh guin millies Bridge and sliding down field on car roof in snow great days n neets all the best

Replied: 3rd Jan 2023 at 15:14

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Your right Tumtingle but it was only a wooden shed then, as you say it was Frank and his mate that erected the brick one, I don't think he lived on the estate at the time as he had got married

bambam you could be right but I can't remember a George Dixon,
you say Two brothers George and Bob Dixon rented it from Tom Sharples but it was only a big wooden shed at that time

Replied: 3rd Jan 2023 at 16:49

Posted by: bambam (3071)

I do remember Bob Dixon having the brick garage at one time, but bentlegs mentioned George who I can't recall.

Replied: 3rd Jan 2023 at 16:53

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Going back to village club I do remember old George Foster telling me at one time women were not allowed in club, when that was I can't recall, I know Lower ince labour club still had that rule in 80s, but they was allowed in on Sunday afternoon.

Replied: 3rd Jan 2023 at 17:47

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Sorry bambam it was bentlegs and not you are

Replied: 3rd Jan 2023 at 17:52

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Bri, last time I spoke to Bob was quite some years ago when he was running the commercial on Heath road.

Replied: 3rd Jan 2023 at 23:59

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yep dav i think he passed away in there . but i,m not sure ? .

Replied: 4th Jan 2023 at 00:02

Posted by: whups (13685) 

another passing on d/g . nora hughes from hawthorn ave passed this morning .

Replied: 5th Jan 2023 at 00:16

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Very sad Bri, had many a good drink with Nora & Seth when her sister Mary had the bell R.I.P Nora.

Replied: 5th Jan 2023 at 00:23

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

RIP Nora sad loss

Replied: 5th Jan 2023 at 06:57

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

George Dixon passed away when he was quite young Bob carried on.as a matter of fact they were my cousins

Replied: 5th Jan 2023 at 12:16

Posted by: whups (13685) 

not heard anything about nora yet dav ? .

Replied: 8th Jan 2023 at 12:43

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Has she only the one son Bri, think his name is David married to Emma.

Replied: 8th Jan 2023 at 13:38

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

2 David and Andrew

Replied: 8th Jan 2023 at 17:42

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks Malc, nice to hear from you hope all is ok in the Hillock.

Replied: 8th Jan 2023 at 22:39

Posted by: whups (13685) 

and david is not married dav .

Replied: 8th Jan 2023 at 23:57

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Oh didn't know that Bri, I met them when I was with Chris boland on our adventures and thought they was married, but there you go you learn something everyday.

Replied: 9th Jan 2023 at 01:01

Posted by: whups (13685) 

he got married then divorced & never got married again dav .

Replied: 9th Jan 2023 at 11:45

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Is he still with same girl Bri.

Replied: 9th Jan 2023 at 13:30

Posted by: whups (13685) 

he was with jonny knox,s daughter but is now on his own & been like that for several years dav .

Replied: 10th Jan 2023 at 00:02

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks for info Bri, by the way spikes mother is showing signs of Alzheimer's , poor soul she must be knocking 98 now though.

Replied: 10th Jan 2023 at 00:19
Last edited by bambam: 10th Jan 2023 at 00:23:40

Posted by: whups (13685) 

she,s had a good innings dav .

Replied: 10th Jan 2023 at 01:20

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Yes Bri she sure has life expectancy these days means nothing, some poor souls as you know don't even see their pension and the way things are going with people getting stressed with this government it can only escalate.

Replied: 10th Jan 2023 at 01:30
Last edited by bambam: 10th Jan 2023 at 01:32:01

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Good morning David i hope iam showing signs of Alzheimers at 98 ill take that not nice tho at Any age shame

Replied: 10th Jan 2023 at 06:41

Posted by: whups (13685) 

some might say your suffering now with it malc .

Replied: 16th Jan 2023 at 12:18

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Who s that

Replied: 16th Jan 2023 at 12:32

Posted by: whups (13685) 

guess who malc ? .

Replied: 16th Jan 2023 at 12:37

Posted by: whups (13685) 

it,s quiet on here guys , wot,s up ? .

Replied: 24th Jan 2023 at 11:31

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi Bri, yes it's been quiet for a while spike rang me up yesterday complaining that bell only opens at 5 so he doesn't go out now, he also says the stag has closed down as well, things don't sound to good up there I would have thought that bell would have more support as it's only watering hole the village has, mind you people problably cant afford the extortionate prices.

Replied: 24th Jan 2023 at 12:25

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Who sets the prices in the Bell Is it the brewery or the landlord/lady. Because its the only pub does some one think we can charge what ever we want customers will pay it. They forget the Simms Road pub is just up the road along with Garswood football club or better still the off licence ale at half the price. Garswood S&S club(was the labour club) Tory club and Railway pub 10-15 mins walk away. You say the Stag has closed it is a large pub to keep open if only a handful of customers go through the door

Replied: 24th Jan 2023 at 15:00

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

It's a past time now boozing Boys and as been a while

Replied: 24th Jan 2023 at 15:15

Posted by: bambam (3071)

I'm led to believe the bell is brewery owned as is the stag, both pubs are or was run by two females working both venues I know times are hard with certain pubs these days with a pint of bitter being £3.20 in cheapest places and £3.80 up to £5 for Guinness, you can buy 4 bottles of real ale for £6 in most supermarkets and special offers on spirits, so people who are trying to make a living running venues owned by greedy breweries are not meeting demands required to make a crust, then you've got sky sports charging £2500 a month how long can it last.

Replied: 24th Jan 2023 at 16:58

Posted by: whups (13685) 

not very long dav . far cheaper in ashton.

Replied: 24th Jan 2023 at 20:46

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Yes it's very sad these days Bri, I remember Bell village club S&S and Simms rd being very busy back in day they were all my regular haunts, the stag at the time attracted a lot of upper class people or ten bob millionaires and was always more expensive, and now the breweries are selling pubs off and investing their products into supermarkets because they realise that's where the money is, gone have the days of working class people enjoying a pint after work or a night out.

Replied: 25th Jan 2023 at 00:30

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Morning David it's a different world ney and certainly society is Dog eat Dog no sharing with next door these days

Replied: 25th Jan 2023 at 06:37

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

I have never been a big drinker norm on a night out 3 if in the mood 4 pints. Now if I turn out through circumstances I use the car and drink Glorified water % Lager I get two 330ml bottles at £3-40 for two twice during my stay in the club so spend just short of £7 on two and a half pints I have never drunk and driven and it is over two years since I had a pint of ale in a pub/club .Much easier to have a drink at home at £2-30 for a 660ml bottle of 5% Lager and cheaper

Replied: 25th Jan 2023 at 09:26

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi peterp, the only pubs making any money these days are freehouses as they can negotiate the prices off retailers, I lived in a pub for 8 years my daughter ran the place the owner lived in Lancaster he was a property developer but had no knowledge on pub trade, I introduced my daughter to the owners of a Wigan brewer and she got barrels £30 cheaper than the brewery, she also used a retailer from Ashton for ale and spirits and again it was cheaper than the breweries, a good friend of mine owns various pubs and making a good profit breweries are now selling buildings and investing in bottled beers to supermarkets, they cannot compete with all the micro bars that are now nationwide but just think how much money they have made over the years.

Replied: 25th Jan 2023 at 10:35

Posted by: whups (13685) 

it,s the "barrelage scheme" what,s ruining pubs dav . the more beer they sell the higher the rent goes .

Replied: 25th Jan 2023 at 11:54

Posted by: bambam (3071)

It sure is Bri, I see planning permission has gone in to demolish the Rockleigh and build 26 new homes.

Replied: 25th Jan 2023 at 17:26

Posted by: whups (13685) 

it,s been shut quite a while now dav .

Replied: 26th Jan 2023 at 00:00

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

One of my friends lived in one of the terraced houses in between Captains Lane and the Rockleigh. There is access to the back of the
terraced houses from Captains Lane to a dead end with a fence backing onto the Rockleigh car park, Many years ago the owner of the Rockleigh wanted to take the fence down to make a second access road into the car park. He was stopped from doing this

Replied: 26th Jan 2023 at 07:18
Last edited by PeterP: 11th Feb 2023 at 17:45:31

Posted by: bambam (3071)

If neighbors had been in favour peterp there should not have been a problem.

Replied: 26th Jan 2023 at 09:48

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

On the plans there are going to be 26 flats but ONLY 19 parking spaces

Replied: 26th Jan 2023 at 11:24

Posted by: bambam (3071)

That will definitely cause a problem for the people who are going to live in there, where do they park then the locals won't be happy if they put their vehicles outside their premises.

Replied: 26th Jan 2023 at 12:27

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Morning Peter 7 have no cars there bike shed for them

Replied: 27th Jan 2023 at 10:15

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Ah but which 7 cannot park a car

Replied: 27th Jan 2023 at 17:46

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Them you buy last fust come fust served used do good food in Rocklea

Replied: 28th Jan 2023 at 18:39

Posted by: whups (13685) 

went in there for a pint now & again , many moons ago .

Replied: 29th Jan 2023 at 11:22

Posted by: bambam (3071)

I only been in there a few times Bri, I used to meet our Maurice in Ashton we went in Brian Boru then get a taxi to pit pony.

Replied: 29th Jan 2023 at 15:30

Posted by: whups (13685) 

some happy days then dav .

Replied: 30th Jan 2023 at 11:41

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

I think pit pony closed ney David Karl Pilling was running it ney that's a place I thought would do well

Replied: 1st Feb 2023 at 19:06

Posted by: whups (13685) 

and he,s now running bryn labour club & that,s taking a nose dive since he took over .

Replied: 1st Feb 2023 at 23:58

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

I they banned two on best drinkers that go in there that's why it's took a dive

Replied: 2nd Feb 2023 at 06:43

Posted by: whups (13685) 

who,s them malc ? .

Replied: 2nd Feb 2023 at 11:59

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

How can two heavy drinkers make all that difference to the running of a club

Replied: 2nd Feb 2023 at 12:37

Posted by: whups (13685) 

they dont . bad ale is the problem & how it,s now run .

Replied: 2nd Feb 2023 at 15:52

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Been oreeet banned miners back in day in bell used say gi me 5 miners all day long afternoon n neet men

Replied: 3rd Feb 2023 at 07:58

Posted by: whups (13685) 

who are the 2 drinkers malc ? .

Replied: 3rd Feb 2023 at 11:42

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

No names No pack drill

Replied: 7th Feb 2023 at 06:50

Posted by: whups (13685) 

marlene & mark wont keep bryn club open the amount that they drink ? .

Replied: 7th Feb 2023 at 12:08

Posted by: whups (13685) 

you got away with one last night malc .

Replied: 9th Feb 2023 at 12:19

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

You mean you did we was winning 0 2 lack of concentration cost us 3 pts I know you had a lot baw but it's what you wi it Leeds have been like that all season having baw and doing nout with it roll on Sunday I hope take care

Replied: 10th Feb 2023 at 07:22

Posted by: sammys (292) 

I will watch it in sunny benidorm

Replied: 10th Feb 2023 at 08:26

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Raining Sunday theer all day he heeee enjoy ????

Replied: 10th Feb 2023 at 10:11

Posted by: whups (13685) 

tell the truth malc we bounced you for virtually the entire game & when it went 2-2 it was squeecky bum time for you leeds fans .

Replied: 10th Feb 2023 at 12:36

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

What ever

Replied: 10th Feb 2023 at 12:54

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes malc whatever . come sunday & it,ll be whatever again .

Replied: 10th Feb 2023 at 14:58

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

I don't know who's wurst fans yer or Liverpool you only see red poo fans at work have not spoke for a month

Replied: 11th Feb 2023 at 17:41

Posted by: whups (13685) 

have you looked at your own fans malc .

Replied: 12th Feb 2023 at 00:01
Last edited by whups: 12th Feb 2023 at 00:02:10

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Thought this was Ex-DG site not a sports site. There is a sports thread for puffball

Replied: 12th Feb 2023 at 06:04

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Sorry Peter your right

Replied: 12th Feb 2023 at 08:13

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Just found this old photo, Im 82 and don't remember the full row of house lived in as shown in the photo, if you zoom in I think that's the wooden coal shed we were talking about before the brick one was built, Good old photo of DG no need to comment again about this

Replied: 16th Feb 2023 at 09:10

Posted by: bambam (3071)

That's a cracker dougie, thanks for sharing.

Replied: 16th Feb 2023 at 10:16

Posted by: whups (13685) 

who are they dougie ? .

Replied: 17th Feb 2023 at 12:08

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

Great photo Dougie

Replied: 17th Feb 2023 at 12:52

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Anyone know about the accident onWinstanley Road yesterday on the slow bend , told they had to get an Helicopter to land in the field,that's all I know.

Replied: 17th Feb 2023 at 13:41

Posted by: whups (13685) 

heard nowt here .

Replied: 17th Feb 2023 at 23:48

Posted by: bambam (3071)

According to news a red Ford Fiesta crashed into a tree on two mile stretch,injuring a 17 yr old male and 16 yr old female, police appealing for witnesses.

Replied: 18th Feb 2023 at 07:40

Posted by: gaffer (8060) 

Replied: 18th Feb 2023 at 08:27

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Yet another youngster who thought he could handle a killing m/c. I hope he recovers from his injuries but he has learned a hard lesson in life

Replied: 18th Feb 2023 at 09:54

Posted by: whups (13685) 

remember young michael millet getting killed in a similar crash inbetween the farm & top raz ? .

Replied: 18th Feb 2023 at 13:59

Posted by: bambam (3071)

It's a very bad stretch of road that Bri, motorists fly down two mile stretch not realising there are 2 junctions at the harbour, then you have bad bends down toward Simms rd, it's always been a temptation for boy racers.

Replied: 18th Feb 2023 at 16:04

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Speed limit for the two junctions now 40MPH

Replied: 18th Feb 2023 at 19:17

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Trouble is peterp speed limits don't mean anything to some unlawabidng motorists, quite a shame really as there are some good drivers who adhere to our highway codes.

Replied: 18th Feb 2023 at 20:40

Posted by: Dagutd27 (689) 

There used be accidents every week at simms Road blue leets was regularly thing it's a dangerous weapon a car ????

Replied: 19th Feb 2023 at 19:19

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Tumtingle I have seen that photo before I have a funny feeling that it is Shirley Dunn,s mother and Grandmother, its just something hanging about in my head,

Replied: 25th Feb 2023 at 15:01

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

It is Shirley and Sylvia Dunn's mother but the other woman is just a friend, you must know John Shaw (Jack Shaw's Son) he married Sylvia they live in the houses across from the red gate on Leyland green road

Replied: 25th Feb 2023 at 16:07

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Tumtingle , like I said it was only a feeling who it was..I didn't,t know who Sylvia married.

Replied: 27th Feb 2023 at 13:35
Last edited by bentlegs: 27th Feb 2023 at 13:41:02

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

In,t it getting long for anyone who has no top to bottom key Dave

Replied: 27th Feb 2023 at 13:44

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Replied: 28th Feb 2023 at 20:10


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