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Started by: bambam (3071)
Posted by: bambam (3071)


Replied: 8th Oct 2019 at 18:50
Last edited by bambam: 8th Oct 2019 at 19:03:08

Posted by: bambam (3071)

How's that bentlegs, I hope it's better for you now and thanks to everyone who has contributed.

Replied: 8th Oct 2019 at 18:57

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Bloody Sintelliners!

Replied: 8th Oct 2019 at 19:37

Posted by: whups (13685) 

we,ll have to start all over again dav

Replied: 9th Oct 2019 at 12:32

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Aye we will Bri, have you heard owt from Kevin since peter passed away.

Replied: 9th Oct 2019 at 13:56

Posted by: whups (13685) 

not really dav.

Replied: 9th Oct 2019 at 22:37

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Oh that's sad, he used to contribute here on wiganworld under the name earthworm ain't seen him in a while hope he's ok.

Replied: 9th Oct 2019 at 22:53

Posted by: whups (13685) 

dav i,m wondering if there is any blog that,s as long as ours as we are now on no 10 ? .

Replied: 12th Oct 2019 at 00:16

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Thanks for that Bambam, Alot better.

Replied: 12th Oct 2019 at 11:01

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi Bri, I don't think there is but golborne colliery by Flaggy delf had a lot of interest.

Replied: 12th Oct 2019 at 11:38
Last edited by bambam: 12th Oct 2019 at 11:40:14

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi bentlegs, you are very welcome.

Replied: 12th Oct 2019 at 11:41

Posted by: whups (13685) 

has anyone got a longer thread than ours dav ? .

Replied: 12th Oct 2019 at 11:54

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Tumtingle Been away to Bournemouth for a short break with Shearings ,nice to see you've been kicking someone up the backside telling him in a nice way to get his finger out thanks for starting number 10 bambam

bambam how do you expect to get the longest running thread on WW as whups asked if you don't move on it was started 2008 remember everyone on the right hand side (END key for last post) or (Home key for first post)
bambam more people look than post so lets try to get some new posters

Replied: 12th Oct 2019 at 16:42
Last edited by dougie: 13th Oct 2019 at 08:31:30

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi Dougie, I try my best to keep the thread going and please everyone, my time is limited with running a pub and working 12hr shifts 7 days a week, I love wiganworld and like to go on when I get the chance, it keeps me in touch with what's happening up there and thanks to Whups I get all the latest news.

Replied: 13th Oct 2019 at 00:26

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Your doing a good job keep it up, I hope to see you again sometime and the invisible man

Replied: 13th Oct 2019 at 09:00
Last edited by dougie: 22nd Feb 2020 at 23:40:26

Posted by: whups (13685) 

we need to keep in touch dav so keep it up . dougie did you know my cousin paul roper from billinge has passed away l/week ? .

Replied: 13th Oct 2019 at 12:38

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

I've seen your post but don't know him, whups we could think about a nice cup tea or coffee in wetherspoons Ashton one afternoon only £1.30 as much as you can drink

Replied: 13th Oct 2019 at 14:00
Last edited by dougie: 13th Oct 2019 at 14:14:36

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

You are doing a great job bam bam.thank you and keep it up,definitely.
It is so good to talk as they say.and keep in touch.

Thanks to all who contribute on here as well.

Replied: 13th Oct 2019 at 16:22

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

It's .... Number 10 !

Replied: 13th Oct 2019 at 16:32

Posted by: whups (13685) 

his mother was a scully dougie , mary was here name & married jimmy roper from holt crescent billinge .i think george roper who went in the eagle & child was related.

Replied: 13th Oct 2019 at 18:17

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Yes, I remember George Roper. I saw him nearly every Friday night.

Replied: 13th Oct 2019 at 18:55

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi trixie, it's nice to see a post from you it's been a while hope you are ok, Bri if you go for a cuppa with Dougie let me know I will pop down.

Replied: 13th Oct 2019 at 20:14

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi Bri, I think this is the longest thread on here, looking back to previous posts on this subject there was a lot of people contributing but it's such a shame as they seem to have disappeared, I keep trying to sign my mother on as she is interested but it will not let me maybe Brian's still working on it, I would say her knowledge would be appreciated on here, oh and by the way Bri its her birthday today.

Replied: 13th Oct 2019 at 21:51

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

bambam, You know what I mean by a cuppa everyone would be welcome so not giving anyone the chance to say (I don't drink) I remember the last time it was a good job I got called away

whups-- just been on the phone to your John told me you've had a good chat

Replied: 13th Oct 2019 at 21:57

Posted by: suesa (646)

It's because of you starting it bambam that this thread has been so successful. Long may it continue.

Replied: 13th Oct 2019 at 22:22

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks suesa, I hope it does to so wish they would all come back, could do with your Malc joining us.

Replied: 13th Oct 2019 at 23:46

Posted by: suesa (646)

Will pass that on when I next see him

Replied: 14th Oct 2019 at 09:43

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes dougie we did . but on a sadder note i got a call from my auntie about dickie eck saying there was poilce & ambulance there & had i heard owt as he lives just round the corner & i did,nt know anything . but as i was going for the bus the police were still there & a hearse pulled up near his house . hav,nt heard owt yet . i,ll keep you posted.

Replied: 14th Oct 2019 at 12:34

Posted by: kevndee (36)

a belated happy birthday to Lillian bambam Never realised but our eldest daughter Sam has the same birthday (13/10)

Replied: 14th Oct 2019 at 14:57

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks kevndee I will pass that on to her she was only asking about you other day.

Replied: 14th Oct 2019 at 16:17

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Yes I’m fine bambam happy birthday to your mum.hope she is keeping well.

Replied: 14th Oct 2019 at 20:20

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks trixie, yes she ok love.

Replied: 14th Oct 2019 at 21:30

Posted by: whups (13685) 

the word is that,s it,s not dickie eck it,s 1 of his next door neighbours.

Replied: 16th Oct 2019 at 00:06

Posted by: jouell (4705)

I don't remember how I found this site, though I'm very happy I did.. I don't know everyone on here, but it's still a place where we are all connected as Downall Greeners...

Thank you bambam for creating this site, Thank you dougie for the driving around to show me places and Thank you to all who contribute, that keeps this site going..

Replied: 16th Oct 2019 at 16:13

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

jouell, I feel the same I know people that lived on the estate 40/50/60s then I moved off and I lost touch with the younger people then all the Dads and Granddads seem to have moved off the estate or passed away, but thankfully I still see some old DG from time to time, well them that's still with us but it's not the same on here as these days for my age group

Good news about Dicky Eck good friend for years, if you see him ask if Dougie can call some time when passing

Replied: 16th Oct 2019 at 20:30
Last edited by dougie: 17th Oct 2019 at 09:02:50

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi jouell, thanks for your post I left downall green in late 80's closer to my work at the time,I often wondered what was going on up there in my absence and used to visit whenever I could, I knew most of families there and had a lot of friends (problaby half of estate) I loved going in blue bell on Monday nights watching Bri (whups) thrash some unlucky bloke off the dartboard, that's why when I discovered wiganworld I started the thread I wanted info of the estate and latest news, but I must admit I was overwhelmed by the response from people I know and people I didn't know I'm glad I started it as it's given me many pleasures, and of course the saddest of news.

Replied: 16th Oct 2019 at 22:42

Posted by: broady (inactive)

I used to pick a guy up in Strange Road in the 80's to travel to work and I think he drank in the Blue Bell. His name was Frank Brown. Ring any bells.

Replied: 17th Oct 2019 at 02:14

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

bambam, I played darts for years round the board and 501 scored hundreds of 180s over the years, but I only did two seven dart finish round the board, you never forget where, one in Bath Springs and one in Park Lane club

As young lads in the village club Dicky Ecks Dad a 6.6" chap known as (Bash) can't remember his first name nice chap like Dickie he would play you 501 and give us 50 start and your arrows it made me play all the better just to beat him

Replied: 17th Oct 2019 at 09:39
Last edited by dougie: 22nd Oct 2019 at 13:03:30

Posted by: whups (13685) 

have you seen our dart pic dougie ? . it,s in the work section under golborne colliery .

Replied: 17th Oct 2019 at 10:41

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Good photo worked same section as Dicky Wall at Reeds in 1960/61 he had a the top job first m/c man on Comit but left to go back in pit, I had a better one did 40 years is he still going

Replied: 17th Oct 2019 at 12:50
Last edited by dougie: 22nd Oct 2019 at 11:21:53

Posted by: whups (13685) 

i believe so dougie.

Replied: 18th Oct 2019 at 00:10

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

I've just spent some interesting time looking and reading this link
--North Ashton photo's and comments--

Replied: 18th Oct 2019 at 16:25
Last edited by dougie: 11th Dec 2019 at 08:39:45

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Dougie.. I checked in last night, before going to bed... Saw the pics and ended up getting to bed at 11-30 and still hadn't seen them all... Some good pics, too good to lose, Downall Green History right there... Thanks...

Replied: 19th Oct 2019 at 14:32

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Jouell 10years ago did you join WW because of a phone call from Dave or Bert or Dougie over the school reunion? Your 1st post said DG as had it

Replied: 19th Oct 2019 at 18:08

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Peter, I don't remember who told me about this site... It could have been Eric, I was talking to him about the reunion.. and why would I have said DG has had it, doesn't make sense, does it..Is there a fast way of getting to my first post, or do I have to scroll through all the posts, I don't fancy doing that...

Replied: 20th Oct 2019 at 14:47

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Jouell ex DG2 about a third of the thread down 4th May 2009

Replied: 20th Oct 2019 at 15:19

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Peter, just seen it, how strange.. I don't understand it at all..

Replied: 20th Oct 2019 at 16:40

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Jouell at least your still posting 10 yrs down the line

Replied: 20th Oct 2019 at 18:44

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Peter I've looked we'll have to start calling her (The Angry Cat), jouell if you don't know the meaning it's when someone gets their back up over nothing

Replied: 21st Oct 2019 at 10:21

Posted by: jouell (4705)

I'm not angry, I'm puzzled, but not angry, now or then..

Replied: 21st Oct 2019 at 13:46

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

I was walking to the churchyard yesterday and got stopped talking with Wendy Duffy nee (Hill) that lived in the white house,she asked if I could get her a copy of her old house, so printed this off for her A4 size will drop if off

This was the start of the rebuild of the new Star team in the 70s a big part of the old lads came back, always remember going to the Bulls Head at Goose Green they had never lost a match all season, before we went I said to the lads I would buy everyone a pint that wins tonight only thing no one had to look to happy, back in the star I had to get 8 pints in as it was a 8-1 win

Replied: 23rd Oct 2019 at 21:30
Last edited by dougie: 24th Oct 2019 at 09:25:49

Posted by: whups (13685) 

hey dougie i see you have an old pic of the star dart team . i know most of them so how about putting it on here ? .

Replied: 24th Oct 2019 at 00:15

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Star Hotel Wigan Road

You'll remember these two from the the first team Suddy and Brian Ashcroft NZ, he left £10 behind the bar last time he was over off him & Ken to have a drink, Ken always said they were the better team (sorry had to delete the photo)
---O.K. where was the photo token----

Replied: 24th Oct 2019 at 09:06
Last edited by dougie: 28th Oct 2019 at 08:32:06

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Dougie cannot see photo It is blurred and has a banner over it host store share photobucket

Replied: 24th Oct 2019 at 09:42
Last edited by PeterP: 24th Oct 2019 at 17:07:19

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Thanks Peter all Ok here will switch off to see if it uploads OK here again

Peter restarted computer all photos OK here anyway I will be deleting them

Replied: 24th Oct 2019 at 10:42
Last edited by dougie: 24th Oct 2019 at 10:52:40

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Dougie it is only the last photo

Replied: 24th Oct 2019 at 11:20

Posted by: whups (13685) 

what about the star darts team dougie , r u putting it on ? .

Replied: 24th Oct 2019 at 11:34

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Is this the one Brian

Replied: 24th Oct 2019 at 14:43
Last edited by dougie: 26th Oct 2019 at 22:57:41

Posted by: whups (13685) 

no dougie the 1 thats on your blog page with freddie anderton & the others.

Replied: 25th Oct 2019 at 12:47

Posted by: brynkiwi (720) 

Photo was taken at the back of park lane pub at land gate. Hope you are keeping well , you to Bri

Replied: 25th Oct 2019 at 13:04

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Nice to hear from our bretheran from overseas

Replied: 25th Oct 2019 at 14:10

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Spoilsport,Spoilsport Brynkiwi as you should know with you being on the photo some that live at Ashton/Bryn/Downall green, may never have seen the beer garden at the back of the pub, anyway for that's a pint knocked off that I.O.YOU next time your over
the last photo was of your old star team that Ken always said was better than us (on way was you better nice to see you still look on WW

Replied: 25th Oct 2019 at 16:14

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

I said==Is this the one Brian
You said no dougie the 1 thats on your blog page with freddie anderton & the others.

Your not up with the thread look farther up I had uploaded it on the 24/10/19 can you pick me out, only asking did you know Dicky Ecks Dad if not you must be the only

Replied: 25th Oct 2019 at 16:29
Last edited by dougie: 25th Oct 2019 at 16:31:33

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Dougie, did Dicky Eck have two brothers, Willy Eck and Diddy Eck?

Replied: 25th Oct 2019 at 20:08

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

I wished you'd lived in on the estate as a lad instead of the posh side of spud-land, you'd be keeping us on our toes with things you would remember

Replied: 25th Oct 2019 at 20:54

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

--click here a good book about Park Collieries, 1948 to 1959 (by Fred Foster)

The pit was in Liverpool Road at Ashton Cross a book for all pit men, your Dad or Granddad maybe in the book if they worked here, there's also a good photo that I've uploaded of one of the 3 shafts if anyone is interested, the younger people of today will not remember seeing them

Replied: 25th Oct 2019 at 22:36
Last edited by dougie: 26th Oct 2019 at 18:31:54

Posted by: brynkiwi (720) 

Sorry about that Dougie . I still have both those photos lot of good memories. Of course we were the best team🍺🍺😜

Replied: 25th Oct 2019 at 23:58

Posted by: whups (13685) 

until we at the blue bell came along brian . dougie who is the guy at the back of kevin kyle ? .

Replied: 26th Oct 2019 at 00:14

Posted by: brynkiwi (720) 

I was gone by then on the Star team does anybody remember the older guy on the right I think his first name was Gordon, he did not play for the Star.

Replied: 26th Oct 2019 at 02:23

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Brian Winstanley left/ Frank Walsh right/ butcher at DG co-op across the road from you old house bambam

I see you've added a link thank's at the top, instead of places would it not be better with Photo's

Replied: 26th Oct 2019 at 09:01
Last edited by dougie: 26th Oct 2019 at 09:09:26

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

I think

Is already a local as he seems to post more than most .

Replied: 26th Oct 2019 at 09:22

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes dougie frank walsh . did you know a guy called norman parker ? . dicky eck has no brothers.is that pic anywhere else on here dougie as i,d like to download it ? .

Replied: 26th Oct 2019 at 11:40
Last edited by whups: 26th Oct 2019 at 11:42:00

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Dicky Eck has two brothers? Duzzy Eck and Hazzy Eck !

Replied: 26th Oct 2019 at 12:16
Last edited by tonker: 26th Oct 2019 at 12:19:55

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Eck had a cracking sister,

Replied: 26th Oct 2019 at 12:28
Last edited by dougie: 28th Oct 2019 at 08:36:14

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Dougie, did she work at that mill in Wigan? the one on the near the pier, just off Swan Meadow Lane, I just can't remember it's name!

Replied: 26th Oct 2019 at 14:37

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Tonker was it eck as liky mill

Replied: 26th Oct 2019 at 17:19

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Was it Eck As Laaaaike!

Replied: 26th Oct 2019 at 18:30

Posted by: whups (13685) 

i already have dougie but it,s to small & when you enlarge it it loses clarity .

Replied: 27th Oct 2019 at 00:15

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

whups I've on problem printing two good photo's off on a A4 size paper 4".5 x 7" wouldn't think you would need anything bigger.
All I can say is to save image as and load the photo to your files then try printing it off from there, it prints off OK for me(i'm running on windows 10)

Replied: 27th Oct 2019 at 11:15
Last edited by dougie: 27th Oct 2019 at 21:23:52

Posted by: whups (13685) 

you lose clarity dougie if you enlarge it on any size of paper . i wanted it for julian turner who is on that pic in the middle.

Replied: 27th Oct 2019 at 11:34

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

whups, As you see I've deleted the post I don't think it was a good idea of me asking for help on here hope you see my point sad I know but do you think his sister would sort it for him

Replied: 27th Oct 2019 at 21:17
Last edited by dougie: 28th Oct 2019 at 04:38:51

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Kevin--Just for my friend at DG see if you can do these three to pass the time hope you join us soon, I made two video's of your place remember

Kevin try this

--Try this way enjoy--

--Can you do this--

Replied: 27th Oct 2019 at 21:17
Last edited by dougie: 11th Dec 2019 at 08:50:01

Posted by: whups (13685) 

his sister lives next door to me .

Replied: 28th Oct 2019 at 00:18

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Went to Kevin's place a few times with my Dad, (it was a good few years ago, dad has been gone for 15 yrs now)... We got a personal tour with Kevin, he had some extraordinary pieces to show us. very interesting and entertaining afternoons they were.. Hope all is well with Kevin....

Replied: 28th Oct 2019 at 13:56

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

jouell nice to hear from you hope everything's OK with you and the family,
I did over 3 hours on Sunday afternoon sat in Kevin's living room drinking tea and talking about old Downall green as we knew it,he was showing me the things he can do on his i-pod shame he can't join us on here he's missing out on so much as he is still as sound as a pound up there

Replied: 28th Oct 2019 at 17:09

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Why can't he join us ?

Replied: 28th Oct 2019 at 17:40

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Jouell I think A few years ago Brian (site owner) stopped certain E- mail addresses from being used and this is why every so often you will read via guest book about people who wish to become members but cannot be registered

Replied: 28th Oct 2019 at 18:51

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Didn't think to ask if he had an e-mail address or not as this i-pod he use's was doing everything we do on WW, his sister maybe able to help him get sorted as he told me how he wished that he could reply to posts on the Downer-green thread as he knows so much.

----I showed him how with one click at the top would bring all the photo's and comments on

Replied: 28th Oct 2019 at 21:15

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

I would like to tell you a bit of the life of my Mam as that is the only name she was called, well she stated life living in the Blue Bell cottages that backed on to the school yard at DG a lovely young girl always clean and fresh looking so they tell me, after finishing school at a young age she started work at Cromptons down by the green she didn't like working there it was dirty and you had that oily smell on you all the time, anyway Mr Crompton the owner of the works said to my Mam you don't like working here do you her reply was no but i have to, well he said my wife as just had a baby girl instead of coming into work Monday to Friday would you like to go to my house in Ashton work same hours helping my wife with the child you'll get the same wages as you would working here, anyway think about it but have a day off tomorrow and go see my wife your job will still be here , Mam told me she got on like a house on fire with Mrs C the house was in Bolton Road across from the Rock Leigh the house is still standing,it's along tail this as they had two more children a girls and boy making three so they had to move house and my Man still kept her job

Replied: 28th Oct 2019 at 22:30
Last edited by dougie: 28th Oct 2019 at 22:49:07

Posted by: whups (13685) 

dougie arthur williams bought a house directly opposite the rockleigh .

Replied: 29th Oct 2019 at 00:19

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Lovely story about Mam, Dougie..

Replied: 29th Oct 2019 at 02:11

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Thanks jouell, Mam went on to have seven children hope people don't mined me showing this family photo taken in 1958 at my brother Ralph's wedding, I will delete it soon but so proud of my living family

Replied: 29th Oct 2019 at 07:48
Last edited by dougie: 1st Nov 2019 at 07:33:22

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

whups, Yes I remember him living on Bolton Road as you say, I also knew all the family with them living on the estate in the 40/50/60s,
Brian people may have told you as the estate was made up of big family's from all over Ashton-in-Makerfield and bonded together like glue, to the outsider off the estate we were a rough lot at that time but on one ever came looking for bother

Replied: 29th Oct 2019 at 08:17

Posted by: whups (13685) 

nice to see my aunty nora there & isnt your kenny young in it .

Replied: 29th Oct 2019 at 12:02

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Lovely picture dougie.. I remember you, Ralph, Lily,Ken and your Mam, but not your Dad, Anne, Nora and Millie.. How old is Ken?, I remember him being at Rectory Rd School same time as me, but not sure if he is my age, ( 75 in November ) or my brother Ken's age 73 November..

I agree with what you said, we were looked down on as Council house families.. but everyone worked hard, paid their own bills and looked after each other.. unlike so many in todays society.. In all of my life, I still look at my childhood, growing up in DG, as being some of the happiest times in my life..

Replied: 29th Oct 2019 at 13:47

Posted by: whups (13685) 

very true & you knew everyone on the estate & your door was always open . now no-one knows who,s next door .

Replied: 29th Oct 2019 at 17:36

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Dougie, how is your Ken keeping? I always remember him riding home on his MAC Velocette, his mate Norman who lived on Rectory Road, and both of them helping my brother with his motorbike. The three of them went to Wales together one summer.

Replied: 29th Oct 2019 at 17:55

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Joe, I've just got off the phone after talking to Harold Parkinson remember him is your hears burning they should be we were calling you and your brother,

Remember Jackie Hayworth from next door he got killed a few months ago crossing a road at night, David and Margret are still here but Fred past away of old age, so look after yourself your getting no younger you know

Replied: 29th Oct 2019 at 21:22

Posted by: suesa (646)

Took my Mum for a ride round today and went to see how the building work was going on in the brew. Well what a shock for Mum who said they were spoiling the whole area. As well as the houses being built in the field beneath the graveyard there are more houses being built near the house on Slater's pen! Another big surprise was a house being built on the site of the shale rook and Bill Job's garage behind where we lived when I was little. Was speaking with one of the builders and he said they came across the footings of the cottages which were on Pig Street. I took a couple of photos and hope to put them on here. I know nothing stays the same but it was touching to see so much change. Well at least we have our memories.

Replied: 29th Oct 2019 at 22:20

Posted by: suesa (646)

I'm a bit stuck as to how to put a photo from my laptop on here. I have no problem with links but never put a photo on the threads. Will keep trying.

Replied: 29th Oct 2019 at 22:42

Posted by: broady (inactive)

Glad to hear about your Mum. Billy Job who you mentioned was my Nanna’s brother. Remember him and Gladys very well. Nice couple.

Replied: 30th Oct 2019 at 03:43

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi Broady,i know you asked if I knew a frank brown who went in blue bell,sorry I can't recall that name but I used to have a few pints with bill jobe in village club.

Replied: 30th Oct 2019 at 05:51

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Hi Kevin, Not joined us yet get your finger and e-mail Ron Hunt (admin) of the sit I fell sure he will help you) anyway you will have looked at this about your work, it's worth having a loo,WE are all waiting on here for you to hello Kevin

--Kevin just click this then click full screen and sit back--

Replied: 30th Oct 2019 at 08:22
Last edited by dougie: 11th Dec 2019 at 08:42:19

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

I do remeber Jackie Hayworth. Sad to read of him getting killed that way. David will be getting on now, he must be in his early 70's.

I remember Harold Parkinson as well. Say hi next time you chat. Wish I'd heard the conversation though!

Replied: 30th Oct 2019 at 10:33

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Wow, a busy day on here.. where do I start.,

Susan, you are so lucky to still have your Mum and her being in relatively good health to.. God Bless her, she always was a lovely lady. Re the houses on the Brow, I saw 'Artists rendition of them yesterday, they looked alright, but I can't imagine how it all looks for real.. Plus the other houses further up the DG end.. The land where Pig street was, one of my daughters wanted to build there, but their buyer backed out at the last minute, so they weren't able to go ahead with the sale.. I wouldn't want to live there though, buses, lorries, cars flying past your front door all day and night..No Thanks..

Kevins place.. if I ever get back to England, I'll have to go see him again, in the meantime, if ever any one of you goes to see him, will you tell him Janet Lomax says Hello and pass on my Best Wishes to him..

I don't remember Jack Haworth, only Margaret and David.. David used to pester the life out of me, whenever he saw me, I couldn't get rid of him without being rude and I could never be rude, so I just had to put up with him ...

Replied: 30th Oct 2019 at 13:56

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Joe--will have to keep delete this photo as it's already on
Harold started is life living in the cottages on the left in the photo but you may not remember them, he lived other places in DG before moving on the estate he's still living in the area he didn't know about your Arthur and Norman Dunn had passed away and he remembered your name to problem

Replied: 30th Oct 2019 at 14:51
Last edited by dougie: 31st Oct 2019 at 10:06:08

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

jouell--What do you think we were talking about Sunday afternoon ( everything and calling everybody) i came to the conclusion when it came to calling you, he must have had a soft spot for you as you can see I'm trying to get him on here but I can't help him with his i-pod

Replied: 30th Oct 2019 at 15:10

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Dougie - I didnt know that Norman had passed away.

As some are aware, our Arthur passed away in 2007-

A question. I think suesa will be able to answer this one, but does anyone remember when the Girls Band appeared on tv? I'm thinking early 69's, but dont know the exact year. Can anyone answer?

Replied: 30th Oct 2019 at 15:28

Posted by: jouell (4705)


Replied: 30th Oct 2019 at 15:39
Last edited by jouell: 31st Oct 2019 at 13:14:03

Posted by: suesa (646)

Yes Uncle Joe I think it was 1969 when we were on Junior Showtime, filmed at Leeds Variety Theatre where they also filmed The Good Old Days (that's a real golden oldie). Also we were on the Kenny Everett show called Nice Time. We were introduced by him as 'The Nice Time Band' and did the filming at the fairground at Belle Vue along with Germaine Greer and Jonathon Routh. Don't think any of the recordings of the band on there exist anymore. Fame ..... such a fickle thing

Replied: 30th Oct 2019 at 23:17
Last edited by suesa: 31st Oct 2019 at 00:36:02

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Susan, there was a girl, played the Sousaphone ?? I can't remember her name, maybe after your time, but she played with Trinity ? Silver Girls band.. She went on to be a Professional Musician..
Twenty years ago, my youngest daughter was a Music Major at University and one night there was a Concert with a young woman who had played with the Trinity / Silver Girls band.. She was Excellent, thoroughly enjoyed listening to her and got to talk to he afterward. She was shocked to be in Tallahassee Florida, talking with someone from Downall Green.. Never forgot that night, wish I could remember her name...

Replied: 31st Oct 2019 at 02:21

Posted by: broady (inactive)

Hi Bambam,
Thanks for your reply. Bill Job was a very nice man.

The Good Old Days was compered by Leonard Sachs. Used to use a lot of big words to introduce the artist's.

Replied: 31st Oct 2019 at 03:51

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Suesa: Thanks for your answer. I thought the tv appearance was earlier than 1969, thanks for correcting me. I did ask this a whie ago, but do you/did you have a relation called William (known as Bill or Billy).

Dougie: I do remember the cottages in the photo, but dont remember that Harold lived in one of them.

Replied: 31st Oct 2019 at 06:52

Posted by: whups (13685) 

i remember david austin living in the last cottage near the dam bridge . arthur who dougie ? .

Replied: 31st Oct 2019 at 11:19

Posted by: erwick (135)

Talking about Bill Job and Gladys, she was the sister to Eva Cooper who married George Derbyshire. They lived next door to us in Spindle Hillock at No.63.
Their daughter is Doreen Derbyshire. I forgot who she married, but I'm sure they had a pet shop at Bryn Cross.

Also I think I've got this right. but Bill and Gladys used to live in the cottages near Crompton's corner, next to the White House. These cottages were condemned, but I think they lived in one at the time.

Replied: 31st Oct 2019 at 13:48

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

whups, Yes your right about Austin living in the last house I don't remember his first name as we just called him Austin like all his mates did, Arthur Heaton (uncle joes) from brother

Replied: 31st Oct 2019 at 16:06

Posted by: suesa (646)

Janet that would be Wendy Picton. She played the euphonium after me. She was an exceptional musician

Replied: 31st Oct 2019 at 18:19
Last edited by suesa: 31st Oct 2019 at 18:20:48

Posted by: suesa (646)

Uncle Joe no i dont think we had a Bill Atherton in our family.
Eric my mum only the other day told me that Gladys and Bill once lived in the cottages you mentioned

Replied: 31st Oct 2019 at 18:24

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Thanks Susan, the name sounds familiar, it was around 1998 /99..... she was really good...

Replied: 31st Oct 2019 at 18:41

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Suesa: Thanks for answering.

Is the band still playing?

Replied: 1st Nov 2019 at 07:45

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Jouell Wendy Picton playing solo -youtube

Replied: 1st Nov 2019 at 08:16

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

More sad news my Auntie Bernice Hughes passed away last night ,89.
Old DGreener

Replied: 1st Nov 2019 at 11:31
Last edited by trixie: 1st Nov 2019 at 11:43:16

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

--Wendy playing solo click here-- Peter only trying to help with Wendy Picton video for them that may not have seen it(remember go full screen and turn the sound up) she is on first only for about 2.5 min

--your other link here Peter--[/]
as not everyone could find it hope you don't mind

Replied: 1st Nov 2019 at 11:42
Last edited by dougie: 11th Dec 2019 at 08:36:49

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

trixie, sorry to hear that about an old Greener may she R.I.P
but as an old ex-Greener from the 40s I feel I should know (Bernice Hughes)or some of the family but can't place her

Replied: 1st Nov 2019 at 12:16
Last edited by dougie: 1st Nov 2019 at 12:18:35

Posted by: whups (13685) 

i,m so sorry marg , i,ll talk to john later on . he was showing me a pic on his fone last week . dougie she lived in here mothers house mrs lizzie pownall & she was gwillams wife .

Replied: 1st Nov 2019 at 12:35

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Peter, Dougie, thank you..

Replied: 1st Nov 2019 at 14:07

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

She was a Pownall dougie from Hawthorne Avenue. Married to Gwilym.

They used to sing there’s a hole in my bucket dear Lisa .in the club when they had no turns on.and anybody got up and did a turn,including my Grandad.

Replied: 1st Nov 2019 at 14:32
Last edited by trixie: 1st Nov 2019 at 14:36:31

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Thank you both for keeping me in the loop I remember them now, Your Granddad was a drinking friend of my Dad's in 40/50s, I always got on with Gwilym we never had a cross word well everyone that knew didn't

Replied: 1st Nov 2019 at 16:13

Posted by: suesa (646)

Sorry to hear about Bernice, we lived across the road from her in Hawthorn. My sympathy to Gwilym,John and all the family

Replied: 1st Nov 2019 at 17:59

Posted by: bert (704)

Sorry to hear about Bernice ,i was talking with young Gwillam a while back on my front and he was telling me he lived with his mum again Rip Bernice.

Replied: 1st Nov 2019 at 20:15

Posted by: whups (13685) 

she ended up in a nursing home bert .

Replied: 2nd Nov 2019 at 00:12

Posted by: suesa (646)

Sorry to hear about Bernice, we lived across the road from her in Hawthorn. My sympathy to Gwilym,John and all the family

Replied: 3rd Nov 2019 at 21:15

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

whups, managed to make the Star dart team bigger for printing off

Replied: 10th Nov 2019 at 15:53
Last edited by dougie: 10th Dec 2019 at 21:24:07

Posted by: whups (13685) 

have you heard any details trixie.

Replied: 11th Nov 2019 at 00:01

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

No Brian I haven’t.

Replied: 11th Nov 2019 at 09:40
Last edited by trixie: 11th Nov 2019 at 09:41:09

Posted by: whups (13685) 

me neither . if i hear owt i,ll put it on here.marjorie just heard that the funeral is at holy trinity this friday at 11 oclock 15-11-19.then back to bryn club

Replied: 11th Nov 2019 at 12:43
Last edited by whups: 11th Nov 2019 at 14:46:51

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

-------No need for any replies---
--95 year old we visited-- We visit her when we can for an 88 year old that lives in NZ but I know he looks on the DG site

Replied: 18th Nov 2019 at 22:19
Last edited by dougie: 11th Dec 2019 at 08:53:16

Posted by: whups (13685) 

saw freddie anderton l/week dougie outside heron . how many do you know ? .

Replied: 19th Nov 2019 at 00:04

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

All the lot Brian winstanley, Kavin kyle, Frank Walsh,
Julian Turner, Brian Cunliffe ,Fred Anderton,John winters,Brian Harrington,and Myself,

I remember the Blue Bell and you coming to the first new pub built in Ashton the Pit Pony, I had given a nice trophy for the first man ever to hit 180 in a dart match, remember Wilf Harrison he lived across the road at that time saying there's a man coming to night that will take your trophy Brian Scully and me saying if he's that good he will only get 3/4 chances you did'nt get it

Replied: 19th Nov 2019 at 10:27
Last edited by dougie: 19th Nov 2019 at 10:53:06

Posted by: whups (13685) 

no dougie but i hit 4 straight tons & treble 17 bull finish . arthur williams gave me 14 pints which i shared with the lads for that 14 darter .

Replied: 19th Nov 2019 at 12:36

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

That's some throwing Brian 14 dart finish , you would have been better with a trophy off Arthur as proof than 14 pints not many off the top players of today will have done it

There's a lad walking round with that trophy from Goose Green I got it engraved for the Pit Pony, saying he was the first to hit 180 in a match and prove it only him

Replied: 19th Nov 2019 at 13:02
Last edited by dougie: 19th Nov 2019 at 16:04:52

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

--One for Kevin Duffy to look at click-- As I said it's for Turnips/Mangles

Still trying to get my head round this Windows 10 hope it's OK with bambam just a clip off my camcorder, I don't like the music
--Part of DG estate--

Replied: 19th Nov 2019 at 16:12
Last edited by dougie: 20th Nov 2019 at 11:14:31

Posted by: whups (13685) 

dougie i did 1 better in the haydock league . i did a 10 darter & did,nt score a 180 .

Replied: 20th Nov 2019 at 12:47

Posted by: whups (13685) 

bad news again as another "greener" pam wilde has passed on . she was married to graham hughes.

Replied: 27th Nov 2019 at 12:53

Posted by: jouell (4705)

I still have a scar on my leg from a stone Pam threw at me when we were kids, I used to be terrified of her..

RIP Pam.. Condolences to her family...

Replied: 27th Nov 2019 at 13:56

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Sorry to hear about Pam,last I heard she went to live in Spain but not sure if it was true.Graham died a good few years ago now.they had the Park Lane club for a while.
I knew her well when we were kids in Hawthorne Avenue.

RIP Pam. Condolences to her family.

Replied: 27th Nov 2019 at 16:16
Last edited by trixie: 27th Nov 2019 at 16:18:51

Posted by: whups (13685) 

her funeral is on 4th dec @ our ladys @ 10-30

Replied: 27th Nov 2019 at 16:33

Posted by: alan85 (123) 

Hi everyone, its Alan. I have been away for quite a while, had PC problems, so had to re register, used to be bryn156. Dougie will remember me. My, how Downall Green has been re developed over the years. My early years in the 30s & 40s, lots of green fields and no motorways. Happy days.

Replied: 27th Nov 2019 at 19:31

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Yes I remember you as bryn156 off Wigan road at one time can I ask when you say you've been away do you mean away from Bryn or just away off the computer, I ask because today I got talking to a man by the name of Alan about toffee at school he told me he was 84 coming onto 85 then I see this post by Alan84, (your not that man are you)

Replied: 27th Nov 2019 at 20:28

Posted by: alan85 (123) 

Hi Dougie, no the chap you spoke to was not me. I left Bryn in the late 40s, I am now 85 creeping up to 86. I was looking at one of your videos of you driving down Wigan Rd, I see the house where I was brought up (No.156) is still there. It's about 8 yrs ago since I last visited Bryn & the club, I am now having difficulty to walk these days and had to give up driving, so I now have to rely on my trusted 3 wheeled walker. As for old school mates from St Peters & A in M Central, I bet not many still around.

Replied: 28th Nov 2019 at 13:39

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Yes I knew after i had posted it saw your other posts you had made but on first hand everything fit together, have you seen the link I uploaded on here under Garswoo Hall Bowling club shame there's no names to the photo's but you may know some

Replied: 28th Nov 2019 at 22:26
Last edited by dougie: 28th Nov 2019 at 22:29:17

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

bambam--Next time your on could you please EDIT your first post at the top, change it from ( PLACES North Ashton ) to (PHOTO'S of North Ashton ) or (PHOTO'S of Downall Green)

Replied: 29th Nov 2019 at 21:26

Posted by: alan85 (123) 

Dougie, Is Joe Chisnall & Ken Sudworth still about? I can still remember a few names from my class at St Peters Infants School in 1940, Gerald Hodgkinson, Bob Kelly, Derek Croft, Gordon Naylor Walter Naylor, Della Riley, May Hardman, Lillian Bramwell, Kathleen Morgan, Doreen Hughes, Dorothy Hodge, Edna Lowe, Joyce Davies, Florence Marsh. All in their middle 80s or passed away by now.

Replied: 30th Nov 2019 at 00:36

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

alan85 Ken Sudworth passed away a few years ago , Joe Chisnal is still about,As regards the others not a clue,

Replied: 30th Nov 2019 at 13:54

Posted by: whups (13685) 

if it,s bob kelly from haydock who lived at DG then he passed around 5 yrs ago.

Replied: 30th Nov 2019 at 14:41

Posted by: alan85 (123) 

Thanks, whups. The Bob Kelly I knew lived in DG.

Replied: 30th Nov 2019 at 14:58

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes he did alan & he married pat scully , a relation of mine & he did live in DG at birch grove .

Replied: 30th Nov 2019 at 15:02

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

There must have been two Bob Kelly's The Bob Kelly Alan knew would be in his mid 80's

Replied: 30th Nov 2019 at 17:28

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Bob Kelly aged 82 was living at bryn cross lights last time I was talking to him but his Dad was also Bob Kelly, they did live at Downhall Green 1940s (Think Palm Ave) then moved to Canfield Grove by the school, after Bob got married he may have moved back to DG,
PS-- whups---Are you sure young Bob is not still living at Bryn by the old Co-op

Replied: 30th Nov 2019 at 19:41
Last edited by dougie: 30th Nov 2019 at 22:37:12

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Dougie the Bob Whups is on about died a few years ago

Replied: 30th Nov 2019 at 23:51

Posted by: whups (13685) 

the kelly i,m on about originated from haydock dougie .

Replied: 1st Dec 2019 at 00:24

Posted by: bert (704)

There was two Bob Kelly in Downall green,the one who lived in Palm Ave was a lot bigger and older than the Bob who married Pat Scully,He used to help to carry the banner on jelly Sunday and did a lot with the Rectory church.he was a lovely chap,the other Bob who married Pat was as rum as you could find always up for a laugh,but was a good car sprayer.

Replied: 1st Dec 2019 at 10:11

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Peter-- Was the Bob Kelly About 82ish from Bryn if so that's young Bob,

Whups-- A Bob Kelly left Reeds that would be 86ish now from Bryn by the Flash, went back in pit with David Houghton/Dicky Wall, this will be man alan86 is asking about

Come on someone most know the Bob Kelly (the lad) he's about the same age as Fred Dean off the estate in the 40s I'm on about

Replied: 1st Dec 2019 at 12:17

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Dougie the BOB whups is on about would be about 60ish when he died.

Replied: 1st Dec 2019 at 12:28
Last edited by PeterP: 1st Dec 2019 at 14:41:36

Posted by: whups (13685) 

he was nearer 70 when he died it,s only around 5yrs ago when he died he was a bit older than tony harrisons age & tony is 71 next birthday.

Replied: 1st Dec 2019 at 14:19

Posted by: alan85 (123) 

The Bob I knew would have been 80 plus, as I am 85.

Replied: 1st Dec 2019 at 22:52

Posted by: whups (13685) 

i must admit i cant remember him & i,ve lived here all my life.

Replied: 2nd Dec 2019 at 00:18

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

whups-- it was bob kenyon not Kelly that went to Golborne

alan85--the one I new a strong fit lad at school then made into a over 6/6 man that'll be him, I'll tell him we were talking on her

Replied: 2nd Dec 2019 at 12:18

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Bob Kelly from Nicol Rd area worked on the surface at Parkside untill he retired, He was driving a Chaseside, Cant remember when he died but it,s quite a while,

Replied: 3rd Dec 2019 at 12:00

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Replied: 3rd Dec 2019 at 21:42
Last edited by dougie: 11th Dec 2019 at 08:29:58

Posted by: alan85 (123) 

Thanks bentlegs for jogging my memory more.Both Bob Kelly & Gordon Naylor who I knew lived in the Nichol Rd.

Replied: 3rd Dec 2019 at 22:52

Posted by: alan85 (123) 

dougie, sorry picture doesn't ring any bells.

Replied: 3rd Dec 2019 at 23:00

Posted by: jouell (4705)

dougie, what year was that photo and is that the old Central School?

Replied: 4th Dec 2019 at 02:40

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Yes it is jouell I don't know the year but about 1948 looking at some of the DG lads, bentlegs would know better than me,Brian Davis--David Fairhurst top row from right 2.3 , Tom Johnston bottom row from right 1

Replied: 4th Dec 2019 at 09:24

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

It must be second year 2A 1948,

Replied: 4th Dec 2019 at 11:09

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Some faces look familiar, but I was only 4 then, so I couldn't of known them.. Who is 2nd one in from the left on the bottom row ?..

Replied: 4th Dec 2019 at 13:31

Posted by: alan85 (123) 

I can't remember my class number. But I am in the Album Schools Photos,(Ashton Central School Boys). I am 1st left in 3rd row from front. I tried to transfer it on to here but unsuccessful.

Replied: 4th Dec 2019 at 22:32

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Ashton school teachers not really a D.G. topic, Sorry

alan 86---Uploaded your photo as some old downer greeners on

Teachers we should all know most from 1960 but I left in 1955 so don't know them all

Thanks Bert for names-- back row,Mr Merry,Mr Ward,Mr Rowbotham or Mr Onielnot sure.Mr Anderton Mr Derbyshire ,Mr Winnard,Mr Cockeram,Mr Kelly.front row Mrs Causey school secaretary,Mr Latham,Mr Mckenzie,Mr Ralls Mr Price,Mr Hartley,Mr Vernon,Mr Simmister Mrs Mcminn.

Replied: 4th Dec 2019 at 23:41
Last edited by dougie: 8th Dec 2019 at 10:42:43

Posted by: bert (704)

The lad the with the light coat third from the left on the second row is my cousin Albert Rimmer.

Replied: 5th Dec 2019 at 09:41

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Bert-- I wouldn't have known Albert and I knew him they had the china shop at Bryn next to the Doctors, Joe Pennington later opened their shop as the first super market in the area

Replied: 5th Dec 2019 at 11:17

Posted by: whups (13685) 

i can name a few on the teachers pic . bottom middle mr price , 3rd left mr mackenzie , far right bottom mrs mcminn , behind her jim kelly ,next to him mr cockram,next to him mr winnard & it looks like mr anderton next to him.

Replied: 5th Dec 2019 at 12:09
Last edited by whups: 5th Dec 2019 at 12:11:45

Posted by: jouell (4705)

dougie, going back to the school pic you posted on the 3rd Dec.. Anyone know who the boy sat cross legged, 2nd in from the left...

Replied: 5th Dec 2019 at 13:17

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

jouell someone will know just looked I don't but I would say the one on his right is Harald hughes lived next to Dean's

Replied: 5th Dec 2019 at 13:50

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Jouell I know everyone on the photo you are on about but not the lad you ask about.

Replied: 5th Dec 2019 at 16:30

Posted by: jouell (4705)

bentlegs, are you sure.............

Replied: 5th Dec 2019 at 18:45

Posted by: alan85 (123) 

Teachers picture. Front row, Second from right Mr Simister & fourth from right Mr Hartley. The teacher on the school class picture was Mr Heaton.

Replied: 5th Dec 2019 at 23:54

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

On Youtube is a film about Bygone Wigan. Google those words and it will be found. About 8 minutes or so into it, there is a scene that shows a Walking Day at DG. I'm not sure of the exact route the walkers took, other than they walked along Poplar Ave.

If anyone would care to look, which avenue is shown? I think it may be Poplar, but I'm not sure. Apologies in advance for not being able to post the link.

Replied: 6th Dec 2019 at 16:43

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Was with Ken having a drink yesterday afternoon in Ashton we were calling you as you can imagine --
--uncle joe's link-- Soory for saying it again but click full screen as some may not know

Replied: 6th Dec 2019 at 17:43
Last edited by dougie: 11th Dec 2019 at 08:28:02

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

jouell Had another look at the photo i know the face but not the name,Will have to ask Tommy Johnson,

Replied: 6th Dec 2019 at 17:45

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Dougie you commented on PAD yesterday about Uncle joes mint balls, You started a thread in 2010 titled "Uncle joes mint balls" which stated were the mint balls started

Replied: 6th Dec 2019 at 21:36

Posted by: bert (704)

photo of teachers.back row,Mr Merry,Mr Ward,Mr Rowbotham or Mr Onielnot sure.Mr Anderton Mr Derbyshire ,Mr Winnard,Mr Cockeram,Mr Kelly.front row Mrs Causey school secaretary,Mr Latham,Mr Mckenzie,Mr Ralls Mr Price,Mr Hartley,not sure,Mr Simmister Mrs Mcminn..thats all i can remember.Mr Cockeram passed away a couple of weeks ago,He will be sadly missed he was a good one.

Replied: 8th Dec 2019 at 10:15

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Have a look at the photo bert added your names to it OK

Replied: 8th Dec 2019 at 10:45

Posted by: whups (13685) 

we wont miss that pump he used bert.

Replied: 8th Dec 2019 at 12:05

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

whups--I take it you mean Kockeram with the pump, I've said before he wasn't at the school when I was so don't know, when Derbyshire first came he was the master of the pump he may have been told to mellow a bit by the time you came in the 60s

Replied: 8th Dec 2019 at 19:53

Posted by: alan85 (123) 

In my day it was Simister with the wooden chalk wiper.

Replied: 9th Dec 2019 at 21:50

Posted by: whups (13685) 

he took over dougie believe me .

Replied: 9th Dec 2019 at 23:49

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

This will be my--Final resting place-- I'll be sent here to Coventry with my wife so she can be with her family as she's lived with me here over 60 years

Five minutes drive home --From B.Q Warrington-- D.Rs anyone wishing to see a place give me a shout

How meany children of today will know the freedom we had --Years ago in D Green--

Remember this-- anyone wishing to slow a youtube videos click the small wheel on the right to change the speed

Replied: 10th Dec 2019 at 16:03
Last edited by dougie: 11th Dec 2019 at 08:25:40

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Just found this I'll be back

Replied: 10th Dec 2019 at 16:21

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Dougie does that put another spin on being "sent to Coventry" When your boss says I am sending you to Coventry is she saying I am not talking to you or as your video shows that is where you will end up

Replied: 10th Dec 2019 at 20:15

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Peter-- stayed in all day with the wife getting things out of the attic, putting the tree and light on, moving everything round to put Christmas decorations up, (not bad for a days exercise is it)--Christmas in Broadgate Coventry--

Sorry if people are thinking this is not about Downall green but no one needs to reply just look till someone adds something

Replied: 10th Dec 2019 at 20:39
Last edited by dougie: 11th Dec 2019 at 08:26:37

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Dougie, thanks for posting the kink regarding my question about Walking Day, or Jelly Sunday as we used to call it.

In the wait for a reply, I've just had a look at your photos on the "Years Ago in D Green" link. I did not recognise much of it, everything has changed so much since I was last there.

Back in the '60's, I used to have a distant relation that lived in the houses that were in the Skitters. Didnt recognise that either. How things have changed!

Replied: 11th Dec 2019 at 10:19

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Dougie the thread is about "EX" D/G not just people who still live at D/Green

Replied: 11th Dec 2019 at 10:59

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Sorry Peter are you saying I shouldn't be uploading some of the video's I have on the exdownall green thread,I know I've uploaded things that's nothing to do with DG like the three tricks I uploaded for Kevin to try plus others,

Uncle joe are anyone else the link of bygone days i uploaded to make it easy for everyone, it runs for 60 minutes but if you just click the link again at a later day or time it should start where you left off, I found it very interesting THANK's

Replied: 11th Dec 2019 at 15:47

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Dougie you carry on putting your videos/photos on You are an EX D/G and you can print anything what is of interest to other EX D/G or present D/G's May you reign for a long time on this thread

Replied: 11th Dec 2019 at 16:36

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Been up to see Kevin today this is a copy taken off photo a day it's now found a new resting place since they pulled the village club down, so if anyone asks about it tell them where it is

Replied: 11th Dec 2019 at 22:09

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Dougie I was a member of the V/club over 44years ago and I have never noticed this display

Replied: 12th Dec 2019 at 10:21
Last edited by PeterP: 12th Dec 2019 at 12:30:40

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

It was in the hallway on the far wall facing you as you entered the club so everyone could see it, gents toilet on left, lounge, singing room, games room right I beleave it was moved from the old SS club, don't know the year but someone will tell us ( my uncle's name is on the plaque )

Peter-- it's telling others how predominant its been on show and how its been respected in the village since the end of WW2,

Replied: 12th Dec 2019 at 11:23

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Dougie probably walked past it a thousand times and due to ignorance never stopped to read the plaque

Replied: 12th Dec 2019 at 12:33

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

I have a vague memory that there was a similar plaque in the Legion when it was the old house. Is it the same one, or was that another?

Replied: 12th Dec 2019 at 15:29

Posted by: whups (13685) 

your right dougie iv,e seen it every time i went in & was a member from 1973-85.

Replied: 13th Dec 2019 at 01:04

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Anyone that knows Kevin will also know he's very religious I printed this A4 size print framed, to go into his church he made on his garden centre with a few smaller prints so if people wished to take one free as a memento of their visit
------- Merry Christman to Kevin and Carl------- come on Kev get on line and talk with us you'ed lovi it

Replied: 13th Dec 2019 at 09:53
Last edited by dougie: 15th Dec 2019 at 11:51:10

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

I quite agree..dougie.get him on here.
I got lots memories of time on the school field.with the gang.

Replied: 15th Dec 2019 at 11:10

Posted by: whups (13685) 

keep that quiet trixe .

Replied: 15th Dec 2019 at 11:50

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

This is a FREE sample to wish you all,- it's my cheap way of saying --Merry Christmas-- to all the people that look on Ex-Downer Green site, just click the photo then go full screen by clicking the bottom right corner button
------You could join with that form-------

whups/trixe--- Keven needs help to get started

Replied: 15th Dec 2019 at 12:04
Last edited by dougie: 15th Dec 2019 at 12:22:36

Posted by: whups (13685) 

it seems others do as well dougie . it seems they cant join the WW , it wont let them sign up for some reason ? .

Replied: 16th Dec 2019 at 12:07

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Replied: 16th Dec 2019 at 22:59
Last edited by dougie: 16th Dec 2019 at 23:18:13

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

I have been using 123 E mail l cards for a few years now dougie,works well and free.

Replied: 17th Dec 2019 at 16:39
Last edited by trixie: 17th Dec 2019 at 16:40:23

Posted by: whups (13685) 

bam which pub are you at as malc sim has asked me to ask you .anyway guys have a very merry xmas & new year.

Replied: 18th Dec 2019 at 15:57

Posted by: jouell 2 (40)

I'm back..... last week for some reason, all my passwords were wiped out.. I remembered all of them except my WW one.. Had a heck of a job trying to get back in, so had to get a new password and here I am.. Glad to be back...

Replied: 18th Dec 2019 at 16:50

Posted by: priscus (inactive)

Glad you are still with us, but you are now jouell2!

They could at least have provided you with a new password to keep your original ID.

Replied: 18th Dec 2019 at 17:02

Posted by: jouell 2 (40)

priscus, I was told putting 2 after jouell was the best way to go... at least I am in again...

Replied: 18th Dec 2019 at 20:18

Posted by: alan85 (123) 

Here's wishing all DG's and Brynites a very merry Christmas and a great 2020.

Replied: 18th Dec 2019 at 23:27

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi Bri, i'm at bird it'h hand {hen hole} on Gidlow lane, merry Christmas everyone and a prosperous new year with health & wealth.

Replied: 19th Dec 2019 at 04:37
Last edited by bambam: 19th Dec 2019 at 04:42:35

Posted by: priscus (inactive)


Yuletide greetings to all the Yules!

and, of course to all t rest n yuh.

Replied: 19th Dec 2019 at 13:47

Posted by: whups (13685) 

thanx dav i,ll let him know . did,nt john tatum have that pub.

Replied: 19th Dec 2019 at 15:32

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi Bri, yes he did and was a good landlord I was a regular when john was in charge with his late wife, I think he came here after Simms road not seen him for a while he was well liked and a true gent.

Replied: 19th Dec 2019 at 23:10

Posted by: whups (13685) 

he,s on here somewhare dav . might be on the sports section under north ashton or s&s pics.

Replied: 20th Dec 2019 at 00:13

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi Bri, yes he is on here with s&s club , but having said that I think tommy aspinall signed him up after pic on here was taken.

Replied: 20th Dec 2019 at 12:26
Last edited by bambam: 21st Dec 2019 at 15:24:10

Posted by: jouell 2 (40)

I am away for a few days.. So before I forget...

I wish each and every one of you ..a

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year..Best Wishes to you all ..

Replied: 21st Dec 2019 at 13:46

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year..Best Wishes to you to Jouell have a nice few days see you in the New Year xx

Replied: 21st Dec 2019 at 21:28
Last edited by dougie: 23rd Dec 2019 at 22:24:40

Posted by: suesa (646)

Enjoy your time away Janet.
Merry Christmas to you all. My very best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year.

Replied: 22nd Dec 2019 at 10:01

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Merry Christmas and happy new year for 2020.to everybody.

Replied: 23rd Dec 2019 at 18:14

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year to everyone.

Replied: 24th Dec 2019 at 11:25

Posted by: bert (704)

Merry Christmas &A Happy new year to everyone.

Replied: 24th Dec 2019 at 12:02

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Replied: 24th Dec 2019 at 18:22
Last edited by tonker: 24th Dec 2019 at 18:25:07

Posted by: RobinG (451)

Good evening to all Downall Greeners, sorry that I havn't been logged on to the site for a long time, not had such a good year, but a lot of you have been in the same boat, unfortunately, a number of you have had a worse time. I hope that you all had a good Christmas and will have a happy and healthy 2020. I had Christmas Day with my daughter in Rochester, when ten of us sat down to a wonderful lunch, and with the marvels of technology we were able to see and speak with my other daughter who lives in Canada. Could I please pass on my thanks to Dougie for posting the pictures and videos of life in D/G both past and present, keep up the good work. Happy New Year to you all when it arrives.

Replied: 27th Dec 2019 at 00:05

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Robin picture this the year is early 40s, no downall green Estate no Cars, very few street lighting, even the houses and the bungalow next door but one to your house hadn't been built yet in the meadow at the back of your house looking across to the Del/church full of fresh looking trees every year, hearing the church bells Sunday mornings and the clock that rang out on the hour the meadow always had four working horses in plus 15 to 20 milking cows from the farm across the road, anway I'll bring you upto date with the knew builds on a nice day

Replied: 27th Dec 2019 at 16:08

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Thanks dougie for bringing Robin and me up to date as we lived next door to his Mum and Dad at a later time.i have heard of the new houses being built on the brow.but keep us informed please.and maybe photos.
Glad you had a good day with Suzanne and family Robin hope you are feeling much better now and hope you have a better 2020 .

Replied: 27th Dec 2019 at 17:50

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Trixie, how's Barry and Sheila going on? I've not seen them for years, nor their Gary!

Replied: 27th Dec 2019 at 19:27

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Trixie/Robin--you will have seen the photo I've uploaded as my avatar it's a pure "White Black-bird" and not an albino as some think only a few people ever see one as before they get to this stage in there life other birds or predators kill them off,I took this photo why walking to the club one summer evening had to look it up on Google it may or may not be right but it says the only other bird rarer is the humble all "White Sparrow"

Replied: 27th Dec 2019 at 19:54

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

For the last time and everyone on this site, I was told from the horses mouth by a top man that knew the truth about the boundary mix-up long before it ever changed that they had taken the wrong Brook (when was it 1974)and it had gone to far to change completely,if they had followed the Brook they had taken through Downall Green and did nothing Ashton town centre would have been split in half so as we all know as they reach the M6 they turned right and followed the motorway to liverpool road then upto Ashton Cross turning left to the old boundary wall, say what ever you wont Senley green as always been in the Ashton boundary look at the old map

Replied: 27th Dec 2019 at 20:46
Last edited by dougie: 27th Dec 2019 at 21:33:54

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Dougie, you're absolutely wrong. That 'top man' was pissing up your back with that story!
The actual truth of the matter is that they used the boundaries of the whole of the Parish of Seneley Green and put it in a different area of local authority.
It it was in Ashton and was in Seneley Green Parish, it's now in St.Helens Borough. If it was in Ashton but wasn't in Seneley Green Parish, it's now in Wigan Borough.

Same place, different local authority!

Replied: 28th Dec 2019 at 14:09

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Tonker. I think they are ok and probably at LYN’s for the winter.then back to the caravan for summer.i have seen photos on fb of them also Gary was on them so all must be ok.

Replied: 28th Dec 2019 at 14:16

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Dougie looking at the bird photo it looks like a young dove/ pigeon to me i am looking at its beak .i used to breed pigeons and parrots years ago.
But as you saw it I’m sure you must know.

Replied: 28th Dec 2019 at 14:22

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

keeps telling me don't be-leave all you read off Google but I have to look somewhere so--Have a look Here-- on the right hand side there's also other things about "The white Blackbird you can read but I came to the conclusion it was a true Blackbird

This is the photo I took

Replied: 28th Dec 2019 at 18:44
Last edited by dougie: 28th Dec 2019 at 22:45:13

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

I can't for the life of me think why I should be think of this man as I've never hard or seen him for donkeys years, -?- anyone know if "Joe Baratinsky" is still living at Downall Green he will be 80 years old,if anyone knows or see's him please tell him Dougie's been asking about him

Replied: 28th Dec 2019 at 19:31

Posted by: gaffer (8060) 

Hi Dougie
Is Joe one of the Baratinskys who lived on the Landgate estate, if so.
Joe was born in the fourth quarter of 1939. His last public entry on the electoral roll was in 2013. He was living on the Bryn estate at the Wigan Road end.
His younger sister Veronica has done very well for herself, she’s been living in the Surrey ‘stockbroker belt’ for several years.

Replied: 29th Dec 2019 at 10:14

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Dougie I thought Joe lived in the house corner of Popular/Palm ave.

Replied: 29th Dec 2019 at 10:49

Posted by: whups (13685) 

i got told joe baratinski passed on several years ago and lived at bryn .

Replied: 29th Dec 2019 at 12:11

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Yes I see what you mean now I see it close up it stands like a blackbird..

I believe you.😀

Replied: 29th Dec 2019 at 14:04

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

So you lived in Roy Radcliffe's house did you move in about 1958 as they moved to Simm's Road about that time into a Bungalow by the pub, funny I don't know you as I could name them all the way down, then again i'am about "Robin G"age

To the people living in DG now the holly trees you see on the left as you go up the brow I could stand in the farm yard as a 6 year old and look over them to the church yard and medow they are about 30/40 feet now

Replied: 29th Dec 2019 at 14:48

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Thanks everyone sorry to hear he may have passed away, he lived in the jibit house on Whitledge Green,Bryn as a lad 40/50s if you don't know about the house google it as it was the hanging post for the area, R.I.P. Joe

Replied: 29th Dec 2019 at 14:53

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

TO all DGr's-- that will win every time as far as boundaries go so not getting involved again as you all know he's to good,

I didn't know the names of the two brooks at the time one was "The black brook" were this I still don't know think the other was called "The Dark Brook" I only knew this as "Milling-ford-brook" that ran through the dam, but beleave me if as said this man was taking the p--- he took it out of me, long before it ever came out to Joe public, look at the map and ask yourself why change

Replied: 29th Dec 2019 at 15:22

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Dougie, Ashton in Makerfield is separated from Haydock by 'Clipsley Brook'. Ashton in Makerfield is separated from Parr by 'Black Brook'and Haydock also, on it's westerly end.

Now then, here we go, you mention 'Whitledge Green, Bryn'. But, why is Whitledge Green in Bryn?

I dare you, point out the boundaries of 'Bryn' and tell us what you think 'Bryn' is. Go on. Go on. I darest thee!

Replied: 29th Dec 2019 at 16:11

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Tonker People refer to Whitledge Green (Bryn) because they know it as part of Bryn Parish and for no other reasonWhen I lived on the Green my postal Address was Ashton

Replied: 29th Dec 2019 at 17:53

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Peter did you know the first bowling green was made on Whitledge green by Richard Evens before he built the institute as a temperance recreational site for is miners, it was also the first library in Ashton before the Carnegie opened in 1906 as a mater of fact from 1958 the library moved three times first to " The old bowling pavilion" on the green lovingly called the sack, second a temporary "old Hen house shed" on the car park by the gates why a knew club was bring built you could always get books but it never got set up as a library,

peter don't let anyone tell you that the set of bowls over the bar were a set given to the the first dignity that opened Whitledge bowling green,maybe the first that opened on the club bowling green

Replied: 29th Dec 2019 at 21:26

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

"Peter did you know the first bowling green was made on Whitledge green by Richard Evens before he built the institute as a temperance recreational site for is miners, it was also the first library in Ashton before the Carnegie opened in 1906"

Richard Evans eh.?, "he built the institute" from the grave then? as he died in 1864!

Replied: 29th Dec 2019 at 23:21

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

PeterP - Bryn has never been a 'parish'.

Replied: 29th Dec 2019 at 23:23

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Tonker dont play on words its St Peters Church parish at Bryn or were you live St Thomas's Parish Ashton-in-Makerfield

Replied: 30th Dec 2019 at 09:43
Last edited by PeterP: 30th Dec 2019 at 14:12:45

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Actually, in real life, Bryn is nothing more than the name of the estate belonging to the Gerards and named that by them. The two entrances to the estate are 'Land Gate' and 'Bryn Gate'.
Nowadays, it's the name of an electoral ward for councillors. Other than that, it has no official entity.

Replied: 30th Dec 2019 at 12:27

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Tonker you may has say Ashton did not exist has it was part of Newton or Downall green does not exist because its part of Seneley GreenWhat about Town Green or StubshawOnly place names but have no official entity the list is enless.

Replied: 30th Dec 2019 at 13:05

Posted by: priscus (inactive)

Names of places are not required to have any official status.

As long as the originator and recipient share the same meaning, nothing further is required.

That is the beauty of English, as the OED asserts, meaning follows usage. No one has the authority to dictate meanings.

Replied: 30th Dec 2019 at 13:23

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Yes dougie we bought the house in 1964,other side lived Joe Slater ambulance driver..
Robin is a quite a bit older than me.do you remember Robins sister Isabel.
She was my daughters godmother.
My grandmother and grandfather were Lizzie and Jem Pownall,I lived with them from being about 9 years old till I got married.

Replied: 30th Dec 2019 at 17:07
Last edited by trixie: 30th Dec 2019 at 18:13:56

Posted by: gaffer (8060) 


The family of the late Joseph Alexander wish to thank all relatives, friends and neighbours for their kind expressions of sympathy, cards and donations for Salvation Army, Help the Heroes and Staffordshire Bull Terrier Kennel Club received
during their recent sad bereavement all to be
forwarded to Alan Jones Funeral Directors. Joseph was a father, grandad, great grandad, father in law, brother, brother in law uncle and partner.

May he rest in peace.
Published online at wigantoday.co.uk on Aug. 14, 2013

Replied: 30th Dec 2019 at 19:14

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Keith --Been told today that Alan Jones F.D. passed away don't know for sure if it's right

Thank's for the update about Joe as I said I've know him for years why I should think and ask about him I've no idea,

Replied: 30th Dec 2019 at 20:51
Last edited by dougie: 30th Dec 2019 at 20:54:17

Posted by: gaffer (8060) 

Yes he has Dougie. He died two weeks ago after a short illness.
Funeral at St Pauls Goose Green next Monday. The mum of one of his employees told me at the chapel last week.

Replied: 30th Dec 2019 at 22:17

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Isabel was my sisters best friend at Downall Green school I think they both passed for Ashton Grammar you may know my sister Lilly, it's OK but I can't place your Grandfather or Grandmother

Replied: 30th Dec 2019 at 22:32

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Isobel was older than me too.
I think you know Gwilym Hughes,well he was married to my mams sister and lived in Hawthorne Avenue.

Replied: 31st Dec 2019 at 11:30

Posted by: alan85 (123) 

I remember a Joe Baratinski in the 40s, I am sure he had an elder brother Vincent. They were a large family. In those days you walked from Wigan Rd into Whitledge Green by the side of the Labour Club, and if my memory serves me right before bearing left into the Green you went ahead up an alleyway into Whitledge Road, the Baratinski's lived in a big house on the corner. Some of you oldies please correct me if I am wrong.

Replied: 31st Dec 2019 at 23:52

Posted by: alan85 (123) 

To Dougie & everyone on the site, a happy New Year to you all, have a fabulous 2020. Cheers. Alan.

Replied: 31st Dec 2019 at 23:58

Posted by: gaffer (8060) 


The 1939 census shows the family living at 1 Whitledge Green.

Replied: 1st Jan 2020 at 09:53

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Gaffer that would be where Samswood house is now No19 is now the chippy and the 1st house on the green.

Replied: 1st Jan 2020 at 10:19
Last edited by PeterP: 1st Jan 2020 at 13:18:54

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Peter - Going to friends that back onto the green and if I was standing at their backdoor (shaking my head), I would love to be able to put the picture that I have in my head of the area after the chippy upto the new build, for everyone to see the house on the right was a big semi my auntie "Joan Brogan" lived next door to Joe as a youg girl in the 40s, Sorry ill be back as they say

Replied: 1st Jan 2020 at 15:39

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Dougie did you have any relatives in Bryn as I was a Brogan before I was married.

Replied: 1st Jan 2020 at 16:39

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Do you have any Brogan relatives in Haydock, Trixie? If you do, I might know your Barry!

Replied: 1st Jan 2020 at 16:44

Posted by: alan85 (123) 

Isn't it surprising that the older you get, you can't remember what happened yesterday, but can still remember the days of your youth? The house of my childhood 156 Wigan Rd is still there, but all the green fields behind have long gone, I can still remember the harsh winters of the 40s, walking across the frozen waters of the Flash to Bryn Rd.

Replied: 1st Jan 2020 at 16:52

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Not that I know of Tonker.but not a common name

Replied: 1st Jan 2020 at 17:27

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

To Trixie---Only know a David Brogan that comes in the club from Bryn

Replied: 2nd Jan 2020 at 10:22
Last edited by dougie: 27th Jan 2020 at 20:26:59

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

No I don’t know him dougie but maybe a son of my cousins who I lost contact with years ago.

Replied: 2nd Jan 2020 at 14:34

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Welcome too two new members that's just joined Wigan World hope you both come from this area if so pop in if only to say hello, welcome'Blue Bell Inn' also welcome to 'Brocstedes1' on his first post about Holy Trinity grave yard thank's for your help

Replied: 27th Jan 2020 at 21:00

Posted by: broady (inactive)

Was there a Brogan's betting shop in Ashton at one time? Near the Joy Bangla.

Replied: 27th Jan 2020 at 22:20

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi broady, you're going back a long time with Joy Bangla I went school with a lad in 70s whose parents bought that place when they came over here from Bangladesh, brings back old memories that does.

Replied: 28th Jan 2020 at 02:09

Posted by: whups (13685) 

do you remember little miya who ran it dav.

Replied: 28th Jan 2020 at 12:37

Posted by: bambam (3071)

I can't remember Bri what the lads name was I went school with, that name rings a bell I know he worked there on evenings and weekends, they were a lovely family, always got discount in there if I paid at all.

Replied: 28th Jan 2020 at 16:55

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Bri was there a shop at side of Bangla adjacent to squeeze Bally entry, I think there was.

Replied: 28th Jan 2020 at 17:04

Posted by: whups (13685) 

u maybe right dav but i cant remember it . maybe dougie or 1 of the older members can tell us.

Replied: 28th Jan 2020 at 17:45

Posted by: bambam (3071)

It's had a few names since bangla Bri, my brother had his wedding reception there many years ago think it was called hamlet then, last time I was in there I think it was Chinese garden, very nice to but ain't been down there in a long while, loved Ashton back in the day do you remember when all bell lads used go down for a few hrs at weekends and walk back with a Dennis carry out.

Replied: 28th Jan 2020 at 18:05

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Was it on the left when going to the Scala if so, Davenports the watch repairer 50/60s then it changed to Baron and Shaw estate agent and ground rent collector for lord Gerard's estate

Replied: 28th Jan 2020 at 19:50

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Talking of the Brogans i remember Billy Brogan he something to do with Bryn Labour Ckub I think he worked at Garswood hall pit

Replied: 29th Jan 2020 at 16:21

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

i Only got to know today that Eddie Sutton had passed away I know he never spoke after the crash he had in tommy Bartons wagon but he had had a stroke,

Replied: 29th Jan 2020 at 16:32

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Brogan the Bucher at Bryn Cross

Replied: 29th Jan 2020 at 17:14

Posted by: bambam (3071)

I know Dave brogan the butcher at Bryn, he was my old neighbour at rectory rd and I went school with him in 70s, I remember all family his relations had fruit and veg and one of them had a newsagents, but can't remember a bookie.

Replied: 29th Jan 2020 at 17:41
Last edited by bambam: 29th Jan 2020 at 17:45:56

Posted by: priscus (inactive)

bambam. What was the forename of David's father?

I used to go shooting with him back in 1950's, but cannot recall his first name.

I did know Stephen or Steven, David's late older brother, but did not really know David, who would have only been a toddler when I was around.

Replied: 29th Jan 2020 at 18:14

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi priscus, the fathers name was joe , and mother was Betty, I remember Steve and his wife lyn who lived in bryn, David married Margaret simm who lived on poplar avenue at downall green I think they moved to bryn as well.

Replied: 29th Jan 2020 at 19:41

Posted by: priscus (inactive)

Thanks, bambam.

Replied: 29th Jan 2020 at 20:57

Posted by: broady (inactive)

Can’t get it out of my mind that there was. Was there a betting shop past Crompton’s, then Joy Bangladesh where the buildings curved round back towards the main road. At a guess 60’s / 70’s.

Replied: 29th Jan 2020 at 22:24
Last edited by broady: 29th Jan 2020 at 22:25:01

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi broady, there was a shop or shops just after cromptons looking up Gerard st, and as the buildings curve there are three shops before squeeze Bally entry, I think joy bangla was middle one and the bookies was just after cromptons as you say or possibly the one before bangla, the shop on end as Dougie said was Borron & shaw.

Replied: 29th Jan 2020 at 23:16
Last edited by bambam: 29th Jan 2020 at 23:21:37

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Tonker LORD GERARD OF BRYN , you have used it often enough, Bryn Hall.

Replied: 2nd Feb 2020 at 12:09

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Is,s getting biiiiiiiig again Dave, what say Tumtingle ?

Replied: 6th Feb 2020 at 10:39

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Hey, Lancy11 Why have you stopped posting?

Replied: 6th Feb 2020 at 11:31

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Tumtel--She mustn't look on here as I posted about Kevin Duffy and put a few photo's on and she never commented on any of them, come on Lancy1 or Lancy11 just to say hello and your OK have you dropped your old friends

Replied: 6th Feb 2020 at 19:18

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Lanky11 has not posted since Aug 2018

Replied: 6th Feb 2020 at 22:03

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Billy Brogan was my Dad Freddie’s brother lived in Bryn.

Replied: 11th Feb 2020 at 15:14

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

A lady from Booths brow road passed away ,

Rita Winstanley..I think she was 89.funeral service yesterday at Holy Trinity.

Sons Gary and Neil.
RIP Rita.

Replied: 11th Feb 2020 at 15:22

Posted by: broady (inactive)

Did Billy Brogan have a betting shop in Ashton?

Replied: 11th Feb 2020 at 15:25

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

I know Gary winstanley but not seen him for yonks.

Replied: 11th Feb 2020 at 15:37

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

He lives in Hong Kong that’s why?😀

You will have to go on a cruise to see him,bentlegs.😲

Replied: 11th Feb 2020 at 15:53
Last edited by trixie: 11th Feb 2020 at 15:54:05

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

He may have broady , son called Allan he lived in Ashton sometime on Bolton Road.

Replied: 11th Feb 2020 at 15:55

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

No more cruising for me Trixie, Not well enough,

Replied: 13th Feb 2020 at 16:25

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Replied: 14th Feb 2020 at 00:04
Last edited by tonker: 14th Feb 2020 at 00:05:30

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Bentlegs,Well we always seem to catch some virus or other.
This one we got this time was similar symptoms to the corona virus!!
Glad to be back now...

Replied: 14th Feb 2020 at 13:55

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

I'am hoping some maybe interested in having a look at this link---Ashton area history--- click on each links at the top to find more interesting facts about the place we live

Replied: 20th Feb 2020 at 17:44
Last edited by dougie: 22nd Feb 2020 at 00:00:28

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Lanky still posting on Facebook.

Replied: 20th Feb 2020 at 19:23

Posted by: whups (13685) 

grow up tonker . your like a child.

Replied: 21st Feb 2020 at 00:28

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

ooooooh, eeee, ooooooooh!

Replied: 21st Feb 2020 at 17:31

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Anyone looked at the link I posted on Ashton or do you all know enough about the place we live

Replied: 21st Feb 2020 at 21:35
Last edited by dougie: 22nd Feb 2020 at 00:04:00

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Dougie, I had a look at it. I can even provide info that goes back a bit further in time than on the link.

Replied: 22nd Feb 2020 at 13:25

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Very interesting. Dougie.amazing how this information has been passed so far down the line to this time.
Thank you

Uncle joe your info would be appreciated also how did you come by it.

Replied: 22nd Feb 2020 at 19:47

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Uncle Joe they are asking if anyone can add anything to the website would they get in touch with them at --Click Here--

Replied: 22nd Feb 2020 at 20:52

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

One good source of information is "The Diary of Roger Lowe of Ashton-in-Makerfield, Lancashire. 1663-1678" That gives an account of everyday life in the area. A good friend of mine put me onto that. It used to be available online for free, but I think that it isnt any more.

Added to that are old maps. Even if in some cases they are not accurate, place names can give information as to the history of a particular area. As examples, the words "Senley" as in Senley Green, as well as Billinge and other places are of Viking (or old norse) origin.

What we ex-DG:ers know as Millingford Brook was once marked as Down Brook on some maps. What I always thought f as some kind of mill on Dam Corner used to be a Smithy.

Replied: 23rd Feb 2020 at 19:16

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

And who have thought Garswood to be "one mile to the East of Ashton town"?

Replied: 23rd Feb 2020 at 20:41

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

jouelle, The lad on the photo you asked about the second in on the left , I had another good lookl and i think it is Bob Sixsmith.

Replied: 26th Feb 2020 at 15:18

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Uncle Joe, The factory that was Millingford Engineering was a Smithy before 1960 it existed for quite a few years it belonged to Cromptons Th hinge maker then passed over to Fred Lowe of Spindle Hillock, It was only a small stone built place, It only employed 3 or 4 men Fred Winstanly was the blacksmithh, As kids we went for a warm round the fire in the winter, up to 1902 or there about there was a corn mill on the corner driven by a water wheel you can see part of the old sluice gates if you look over the wall]

Replied: 26th Feb 2020 at 15:49

Posted by: whups (13685) 

brogans bookies was facing the old labour club (later on st wilfs & triangle)it was a couple of terrace houses knocked into 1 . they then moved to the side of the new labour club which is now 1st choice taxis.

Replied: 26th Feb 2020 at 16:09

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Bentlegs: The map I saw was from 1892. On it, three buildings were shown to the right of the road, after the brook when travelling towards Bryn. The one closest to the road was not named, only the two that were together and a little further away from the road. On the same map, a reservoir is shown as being on the other side of the brook, opposite where Millingfords would have been later.

Another building, called Highfield House was shown further along where the road turns to the right and starts to go uphill. Anything known about this? I certainly dont remember it.

Of course, old maps can be unreliable.

Replied: 26th Feb 2020 at 17:20

Posted by: gaffer (8060) 

Uncle Joe

Highfield House is still there.
It was the home of Miss Clara Crompton of the hinge making family for many years.
In later years Arthur Wain the builder took up residence.

Replied: 26th Feb 2020 at 20:47

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Tumtingle The houses I think he's talking about just after the bridge and pen as you turn into the mill fields on the left(I don't remember them but you could see something had been there) the Reservoir would be the Dam across on the left, the brook at that point would have been made from the over flow and the trap door to feed the water wheel from the Dam, there wouldn't have been a brook from the Dell to the water outlet to the mill until the late 50s,
the big house at the bottom of hill going to Bryn on the right corner would be Dot Cromptons

uncle Joe your to young to remember the the Dam with water in but this is a photo of it

Replied: 26th Feb 2020 at 21:11
Last edited by dougie: 26th Feb 2020 at 21:46:55

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Bentlegs, you mention a Fred Lowe of Spindle Hillock and his engineering factory.
I had a friend, a lot older than me, called Arthur Lowe. I'm sure he was from around the Garswood area, as he said he used to knock about with Les Cunliffe and they were both motorcyclists. Les was brought up in the house just inside the golf club gates.
Anyroadup, Arthur (nickname "Nobby") had a lad called David Lowe, who took up racing like me. He was pretty good on the 125s, winning the 125 British Championship and coming 11th in the British World Championship round at Silvertone.
Well, their Dave got some sponsorship off a company, based in Haydock, called TLV Engineering. It turned out that the chairman / owner of TLV was Arthur's uncle, or something, and his name was Tommy Lowe. The company's name, TLV, stood for Tommy Lowe Vertical, which was a machine which Tommy Lowe had invented and it was a multi-punching machine, used for manufacturing hinges.

I wondered, after you mentioned 'Lowe' and 'Cromptons' and 'hinges', if Tommy Lowe and his TLV machine was developed from Fred Lowe's factory. Do you know any of these names? They're all well old, like you, so you might know them!

Replied: 26th Feb 2020 at 23:17

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Tonker, regarding Tommy Lowe he was a tool maker at Cromptons , He left to set his own company up but was,nt related to Fred Lowe, I don,,t think he lasted long From what i heard he sold out & retired his machine you speak of was a sucsess, All his family worked at Cromptons, his dad was a manager,

Replied: 27th Feb 2020 at 12:02

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Bentlegs, would the managers name been Harry? I think thatthe foreman there at the same time was a Tommy O'leary..his son, also called Tommy worked there as well

Linking to Tonkers comment about motorcyclists, Tommy junior used to have a Ducati that he raced in the early '60's. Maybe I shouldnt say this on an open forum, but new conrods were made for the bike in Cromptons workshop!

Replied: 27th Feb 2020 at 15:42

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

".... new conrods were made for the bike in Cromptons workshop!"

I built many a race bike engine in the electric shop at Parkside. And repaired an aeroplane!

Replied: 27th Feb 2020 at 20:01

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Uncle Joe, Tonkers conrods were made at Cromptons so were a lot more things, Car bumpers were re-chromed allsorts of stuff was made whithout the Managements knollege.

Replied: 28th Feb 2020 at 11:15

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Tonker, Tommy Lowe,s Machine was a second hand run of the mill press, Tommy made the tool to fit it, where hinges went through 3 to 4 stages tommy,s tool punched them out in two pieces so that they only needed the centre pin fitting & debearing of any sharp edges, Cromptons sold out & they started to make the same hinge, it saved a lot of money.

Replied: 28th Feb 2020 at 11:29

Posted by: jouell 2 (40)

bentlegs, check Skype...

Replied: 28th Feb 2020 at 14:38

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Bentlegs: The conrods that were made in Cromptons at DG were for young Tommy O'Leary, not Tonker.

Am I correct in remembering they had a Rolling Mill or at least another place somewhere near the Harrow Inn?

Would I be correct in assuming you once worked there?

Replied: 28th Feb 2020 at 16:47

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Yes. No. My conrods were made in the Czech Republic. Geoff'a aeroplane was made in Parkside Colliery, Bolton Road and Keenair Services.
I would never go for a ride in it. It never looked safe. Although, I did many trips in a microlight and that was frickening at times!

Replied: 29th Feb 2020 at 14:07

Posted by: gaffer (8060) 

Replied: 1st Mar 2020 at 12:16

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Jouell Tried to get you on Skype but you were not online, give me a ring if you want,

Replied: 1st Mar 2020 at 13:46

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Uncle Joe, Yes cromptons had a Rolling Mill near the Harrow inn They also had a small factory in North Ashton, I did work for Cromptons that is where i started my Apprentice ship on my birthday1951,

Replied: 1st Mar 2020 at 13:53

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

1951? A bit late to start an apprenticeship, eh.?

Replied: 1st Mar 2020 at 14:59

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Get back in thi hole Tonker,

Replied: 2nd Mar 2020 at 09:56

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Never mind my hole, owd un, what are the smoke signals telling us about today's Downall Green incident? I thought there'd be a few Birch Grovers on here?

Replied: 3rd Mar 2020 at 22:37

Posted by: whups (13685) 

the house in question is bill cunliffe,s old house number 70 .

Replied: 4th Mar 2020 at 00:24

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15947)

Anyone in those parts know Billy Haugh.

Replied: 4th Mar 2020 at 12:48

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Whups, Is it Bill Cunliffe who lived on his own if so i knew him well. Has he passed away,

Replied: 4th Mar 2020 at 14:58

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

No news oh wise one,not been round the area for a while so no smoke signals as yet un,t grass is weet,

Replied: 4th Mar 2020 at 15:04

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Best gi' Rooooooy Darbyshire a shaaaait, oower t'tannoy!

Replied: 4th Mar 2020 at 18:48

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

TTS--This Billy Haugh (Hugh) your asking about did he come from Plat Bridge by any chance would be in his 80s now, he would catch the bus at the Labour club and come to Ashton to meet up with his friends played Darts/Dominoes for the Hinge Makers on a Monday night for years if it's the same man, I only got to know him through his friends but knew him for years

Replied: 4th Mar 2020 at 20:10

Posted by: jouell 2 (40)

I just read that a Woman was pronounced dead at a address on Birch Grove.. A man from Ashton has been arrested on suspicion of murder..

Replied: 4th Mar 2020 at 20:10

Posted by: priscus (inactive)

Is this the Bill Cunliffe originating from Rose Hill?

Replied: 4th Mar 2020 at 22:23

Posted by: whups (13685) 

your right bentlegs . it,s the same bill cunliffe . when he died the lad next door inherited his house & did it up . he was the 1 who sold the house to the present owners . billy haugh lives just across the road from the house in question.

Replied: 5th Mar 2020 at 00:13

Posted by: jouell 2 (40)

Hello........ I posted last night about a women found dead in a house on Birch Grove and a man from Ashton been arrested on suspicion of her murder.. Anyone else heard or know anything about it ?

Replied: 5th Mar 2020 at 13:52

Posted by: suesa (646)

Hi Janet. It seem the police say her death is unexplained but not suspicious. I don't know if it is anyone we know. This is from St Helens star...

Man released without charge after death of woman on Birch Grove | St Helens Star

Replied: 5th Mar 2020 at 15:26

Posted by: suesa (646)

Hopefully this will work...


Replied: 5th Mar 2020 at 15:32

Posted by: jouell 2 (40)


I know that won't work, I forget how to do it.. I first posted last night, that is when I saw it.. Obviously, things have changed since then..

Replied: 5th Mar 2020 at 16:10
Last edited by jouell 2 : 5th Mar 2020 at 16:11:39

Posted by: suesa (646)

Replied: 5th Mar 2020 at 17:00

Posted by: suesa (646)

I copy the link example below the 'italic' instruction underneath the post sign .... then cross my fingers and hope it works

Replied: 5th Mar 2020 at 17:13

Posted by: jouell 2 (40)

Thanks Sue..xx

Replied: 5th Mar 2020 at 17:39

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15947)

I liked Billy Haugh, I used to work with him

He was one of the funniest blokes I have ever met, he would tell us tales which had us on our backs laughing, he could do all the voices, he was very funny

Replied: 6th Mar 2020 at 10:39

Posted by: whups (13685) 

billy haugh is a good freind of mine 1stroke . i,ll be asking him about you .

Replied: 6th Mar 2020 at 12:06

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi Bri, is Billy still doing owt on taxis.

Replied: 6th Mar 2020 at 12:31

Posted by: whups (13685) 

no dav . doin nothing anymore.

Replied: 6th Mar 2020 at 16:29

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

just to let you know another Ex Downallgreener has passed away, Bert Leach died on Thursday.

Replied: 8th Mar 2020 at 14:38

Posted by: bert (704)

So sad to hear about Bert i did hear he was poorly.Rip Bert. We also lost my sister Kathline two weeks ago,it is her funerai tomorrow at Billinge church.She was also a Greener.There used to be ten of us now we are down to three.so we all look at each other and wonder ,because we all have our ptoblems.so God willing we keep going .

Replied: 9th Mar 2020 at 11:12

Posted by: jouell 2 (40)

Bert I am so very sorry for your loss.. God Bless her soul and God Bless you, siblings and your family.. you all have gone through so much..

Replied: 9th Mar 2020 at 13:05

Posted by: bambam (3071)

So sorry to hear the bad news of your sister Bert, may she rest in peace.also Bert Leach R.I.P.

Replied: 9th Mar 2020 at 13:26
Last edited by bambam: 9th Mar 2020 at 13:28:31

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Hi Bert, Sorry to hear about Kathleen, May she rest in peace.

Replied: 9th Mar 2020 at 15:19

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

So sorry to hear about your Kathleen Bert.i think she was in the same year as me at school..
RIP Kathleen.

Replied: 9th Mar 2020 at 17:19

Posted by: bert (704)

Yes Trixie she was at school with you,We was shocked she died so Quickly.

Replied: 9th Mar 2020 at 17:47

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Sorry to here this Bert, yes a big family but a nice family

Replied: 9th Mar 2020 at 21:42

Posted by: RobinG (451)

Good afternoon to you all, so sorry to hear that Bert Leach has passed away, I remember him well from the Boys Brigade, are there many left who were members, we must all be late 70 or early 80. Regards to Trixy and Dougie, hope the families are all well and keeping clear of the Covid19, the virus seems to have no borders, hitting both in the north and south, take care. Robin.

Replied: 16th Mar 2020 at 15:36

Posted by: whups (13685) 

robin was,nt jonny halliwell in the bb . he passed away a few years ago now.

Replied: 16th Mar 2020 at 16:49

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Hi Robin.good to see you are posting again I hope you are much better.
Just listening to Boris.glad to hear he is not enforcing the four months “Incarceration “and just advising it I’m sure most people are sensible and would keep to it as much as possible,.
It’s a case of how much do we value our lives,
Stay safe everyone,

Replied: 16th Mar 2020 at 17:42
Last edited by trixie: 16th Mar 2020 at 18:07:37

Posted by: erwick (135)

Hello All,
Not been on for awhile, so just catching up with events.
The name of Bert Leach caught my eye, is this Bert Leach who lived at the top of Leyland Green Road, who married Joan Thomas and had a sister Betty?

Replied: 20th Mar 2020 at 17:11

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

erwick, yes thats the one.

Replied: 21st Mar 2020 at 09:41

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Windy Harbour Farm is open for fruit & veg,

Replied: 22nd Mar 2020 at 15:53

Posted by: whups (13685) 

but bentlegs you can only pay by card .

Replied: 26th Mar 2020 at 01:18

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Notice on some shops doors in Ashton please pay by con-tactless card, con-tactless card the first cards had a six pin number in 1967 the only place in the world you could get money by card was out side a Barclays Bank then only £10 a time,

The inventor changed machine pin from 6 to 4 because he said his wife couldn't remember 6 numbers, some even now can't remember a 4 pin number

Replied: 26th Mar 2020 at 07:24
Last edited by dougie: 26th Mar 2020 at 07:30:25

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Dougie a lot of people use 1234 or their year of birth. My wife had two seperate pin numbers for her cards One card she never used and she could never remember the PIN so I changed it so she only had one PIN for both cards.

Replied: 26th Mar 2020 at 09:06

Posted by: whups (13685) 

anyone who has no card is going to struggle.

Replied: 26th Mar 2020 at 11:08

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

I went to Sherman & Young yesterday, they have a notice up saying payment by card only i had to stand outside the gate & they brought the purchase to me & the card machine, only trades men will be able to buy,

Replied: 26th Mar 2020 at 16:09

Posted by: whups (13685) 

you cant get anything at turners farm if you have no card.

Replied: 27th Mar 2020 at 10:26

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

whups about pit closures from other thread, You may know at the time 1960/61 they were just starting the M6 motorway and a young man by the name of Ken Lowe off the estate must have been well thought of, he made sure every ex-miner off the estate got a start if they applied for a job as most pits were closing at that time

Replied: 27th Mar 2020 at 22:08
Last edited by dougie: 27th Mar 2020 at 22:13:23

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

A bit more about Ken he worked his way up the ladder and went all over the place working on new motorways, anyway unexpectedly we was in this pub and a few men all well dressed were talking, they kept calling this one man Ken he looked like the Ken Lowe off the estate but 20/30 years had passed, I waited my chance and just mimed his nick name and he just gave a slow nod never seen him since nice chap but so was all the family

Replied: 27th Mar 2020 at 22:35
Last edited by dougie: 27th Mar 2020 at 22:37:32

Posted by: whups (13685) 

my dad always worked in the pits dougie.

Replied: 28th Mar 2020 at 01:26

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Sorry to say my Brother Ralph Yates 83 an old DGr past away during the night

Replied: 1st Apr 2020 at 10:14

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Dougie I remember having chats with you and Ralph when you both went in The Bowling club on Sunday nights.May He be at Peace now

Replied: 1st Apr 2020 at 11:48

Posted by: whups (13685) 

sorry for your loss dougie.

Replied: 1st Apr 2020 at 12:08

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Sorry to hear the passing of an old greener and your brother Dougie, R.I.P Ralph.

Replied: 1st Apr 2020 at 14:17

Posted by: gaffer (8060) 

Sorry to hear that Dougie. From the update you gave me yesterday it must have come as a shock.

Replied: 1st Apr 2020 at 16:02

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

RIP Ralph.
Sorry for your loss dougie.

Replied: 1st Apr 2020 at 16:49

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

So sorry for your loss Dougie.

RIP Ralph

Replied: 1st Apr 2020 at 18:31

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Thanks everyone, Sorry for not stating on my first post that Ralph as been in a care-home for the last four years, the place as been in lock-down for the last three weeks so they are not linking it to the virus in anyway,as I said he was 83 and been deteriorating for some time,

R.I.P. brother taken four weeks age no Teeth, no glasses,

------------------------------------From Ralph too his Wife---------------------------------------

Look to the sky you'll find me there, between Venus and the Crisp Crescent Moon.
The end of the day can bring back memory's, brief and bright but gone to soon.
For now grief has come between us playing, its painful part for you my love.
Surely braking your heart,I am gone now so go to your room and rest.

Play me our special tune but play it loud, so I hear all the notes.
In the years that are left till we meet again, I will hear it every where I go.
At very corner I may stop, and see a face I knew, from long long ago.
But our song will play on a timeless testimony, to a life and love we shared.

Lingering season to season and when history recalls, the years spent together.
Look again to the sky and take comfort at sunset, knowing were you'll find me.
Between-Venus and the Crispy Crescent Moon, I'll be waiting for you there my love.

---------------------------Taken from the lovely poem wright-en by Jarvo on Wigan World-------------

Replied: 1st Apr 2020 at 21:17
Last edited by dougie: 11th Apr 2020 at 08:55:00

Posted by: suesa (646)

So sorry Dougie.
Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Replied: 1st Apr 2020 at 23:23

Posted by: alan85 (123) 

Not been on site for a few days. My deepest condolence to you Dougie on the sad loss of your brother Ralph. R.I.P.

Replied: 2nd Apr 2020 at 00:39

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

alan you could have known Ralph as young lad as you upload a few names on here of people you knew from the past, both Ralph and I knew most of them I think you mentioned Joe Chisnall see him almost every week

Replied: 2nd Apr 2020 at 09:49

Posted by: alan85 (123) 

Hi Dougie, glad to hear that Joe s still with us, as I'm now in my middle 80s, the 40s are long gone. I am now isolated in my flat here in the Midlands, but getting along fine, got plenty of food, brandy & Irn Bru. All family members have now been banned from this sheltered housing complex, so now I just got the weekly visit from my carer. Thank God for the internet. Had an ambulance take someone away today, but don't know what for. So it's fingers crossed.

Replied: 2nd Apr 2020 at 17:20

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Joe was always a bit of a laugh a man from the club was taken to hospital with a heart attack a very nice chap but one that would fall out with his shadow you know the type, but everyone liked him and we all asked about him after about a month, someone asked about him Joe said he must be well liked chap he's had over 500 get well cards, everyone was shocked and Joe said yes one off every nurse in the hospital

Replied: 2nd Apr 2020 at 23:19

Posted by: bert (704)

Sorry Dougie to hear about Ralph i knew he had been poorly for a while.Another well known Downall Greener gone.RIP Ralph.

Replied: 3rd Apr 2020 at 09:51

Posted by: RobinG (451)

Hi Dougie.
So sorry to hear the sad news of Ralph passing away, he was a year older than me, I was 81 last week. Hope every one in the village is taking care and keeping well. Best wishes to you all.

Replied: 5th Apr 2020 at 22:50

Posted by: erwick (135)

Sad to report the death of Ken Taberner.
He passed away this morning aged 76 years, leaving a widow Pam and children Louise and Gareth.
Downall Green and Garswood have lost a true character and sportsman, I have lost a great friend.


Replied: 12th Apr 2020 at 12:02

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

R.I.P. Tabby, You should find an old friend up there that's just gone before you

Replied: 12th Apr 2020 at 12:47

Posted by: suesa (646)

So sorry to hear of Kenny's passing.
Thoughts and prayers are with his family.
R.I.P. Ken

Replied: 13th Apr 2020 at 00:35

Posted by: bambam (3071)

so sorry to hear the bad news of ken, a true gent and top sportsman.R.I.P Ken.

Replied: 13th Apr 2020 at 03:28

Posted by: erwick (135)

Will you let Brent know about Tabby ,
I have no contact number.

Thanks, Eric

Replied: 13th Apr 2020 at 21:48

Posted by: suesa (646)

Yes of course I will Eric. He will be so sorry to hear such sad news. There is a lot of footballing history and happy memories between you all.

Replied: 13th Apr 2020 at 22:17
Last edited by suesa: 15th Apr 2020 at 20:01:51

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Been talking to the oldest resident on downallgreen today, she was fed up as she always does her own shopping but due to lockdown she can't, she also does washing ironing gardening and all other household duties,she also looks after her 76 yr old son, I have known this lady all my life and have nothing but admiration for her she is now 96 yrs old, both whups and Dougie also know this lady.

Replied: 15th Apr 2020 at 21:05

Posted by: suesa (646)

So do I. My mum and her loved to have a catch up chat in Ashton. They are both around the same age.

Replied: 15th Apr 2020 at 22:44
Last edited by suesa: 15th Apr 2020 at 22:45:33

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

I was talking to Mic in Ashton few weeks ago he was shopping asked had come down with Mum, yes she wants to go in every shop and you want to get in Wetherspoons yes, she knows where find me when she's done

Replied: 15th Apr 2020 at 23:21

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes we do dav.

Replied: 16th Apr 2020 at 00:11

Posted by: bambam (3071)

yes you all know her, not had a bad life mick I promised to have a few beers with him when all this pandemic is over.

Replied: 16th Apr 2020 at 01:57

Posted by: whups (13685) 

will he go into a home when his mother passes on dav ? .

Replied: 16th Apr 2020 at 12:08

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Glad to hear she is going strong,and looking after her son.

It’s good to have some good news at present.😀

Replied: 16th Apr 2020 at 12:50
Last edited by trixie: 16th Apr 2020 at 12:51:43

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Yes Bri, that's if he out lives her I remember her telling me that he will be looked after if the worst happens, you don't need bother she will battle on her mother was a day off her 100th birthday when she passed on.

Replied: 16th Apr 2020 at 13:31

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Dougie, sorry to hear about my old mate your brother Ralf, honest i have only just found out due to being out of every day life for 2 weeks, RIP Ralf,

Replied: 18th Apr 2020 at 18:42

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Kenny Tabiner, RIP old friend,

Replied: 18th Apr 2020 at 18:45

Posted by: bert (704)

Hi I am sorry to tell you about another ex Downall Greener ,has died.My sister Ethel lost her long fight with cancer on Friday. She has been battling for a long time.It now leaves Just me and my Brother out of a family of ten children.she will be missed a lot by me .

Replied: 20th Apr 2020 at 12:22

Posted by: whups (13685) 

sorry to hear that bert.

Replied: 20th Apr 2020 at 12:29

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Bert sorry for your loss may she RIP

Replied: 20th Apr 2020 at 12:49

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Bert, Sorry to hear about Ethel, RIP.

Replied: 20th Apr 2020 at 13:41

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Sorry to hear about your Ethel Bert, may she rest in peace.

Replied: 20th Apr 2020 at 16:37

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Sorry about your sister Bert,

RIP Ethel.

Replied: 20th Apr 2020 at 18:49

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

R.I.P. Ethel, was she the one 79/80 Bert

Replied: 20th Apr 2020 at 19:33

Posted by: suesa (646)

So sorry to hear this Bert. Thoughts and prayers are with you all.
R.I.P Ethel

Replied: 20th Apr 2020 at 21:58

Posted by: bert (704)

Hi Dougie yes she was eighty last December.she had just celebrated her sixty years of marriage to Kev Smith from leigh who has and still is a keen pigeon man.lots will know Kev round these districts,he used to go to meetings round here..

Replied: 21st Apr 2020 at 10:07

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Thank's we were in the same year at school and played together on the estate as young children but, lost touch by 1960 you were a nice family, sorry to hear only two left knew all the family at one time even John, you look after yourself Bert don't let us past each other with out saying hellow

Replied: 21st Apr 2020 at 13:32

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Bambam, Hows about no 11 have you seen the length of Ex- Downallgreens, I think Dougie will be pushing soon,

Replied: 27th Apr 2020 at 14:02

Posted by: dougie (5019) 


Replied: 27th Apr 2020 at 16:20
Last edited by dougie: 27th Apr 2020 at 20:59:53

Posted by: alan85 (123) 

Sorry, Dougie, that's too messy for me. On getting demobbed from the forces in 1967, I threw my razor away, and have been using an electric shaver ever since. I now watch your videos and shave at the same time. So is that called progress or idleness?.

Replied: 27th Apr 2020 at 16:35

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Alan,Alan,Alan,as teacher would say read the question properly before answering

Replied: 27th Apr 2020 at 16:51


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