Wigan Court Leet Rolls
ROLL 50 - 1682, 1683
Box 1 Roll 50 Michaelmas Leet 30th September 1682 Presentments William Bamber, Mr Christopher Anderton and Robert Fazakerley for allowing their swine to stray. Richard Urmston for throwing suds into a sough which runs through William Winnard's buttery Katherine the wife of Robert Green for forestalling the market. Jane Scott widow for allowing her swine to stray Peter Catterall, Thomas Partington, John Jackson and Richard Holme for harbouring Katherine France, John Lowe, William Jepson and Jane Duckworth foreigners. ![]() Richard Mortt, Gilbert Leigh and Elizabeth Deane widow for allowing their swine to stray. Jane the wife of Lyonel Ormshawe and Ellen Caddy - a litigation on one another "on the Sabboth day" James Mitton "doth Sett Thomas Barton on worke beinge a Forrainor" Richard Battersby "doth keepe a dogg accustomed to bite people" Fined 1s. "or else convey the dogge out of the Towne" Robert Lathom and Richard Smith for allowing their swine to stray. Edward Hollinhead for not cleaning the ditch between his house and Mr Baron's. James Belcher for employing Thomas Cawsey a foreigner Robert son of James Belcher for employing James Davey a foreigner Robert son of Peter Belcher for employing James Whittle a foreigner Humphrey Fairbrother for employing John Hama and John Hilltoth foreigners. Myles Seddon for employing Thomas Guest a foreigner James Mort and Arthur Man - assault ![]() Thomas Smithe for swearing 7 oaths and calling bailiff Marsden "a kneefe" James Ford tailor for abusing Elizabeth Rigby widow. William Hill, Charles Bancks, Edward Markland shoemaker and Richard Holme for harbouring John Weaver schoolmaster, John Taylor and Anne his wife and Anne Whiteside foreigners. Laurence Marsden and Henry Harper for quarrelling John Worthington for playing bowles. October 19th 1682 Presentments William Deane yeoman for abusing Ralph Markland alderman. Mr John Harvey to repair Harison's Platt. Gilbert Hollinhead for litigation and assault on Elizabeth Scott widow. Edward Farbrother for breaking the door and abusing Jane the wife of James Forde senior pewterer. Also for pulling up the hedge between the land of the said James and Humphrey Farbrother. Thomas Farbrother for sticking a staple into the wall of the said James' house. Thomas Rainforth for still letting the water run into Thomas Sumpner's house. ![]() Edward Hollinhead and Elizabeth Scott widow - litigation John Carter and Anne the wife of John Ravenshaw - the like James Crook for forestalling the market by buying meal before the bell rang. Edmund Harvey and Robert Mason elected overseers of the town mill. October 25th 1682 Presentments Thomas Heapey and Ralph Wait foreigners Petitions &c. A certificate from John Haigh stating that John Lowe and his wife and children were inhabitants thereof The petition of the Master and Freemen of the Joiners that Richard Tootell a foreigner who had 4 apprentices might be removed. Presentment by Ralph Markland alderman that William Deane allowed his yardings to fall between the Broad Meadow and Slaters' Acre and for erecting a building upon the "Jennell" between the houses of Margaret Mather widow and Robert Foster husbandman in Hallgate, and also that the said William abused the said Ralph. Petition of Richard Tootell joiner to be made a freeman The complaint of the Master and Wardens of the Tailors that John Seddon a freeman tailor of the town employed ![]() Richard Ashurst a journeyman tailor not of the town That there was to be a hearing in London next term, upon a verdict given at the Common Pleas at Lancaster at the last assizes, concerning the validity of the Charter of Wigan, which was to be defended at the Corporations expense. Usual petition of Ralph Marsh and Laurence Taylor - allowed Accounts of the Overseers of the Poor for 1682 total £55 - 7 -5 Petition of Thomas Barton blacksmith, who had lately married Katherine the daughter of William Finch, to be made a freeman Petition of Henry Laithwaite brazier to be made a burgess. Depositions taken 9 Oct 1682 of John Naylor of Booths in the parish of Eccles shoemaker, Alexander Fairclough of Standish nailor, Alexander Shawe of Standish blacksmith concerning the theft of a pair of shoes from John Naylor by Thomas Smith of Lancaster husbandman. who was to be "forthwith whipped round about the Markett Crosse Up to the Toll bars in the Standishgate and stripped downe to the midle of his wast." The depositions taken 14th Dec. 1682 of Robert Ford, Peter Platt, Robert Letherbarrow and Roger Bullock servants of Mr Anderton, concerning the behaviour of Thomas Houghton another servant. Who said to his master "that he wold torne none of the wheele his father said he shold not" Also he was "a wicked swerer and hath saied to his master ![]() that if he sticke him or give him any correcion he the said Hoghton will strike his master againe" Houghton had also said "that his master had in the stable purred him for not dressing his horses and said if his master purred him againe he wold fling a Cannell clod at his head" That he had broken into his master's cellar and taken quantities of beer. He had called Roger Bullock a "biting knave and a torne more" Nov 2nd 1682 Ellen Hill spinster complained that Roger Leigh son of Ralph Leigh pewterer did about Oct 30th "draw his knife and sett it to the breast of the said Ellen and threatened to kill her and declared she dreads bodily harme from him" "but she being reputed a very simple foolish person understands not an oath He was bound over. Thomas Bancks was bound over for abusing Margery Partington. and for his wife's appearance for a quarrell between her and Seth Prescott and his wife. Box 1. Roll 50 Christmas Leet 23rd December 1682 Presentments William Deane labourer for abusing Ishmael Bibby Roger Wood for abusing Margaret the wife of Thomas Ford "and pulled the thatch of her owne house" Mary Scott for abusing Ishmael Bibby Richard Mort and Gilbert Leigh and Richard Smith for ![]() allowing their swine to stray William Atherton and John Bradshawe foreigners harboured by John Heye? and Charles Banckes carrier and Edward Markland. Ralph Waite "did keepe a gunn" Fined 1s. Robert Hollinehed for abusing and assaulting John Hollinehed. Ishmael Bibby for neglecting his office of gatewaiter. Ellen the wife of John Houghton for abusing the bailiff and serjeants in the execution of their office. Ralph Laithwaite, Robert Crichlow, Charles Holecroft and John Deane "did keepe hounds to the prejudice of their neighbours" Laurence Marsden brazier for assaulting and abusing Joan the wife of Thomas Crichlowe. John Foster, Lawrence Marsden and Thomas Sumpner for assaulting Margaret France. John Foster for abusing and assaulting Mr Gellibrand. Humphrey Wetherby, Ishmael Bibby and Robert Denton for abusing Thomas Catterall Gilbert Ford for abusing Ellen Ford, his mother Ralph Johnson alias Sanders for abusing his master Gilbert Orrell ![]() John Bibby and Richard Markland - abuse and assault. Stephen Platt for allowing his swine to stray. Gilbert Holinehed for an assault on John Bibby Ralph the son of John Wackfield for abusing and assaulting his master Gerard Forde William Green for assaulting John Bibby Jane Scott for allowing her swine to stray. Mary the wife of Seth Prescott and Elizabeth the wife of John Bibby - assault Charles Bancks carrier for abusing Ralph Leigh and his late wife. The bailiffs to repair the cuckstool and to fence the little common near Wairebridge. Ralph Waite and Thomas Barton foreigners John Worthington for leaving a cop in the highway near Pool Stocke, and William Higham for the same James Mitton for employing Thomas Barton a foreigner. Thomas Heapey and Richard Tootell foreigners Richard Green and William Baldwin gatewaiters of Standishgate and Jeoffrey Sherrington and William Hill gatewaiters of Wallgate fined 1s. each for neglect of duty. ![]() Widow Winnart for harbouring Ralph Whaly a foreigner. The bailiffs to repair Henhouse Bridge List of persons who have not helped in the repair of the highways. James Marsden fined 3l 4. "for reflecting upon the Mayor and Jury." Box 1. Roll 50 Christmas Leet 1682 Petitions &c. Depositions of John Unsworth barber, Ralph Rauson son of Thomas Rauson, Thomas Winckley junior, Roger Leigh apprentice to John Houghton tailor, John Laithwaite bellman and John Marsh servant to Mr Totty concerning the story of Anne Fishwicke spinster servant to James Molyneux She said that on Dec 24th being a Sunday she went from her Master's house in Market Street about 7 in the evening to the well to fetch water and she "was mett by a man att the Church style in Walgate and hissed" About about half an hour after she saw Ralph son of Thomas Rauson Gilbert son of John Houghton tailor, Thomas son of Richard Winckley and Roger Leigh and that James son of William Finch owned he had been with them. Ralph Rauson said he "did neither see nor know nor Ever heard any person confesse that hee or they had hissed James Molineux now Servant Maid in the Meal house" Thomas Winckley said "that he did not see the said Maid Servant that night after it was dark." Information on Elizabeth Ford widow of John Ford of Millgate ![]() pewterer, that her son Gilbert who worked for John Ford of Scoles pewterer had 3 shillings in his box of which she took two for his food which when he found out he "with many bloody Oaths threatened and abused his syd mother, telling his mother and saying thoult be hanged" in the hearing of alderman Ford of Millgate. Dec 18th 1682 Margaret the daughter of widow France of Scoles said that as she was crossing the Mill bridge on Sunday 17th Dec she met 3 men who broke her lantern and one Critchley's wife and John Naylor who was on horseback told her they were Thomas Sumpner, James Foster and Lawrence Marsden Gilbert Orrell and his son said that -- Sanders the former apprentice and nephew when reprimanded for neglecting his master's horses he "answered with many Curses and bloody oaths he would kill or be kild and that he would fight them all and valued not his life" 19 Jan 1682 Memorandum concerning money to be paid for the suit about the town charter. Confession of Thomas Birchall of Whelley Lane miner 22 Jan 1682 that he cut down a young oak on Thomas Bullocke's land and took it away. Depositions concerning the pewter saucers and a salt of "Lea mettle" said to have been stolen from Ralph Leigh pewterer by John Worthington of Standish innkeeper and William Stringfellow of Langtree linen weaver. Depositions concerning the misconduct of Ellen Hill and Robert son of Ralph Leigh pewterer ![]() Depositions concerning William Sale innkeeper aged 82 who on 15th March 1682/3 was seized by his son Ralph Sale round the Moat "in a spleene or hasty passion" And he cryed out "Murther murther" and the neighbours rushed in to his rescue. Depositions of Ellen the wife of William Langshawe of Scoles and John Toppinge of Pemberton linen weaver who had had their pockets picked near the Market Cross in March 1682/3 Sacrament certificate of Laurence Anderton junior gentleman 8 April 1683. Sacrament certificate of Robert Baron Alderman 8 April 1683. |