I remember

the sound of clogs on paving stones
I remember clogs.The best things out for skating.We used to make slides and crouch down sliding they called it the mucky daddy.My wife used to take her grans clogs and skate on Billy Whites pond at the back of his pen at the back of sargeson st.
I remember the clog maker Walter Hurst and his shop in Hindley - he had a really old till i was allowed to play with! I remember how much i loved the sound my first pair fo clogs made when i walked round - Walter made them - they were red with green laces....i still have them now!
yes iremember walter richardson he was my grandad maria margaret
i do remember clogs but most of all i remember the whit walks how wonderful they werei went to st thomas moor school
Not my memory, but my mother's (d. 1967). As a kid in the late 1920s, she was given a new pair of clogs. She was so proud of them that she took them to bed ... and was roundly beaten the next day for the irons having cut not just the sheets but also the mattress to pieces. Mary Pennington, shame on you!
going to southport on the train on a sunday morning,seemed like a weeks holiday,open air baths.bag of chips you couldnt get it any better.
As far as I know I am the only British Airways Boeing Jet Captain educated at St. Mary's School, Lower Ince and Ashton Grammar School.My memories of deep snow, pea soup fogs and collecting train numbers on Westwood Bridge.Any contemporaries (I'm 66) please email snowbirdvoyager@yahoo.com
When I was about 2 years old, I would trash around in a pair of dad's clogs. He had 2 pairs, one for the pit and one for the hen pen.Iwas wearing his pen clogs and had left them near the doorstep. Dad always rode me on the bike seat when he came home from the pit. I heard his bike at the bottom of the back yard, ran to meet him, tripped over the clogs,and gashed my chin on the step.Mam took me to Doctor Oags surgery in Ormskirk Road, Newtown where he stitched it for me!
my grandad wore clogs to the day he died and was a knocker upper his name was tom grundy he had a long stick and would knock on their bedroom window till they answered he lived in worsley hall
i used to go school wi clogs on wi irons on so teacher wouldnt let mi on parka wood floor best way to get out of dancing lessons (only for girls dancin)
My grandmother Margaret Leigh lived in Swan St,off Leeds St,Wallgate. I recall as a young lad in the seeing the pitmen going to work in clogs,you could hear them streets away especially in the early hours when everywhere was still and quiet. I later policed the same area as a young bobby, and came across the 'knocker upper' with his long stick. I later came to live in Abram and you could hear them every day at all hours going to Maypole pit. I had to catch the bus from Wigan to Abrom when finishing nights and it was full of pitmen going to Maypole..the top deck was always thick with smoke from Capstan full strength,and Pasha cigs,you could'nt breath on the old corpy bus.
I didnt know Red Clogs was a ghost of the Alexandra Pit Whelley, but we used to say he haunted the toilets of the old St Patricks Infant School. Does any one know where this story originated?
i remember going to scool in clogs one girl was sparking and toook a slice off her calf she had to have stitches in her leg wood that stan aspey have a sister margreti remember going to there house at lunchtime /?
I don't ever remember clogs being warmer when I wore them. I do remember lots of chilblanes on my toes in them days.
anyone remember walter richardson the cloger lived in bolton st off manchester rd hr ince the street .is not ther anymore, but we moved to levens place up bell green lane were he still did repairs from his shed in the garden olso clogs evry one new him because he had two club feet and.went in the bellgreen pub for his nightly pint .he was well known for his clogs.sadly he died at the age of 93 in 1996
I loved the sound of thc clogs and really wanted some for myself so that I could make that noise but I never did get any!
Both our daughters (now in their 30s) wore little red clogs from being 18 months old. They were recommended as they held the feet in the correct position as they "rolled" from heel to toe.
I remember when i was a small child, lying in bed in the early hours of the morning and listening to the sound of the clogs of the pitmen going to work and the wonderful, comforting sound they made. I also remember my first pair of clogs made by Walter Hurst in Hindley. They were red with straps across, and I learned to walk wearing them.
I can remember my father Brian Hurst getting up at the crack of dawn to go and waken eveyone else up and I could hear his clogs for ages as he went around.
I wore shoes only on Sunday until I was 9. I wore clogs the rest of the time. The trouble was, girls had leather on their clogs, the boys had irons and could spark them, I was most frustrated by not being able to do the same. Also, the sound of clogs on the bus - if you were downstairs, it was quite deafening.
Kicking my clogs on the paving stones so that they would make sparks. My posh friends had rubber on their clogs, not metal so I was one up on them. Miss Standishgate and the shopping.
I was born in 1946, I lived with my mum& dad as well as my nan & grandad,My grandad worked in the pits and always wore clogs,I had a pair when i was about six but mine had rubber irons so i could sneak up on my pals.I could her my grandad coming home before he turned the corner.
I remember walking to school at st cuthbert's halfway house pemberton from goose green with my 2 brothers and 2 sisters we had to walk over the tips past blundell's pit 4 times a day.Sometimes itwas dark in the morning and also dark when we were coming home but we never had any fear at all you couldn't do that today.
I remember when the gaslight man walked with a pole down Platt line
My fondest memory is the factory girls walking up Wallgate after work, arm's linked together and stretched across the road and singing their heads off. I used to wear clogs, my dad used to make them for my 2 brothers & I, he used to give me heck for sparking & wearing out the irons
i remember as a little girl in hindley my grandad jeffries wearing clogs to go to the coal mines everytime i return to england i look to buy a small pair of clogs to remember my past i miss hindley and my family that used to live there
My brother wore clogs upon leaving school and going to work on a farm in Rainford. That would be around 1968 (so quite recent really). He said they were much better than boots and kept his feet warmer. I think they cost around £8.00 at the time.
I can remeber the sound of my Dads clogs when he was walking home. I also remember his black face under his flat cap.
my grandad thomas alva edison jackson was the lamplighter and the knocker up in 1925 in hindley they could always tell when i was coming home from school ionly had ne rubber on my clog kathleen naughton nee jackson
does anyone remember a clogger called pomfret?
Jack Yates, I remember St Peter's School in Hindley. My parents were married in St Peter's church back in 1934. My clogs had irons on them until they wore out then it was the disappointing rubbers from there on. The LUT double decker buses had upholstered seats downstairs but wooden slat seats upstairs for the colliers who bathed at home in the 1940s. What a calamity for my mum when there was no room downstairs wearing our "best" clothes.
I remember as a child the miners clogs on Chorley Road, Boars Head, they were going to work at Victoria Pit at 4.a.m. approx, they never seemed to speak. I lived at 'Briarcroft' a house featured on your web site.
I remember clogs I used to wear them for school late fifties, my father used to have his own last to repair our clogs. I remember the headmaster sending a letter home asking my father to replace the irons with rubber as my clogs made too much noise on the wooden floors, so he used to give me a pair of black plimsoles to wear in school.
I can't claim to remember the sound as such - but I do know that as a youngster I was equipped with clogs in order to go to school (and that it rather marked you out because the point was that they didn't easily wear out). But I also remember that clog irons were great for kicking sparks off the pavement...! Dave
i remember the knocker up knocking on our window shouting to my dad it's 5oclock and time to get up for work
Hi Chrissie Hardman, are you the niece who rode through Wigan naked on a motor bike one night?
Hi Chrissie Hardiman, yes, I am your mother's cousin, If you are interested, Kath can give you my e-mail address. Not looked at Wiganworld for a good bit now, sorry about the delaY
Does anyone remember the story of the ghost of the alexandra pit in whelley called red cloggs.
we would hear the knocker upper and then it would begin one set of clogs and then another and so on till you could make out a tune and like so many say's you always knew your dad's
I remember the sound of clogs in the terraced streets of Poolstock, especially Jack Donahue (in those days pronounced Dunoo) He had an allotment by the river douglas near where the dog track was. Re--Abraham Guest, I own some land in Pemberton, on the deeds it shows a previous owner as Abraham Guest occupation Clog sole manufacturer Dated in the 30s I think, will look it up if asked
Does any know about the wooden Clogs that Was make by Thomas and Abraham Guest. Would anyone know of the Healey where the wood came from.
Sitting at my desk in St Peter's School and hearing the scrape clop, scrape clop,of the miners as they left their bus and went their different ways home. We couldn't see them. The classroom windows were ten feet high, but the sound of the clogs meant it was home time and freedom 'till tomorrow. I remember the sound of my own clogs as we ran up and down the street striking sparks from the clog irons. My mother put a stop to that; she had the irons taken off and rubbers put on. A new set of irons every couple of weeks wasn't funny, but it was expensive.
John Burgess of Waterford, Ireland. Are you a relative of my Mum, Eileen Burgess, daughter of Gerry Burgess, of Kimberley St, Springfield?
I remember my great uncle Tom Mason the clog maker from Standish 1940s
the clogs used to sound like a tune..or thats what I thought...it was a nice sound coz you would know everyone would be home for the night..
I remember the cloggers on Park Rd was Malleys, there was also one on Gidlow Lane near the Pagefield called Turtons. I can still hear my Dads clogs clattering down cobbles in our backs.
I remember the man lighting the gas street light just outside our house in Kimberley St. Trying to remember the names of the two cobblers shops who made clogs nearby, one was the very right hand shop in the row of shops on park road at the side of Moss St., the other was on Springfield Rd. just about opposite Mort St.
Funny how I could make out the sound of my dad's clogs coming round the corner when he came home from work. It must be one of the earliest sounds remembered from childhood - even more than the birds singing!