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Hobbies / Books   (Gardening, walking, books, films, theatre etc.)

Started by: raymyjamie (6857)

A big hello to all.
A cloudy warm day here in Blighty, 22C forecast.
A busy morning cleaning, glad it's done.
The usual big shop at Sainsies in Leyth this arvo.
Will hopefully pick my old lappy up later.

Mo, are you in Southport or Owd Davre's garden. whatever, have a good afternoon.


Well done for starting us off Marie.
Loads more for Our Mo and Vince.

Lizzie, good to know you had a good drying day.
I expect the days are getting warmer as your Spring gets nearer.
Thanks as ever.

Replied: 21st Aug 2018 at 13:13

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