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Hobbies / Books   (Gardening, walking, books, films, theatre etc.)

Started by: lizziedownunder (7434) 

Good morning dear friends 💜...well done with your words...😊👍
You got the 9 letter Vince...😊👍
A little weird you having a warmer day than we did Ray ....27C sounds lovely ..thank goodness for air conditioning in the car...👌

Well off to the shops today...seems our pasta sauce is half price ...😆😆

Answer...... IMPUTABLE
abet able abut albeit albite album ambit amble bael bail bait bale balm balti bate beam beat beau belt bema beta bile bite blame bleat blet blimp blip blue bluet built bump iamb imbue labium lamb limb limbate mutable plumb table timbal timbale tuba tubae tubal tube tumble umbel upbeat

Anagram for today...... E S N I O R S E M

Good...... 16
Very good .......... 20
Excellent.......... 24
Genius........ 28

Words of 4 letters or more, including...... O ......Good luck....☘️☘️☘️

Replied: 8th May 2018 at 23:42

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