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Hobbies / Books   (Gardening, walking, books, films, theatre etc.)

Started by: lizziedownunder (7434) 

Good morning dear friends....💜..well done with your words....😊👍
Good one for the 9 letter Ray....👌
We are steady at 14C as I type ...love the cool mornings...top of 25C so still on the warmish side...hopefully the 30s have gone away ...😀
Washing day will be a breeze....😆😆😆
There are a few tufts of green grass making an appearance our Maureen...which is good to see as I thought we had lost the whole lawn ...so a bit more rain should move it along....👍

Answer...... IMPATIENT
impi inapt inept nape neap nipa pain paint pane pant pate paten patent patient patten peat pent petit pieta pine pinite pint pinta pita pitman pitmen pitta tamp tape temp tempi tempt tiepin timpani

Anagram for today ...... L I H T H O S D C

Good...... 13
Very good....... 16
Excellent....... 19
Genius........ 22

Words of 4 letters or more, including........ H ......Good luck.....☘️☘️☘️

Replied: 26th Mar 2018 at 22:35

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