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General   (General discussion, talk about anything.)

Started by: firefox (3239)

I, nor anyone I know, are asking for reparations, nor am I planning to loot, riot 'peacefully' protest which results in hundreds of thousand pounds worth of damage, nor the hopsitalisation of anyone due to the invasion of the UK by the Italians, the Germanic peoples, the Swedes, The Danes, the French, or the Dutch.

I am not seeking reparation for the indenture of my Irish and Scottish ancestors by American, British or Australian gonvernments, {Nor West indies, Barbados or Jamaica).

My ancestors are all dead, I never met any of them to hear their tales, even though they are well documented. Because of their suffering their descendants have, in the majority, a far better life than they would have had the appalling things our ancestors suffered not happened.

My parents aren't suing the British goverment for reparations because my great Grandfathers were forced to go 'over the top' in wars, or kill or be killed by the enemy when all they wanted to do was go honme to their families, nor are they planning to tear down statues reminding them of the fear and suffering their forefathers went through.


Replied: 10th Jun 2020 at 16:02

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