Handbags (The sad, the bad and the ugly. Non-productive stuff here.)
Hi Billy, I agree with you re age being a state of mind, evey morning when I wake up I think, I've made it for another day, you never know when you are going to fall off the perch, so use the time that you have to make someone, happy, like the driver trying to get into the traffic from a left hand side street, I slow down and flash him In, and think that's made him feel happy, and in a better state of mind.
Also my hobby is magic, and it's a pleasure to see the look on someones face when I do an illusion. (I don't like calling them Tricks). I don't charge when I do a show for some old folks/retiement home.
Doing someone a good turn costs nothing, but makes you feel good.
Best wishes to you and your good lady, not forgetting Jacko, the young boy
Replied: 4th May 2011 at 23:04