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kobbie who?

Started by: eggbeater (3072)

The lad who goes missing against a decent team..

Started: 2nd Dec 2023 at 21:43

Posted by: whups (13685) 

wot is it to you . why r u on here ? .

Replied: 2nd Dec 2023 at 23:50

Posted by: eggbeater (3072)

Tell me and frecky why you won't put me on ignore???

Replied: 3rd Dec 2023 at 00:40

Posted by: chatty (9773)

And here we have it ladies and gentlemen for anybody who had any doubts about why serious football threads never get posted on this board, sad sack has just answered your question
Frecky specky and Cauldn't speak "but I will anyway" can give him all the encouragement he needs but it doesn't change the fact he is an attention seeking obsessive with an unhealthy interest one particular football club

Replied: 3rd Dec 2023 at 00:48

Posted by: eggbeater (3072)

Not been to Newcastle have you soft lad!! You came on here the other neet overhyping another player after he played against selling platers lol 1st time he plays against a decent side ten fags whips him off lol made a right James hunt of yoursel again shatty.

Oh and btw I see you've ruined my thread!!

Replied: 3rd Dec 2023 at 00:59
Last edited by eggbeater: 3rd Dec 2023 at 01:02:12

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yes chatty isnt it funny that those 2 totally ignore the 16 antagonistic blogs then blame united fans for the trouble on here when all can see who it is who,s made this section toxic . could they be more of pseudonyms for "you know who " ? .

Replied: 3rd Dec 2023 at 01:02

Posted by: whups (13685) 

a bit rich comming from you a guy who ruins everyone,s thread .

Replied: 3rd Dec 2023 at 01:03

Posted by: eggbeater (3072)

Hahahaha frecky speyk workshy thinks you're both me bwahahahaha that's 2 more names I can add to list I've been accused of being lol

Replied: 3rd Dec 2023 at 01:04
Last edited by eggbeater: 3rd Dec 2023 at 01:05:09

Posted by: whups (13685) 

you even talk like a baby . why r u on here ? .

Replied: 3rd Dec 2023 at 01:06

Posted by: chatty (9773)

You came on here the other neet overhyping another player after he..

I started the thread purposely to prove a point (and prove it I did ) and yet you are still too thick to realise it

"That eggbeater's a rum un (dumb un) ain't he.."

Replied: 3rd Dec 2023 at 09:52

Posted by: Tiger cat (1151) 

Replied: 3rd Dec 2023 at 09:57

Posted by: eggbeater (3072)

i see the suckholings still strong in this one!

i knew exactly why you started the thread but notice how i didnt bite and agreed with you?

Replied: 3rd Dec 2023 at 10:38
Last edited by eggbeater: 3rd Dec 2023 at 10:40:14

Posted by: eggbeater (3072)

so come on shatty whats your real thoughts on kobbie world beater or donkey?

Replied: 3rd Dec 2023 at 10:42

Posted by: frecky (625)

Sad utd fans........you're not winning anymore and it's killing you.....have a nice day

Replied: 3rd Dec 2023 at 10:56

Posted by: chatty (9773)

Sad nobody fans....getting a kick because a certain team isn't doing well....I always have a nice day come rain or shine

Replied: 3rd Dec 2023 at 11:16

Posted by: ahcawntspeyk (6159)


I haven't even mentioned his name so how do you reckon i encourage him? In fact it's you and other United supporters who do that by constantly responding to him. And please do show me anywhere i have supported him in any way? Just because i don't condemn him like you and others do doesn't mean that i agree with everything he posts, i just have the common sense to just chuckle, ignore, and scroll on. I suggest you and others should just do the same

Replied: 3rd Dec 2023 at 11:45

Posted by: eggbeater (3072)

yet shattys always calling only one team?? he stinks of HYPOCRICY!!! come on soft lad which team is named in your last 100 posts on any other club?

Replied: 3rd Dec 2023 at 11:58
Last edited by eggbeater: 3rd Dec 2023 at 11:59:14

Posted by: eggbeater (3072)

the silence is deafening

Replied: 3rd Dec 2023 at 12:30

Posted by: frecky (625)

Well said Acs, as some folks on here keep saying, use the ignore button.....and all I said was that he was a rum un... that's not backing up that's a statement.... have a nice day

Replied: 3rd Dec 2023 at 12:51

Posted by: ahcawntspeyk (6159)

Aye some folk have no common sense, they automatically assume that if you don't support United you shouldn't be allowed a viewpoint on them. Have a good day yourself

Replied: 3rd Dec 2023 at 13:19

Posted by: whups (13685) 

why shud anyone use the ignore button . you shud,nt have to do if there is proper conversation but someone on here doesnt want any proper conversation , does he .

Replied: 3rd Dec 2023 at 17:29

Posted by: frecky (625)

Whups, it takes two to have a conversation, if one can't see the others comment then a conversation can't take place, that's why you use the ignore button...simples...have a nice day

Replied: 3rd Dec 2023 at 18:26

Posted by: whups (13685) 

you cant have a conversation with someone who doesnt want to converse ? . all he wants to do is to slag united & their fans off . have you seen how many antagonistic blogs he,s put on this page alone ? .

Replied: 4th Dec 2023 at 00:00

Posted by: frecky (625)

Whups..are you naturally thick or did you go to night school....if you don't see his posts then you can't get aggravated by them.... IGNORE... have a nice night

Replied: 4th Dec 2023 at 01:05

Posted by: whups (13685) 

like iv,e said I SHUD,NT HAVE TO DO SO . doesnt it tell you how bad just 1 guy has made this blog toxic .

Replied: 4th Dec 2023 at 01:21

Posted by: frecky (625)

Well whups, why don't you and batty chatty report him on every post....I haven't backed him up , just said he was a rum un...must admit though he's deffo doing all your heads in by your reactions...... have a nice day

Replied: 6th Dec 2023 at 21:04

Posted by: whups (13685) 

your backing him up right now . i,ve seen your post on general & stardelta got under your skin with a comment & you said that you would find them & "have a word " because you lost people thru cancer . well this guy wanted to give a stage 4 cancer sufferer "a good kicking & dance on his grave when he died " & that,s the kind of guy your backing up . i hope your satisfied & dont have a nice day .

Replied: 7th Dec 2023 at 00:21

Posted by: frecky (625)

You're getting obsessed whups, you need to see someone...anyway I'll be putting you on ignore so I don't need to see the crap you keep posting... have a nice day

Replied: 7th Dec 2023 at 09:24

Posted by: chatty (9773)

whups, frecky is too thick to realise that referring to him as "a rum un" translates to sad sack in his empty head as.... I knew everyone on here thinks the same as me so I will carry on for another decade with my anti United obsession.

Replied: 7th Dec 2023 at 10:15
Last edited by chatty: 7th Dec 2023 at 10:27:07

Posted by: frecky (625)

Chatty, the only obsession is you and whups not being able to handle criticism and eggbeater about your has been club. So sad, but will put you on ignore because I don't like to see grown men having mental breakdowns....have a nice day...

Replied: 7th Dec 2023 at 15:17

Posted by: whups (13685) 

it makes you wonder about this guy who wanted to find stardelta & "have a word" then berated him about losing wives & a son to cancer then ignores the post about eggflipper & his comment about fireplace & comming on here berating me ? .

Replied: 7th Dec 2023 at 15:30

Posted by: chatty (9773)

Once again no problem with "criticism" but someone's rabid obsession is anything but that and if you can't see that the merest whiff of validation towards him makes him think he's got the green light to carry on that obsession you are looking in the wrong direction for "mental breakdowns"

Replied: 7th Dec 2023 at 15:34

Posted by: frecky (625)

Eeh eck, you tell the chuckle brothers they're on ignore and they both reply....it'd be sad if it weren't hilarious.....have a nice day...

Replied: 7th Dec 2023 at 15:41

Posted by: chatty (9773)

Would be even more "hilarious" if you could tell anything posted was in reply to you, but seeing that you have us on "ignore" you wouldn't have a clue would you? ....unless of course....

Replied: 7th Dec 2023 at 15:44
Last edited by chatty: 7th Dec 2023 at 15:45:28

Posted by: whups (13685) 

it now makes you wonder that is this guy just another pseudonym of flipperhead because as we know he has countless of them on here ,also ahcawntspeyk is another who totally ignores the evidence & has a troll at man u fans ? .

Replied: 7th Dec 2023 at 15:51

Posted by: chatty (9773)

I don't think he is whups but I reckon they share the same amount of brain cells after his last post

Replied: 7th Dec 2023 at 15:55

Posted by: whups (13685) 

so if they had 1 brain cell more they,d be a plant chatty .

Replied: 7th Dec 2023 at 23:49

Posted by: chatty (9773)

Kobbie who?

Replied: 1st Feb 2024 at 22:24

Posted by: sammys (292) 

Didn't go missing tonight eggwap

Replied: 1st Feb 2024 at 22:40

Posted by: whups (13685) 


Replied: 1st Feb 2024 at 23:51

Posted by: Erling (275)


Replied: 7th May 2024 at 13:35


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