meet the new boss
same as the old boss!
the trafford fans thought chelsea jim would shake things up at trafford with big signings but no they revert back to buying over the hill players on big contracts cue the arrival of greizmann will they ever learn???
i for one hope not
Started: 20th Nov 2023 at 13:46
Last edited by eggbeater: 20th Nov 2023 at 13:48:14
wots it to you . why r u on here ? .
Replied: 20th Nov 2023 at 14:30
Solely to torment the trafford fans is that answer ok ?
Replied: 20th Nov 2023 at 16:02
so your on here soley to cause trouble among certain members who are on these boards . arnt you classed as a troll ? .
Replied: 20th Nov 2023 at 23:36
arnt you ?why are you always attacking none trafford fans? be honest now!
Replied: 21st Nov 2023 at 10:46
like who ? . you on the other hand are nothing but a troll . why r u on here ? .
Replied: 21st Nov 2023 at 11:55