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the best hotpot in the world right here in Wigan..

Started by: i-spy (15270) 

it was the first thing I bought after six months away.It costs a quid from Sutcliffes (?) tripe stall in Wigan market. Put it on your list of grub to eat before you die.

Started: 28th Jul 2012 at 23:01

Posted by: dennis dickinson (1131)

I hope you just washed it with cold water, shaked it dry, put it on a plate, sprinkled it with pepper and vinegar and then ate it - yum yum yum :)

Replied: 29th Jul 2012 at 06:53

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

I turned it into a Wiggin ploughmans lunch dennis. With beetroot and a chunk of cheese.

Replied: 29th Jul 2012 at 14:10

Posted by: upthetims (6591)

Lancashire hotpot ingredients different in every town in Lancs,bowt 200 different versions

Replied: 29th Jul 2012 at 15:01

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Nowadays, Wiganers eat Greater Manchester hotpot while they sit listening to their favourite group called the Merseyside Hotpots!

Replied: 29th Jul 2012 at 15:39

Posted by: MarieM (5563)

dennis Your talking about tripe with vinegar on, ispy is talking about otpot.

Replied: 29th Jul 2012 at 21:49

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

Dennis was up early Marie

Replied: 29th Jul 2012 at 21:59

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

has anybody bought one yet.

Replied: 30th Jul 2012 at 23:15

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

just had one with a scotch egg.brilliant.

Replied: 1st Aug 2012 at 19:33

Posted by: dennis dickinson (1131)

MarieM - yes you are quite right - I live in New Zealand so at times I get things upside down

Replied: 3rd Aug 2012 at 03:44

Posted by: elizabeth (5439) 

Remember when in the 50/60 you put a Hot pot in the oven before you went out for the New Year partying and we used to toss up whose house yoou went back to after the New Year was in to eat it with pickled onions.Beetroot , I used to make it for the Pub we took at new year for after hours they used to put 1 pound over the bar before closing time and they drank and ate what they wanted including the Police who came in the back door, with their Pand Car tucked in the barn out of sight happy days

Replied: 15th Sep 2012 at 17:08

Posted by: dennisd (624)

Elizabeth - your posting reminded me of the pub adjacent tio the railway station at Pimbo Lane, UpHolland.
Quite often on a Saturday night, the landlord would call 'time' at 10.00 and most people would drink up and leave. Then a few of us locals would move into a small room at the back, the landlord would lock the front door and switch the lights off in the front part of the pub. The landlady would bring out a plate of sandwiches etc - the next thing there would be a tap on the back window, the landlord would unlock the back door, in would walk a bobby or two, sit down and 'partake'

Replied: 15th Sep 2012 at 21:33

Posted by: elizabeth (5439) 

Dennis we do have alot incommon ,I wonder if we ever met , as a friend I , we used to get the bus from Wigan and et off at the turning to think it wasSkemersdale could be wrong asd you went on the road past Abbey lakes and the bus took a winding hilly road and stopped at the Cenotaph on a corner , we then carried on walking past st Josephs college and came to a little pub on the right (detched) cannot for the life of me remeber the title but we used to go every Friday happy days

Replied: 16th Sep 2012 at 12:12
Last edited by elizabeth: 16th Sep 2012 at 18:04:46

Posted by: ayrefield (4465)

It would have been one of these two pubs at Roby Mill Elizabeth.

The Star Inn

The Fox Inn

Replied: 16th Sep 2012 at 16:17

Posted by: elizabeth (5439) 

Thanks Ayrefield pretty sure it was the Fox smashing landlord

Replied: 16th Sep 2012 at 17:56

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

last time I went past the Fox it was shut down. anybody know if its back in business.

Replied: 23rd Sep 2012 at 16:05

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

yes it is, answering my own question.

Replied: 10th Feb 2013 at 20:11

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

thanks for letting me know

Replied: 10th Feb 2013 at 21:14

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

You're welcome.

Replied: 10th Feb 2013 at 21:47

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

Panic - went to get one today and the stall was shut.

Replied: 11th Feb 2013 at 19:44

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

Went back today and half a dozen hot pots were looking at me. Unfortunately there was no one serving on the stall.


Replied: 21st Feb 2013 at 17:11

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

I'd have said, "Hey, hotpot, who d'you think you're looking at"?

Replied: 21st Feb 2013 at 18:34

Posted by: Mac (inactive)

To which the hotpot would have looked at his fellow hotpottians and exclaimed, "Ooh look, a talking boot."

Replied: 21st Feb 2013 at 19:22

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 


Replied: 21st Feb 2013 at 21:16

Posted by: kenee (2111)

Fill yer boots!

Replied: 22nd Feb 2013 at 16:12

Posted by: lizziedownunder (7434) 

The best hot pot I ever tasted when I was eating red meat as a kid....was my Dad's hot pot.....he would use lamb, and potatoes out of our garden.....and onions and a big thick crust on top........

Replied: 23rd Feb 2013 at 10:55

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

I can smell it from here lizzie...

Replied: 24th Feb 2013 at 20:41

Posted by: lizziedownunder (7434) 

So can I....I-spy.......long ago and far away........

Replied: 24th Feb 2013 at 20:59

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

still a bargain £1.

Replied: 5th Mar 2013 at 21:53

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

bought another today.
I should be on commission.

Replied: 13th Mar 2013 at 20:56

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

today I got experimental.
I took off the top, grated some cheese on the spuds, cracked an egg, and put the lid back on.
15 minutes in the oven and it was brilliant.

I will have to check with EQ to see whether I've committed a sin.

Replied: 14th Mar 2013 at 14:01

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

It had to happen - they've gone up 10p. But still worth every penny.

Replied: 15th May 2013 at 22:11

Posted by: GrahamK (444)

Cottam hot tops from St Helens take some beating, the crust is good and plenty of meat.

Replied: 24th May 2013 at 22:49

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

Up another 5p
But still number one

Replied: 20th Dec 2013 at 12:22

Posted by: graneyjoseph (4618) 

memories you cant buy them down here, homesick

Replied: 20th Dec 2013 at 17:20

Posted by: graneyjoseph (4618) 

as anyone heard of a homity pie(SPELLING MIGHT BE WRONG)consisting of potato garlic and capers.?

Replied: 21st Dec 2013 at 05:21

Posted by: retep1949 (1244)

I saw a program on tv about ww2 recipes and I am sure one was for Homity pie so it could have something to do with rationing

Replied: 21st Dec 2013 at 08:22

Posted by: graneyjoseph (4618) 

retep1949 thanks for that I will look on google

Replied: 21st Dec 2013 at 09:53

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Wiganers are STILL eating Greater Manchester hotpot while they sit listening to their favourite group called the Merseyside Hotpots.

Nothing's changed!

Replied: 21st Dec 2013 at 17:50

Posted by: graneyjoseph (4618) 

especially your sense of humour keep up the good work.

Replied: 22nd Dec 2013 at 10:31

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Wigan? In Lancashire?

Replied: 22nd Dec 2013 at 12:11

Posted by: graneyjoseph (4618) 

well done

Replied: 22nd Dec 2013 at 16:55

Posted by: GrahamK (444)

Tonker it's humble pie that Wiganiers eat

Replied: 4th Jan 2014 at 19:30
Last edited by GrahamK: 4th Jan 2014 at 19:31:21

Posted by: dennis dickinson (1131)

GrahamK - Do you mean humble pie or umble pie ? There is a big difference !

Replied: 9th Jan 2014 at 04:26

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

The only difference is the 'h'. They both mean the same thing, Dennis.

Replied: 9th Jan 2014 at 20:22

Posted by: dennis dickinson (1131)

Hi tonker - I don't think that 'Humble Pie' and 'Umble Pie' are strictly the same.
'Umble Pie' is made from the edible offal of either deer or hog.
'Humble Pie' is made from the cheaper cuts of meat and usually served to the lower classes in the 16th / 17th century.
However if i'm wrong, please correct me.

Replied: 10th Jan 2014 at 05:06

Posted by: graneyjoseph (4618) 

if those are the contents Humble Pie sounds most appealing,worried about the sell by date 16th/17th century.

Replied: 10th Jan 2014 at 06:31

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Dennis, that was a brilliant self-contradiction. You are now the reigning 'self-contradiction champion'. You win an orange!

Replied: 10th Jan 2014 at 17:47

Posted by: graneyjoseph (4618) 

Replied: 10th Jan 2014 at 18:14

Posted by: dennis dickinson (1131)

tonker - What do you mean I am the reigning 'self-contradiction champion' and I win an orange ?
Surely the winner should get an Uncle Joe's, not just an orange !

Replied: 10th Jan 2014 at 19:46

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

They're not as good as they used to be! (that's Uncle Joe's, not Oranges!)

Replied: 10th Jan 2014 at 20:00

Posted by: graneyjoseph (4618) 

whats the equivalent of an hot pot if there is one ?.

Replied: 30th Jan 2014 at 16:54

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Lamb casserole?

Replied: 30th Jan 2014 at 19:03

Posted by: graneyjoseph (4618) 

what about cawl ?

Replied: 30th Jan 2014 at 19:42

Posted by: tonker (28341) 


Replied: 30th Jan 2014 at 19:56

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

I'd like to know if anyone has tasted one of the hotpots which inspired this thread.
Or am I the only believer.

Replied: 30th Jan 2014 at 21:02

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

Just a reminder that they are still available and as tasty as ever.
I've also discovered Bowens pork pies at Adlington. Worth the walk along the canal. Delicious.

Replied: 10th Oct 2014 at 22:10

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Worth the walk along the canal? To Adlington?

You'd need at least two!

Replied: 10th Oct 2014 at 22:40

Posted by: graneyjoseph (4618) 

pimblets are back in business now called pimmies I have heard.,they have a website you can order online,pies by post ,will they still be warm.?

Replied: 11th Oct 2014 at 09:39

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

not sure they're the real thing joe but tonker will probably know.

Replied: 13th Oct 2014 at 22:10

Posted by: graneyjoseph (4618) 

i-spy your right the oracle will know.

Replied: 14th Oct 2014 at 06:42

Posted by: jo anne (34748) 

Tripe Marketing Board - @TripeUK (today):

We don't give our Gold Stars out lightly!
Visit Wigan market for the best quality tripe that money can buy. photo

Replied: 23rd Nov 2014 at 17:55

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

I see it's not good enough to just call it 'Wigan Market', it has to be referred to as 'Wigan Council's Market' now.
What a sad bunch they are!

Replied: 23rd Nov 2014 at 23:04

Posted by: jo anne (34748) 

Wigan Council refer to 'Wigan Borough Markets', and Wigan and Leigh Market Halls on their website, Tonker.

It's the Tripe Marketing Board (@TripeUK) who tweeted '@WiganCouncil market' - that automatically notifies Wigan Council's tweeter(s) that the council has been mentioned in a tweet, so they're made aware of it & can retweet it if appropriate.

The Tripe Marketing Board's twitter feed is rather lively - the exchange following that tweet:

@MargoJMilne: @TripeUK @WiganCouncil Oh I *love* Wigan Market! Not been there since I stopped going out with Tony, mind...

@TripeUK: @MargoJMilne @WiganCouncil Everyone loves Wigan Market, madam. Even if they've never been out with Tony.

@MargoJMilne: @TripeUK @WiganCouncil So very, very true.

Replied: 24th Nov 2014 at 08:42

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

I'm pleased to see that the hot pots still top their list of goods for sale

Replied: 1st Dec 2014 at 18:02

Posted by: graneyjoseph (4618) 

top pie

Replied: 1st Dec 2014 at 19:06

Posted by: dennis dickinson (1131)

Elizabeth (mee darlin) - your posting on the 16th of Sept 2012 concerns me !
Have you forgotten that we had a few 'liquid refreshments' in the Fox Inn in Roby Mill ? we discussed your whale-bone corsets and upon leaving you kissed me good bye
I thought I had made a life long impression on you, but evidently not
Ah well, my mother always said that one day my ship would come in - and I would be waiting for it at the Railway Station .... kind thoughts

Replied: 4th Dec 2014 at 18:27
Last edited by dennis dickinson: 4th Dec 2014 at 18:31:39

Posted by: graneyjoseph (4618) 

is their a budding romance built over a pie,?

Replied: 5th Dec 2014 at 06:41

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

I'm thinking of posting one to a friend in Swansea. Should I freeze it first

Replied: 23rd Dec 2014 at 22:42

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Would you freeze coal and send it to Newcastle? Or freeze sand and send it to Egypt?
There's no shortage of hot-pot anywhere. It's not exclusive to Wigan, you know!

Replied: 23rd Dec 2014 at 23:24

Posted by: graneyjoseph (4618) 

i-spy no dont freeze it package it securely to avoid crushing and send me one as well please.tonker they are unavailable in south wales as are butter pies.

Replied: 24th Dec 2014 at 09:38

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Go to Tesco. They sell hotpot there.

Replied: 24th Dec 2014 at 13:11

Posted by: graneyjoseph (4618) 

tonker I will do that on the weekend.

Replied: 24th Dec 2014 at 14:35

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

up to £1.20 - but fatter than ever

Replied: 7th Apr 2015 at 16:06

Posted by: graneyjoseph (4618) 

i-spy have you been thinking on your reply,

Replied: 7th Apr 2015 at 17:22

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

I was tempted to switch today joe - they've started selling beef and pepper pies.

Replied: 7th Apr 2015 at 17:56

Posted by: graneyjoseph (4618) 

i-spy they sound good,my local butcher had a go at making meat and potato pies good effort but not the same as pies from wigan.

Replied: 7th Apr 2015 at 18:53

Posted by: baker boy (15718)

pies from wigan ? are there any.

Replied: 8th May 2015 at 19:55

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

I've just discovered they have finally got a name - DAWSONS.
But where Dawsons are based I haven't a clue.
And in my new state I no longer scoff hotpots.
I did however buy one for old times sake and the smell from the oven was delicious.
Who ate it - me or the dog

Replied: 20th Aug 2015 at 15:56

Posted by: jo anne (34748) 

I hope it was the dog's tail wagging and not you falling off the wagin, I-spy!

Replied: 20th Aug 2015 at 18:34

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

He left me the carrots

Replied: 20th Aug 2015 at 22:02

Posted by: graneyjoseph (4618) 

bring back the meat pies with the jelly in.

Replied: 21st Aug 2015 at 07:24

Posted by: retep1949 (1244)

Dawsons pies are made in Tyldesley

Replied: 21st Aug 2015 at 18:21
Last edited by retep1949: 21st Aug 2015 at 18:22:52

Posted by: Jazzy (8656) 

What a lovely dog to share his dinner. Hope he'd licked all the gravy off the carrots

Replied: 21st Aug 2015 at 18:35

Posted by: jo anne (34748) 

Tripe Marketing Board - @TripeUK (23rd Nov 2014):

We don't give our Gold Stars out lightly!
Visit Wigan market for the best quality tripe that money can buy.

Replied: 28th Aug 2015 at 16:09

Posted by: graneyjoseph (4618) 

enjoy all the pies you buy ,jelly and included.

Replied: 28th Aug 2015 at 18:41

Posted by: Jazzy (8656) 

jo anne, Joan on the guestbook is a troll. She/he/it is using tripe in this instance as a comment on the site. In other words rubbish!

It's a play on words

Replied: 28th Aug 2015 at 18:45
Last edited by Jazzy: 28th Aug 2015 at 18:46:03

Posted by: retep1949 (1244)

Try the pigs belly from this stall,it is delicious with a bit of vinegar and a little pepper.I do not know any where else to buy it.

Replied: 28th Aug 2015 at 18:58

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

Mouth watering

Replied: 28th Aug 2015 at 21:07

Posted by: Jazzy (8656) 

I-spy, for the dog?

Replied: 28th Aug 2015 at 21:36

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

I used to love it cooked with onions in milk.

Replied: 28th Aug 2015 at 21:44

Posted by: Jazzy (8656) 

I-spy, not for vegetarians, no matter how you cook it

Replied: 28th Aug 2015 at 21:47

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

True jazzy. It's offal init

Replied: 28th Aug 2015 at 21:58

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

up to £1.35 now. just wish I could eat one

Replied: 5th Oct 2018 at 16:47

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

A mate of mine, in Wigan, goes to St.Helens for Pimmies pies. Then he calls at a place called Cottoms for a hot-pot. He reckons they're the best!

Replied: 8th Oct 2018 at 18:04

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

Are Pimmies what used to be Pimbletts or did somebody just hi-jack the name

Replied: 9th Oct 2018 at 14:48

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

The owner of Pimblett's died and the son took over. He changed (modernised) everything to try and improve sales. Things weren't the same, so people stopped going. As you would?
So, the bakery closed down and shops were bought by Waterfields.

Apparently, the main bloke in charge of making t'pies knew the original recipes, so he started making them himself. The bakery grew and was sold to another person, who still makes them. Yes, they have to be called Pimmies, rather than Pimblett's. Copyrighs etc..

Personally, I haven't tried the new Pimmies pies or Cottom's Hot Pot.

Replied: 9th Oct 2018 at 19:18

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15948)

I have not had a Hot Pot for years now

Replied: 18th Oct 2018 at 13:21

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

Me too

Replied: 18th Oct 2018 at 17:54

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

I don't think I've ever had real Lancashire Hot-Pot? Only that what my mum used to make and my wife makes (occasionally!) which is like Leigh 'lobby' / lobbies / lob scouse / corned beef hash?

THIS only with a suet crust on top!

Replied: 18th Oct 2018 at 21:23

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 


Replied: 18th Oct 2018 at 22:12

Posted by: i-spy (15270) 

Can someone buy one and tell me what I'm missing

Replied: 28th Jan 2021 at 18:15

Posted by: First Mate (2553)

posted by: i-spy (15034) View i-spy's page

still a bargain £1.

Replied: 5th Mar 2013 at 21:53

My mate paid £1.65 for a meat and tatty pie.today

Replied: 5th Oct 2022 at 21:43

Posted by: Owd Codger (3422)

Like many so-called Cornish Pasties, how many are proper Lancashire Hotpots?

And the price of pies, especially at sporting stadia are ridiculous.

Replied: 9th Oct 2022 at 08:30


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