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Lockers OBE

Started by: kathpressey (5620) 

congratulations to a man who has been loyal to the Warriors for all his career.

Started: 2nd Jun 2022 at 08:31

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Kath he may deserve an OBE but they hand honours out like confetti. Today the honours system means nothing

Replied: 2nd Jun 2022 at 09:20

Posted by: Owd Codger (3416)

The twice yearly farce where people get awards for doing a job for what they are paid to do, while more deserving people get sod all!

Like for example, the hundreds of unpaid Carers in the country looking after a loved one who was born with mental or physical disabilities, or even both!

Replied: 4th Jun 2022 at 07:48

Posted by: Stardelta (12086)

Replied: 4th Jun 2022 at 18:48

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Maybe because this thread is not on Sport there as not been any comments about sick notes OBE

Replied: 10th Jun 2022 at 08:08


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