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WW folk club

Started by: tomplum (12984) 

Started: 16th Nov 2021 at 10:15

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

Replied: 16th Nov 2021 at 12:13

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

Replied: 16th Nov 2021 at 12:23

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

How long till you suss the tune?

The fish, it was a fraud
It was partially fried.
Passed off as fresh home made
But, of course I lied
And I would have made some chips,
I cut potatoes into strips
But no oil could I find
Oh what a bind
So that wer that
I’ve got no fat
I threw them out
Which is how there came about
This crazy mixed-up cuisine,
Not the meal it should have been
But it will have to suffice
Perhaps though not as nice
I will serve rice .................

Replied: 16th Nov 2021 at 14:45
Last edited by ena malcup: 16th Nov 2021 at 14:47:52

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

room up in the sky.
folk song

Replied: 16th Nov 2021 at 16:06
Last edited by sonlyme: 16th Nov 2021 at 16:12:15

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

I need a clue but, A wild guess, ' aint mishavin' ' although it don't quite fit but, can be if you 'tweek' it

Replied: 16th Nov 2021 at 16:11

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

nice one Sonlyme

Replied: 16th Nov 2021 at 16:13
Last edited by tomplum: 16th Nov 2021 at 16:14:09

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

I thank you.

Replied: 16th Nov 2021 at 16:15

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

they don't write them like that any more.
folk song

Replied: 16th Nov 2021 at 16:23

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

One I copied from you sonlyme

Bob Platt

Replied: 16th Nov 2021 at 16:32

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

Well done that man.

Replied: 16th Nov 2021 at 16:44

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

I never knew my grandad, he died before i was born but, he left a clock in Bryn post office at Landgate
( long gone) and it went

tick tock

Replied: 16th Nov 2021 at 21:29

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

How many remember this mon.
knocker upper man

Replied: 17th Nov 2021 at 08:23

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

this is a rehearsal for our group 'Toxic waste' but, The lead singer threw a Paddy and walked out, shortly after the band, disbanded , We have have had many meetings about reforming but it just never happened
Toxic Waste

Replied: 17th Nov 2021 at 11:26

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

An Oirish song
rare old times

Replied: 17th Nov 2021 at 18:44

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

Tom,never work with children or animals.

Replied: 17th Nov 2021 at 18:53

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

never a truer word spoken, , We did a realy good session but, the biggest one Lucy turned the camera off so. It was lost,

Replied: 17th Nov 2021 at 20:20

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

next tonight I'm going to do my impersonation of
A flying head garment,,,,

chuck beret

Replied: 17th Nov 2021 at 20:26

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

As I remember Frank, you also played the fretted violin, more commonly known as the as the Mandolin, this video is of a young player who is nearly as good as you were,
go on young un, let it rattle

Replied: 17th Nov 2021 at 20:37

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

Another one.Sierra hull.
Duelling mandolins

Replied: 17th Nov 2021 at 20:48
Last edited by sonlyme: 17th Nov 2021 at 20:49:09

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

very nice I rate that

him- 10
she- 9
and I'll give her another for her looks, so

its a draw,

Replied: 17th Nov 2021 at 21:09

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

playing a guitar with a spoon

yea cool

Replied: 18th Nov 2021 at 19:07

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

hey Frank have you ever got in this mood

Warning this clip has some profanities

Replied: 18th Nov 2021 at 19:13

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

He reminds me of me 50 odd years ago when i started.

Replied: 18th Nov 2021 at 20:56

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

He's actually done gigs in the Cavern club, same thing as that vid and people pay to watch him,

Replied: 18th Nov 2021 at 21:10

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

here's a tune written by a Wiganworld favorite , Moody Sue, Sadly Sue is no long with us but before she left she wrote this song, Its about the squabbling on Wiganworld that let to the Wigan rejects being born and her comment was,
no more Hell meaning Wigan rejects is a better place,

Replied: 18th Nov 2021 at 22:03

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

other talents tonight from my two nieces, Stepho and stacey who made a video for me on my birthday,

2 little belters

Replied: 18th Nov 2021 at 22:11

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

Did you do the choreography.

Replied: 18th Nov 2021 at 22:18

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

A fine piece of flat picking.
Molly Tuttle

Replied: 18th Nov 2021 at 22:24

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

never heard of her before so did a bit of research ,
beautiful , sings good and plays good,
every day is a skool day

Replied: 19th Nov 2021 at 14:42
Last edited by tomplum: 19th Nov 2021 at 14:46:59

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

Another good picker.Richard thompson,founder member of Fairport convention singing a song about a motorbike
1952 Vincent black lightning

Replied: 19th Nov 2021 at 16:14

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

the wigan version of ' aint no pleasing you by Chas n Dave'

Our Mawd

Replied: 19th Nov 2021 at 21:43
Last edited by tomplum: 19th Nov 2021 at 21:44:48

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

I got dem shed building blues today

shed building blues

Replied: 20th Nov 2021 at 21:14

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

ladies and gentlemen, today with have Jethro on the Banjer

the poolstock hillbillies

Replied: 20th Nov 2021 at 21:26

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

why are there so many traffic jams ?
because there are too many cars on the road

Replied: 22nd Nov 2021 at 21:50

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

This mon wiil slow the traffic down.
driving in the middle lane

Replied: 22nd Nov 2021 at 22:21

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

Some of the comments on that video reflect the folks views on middle lane hogging, Ha Ha

I'm screaming at them,
" Its a song FFS, he's not advising you to do it "

Replied: 23rd Nov 2021 at 08:35

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

exactly tom.He's an entertainer.I've seen him a few times and he writes some lovely songs.

Replied: 23rd Nov 2021 at 09:08

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

When I first got my bus pass at 65, I'd never been on one for ages and was determined to use it But,
I did't know which way to go

Replied: 25th Nov 2021 at 21:13

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

Replied: 28th Nov 2021 at 22:03

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

the tale of , the seagull that shat on Sir Bobs yed,
For those who don't know, A seagull had dive bombed at a Wigan taxi driver for reasons unknown.
bandits at 6 o clock over the taxi rank in Wigan

Replied: 28th Nov 2021 at 22:17

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

A touch of John Denver.
This old guitar

Replied: 29th Nov 2021 at 08:53

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

nice one sonlyme,
My next one is a song wrote by Dickpoos, A member we have not heard for a while, I hope everything's ok D/P's
anyway without further a dickydoo
Wigan Wallgate station

Replied: 29th Nov 2021 at 13:50

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

I've just been realigning myself with my octave mandola that i haven't played for years.When i've done wrestling with it i'll put something on.

Replied: 29th Nov 2021 at 14:04

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

Yes I remember it well, The fretted violin I think you once called it, Lord of the Dance was a favorited one of mine you did on it,

Replied: 29th Nov 2021 at 16:09

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

That was the mandolin tom.This is a lot bigger and is tuned an octave below.

Replied: 29th Nov 2021 at 16:35

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

Ah , every day is a skool day, I can't play any stringed instruments now since a severe arthritis in 2017, Since then finger joints have lost mobility, I can still play keyboards because you are moving your knuckles and wrists, with not much finger flexibility, Curving my fingers is better now that it was but, pressing on the strings is very limited now,

"Hooray " I hear them cheer next door,

Replied: 29th Nov 2021 at 18:09
Last edited by tomplum: 29th Nov 2021 at 18:10:02

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

my left hand isn't good mobility wise because of arthritis which is why i use the capo a lot as the stretch between frets is shorter.

Replied: 29th Nov 2021 at 18:30

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

aye as we get older things get worn out but

there is still fire down below

Replied: 30th Nov 2021 at 22:28

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

back to the time when, my fingers worked good

sweet home chicago

Replied: 1st Dec 2021 at 21:30

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

this guy is amazing , he's an Aussie and to my mind the best acoustic guitarist in the world , this is an old clip 2006 and he gets better

Tommy Emmanuel

Replied: 6th Dec 2021 at 22:25

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

I've watched a few video's of him on you tube.He is very good.

Replied: 7th Dec 2021 at 08:43

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

Rare footage of former Wigan Leader singing about her Dad

Sam Hall

Replied: 8th Dec 2021 at 21:22

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

anyrode back to Wigan folk and here's one about our
Tonker, he gave me some cardboard a while back co he's a nice chap

Replied: 8th Dec 2021 at 21:43

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

going back to childhood

Punch and judy man

Replied: 9th Dec 2021 at 09:11

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

Another song written by dickypoos, where ever he is, I hope he is well,

I died for a wigan pie

Replied: 9th Dec 2021 at 21:27

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Any of you watching Leadbelly currently on Sky Arts (Freeview 11)?

Replied: 11th Dec 2021 at 23:17

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

I didn't know it was on ena.I play 12 string guitar myself but not to his style.

Replied: 12th Dec 2021 at 09:15

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

bugger I missed that,

Replied: 13th Dec 2021 at 10:24

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

tom, I caught it by chance, but if I see it is going to be rebroadcast I'll let you know on general thread.

Replied: 14th Dec 2021 at 08:57

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

Thank you,
I really miss my guitars, Especially the acoustic ones because, You get a feeling of comfort from just holding them, You get the touch, smell and looks of a crafted instrument that you can carry about, It is stress relieving , just like stroking a pet, The guitar has a woman shape but, It does not argue with you, Its always your friend and the more work you do on it, The more it gives back,

Replied: 16th Dec 2021 at 08:37

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

A Christy Moore song

ride on

Replied: 20th Dec 2021 at 08:17

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

nice one frank, Here's one of Robert Johnson's sons, Walking blues done by the ' playing for change project' these guys link buskers from all round the world doing songs through the power of the internet

walking blues done by, ' playing for change'

Replied: 20th Dec 2021 at 16:14

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

In 2002 I went to Los angels and saw this guy, He was busking in Santa Monica ,He touched my soul with his singing and guitar so. it did't amaze me to find out later in life he was also picked to do ' play for change'

he's dead now but he lives on through the playing for change, project

Replied: 20th Dec 2021 at 17:32
Last edited by tomplum: 20th Dec 2021 at 17:33:34

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

Excellent tom.The first one must have taken some piecing together.

Replied: 20th Dec 2021 at 19:13

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

yea 2 guys from America started that ' play for change' project, its amazing there are loads of videos about it and some great characters too, all buskers this guy is one of my favorites
grandad Elliot

Replied: 20th Dec 2021 at 20:05

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

I like this guy

His name is Terry Krell. He is from Quebec. Lives in Montréal , which is where he performs.

Once upon a time, there was a lot of his music on You Tube, though it was not posted by him, and mostly it has been taken down! Sad as there was some unique Bluegrass stuff.

A few of his performances can still be found there, but they are not his best!

I did write to him once , and got a reply. I was hoping to acquire recordings of his playing/singing, but none exist other than the you tube pieces.

Replied: 20th Dec 2021 at 20:10

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)


Replied: 20th Dec 2021 at 20:17

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

loved him Ena,

Replied: 20th Dec 2021 at 20:45

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

Tom Travis and Smiley Bowker from Manchester.Tom used to come down to Hindley for jam sessions with us.Smiley was also a brilliant guitarist beside banjo.He went as as session musician for some big name artists in London.

Tom and Smiley

Replied: 20th Dec 2021 at 21:05

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

Tom,the guitar that Tom's playing is the same make as the Levin 12 string Goliath that i still have.

Replied: 20th Dec 2021 at 21:18

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

I love that bluegrass stuff, I went seeing Leroy troy in a folk club in frodham

Leyroy troy about 20 years ago,

Replied: 20th Dec 2021 at 21:26

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

These two take some beating.

flatt and scruggs

Replied: 20th Dec 2021 at 21:37

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

Replied: 20th Dec 2021 at 21:46

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 
Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

excellent ena.So many virtual unknown musicians outside their own field

Replied: 20th Dec 2021 at 22:40

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

one of my all time favorite songs here done by a collection of award winning players and the presenter , John hartford, did't win a darned thang,

roll in my sweet babys arms

Replied: 20th Dec 2021 at 22:45

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

and then my feeble attempt to play , roll in my sweet babys arms,

make um have it tom

Replied: 20th Dec 2021 at 22:58

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

i've watched that video a few times tom.I used to do it with Brian Howarth who played with me in the red lion.Broady knows him.We also did,wreck of the old 97'

Replied: 20th Dec 2021 at 22:59
Last edited by sonlyme: 20th Dec 2021 at 23:02:01

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

yes Frank I remember him too from the red lion, he had a banjer with a sign on the resonator , it said, " keep pluckin "

Replied: 20th Dec 2021 at 23:04

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

Do you remember George Smith from the tap room ? he used to bob his head round the door and say " play some johny cash", I think you did , fulsom prison blues for him,

Replied: 20th Dec 2021 at 23:07

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

I certainly do.It was his signature tune.

Replied: 20th Dec 2021 at 23:18

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

I have a feeling that ena will understand this one,
Its about a row of houses at Bryn called, 'finny Addy Row'

something fishy

Replied: 24th Dec 2021 at 21:19

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

That's just reminded me.I've not had finny addy for ages.

Replied: 25th Dec 2021 at 08:32

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

Ewan Maccoll song

dirty old town

Replied: 25th Dec 2021 at 21:01

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

bad sound on this on you need to turn it up, Its a true to life song about what we all do
whats the use it that

Replied: 25th Dec 2021 at 22:00

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

A song written by a friend of mine Ted Edwards about going for a walk with hid dad in Borsdane wood in Hindley

come on lad

Replied: 26th Dec 2021 at 09:43

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

I'm gonna build a shed after the bank hols are over and the stores open, I remember the last time I built one, I got the,
shed building blues

Replied: 26th Dec 2021 at 14:57

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

Hey we're looking good, 87 replys mostly by Sonlyme , ena and myself but,
1029 views and top topic on the Wiganworld board, It shows folks are lookin' and enjoyin'
That is what this board is about, no bitchin' and snitchin' , a place of folk music for folks to enjoy,

thank you people and keep lookin' in,

much more to come in 2022 , The WW Folk club.

Replied: 26th Dec 2021 at 21:35

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

Am proud to be a Wiganer

we don't smoke kippers on the campfire

Replied: 26th Dec 2021 at 22:02

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

A song I did for my older sister, It was her 70 th birthday and I did her a birthday song,

to Big sister Joon

Replied: 26th Dec 2021 at 22:09
Last edited by tomplum: 26th Dec 2021 at 22:10:47

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Are there any songs about Wigan Pier?

I would have thought it a topic that would attract songsters, but I cannot, off the top of my head, recall any such.

I did once write a song mentioning it. a la the song 'Riding on a Donkey' (Where you ever in Quebec.........)

It began, "
Where yo ever in Wigan
Where the Pier is quite hidden, .....

But the rest o t' song in't about t Pier, its about "thands onth eyes"!

(Lines equivalent to 'Donkey riding, donkey riding' was "Dewn bi t Douglas, bend thi lug lass"

Wern't one of my best, I must admit.

Replied: 26th Dec 2021 at 23:49

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 


NYC may have Bloomingdales
London, Harrods, Harvey Nicks and Selfridges, (who, once, I worked for)

But Ashton Had Jimmy Gillet, and Tony (Fredericks Ice Cream)

I know which I prefer.
We got the better deal!

Replied: 27th Dec 2021 at 00:05

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

Replied: 27th Dec 2021 at 09:59

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Thanks, sonlyme. I think I had not previously heard that.

Many decades though since my days in Wigan.

Replied: 27th Dec 2021 at 12:06

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

We all know Tonker , One day I posted that I needed a 110 volt transformer, I found one on ebay for £15, So Tonker posted that he already had 3 of them in his garage, Isn't that always the case , So I wrote this song

a tranny from a granny

Replied: 27th Dec 2021 at 21:32

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

This one is a bit controversial , I used to post on the screwfix forum helping the diy section with plumbing problem, Then I made my own forum for plumbing and advertised it on Screwfix's forum , I did not see the problem, after all , I was not selling goods so I was not a threat to their business, So I wrote to the bosses and they told me Screwfix Peter gave me a lifelong ban for repeatedly posting adverts, which was a lie, I posted the Ad once, So I wrote this song for Screwfix Peter,

a song for Screwfix Peter

Replied: 28th Dec 2021 at 16:46

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

He did't like it so extended the lifelong ban to 2 lifetimes, and I don't think the is any parole

Replied: 28th Dec 2021 at 16:50

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Funny isn't it what propels us to write a song.

I would never have engaged with such until I found myself really hurting to tell people about fraud and corruption in the NHS. I brought it to the attention of my MP, who did nothing, and he himself was one of those later forced out of office on the grounds of fraud and corruption!

Music from the heart: nowt like it!

Replied: 29th Dec 2021 at 15:32

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

Hughie plays
my kinda music

Replied: 19th Jan 2022 at 16:29
Last edited by tomplum: 19th Jan 2022 at 16:30:17

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

Another famous actor playing with the highwaymen.
kris kristofferson

Replied: 19th Jan 2022 at 18:00

Posted by: lectriclegs (5712)

Replied: 19th Jan 2022 at 18:55
Last edited by lectriclegs: 19th Jan 2022 at 18:55:54

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

rehearsals and out take from Dougies blue bin song
it'll be ok on the night

Replied: 29th Jan 2022 at 15:45

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

Eric Clapton's rendition of, crossroads first me aware of robert Johnson and the myth of how he went down to the crossroads to learn to play the blues, So I went down to Bryn cross,
it kinda worked

Replied: 29th Jan 2022 at 23:18

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

Two fantastic musicians

J P Cormier & Tim Edey

Replied: 8th Mar 2022 at 16:07

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

I'm also ashamed to admit that. I did't know of him ,
And here's another I never heard of, It came up during a conversation with a mate of mine, Its also from 1963 and I 'think' I might have heard their name but can't remember any records of theirs

surfin bird

Replied: 21st Mar 2022 at 08:49

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Replied: 21st Mar 2022 at 19:18

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

I used to have that LP.He was very well known on the folk circuit and i probably saw him myself although i don't remember.Bert Jansch that is.

Replied: 21st Mar 2022 at 19:42
Last edited by sonlyme: 21st Mar 2022 at 19:46:12

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

I also once had the album, but, alas, marital breakup robbed me of it.

Ex said, "Can I keep the HIFI, because you can always make another?" (twas then, state of the art Linsley Hood amplifier and Radford T/L speakers: far superior to anything you could buy.)

I assented.

And the sod kept all my records as well. GRRRRR!

I ought to write a song about that. It still bugs me, half a Century on.

Replied: 21st Mar 2022 at 20:03

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

Ena if you need any help maybe i can assist, here is a tune i wrote about a man who proper pizzed me off, I used to post on Screwfix forums, giving plumbing advice for free, When i opened my own forum i advertised it on the screwfix forum, not in competition but as an alternative from a real plumbers advise, as, many on there are not, anyway the moderator ( Peter) banned me, so,,,
I wrote this for him

Replied: 24th Mar 2022 at 21:33

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Nice one tom.

When first I retired, I spent a year travelling as a performing poet. Fortunately, I was advised, supported and accompanied by a very talented professional musician, who sadly, has now passed away.

The reason I did so, is that I was incensed/angry/enraged at what I had experienced in respect of how much the NHS was letting people down, simply because of the degree of fraud and corruption taking place within the NHS!

Replied: 24th Mar 2022 at 22:28

Posted by: sonlyme (3369)

steve goodman song

city of new orleans

Replied: 10th Apr 2022 at 08:54

Posted by: tomplum (12984) 

Well done sonlyme, I enjoyed that,

Replied: 11th Apr 2022 at 22:25

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Now, bear with me on this one.

It might at first strike you as a completely different genre, and yes it is undoubtedly cowboy.

But it is derived from English folk, as featured in the Cecil Sharp collections. It is derived from 'The Unfortunate Rake', related to the more famous 'St James Infirmary'.

Any way, I really like the timbre of this guy's singing voice

Replied: 16th Apr 2022 at 17:42

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 
Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 


Did you ever go to 'Band on the Wall', in Manchester?

Your post about Hugh Laurie prompts me to ask.

The stuff played in your posting would have been typical of a Jazzy-Blues night at The Band.

Replied: 11th May 2022 at 23:46
Last edited by ena malcup: 11th May 2022 at 23:48:04

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Band on the Wall still on the go: saw it just ont telly, in prog about Manchester, where mention occurred of city's nightlife recovery from Covid constraints.

Replied: 15th May 2022 at 20:53


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