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Well known wigan singer Molly Fouracre

Started by: sarahfouracre (20) 

Molly fouracre the well known wigan singer was my nanna sadly she died yesterday thursday 19th august 2010. i am posting this message because i want to let everyone no hu supported my nanna with her singing in the clubs and legions. She will be sadly missed by alot of people. Please if any1 knew molly and would like information about the funeral do not hesitate to contact me thankyou x

Started: 20th Aug 2010 at 22:58

Posted by: ecmdj (8186) 

hello sarah .mollie was she related to david fouracre who married pat sherbourn .if no relation please accept my sympathys to you and your family

Replied: 20th Aug 2010 at 23:58

Posted by: sammyjade (495)

deepest sympathy to you all at this sad time,yes i knew molly,she was best friends with elsie and frank,now deceased.x

Replied: 21st Aug 2010 at 00:46

Posted by: marsin (191)

sarah..Your Nana was a great, kind and loving lady.
She was a great singer and artist..
l will miss her. l was proud to be her cousin.
Rest in Peace Molly. Mary

Replied: 21st Aug 2010 at 00:53

Posted by: billyshym (745) 

Hi Sarah

RIP Molly

I'm cousin to Pat Sherburn.

I remember your nan when she was in the clubs... I was resident drummer at St Judes and backed her many times in the 1970s. My dad, Bill Hart, was a member there. He just loved watching Molly, as did many others at the time. She is a gift to us all...

I now run Lanky Beat web site www.lankybeat.com

My heartfelt condolences to all the Foreacres and families...

Bill Hart

Replied: 21st Aug 2010 at 16:55

Posted by: sarahfouracre (20) 

ecmdj yes molly was related to david that is my great uncle. thankyou all for the messages mean so much to me and my family. Mary will you be attending the funeral has my grandad been in touch and bill hart will you be attending the funeral. also just to let people know that me and my sisters are organising an event which will take place at one of the clubs were nanna use to sing and we are hoping to get as many people ther as possible to raise money for alzthmers society we havent yet set any dates or anyfing but we are hoping for it to take place in november december time we are also asking for families who have had relatives with the diesease to come along there will b plenty notice and will be an advertisment in the paper. also im not sure which paper but one of the wigan papers is doing a tribute all about my nanna. As soon as we set dates for our event which will be called "Our Molly" i will post it on here and let people know and hopefully some of you will attend thankyou for all the messages and your support xx

Replied: 21st Aug 2010 at 17:26

Posted by: owd dave (4318) 

saw Molly many times in the seventies she was a great artist and a really nice person RIP molly.

Replied: 21st Aug 2010 at 21:32

Posted by: rbilly (10584)

condolances dont no the lady but regards to you and your family

Replied: 21st Aug 2010 at 22:00

Posted by: greyhound (397)

rip molly i saw you many times at ravine

Replied: 21st Aug 2010 at 22:27

Posted by: ©art© (6154)

RIP Molly, I remember her as a very lively, talented performer in Wigans Clubland.
Also went to Gidlow school (and later played darts) with David & Alan, two good lads

Replied: 22nd Aug 2010 at 00:08

Posted by: lilyun (61)

I will be at the funeral and represent Mary. Mary thought the world of Molly like many people in and around Wigan God bless Molly RIP, Sincere Condolences to all the family.

Replied: 22nd Aug 2010 at 12:41

Posted by: ecmdj (8186) 

sarah .when is the funeral please

Replied: 22nd Aug 2010 at 12:50

Posted by: sarahfouracre (20) 

the funeral is on friday 27th at st cuthburts church

Replied: 22nd Aug 2010 at 16:19

Posted by: cindy (5984) 

Replied: 22nd Aug 2010 at 18:47
Last edited by cindy: 21st Apr 2024 at 16:57:41

Posted by: poppy (437)

Condolences to all the family, Molly was a great singer and a lovely person...

What time is the funeral please?

Replied: 22nd Aug 2010 at 20:03

Posted by: bumper (311)

molly was one of the greatest people you could meet i will be there on friday to pay my respects R.I.P molly love you xxxx

Replied: 22nd Aug 2010 at 20:52

Posted by: sarahfouracre (20) 

The funeral is at 11:30 at st cuthburts church. Thankyou soo much to everyone who has sent messages they are so comforting to me and my family just proves what an amazing person she was. thankyou again if anyone needs any more details please do not hesitate to contact me.
Cindy thankyou for sharing that concert programme wiv me means alot x

Replied: 22nd Aug 2010 at 21:18

Posted by: ameliajane (1)

I am Molly's Welsh grandaughter who lives in Swansea, thankyou for posting this Sarah it is really lovely and many thanks to all contributing to this page, it's making me smile. Friday will be a celebration of her life and we better all have our best singing voices with us lol !
The concert programme is particularly interesting Cindy, thankyou for that.....1975 the year I was born!! x

Replied: 22nd Aug 2010 at 21:57
Last edited by ameliajane: 22nd Aug 2010 at 22:10:21

Posted by: a proud latics supporter (6750)

Sarah many condolences to you and your family, I remember your nana living in Newland Avenue at Pemberton, I lived near there until the early 1980's
I never saw Molly perform on stage, but I knew she was a popular singer and I remember her being a proper sound lady with blonde hair and I remember two children of hers a lad and a girl, I think the lad was called David, but I cannot remember the name of the girl but I know she became a successful dancer.

RIP Molly Fouracre

Replied: 23rd Aug 2010 at 18:18

Posted by: sarahfouracre (20) 

thankyou and yea my grandad still lives there now. the lad was called anthony that is my dad and my aunty kathryn but there is also 2 more sheila and linda they are older than my dad and kathryn. Thankyou for your message xx

Replied: 23rd Aug 2010 at 18:42

Posted by: billyshym (745) 

Hi Sarah

Sorry... I won't be there at your Nan's funeral on Friday... but In fond remeberance and eulogy to my dad too - Bill Hart RIP...

"Molly is the only artiste, who could when she came on at St Judes - at one and the same time - could empty the games room and fill-up the concert room..."

Bill Hart

Replied: 23rd Aug 2010 at 22:41
Last edited by billyshym: 24th Aug 2010 at 23:10:18

Posted by: bassman (3591)

She was a bloody good singer and most of all, a lady.Played on the same bill many times..RIP Molly.

Replied: 23rd Aug 2010 at 22:43

Posted by: sarahfouracre (20) 

Thankyou bill that means so much to me. Also bassman thankyou x

Replied: 24th Aug 2010 at 17:11

Posted by: billyshym (745) 

She made a lot of people happy Sarah, including my dad who, at the time, was at a very low point in his life... Your nan was a very special gift to us all...

I will celebrate her life on Friday in my own particular way...


Replied: 24th Aug 2010 at 23:07
Last edited by billyshym: 24th Aug 2010 at 23:11:15

Posted by: gazzer (386)

Sorry to hear of your sad loss , I was a friend of your dads when we were teenagers, i live in Edinburgh drive just around the corner from your nans and were your dad grew up . Pass on my condolances to your dad . Kind Regards

Replied: 25th Aug 2010 at 21:11

Posted by: frances (2831) 

I didn't know Molly but after reading these wonderful tributes it is obvious that she was a very special lady.

My condolances to all the family - you will always remember the good times

Replied: 25th Aug 2010 at 21:34
Last edited by frances: 26th Aug 2010 at 00:33:52

Posted by: sarahfouracre (20) 

Gazza i will tell my dad thankyou for the message x

Replied: 26th Aug 2010 at 11:44

Posted by: sarahfouracre (20) 

The event i recently spoke about is slowly coming together, but we need everyones help anyone who is or knows any artists that knew my nanna please please !! contact me we would love your help. We have been in contact wiv swindly and hopefully the event will take place ther i will keep everyone updated as soon as we find out the date and tyms ect but please anyone who would like to help please contact me thankyou xx

Replied: 6th Sep 2010 at 15:54

Posted by: billyshym (745) 

I will be happy to put an ad' on Lanky Beat for you Sarah.. Please send copy to bill@lankybeat.com

Beat wishes


Replied: 6th Sep 2010 at 17:37

Posted by: janet fouracre (1)

Bill its sarah, Oki thankyou as soon as we've got the dates set i will send u a copy thankyou x

Replied: 8th Sep 2010 at 10:38
Last edited by janet fouracre: 8th Sep 2010 at 10:41:52

Posted by: johnlythg (inactive)

I worked with her brother, Brian at the gas board, is he still around?

Replied: 9th Feb 2011 at 13:45

Posted by: mswigan (inactive)

Molly, what a lady. Always so glamorous. Unfortunately, Jack, her husband, died about eight weeks after Molly. He was her soul mate. Good luck with the concert. Please post the details.

Replied: 11th Feb 2011 at 21:49
Last edited by mswigan: 13th Feb 2011 at 10:55:09

Posted by: cordyline (5350) 


Molly was an only child, did you mean her brother in law ?

Replied: 11th Feb 2011 at 22:14

Posted by: rbilly (10584)

if i am not mistaken i think they have all ready had this concert i think it was around the same time we had our bit of a do for ww members...in november if i am not right i will be towd

Replied: 13th Feb 2011 at 00:19

Posted by: johnlythg (inactive)

cordyline, His name was Brian Fouracre and I remember him telling me that someone in his family was a well known local singer,I assumed they were silings, perhaps they were cousins?

Replied: 20th Feb 2011 at 13:28

Posted by: cordyline (5350) 

Brian was Molly's brother in law

Jack and Brian Fouracre were brothers -- Jack married Molly Walsh, so she became Molly Fouracre

Replied: 20th Feb 2011 at 14:22

Posted by: johnlythg (inactive)

cordyline,OK, I get 'em slow but I get 'em good, do you know if Brian's still around

Replied: 20th Feb 2011 at 18:19

Posted by: mswigan (inactive)

Brian is still going strong, as are David and Jimmy, Jack's other brothers.

Replied: 20th Feb 2011 at 18:32

Posted by: johnlythg (inactive)

mswigan, delighted to hear it, give him my regards if you see him, I didn't know his brothers, I worked with him at the gas board,I was apprentice to him sometimes

Replied: 20th Feb 2011 at 19:17

Posted by: kathhwal (398)

Went to the event for Molly and it raised a good amount for an extremely good cause - Molly was an only child, I am one of her cousins. Both Molly and Jack were lovely people and great role models for their children.

Replied: 23rd Feb 2011 at 16:56

Posted by: jymz4941 (58)

I accompanied Molly many a time with Eric Johnson at the Westhoughton Dog Track Club.

Replied: 23rd Mar 2011 at 01:18

Posted by: johnboy (188)

Hi Sarah. Im new to WiganWorld, so Iv'e only just received the news that your nan has died. Molly was a very lovely person and a great entertainer. Your nan and myself have shared many, many stages all over England. Please accept my (our) sympathy at the sad loss of a very ladylike lady. God Bless you and yours. Johnboy.

Replied: 12th Apr 2011 at 01:44

Posted by: fishlizzie (432)

Hi, I haven't looked on here for some time so have only just seen this...

I accompanied Molly many times as I was the pianist at a few clubs in the Wigan area from 1956 to the late 1960s and I was always SO pleased to see her billed as she was a great singer and very easy to accompany.
My name[s] then were firstly Betty Hurst, then Betty Jones from 1960 on....

R.I.P Molly

Replied: 11th May 2011 at 22:38

Posted by: mswigan (inactive)

Molly and Jacks grandaughter got married in the Lake District at the weekend. What a pity they couldn't be there.

Replied: 31st Jul 2011 at 22:04

Posted by: jedan (106)

condolences) to you all.my dad used to be what they used to call a concert secretary,back in the 60,s ,may be before that.he used to have a diary of all the bookings.i know he had booked molly,a number of times.for lower ince legion,when it was an old building,and after it was modernized,and names like trevor wallace.and the top comedian(harry pemberton).i rember once i overheard my dad bill daniel saying,we can,t book that artist he wants to much.wonder what that was back then,top artists pay.(anyone know?)cheers

Replied: 1st Aug 2011 at 15:48

Posted by: sarahfouracre (20) 

hiya. sorry havent been on for quite a few months been nice to read that people still thinking about my nanna and grandad. Well its been a year next friday since my nanna died and only a few weeks away since its been a year for my grandad to. As someone mentioned that my cousin amanda married andrew on the 29th july yes my nanna and grandad sadly wernt there but im sure they was there in spirit to see r amanda get married. I am expecting my first child and it gutts me to think that my nanna and grandad will not be here to see him/her but i know that my child has very special guardian angels looking over him/her... Next friday will be a very hard day for all my family and anyone who loved my nanna and it would be nice if anyone would make a tribute on here that i can share with the family... Thankyou for reading. lots of love sarah xx

Replied: 14th Aug 2011 at 14:42

Posted by: mswigan (inactive)

sarah It upsets me when every day I pass their house and all the blinds are shut up. They were such a lovely couple, they were soul mates. I think thats why Jack didn't live long after Molly. She was so glamorous and Jack never looked his age.

Replied: 14th Aug 2011 at 22:32
Last edited by mswigan: 15th Aug 2011 at 14:28:51

Posted by: paul mcnamara (1111) 

Hi Sarah,
I remember your Grandparents as i used to live around the corner in edinburgh drive. i believe they used to have a pear tree in the back garden. A few of us from around that area used to knock around together including your Aunty Kathryn who was a lovely girl and a credit to them. please pass on my regards and thoughts are with you and yours. I'm sure that they will be watching down on you all very proud and looking out for their great grandchild when he / she arrives. God Bless.

Replied: 17th Aug 2011 at 07:47

Posted by: sarahfouracre (20) 

Hello everyone it had been quite a while since I last since and on here and the last message I left was saying I was pregnant. Well I had a little girl who is now 5months old, and I called her MOLLY.... Miss my nanna and grandad soo much and can't wait till molly old enough to understand and I will be telling her all about why I called her molly after a wonderfull lady and will show her all these messages when she older so she can know just how special she was both molly and jack. P.s to let you all know we will be raising more money for alzheimers unsure when and how but near future will tell... X

Replied: 7th Jul 2012 at 23:29

Posted by: ecmdj (8186) 

congratulations even if it is late

Replied: 7th Jul 2012 at 23:33

Posted by: billyshym (745) 


Replied: 8th Jul 2012 at 11:09

Posted by: Kay Farrimond (1)

I added a picture of Richard and Lucy Fouracre,i think Grandparents of Jack? forgive me if I have got that wrong. Under Fouracre in the Album

Replied: 3rd Apr 2024 at 18:45


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