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ex downall greeners2

Started by: bambam (3071)

Hi all,new thread started because other 1 took to long to load. Enjoy

ex-downall greeners

ex-downall greeners3

Started: 30th Jan 2009 at 23:01
Last edited by bambam: 29th Apr 2010 at 19:33:21

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks for your help Dougie, this has got to be much better.

Replied: 30th Jan 2009 at 23:05

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

Hi everyone glad you did this Bambam

Replied: 30th Jan 2009 at 23:15

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi lanky, dougie was right it was getting a bit much.

Replied: 30th Jan 2009 at 23:28

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Hi Bam this will be much better thanks for doing it,
Click END on your keyboard it will take you to the last post,
Click HOME on your keyboard to go back

Replied: 31st Jan 2009 at 08:03
Last edited by dougie: 10th Feb 2009 at 09:06:35

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Look at blog photo's

Replied: 31st Jan 2009 at 08:49
Last edited by dougie: 14th Dec 2009 at 22:09:46

Posted by: turfmon (27)

Iya Bambam
Dont know if you heard, but mi dad passed away last week,we had the funeral yesterday. Bin trying to work out how long he lived at downallgreen ??? must have been 30 odd years.

Replied: 31st Jan 2009 at 09:11

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi john, so sorry to hear about your father, big chris phoned and told me, he must have been a greener for 30 plus years as you say.

Replied: 31st Jan 2009 at 11:27

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

ex-downall greeners (st.helens corner) V wheres me owd mate cocci (wigan corner)

Laydeeeeeees and Gentlemen,
in the first round, of this inter-borough contest, at WiganWorld Square Garden, after a submission from the ex-downall greeners thread, not being in a fit state to continue, the winner, by a clear siiiiiiiix hundreeeeeeeed and seventy siiiiiiiiiix replies ..........

'Wheeeeeeeeres me owd mate cocciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' !

Replied: 31st Jan 2009 at 12:53

Posted by: carlos the jakal (16)

hi bam bam hows you doin bud?

Replied: 31st Jan 2009 at 13:44

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi carl, where ya bin hiding im fine how about you, was with big chris other day said he aint seen black jack in a while, what have you done to him.

Replied: 31st Jan 2009 at 14:23
Last edited by bambam: 20th Feb 2009 at 21:51:31

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

well done bambam,lot better now.thanks

Replied: 31st Jan 2009 at 15:44

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

well done dougie lovely photos 2 friends houses in there too.thanks

Replied: 31st Jan 2009 at 16:06

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Tonker your winding them up again,if the goverment had acted like Bambam as the country wouldn't be in the state it's in today 160 looked at this thread in 16 hours not bad I still look at the Cocci thread but that takes a long time to upload

Replied: 31st Jan 2009 at 16:31

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

bambam well done, good move.It takes a good politician to do the right thing for the people .lol

Replied: 31st Jan 2009 at 16:47

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi sis, thanks hope everyone is in good health.

Replied: 31st Jan 2009 at 17:10

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi trixie, thanks its easier aint it.

Replied: 1st Feb 2009 at 00:09

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

bambam a bit late for you to be up isn't it ?or is this the time everyone gets in from the pub?you lucky Wigan'ers

Replied: 1st Feb 2009 at 00:42

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

Dugie what great photos ,the woman in the pink coat was she with you? or following you a round ,lol. brings back lots of memories . thanks great job

Replied: 1st Feb 2009 at 01:07

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

To go to the last post press the END key on your keyboard

To go back to the top press the HOME key on your keyboard

Replied: 1st Feb 2009 at 07:29
Last edited by dougie: 7th Feb 2009 at 12:06:19

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

i think thats tommie johnson driving the car?.i dont recognise anybody else though dougie.i think thats you with the bottle dougie?its definately not olive sat with tom.

Replied: 1st Feb 2009 at 09:05
Last edited by trixie: 1st Feb 2009 at 10:43:16

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

trixie your right

Replied: 1st Feb 2009 at 09:15
Last edited by dougie: 6th Feb 2009 at 07:10:18

Posted by: frankwalford (1098) 

Ralph Agnes Joan Tom, did the girl behind Tom come from Haydock?

Replied: 1st Feb 2009 at 10:28
Last edited by frankwalford: 1st Feb 2009 at 19:23:53

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Frank, The girl behind Tom was Freda Scrivens from Ashton,Now lives in Wentworth Rd,

Replied: 1st Feb 2009 at 19:31

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Tumtell, Il Smack thi hands for putting that on,

Replied: 1st Feb 2009 at 19:36

Posted by: frankwalford (1098) 

Thats the girl i had in mind she lives back to back with me.Thanks bentlegs

Replied: 1st Feb 2009 at 21:46

Posted by: bambam (3071)

good photo that dougie, bet you wished them bottles were full.

Replied: 1st Feb 2009 at 22:34

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Tumtingle only a few on here would remember the three good looking lads at that age, still three very nice men at 70+ I don't mean looks lol

Replied: 1st Feb 2009 at 23:46
Last edited by dougie: 6th Feb 2009 at 07:12:44

Posted by: frankwalford (1098) 

Dougie it must be close on 50 years since i saw Agnes but thats just how i remember her,how she looks on the photo

Replied: 2nd Feb 2009 at 09:56

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

This was uploaded to WW photo album I think this sort of photo should also be uploaded to this thread

Replied: 2nd Feb 2009 at 10:44
Last edited by dougie: 21st Mar 2009 at 16:04:12

Posted by: frankwalford (1098) 

Dougie you know what they say absence makes the heart grow fonder.I could do with a few uploading lessons myself so get that thread opened

Replied: 2nd Feb 2009 at 12:22

Posted by: trixie (5050) 


Replied: 2nd Feb 2009 at 13:10

Posted by: jondav (98) 

The photo was posted by me. It shows some lads from North Ashton enjoying themselves at Butlins Pwhelli in 1964. They are L to R:-
Ronnie Lawton, Ian Robinson, John Davies, Georgie Davies, Keith Fairhurst and Paul Robinson.

Replied: 2nd Feb 2009 at 14:45

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

oh ye thats who the other was i recognised,keith fairhurst.

Replied: 2nd Feb 2009 at 14:51
Last edited by trixie: 2nd Feb 2009 at 17:03:04

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

To jondav I will leave it on as you haven't asked me to delete it,

Replied: 2nd Feb 2009 at 17:01
Last edited by dougie: 6th Feb 2009 at 06:56:46

Posted by: carlos the jakal (16)

bam bam
i am good am off to the sunshine state on 19th. i like chris dont see black jack and dont really want to

Replied: 2nd Feb 2009 at 21:30

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi carl, hope you have a good time pal, i have yet to meet someone who has a good word for black jack? mind you it's not hard for him to make enemies,lol

Replied: 2nd Feb 2009 at 22:06

Posted by: jondav (98) 

By all means, leave it on.

Replied: 3rd Feb 2009 at 14:14

Posted by: oldtimer (6)

hi dougie regarding the photo of tommy and ralph at blackpool i think the girl next to tom is joan stirrup

Replied: 4th Feb 2009 at 16:05

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

oldtimer don't for get we know you will tell Ralph and Tom your name on here

Replied: 4th Feb 2009 at 18:07
Last edited by dougie: 6th Feb 2009 at 07:05:56

Posted by: carlos the jakal (16)

bam bam
your right about him making enemies his own daughter wont go anywhere near his house worst thing my mother ever did was marry him and best was divorce him.
Ave you seen any of the old gang lately?

Replied: 6th Feb 2009 at 08:31

Posted by: bambam (3071)

No carl i aint seen anyone, so sad really when you think how many people worked there, a few i believe have moved to reebok which as got to be for the best for them, the old job we did will never be same again, we had some good times eh? pal.

Replied: 6th Feb 2009 at 23:33

Posted by: bambam (3071)

hi sis, where are you have you fell out with us.

Replied: 8th Feb 2009 at 00:40

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi folks, heard bluebell shut down again anyone got any info please.

Replied: 8th Feb 2009 at 00:56

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

I think it was Janice Ryder who ask if anyone knew what the building behind the cottages in Booths Brow Rd was, the photo was taken from where Slaters Pen was & showed Bill Job's land, I asked around & a lad that lived in the cottages said they were the toilets belonging to the cottages,

Replied: 8th Feb 2009 at 19:26

Posted by: trixie (5050) 


Replied: 8th Feb 2009 at 19:46

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

I've heard of 'Big Jobs', but never Bill Job's!

Replied: 8th Feb 2009 at 21:33

Posted by: trixie (5050) 




Replied: 9th Feb 2009 at 15:24

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

Hi yall whats going on with the bell then?????

Replied: 9th Feb 2009 at 18:50

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Well Trixie, That came from the horses mouth,AND BY THE WAY TRIXIE< THERES NO NEED TO SHOUT<

Replied: 9th Feb 2009 at 19:00
Last edited by bentlegs: 9th Feb 2009 at 19:02:44

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

well we CANT let "RULE" CAN WEhaha

bet you know were i mean dont you?

i think bell's shut again marg.

Replied: 9th Feb 2009 at 19:54

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Bell's still open folks been up there tonight.

Replied: 10th Feb 2009 at 23:23

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

oh good .i'm sure i saw it somewhere it had shut.

Replied: 11th Feb 2009 at 08:30

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Trixie, If you type in upper case you are shouting,SEE,

Replied: 11th Feb 2009 at 13:16

Posted by: trixie (5050) 


(can you hear me)

Replied: 11th Feb 2009 at 13:50
Last edited by trixie: 11th Feb 2009 at 13:50:54

Posted by: frankwalford (1098) 

Anybody recognise any of these tearaways.Hawthorne Ave round about 1952-53

Replied: 12th Feb 2009 at 14:37

Posted by: trixie (5050) 



Replied: 12th Feb 2009 at 14:50
Last edited by trixie: 12th Feb 2009 at 18:16:57

Posted by: frankwalford (1098) 

Hi trixie the lad in the pram was Colin Walford

Replied: 12th Feb 2009 at 15:09

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

cute picture Frank

Replied: 12th Feb 2009 at 15:17

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

I think sister christine's daughter said on here anne+tony had passed away now.

very sad,

Replied: 12th Feb 2009 at 15:51

Posted by: jondav (98) 

What a marvelous photo, I've never seen this one before.The ones I recognise are L to R sat on wall:- my brother George, Ronald Lawton[I think], unknown, Tony Wild, Anne Wild, unknown, John Lawton[I think]. The two below are Pam Wild and Jimmy Haliwell.
Whose house are they in front of?

Replied: 12th Feb 2009 at 18:17
Last edited by jondav: 12th Feb 2009 at 18:18:57

Posted by: frankwalford (1098) 

Hi jondav it could be Mr and Mrs Partingtons. My brother Jack married their daughter Olga and lived with them for a while.I found the photo in an old album

Replied: 12th Feb 2009 at 19:04
Last edited by frankwalford: 12th Feb 2009 at 19:08:42

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

it would be that side of the road as the front gardens are higher + slope down to the paths

Replied: 12th Feb 2009 at 19:16
Last edited by trixie: 12th Feb 2009 at 19:18:40

Posted by: whups (13685) 

looks like my old house in birch grove no-62

Replied: 13th Feb 2009 at 14:57

Posted by: jondav (98) 

Was Colin Walford [in the pram] related to you? He lived across the road from us next to Lawtons. Also it could be outside his house.
Would you consider putting the photo in the Album under North Ashton?

Replied: 13th Feb 2009 at 16:13
Last edited by jondav: 13th Feb 2009 at 16:13:48

Posted by: frankwalford (1098) 

Hi jondav,Colin was my nephew.No problem about the photo,I've just uploaded it to North Ashton

Replied: 13th Feb 2009 at 16:36
Last edited by frankwalford: 13th Feb 2009 at 17:22:18

Posted by: suesa (646)

Although this was before I was born I'm pretty sure this is the house that John is talking about across from his house and Wildes in Hawthorn. I think Cardwells lived there when I lived in Hawthorn. Recognise all the ones mentioned. Sadly you're right Trix, Ann & Tony have passed away.
This is a Great Photo!

Replied: 13th Feb 2009 at 21:43

Posted by: bambam (3071)

To all greeners, it is with much sadness i report the passing of craig duffy who died today 13/2/09, craig spent most of his life on downall green and was very well known in the vicinity, he was brother of kevin, dennis, tony,francis, and sisters sheila, bernadette ,and tracy, our thoughts are with his family at this sad time, RIP Craig, gone but never forgotten.

Replied: 14th Feb 2009 at 00:02
Last edited by bambam: 20th Feb 2009 at 21:55:28

Posted by: whups (13685) 

nice 1 dav , dont 4get sheila & bernadette

Replied: 14th Feb 2009 at 09:52

Posted by: bambam (3071)

oh dear, forgot about the older girls bri,must apologise to sheila & bernadette at this very sad time.

Replied: 14th Feb 2009 at 10:02

Posted by: suesa (646)

That is so sad. I remember all the family and have them in my prayers at this very sad time. RIP Craig.

Replied: 14th Feb 2009 at 22:15

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

Bam bam if you see Kevin or Sheila or any of the family please tell them my thoughts and prayers are with them They are a very loving family and where very kind to me and my family when I was growing up
Rip Craig

Replied: 16th Feb 2009 at 04:31

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi lanky, i will pass on your thoughts i hope to go see them this week.

Replied: 16th Feb 2009 at 12:07

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

Bam bam my name was Margaret Edwards when they knew me k from Bryn

Replied: 17th Feb 2009 at 20:39

Posted by: bambam (3071)

no probs lanky, i know that love.

Replied: 17th Feb 2009 at 23:39

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Anyone remember David & Barbara Tickle from Hawthorn Ave, & did they have two younger siblings & what were their names?

Replied: 18th Feb 2009 at 19:21

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

i remember them but cant remember the younger ones names.
they lived next door to thelma's top near the steps sorry

ps john + hazel rings a bell.?
or was that there mum+dad?

Replied: 18th Feb 2009 at 19:30
Last edited by trixie: 18th Feb 2009 at 20:52:16

Posted by: suesa (646)

Your right there Trixie, John & Hazel were the younger ones, their Mum & Dad were Alf & Peggy. They did live 2nd house from the steps, my Auntie Marion & Uncle Jack (Riley) lived in the first house before Thelma & Tommy Simm moved in.

Replied: 18th Feb 2009 at 21:16

Posted by: bambam (3071)

To all greeners and people on this thread, the funeral of craig duffy is on fri 20th at our ladys church d-green rd at 2.15 RIP craig.

Replied: 18th Feb 2009 at 23:18

Posted by: nutty tart (477) 

Thanks for that bambam i'll try my best to be there. Craig was a friend of mine that i have known since the 70s. I was shocked to hear the news.
RIP Craig. X

Replied: 19th Feb 2009 at 22:38

Posted by: bambam (3071)

To greeners who may not already know, its with great sadness i announce the passing away of ex downall greener and former landlord of bluebell inn Arthur williams, sadly arthur died on wed morn 18th, all our thoughts are with his wife peggy, his daughters, and son, arthur was landlord for a good many years and im sure will be sadly missed by all, RIP Arthur you have left some classic memories.

Replied: 20th Feb 2009 at 19:53

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

I went to college with Vaughan. Last time I heard he was living near Gorners garage.

Replied: 21st Feb 2009 at 02:24

Posted by: bert (704)

hi bam bam sorry to here about Arthur.our sincere thoughts go toPeggy and the family.i agree they have left us with great memories. that was when pubs were great.listening to george playing piano and Arthur singing in his high pitched voice .happy days.RIP Arthur.

Replied: 22nd Feb 2009 at 16:14

Posted by: litavan (2)

With regards to my Dad (Arthur Williams), we (Willams Family) hope to see all of you at the Blue Bell on Thursday 26/02 after the funeral, we will all be their. We thank you for your support at this time. See you all then. Vaughan

Replied: 22nd Feb 2009 at 20:56

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi vaughan, nice to hear from you i will certainly be there thurs.

Replied: 23rd Feb 2009 at 12:22

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi Kevndee where are you your'e late.

Replied: 28th Feb 2009 at 01:13

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi lanky, i passed on your prayers & thoughts to kev & his son carl, kev still remembers you well and sends his thanks.

Replied: 1st Mar 2009 at 18:20

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

When I first came on ww world I wonted to find 3 friends Pat Shirley and Kevin Today I now know where they all live
Thanks to Bentlegs who found Pat Dougie found Kevin and Pat found Shirley THANK YOU BAM BAM BENTLEGS PAT AND DUGIE

Replied: 2nd Mar 2009 at 16:04

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Your welcome Marge

Replied: 2nd Mar 2009 at 18:39

Posted by: frankwalford (1098) 

Bentlegs check latest photos of walking days im sure you are on one of Holy Trinity[Photo no 17]

Replied: 2nd Mar 2009 at 18:46
Last edited by frankwalford: 2nd Mar 2009 at 18:50:03

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Must admit Frank ,It dose look like me but i would have been playing in the band.

Replied: 3rd Mar 2009 at 16:39

Posted by: frankwalford (1098) 

Tha must have a double then bentlegs

Replied: 3rd Mar 2009 at 16:55

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

I have Frank but he was playing as well.

Replied: 3rd Mar 2009 at 18:50

Posted by: frankwalford (1098) 

I give up it must be someone else

Replied: 3rd Mar 2009 at 19:01

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Downall Green School Reunion
Will anyone from the 40s/50s be going to this don't want be the only one LOL would love to see some old friends from school,then in't Bell fot last order to meet with people off this thread

Pass on the information to other interested parties.
There will be a Grand REUNION for ex-pupils, 18 years +, on Friday 8th May 2009 @ 7.00pm until 10.00pm. in the school hall.

Replied: 10th Mar 2009 at 10:42
Last edited by dougie: 10th Mar 2009 at 10:51:45

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

You all should go sounds like you might have fun take some old picsThen come back and tell all

Replied: 10th Mar 2009 at 17:28

Posted by: jondav (98) 

There might be hundreds turn up, what number is the hall limited to?

Replied: 10th Mar 2009 at 17:47

Posted by: erwick (135)

Thanks for the transfer of the REUNION message, it should be a good night.
I'll certainly be there alongwith 2 other generations of my family, a fourth generation is still at the Rectory.
I've only accessed the site in the last two days and it's good to see some very familiar faces on one or two of the photos.
Don't know the limit of the hall, I'll try to find out Wednesday.
Don't know who you are dougie but I'll be one of the 50's era.

Replied: 10th Mar 2009 at 21:54

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Eric I left the school in 1951 so maybe no one will turn up from that era,my Mam and her seven children all attended the school from 1912 to 1957,by the way my mam's family go back a long way they lived in the houses that was in the play ground called (The Blue Bell Cottages)I was at the school when they was pulled down about 1946,
Eric click on bambam's link at the top of this thread to see the old ex-downall greeners thread,and look at my Blog if your not living in the area

Replied: 11th Mar 2009 at 08:27

Posted by: erwick (135)

My mum also went to the school and hope she can make the reunion.
It's difficult to get her out of the house these days.
I was born in Spindle Hillock where mum and dad still live and apart from about 7 years have lived in Downall Green all my life.
I've been looking through the different topics of the site and when I went onto the North Ashton part, the names came flooding back.
Question. Is there a way of contacting an individual without leaving personal details on the site?

Replied: 11th Mar 2009 at 10:08

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

the only way that I know that you can talk privately with someone that is 100% safe is to join Forum and M.P.them it works just like an e-mail but they have also to be on Forum,
have a look at the Forum site I think it's worth joining

Replied: 11th Mar 2009 at 11:58

Posted by: erwick (135)

I missed you by minutes.
I've been to the Rectory to pick up my grandson this afternoon, who should I bump into, Betty Saddler and Ronnie Bold. Betty asked me if my ears were burning as she had been talking to you minutes before. Then going home from school who should I meet up with, Kenny Taberner, who said he knew you too.
It's a small world.
The reason I asked my previous question, was that I wanted to ask someone about their family. I'm into family research in a big way and I didn't want all and sundry necessarily knowing other people's personal details if they didn't want to.
I was also browsing the photos on site earlier and having had your surname confirmed by Betty, I saw a photo of your family at your wedding and immediately recognised your brothers, not knowing at that stage what their surnames were.
I have some information on the family picked up whilst researching another family of the same name.
I don't know if you're into family history, but would compare notes if you are.

Replied: 11th Mar 2009 at 16:16

Posted by: bert (704)

hi ertwick and duggie just read about the reunion and hope i can attend iwould love to see some old friends i have not seen for years.nice to hear off you after all these years.seen duggie passing today thats twice in donkeys years. ha ha .welcome erwick

Replied: 11th Mar 2009 at 17:49

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Been up to see Kevin Duffy today he was telling me of an event that is taking place on Sunday the 17th May at 11.00am, the MG Club of vintage cars have asked if they could make is place a stopping off point to have a look round,so if anyone would like to kill two birds with one stone go along on the 17th May about 11.00am (He was asking about you lanky11)

Replied: 11th Mar 2009 at 20:05
Last edited by dougie: 20th Mar 2009 at 15:19:03

Posted by: hughes the booze (2189)

my on off g/f is from down all green cant mention names it would be off again ?

Replied: 14th Mar 2009 at 02:20

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

Thanks Dougie I hope the family are doing ok it must have been a shock I have still not wrote yet just sent messages as I am trying to buy a house and I don't wont to send this address as it is on the west side and we are moving to the south side so going to wait till we know for sure if we have the house we have a contract on right now
Then I will write to him and Shirley also Thanks again everyone
Pat I miss you posting but love the emails

Replied: 17th Mar 2009 at 16:26

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Eric see that you have been talking to Lyndon about his photo's, if you need any help printing off some of Mr Cromptom's best photo's I would gladly help and get them to you before the 8th May but not typing all the names out

Replied: 18th Mar 2009 at 09:28
Last edited by dougie: 20th Mar 2009 at 15:18:00

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi dougie and everyone, looking forward to the reunion if everyone turns up i think we will struggle for space, by the way dougie are we all going to wear name badges after all the years past it will be a task to recognise the ex-pupils.

Replied: 22nd Mar 2009 at 03:02

Posted by: bert (704)

hi bam bam dont think you will need a name plate once seen never forgotten . ha ha . got me and cliff tickets friday. looking forward to it .

Replied: 22nd Mar 2009 at 09:09

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Bert did you have to go to the school for your tickets,
that would put people off going to the reunion (well it will put me off)

Bam I think that will be part of the fun for me not be many from the 40s , do you think I should get the bus up in case some of you go in't Bell fot last order

Replied: 22nd Mar 2009 at 11:17

Posted by: bambam (3071)

we can have a drink in bell or club sounds good to me.

Replied: 22nd Mar 2009 at 15:51

Posted by: bert (704)

hi dougie yes i went to the school and was made very .welcome.the head misstress came and introduced herself to me which i thought was nice .i am going with cliff and hope to have a drink in the bell after.its only a short walk for a young fellow like you.

Replied: 24th Mar 2009 at 11:17

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

AS the saying goes I'll be there made arrangements with some friends from the 40s that are going to pick a ticket up for me

Replied: 24th Mar 2009 at 13:09

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

I hope you all have a great time please take some pics Dougie

Replied: 24th Mar 2009 at 13:26

Posted by: bambam (3071)

i will take some lanky, should be good after a few brown bottles.

Replied: 28th Mar 2009 at 00:37

Posted by: bambam (3071)

dougie, bentlegs, fwalford, i have put old pic on album of village club, not to sure of year but perhaps you can help with some names.

Replied: 31st Mar 2009 at 05:45

Posted by: whups (13685) 

where have u put it on the site dav,

Replied: 1st Apr 2009 at 15:20

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

It's on Album.

Replied: 1st Apr 2009 at 17:07

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi bri, did you recognise anyone on the pic.

Replied: 4th Apr 2009 at 02:16

Posted by: frankwalford (1098) 

Bambam the photo is the legions bowling day out to Pilling

Replied: 4th Apr 2009 at 11:28

Posted by: whups (13685) 

saw ur dad on it dav.

Replied: 4th Apr 2009 at 14:50

Posted by: bambam (3071)

oh thanks for that frank, there's no info on back of pic i thought it was Navc. yes bri he's only young there pal.

Replied: 5th Apr 2009 at 16:32

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi bri are you going to re-union.

Replied: 10th Apr 2009 at 00:00

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Have you all got you tickets,Bam I've met Bert & Whups over the last few weeks hope to say hello to some others on the 8th May

Replied: 10th Apr 2009 at 07:34

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi dougie, are they selling tickets on the night as i have not got one yet.

Replied: 10th Apr 2009 at 10:54

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

Happy Easter to all my friends on this thread hope you all have a happy week end

Replied: 10th Apr 2009 at 14:48

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks lanky, hope you and your family have a good time to.

Replied: 10th Apr 2009 at 14:52

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Hi bam I dont know look well if you turn up on the night and you cant get in

Replied: 13th Apr 2009 at 23:17

Posted by: bambam (3071)

i know, im not used to being refused it was my old job to refuse everyone else i will go up for ticket to save any embarassment.

Replied: 14th Apr 2009 at 22:30

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

They will let you in bambam just say lanky sent ya

Replied: 17th Apr 2009 at 17:37

Posted by: bambam (3071)

wow thanks lanky, that should do the trick

Replied: 18th Apr 2009 at 14:48

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

bambam take no notice of lanky and get a ticket i think she wants you to miss it because she cant go ,she didn't even go to the school but I bet she would tell a few pockis get a ticket just to meet you all on the night if she was over here

Replied: 18th Apr 2009 at 16:03

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

well she could have mine if she wants to go......she'd have to dye her hair though

Replied: 18th Apr 2009 at 16:17

Posted by: bert (704)

hi bambam is it the thought of spending three quid wich is worrying you we could ask for donations of kev and dee .and you thy can have an extra pint.

Replied: 20th Apr 2009 at 16:23

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

Here now whats all this Dougie I could go just get Trixie to invite me see and i could dye my hair

Replied: 20th Apr 2009 at 16:44

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

It would be a laugh if we turned up.....

Replied: 20th Apr 2009 at 21:11

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

Oh man!!!!! I can see it now if we took Pat along with us too

Replied: 20th Apr 2009 at 22:05

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

heeee it would be funny....

Replied: 21st Apr 2009 at 15:50

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Alreet burt, who's bought thy ticket anyroad, not much chance of kev n dee splashing out, mind thee he met doo if he's geet sombodyelse's pants on ha ha, don't tell him that burt he'll be gunning for me.

Replied: 21st Apr 2009 at 21:27

Posted by: suesa (646)

Best get yer skates on Bambam, I got our Elaine's and my tickets today and the lady in the office said they had been busy selling them last couple of weeks and had a lot of phone calls from people who live away from the area enquiring about tickets.
If you don't get in there quick you'll be at the mercy of the 'ticket touts' at the gates come the night of the reunion LOL!

Replied: 21st Apr 2009 at 22:02
Last edited by suesa: 21st Apr 2009 at 22:05:14

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Only joined this site yesterday, not even posted an intro yet. I was born in Downall Green (at home on Poplar Ave!) so I figure I must know most of you on this thread...moved away in 1969 though...

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 10:31

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Welcome uncle joe.i am an ex downall green from 50-60.
hawthorne avenue.

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 11:11

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Thanks trixie. Half of my class at Rectory seemed to live on Hawthorne Ave...

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 11:28

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

What year did you leave joe.
who are you uncle to?

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 11:47

Posted by: bert (704)


Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 12:10

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

trixie: I left Rectory in 1964. I suspect that you will know my late brother from there, he left around 1957. My handle is as in the mintballs...I do have two nieces and a nephew though.

bert: Yes, I am in some of the pictures of the school, i'll have a look and see which ones they are.

Is there any way that we can get notifications when someone replies to a posting?

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 12:21

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

woo bert hes younger than us....
you are more 2 cousins age who also lived in hawthorne ave

What was your brothers name?
did you go to rectory or our ladies?

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 12:41
Last edited by trixie: 22nd Apr 2009 at 12:46:10

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Yep, I'm only a kid really...I have retired though!

It was Rectory School. Why, oh, why is it listed under 3 different names?

Just looked at the pictures. My brother left in 58, hes in the ''top class 58'' picture. I'm in two of them, class 2 59/60 (which should really be 57-59) and Class 5 1961.

trixie, I dont want to post real names on here, I'll pm you if you wish. When I can work out how, I'm still finding my way around!lol. Who are your cousins?

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 12:57

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

ing first names ...you should now them
i will edit them out when you reply.

it depended who put the photos on which name they used.

which school are you on?i cant find it.

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 12:59
Last edited by trixie: 22nd Apr 2009 at 13:19:57

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Its the one listed as North Ashton Holy Trinity. Yep, i know them. My brother was Arthur, so you will be able to work out who I am.

But who are you,trixie?

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 13:19

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

No cant solve it "arthur"

well we are gettin nowhere .haha

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 13:24

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

joe as your new to posting on here try this, to get to the last post fast just press the END key on your keyboard saves time

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 13:27

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Thanks dougie, it does save time.

trixie: sad as we are, its a lot of fun getting nowhere on here...

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 13:30

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

yes a mystery tour .you might know dougie.haha
are you going to the reunion?

tickets are selling fast.i'm not going to far away.

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 13:33
Last edited by trixie: 22nd Apr 2009 at 13:36:41

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

I'm from 16 Poplar ave got marred and left in 1963, but the family was still there a few years after that witch side did you live on, you'v got me going

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 13:40

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

I should know you dougie, I lived on the other side, almost opposite, nr 13...now you've got to know who I am.

I'd love to make it to the reunion, but sadly cant, I live in foreign places...do know a few that have got tickets though.

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 13:44

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

I do know you but got to go friends just arrived see you latter

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 13:46

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

well you will get to know lots on here.

mystery man

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 14:44

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

trixie, Did you ever go into the legion (S&S)? And when you lived on Hawthorn did you know the two ''Atki'' lads?

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 14:52

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

yes we used to go in s+s .i lived next door to e+d atki

then i lived in booths brow rd when i got married.

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 14:56

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Then you definately must know my brother, they were all mates in the s&s...

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 15:02

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

give me more clues +edit straight away.
d was same age as me +in same class

iv'e got to go.catch you again.bye

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 15:05
Last edited by trixie: 22nd Apr 2009 at 15:14:50

Posted by: bert (704)

does your brother live in malta now .

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 17:34

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

He was living in the Philippines until he passed away two years ago

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 17:59

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

now uncle joe part 2.

were where we earlier,

more clues please,

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 18:19

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

I'm not sure that I can think of any more clues, so I suppose the heats on...

dougies worked out who I am though...

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 18:54

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

a but he lived in your street....
go put your name on +then delete it.

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 18:56

Posted by: bert (704)

hi uncle joe it is the person i am talking about.he used to come in the s and s with me and chis and barry and atki bros.if so i am so sorry to hear about his death. i always thought he went to malta my sympathy go to you all

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 18:57

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

bert tell me who uncle joe is.pretty pretty please.

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 18:58

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Now you've got me going bert, I thought I knew most of his s&s mates....

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 19:05

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

BERT WERE ARE YOU............

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 19:08

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

i've just been trying to pm you via the forum, but it wont let me...must solve this tonight, or you'll not be able to sleep...

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 19:26

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

come on then tell,.....i wont tell any body else.


where do you live now anyroad?

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 19:30

Posted by: bert (704)

hi trixie his brother used to be a very good sprinter at sec school used to have races outside s and s at midnight when we came out of club against dav atki .good times ha ha .

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 19:42

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

well thats a fat lot of use.
i never went to the lads sec mod .+didnt wear trousers.

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 19:51

Posted by: suesa (646)

Think I've worked out who you are Joe. If I've understood it right you were in the class above me throughout Rectory although I am on the Class 2 photo, did I get your name right when I filled in the question mark to your first name?

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 19:58

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

almost, it finishes ie, not y....i'll check who you are now!

feel sad for trixie....everyone else has figured it out!

trixie, if you didnt go to the sec, did you go to AGS?

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 20:11

Posted by: suesa (646)

Gotcha!!! I lived in Hawthorn Ave across the road from Trixie and the Atki lads. I remember your brother, so sorry to hear your sad news.

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 20:13

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

suesa can you tell me through friends.....


Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 20:15

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

I just looked at the photo, remember you as well. how are you? now you know my name, you can look on facebook...

now then, wheres trixie, i'll have a good clue for her in a minute....

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 20:17

Posted by: suesa (646)

She's still online and probably waiting for your clue although I have mailed her otherwise she will be out of her mind by the end of the night.
I am fine and looking forward to the reunion, shame you can't make it, bet we have a good night there.

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 20:23

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

trixie, look on the secondry modern pictures, first page, school photo 1958/?

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 20:25

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

suesa, after being in contact with all on here, I wish I could make it....how much do the tickets cost?

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 20:29

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

na na i know now.thanks sue.

i remember your brother

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 20:31

Posted by: suesa (646)

They are only £3 and although the old school building is long gone now the new school hall is big enough to get a fair amount in there. Apparently there will be old school photos (think Dougie has taken copies in for us, I gave permission to use mine) and maybe there will be old registers. Looks to be a very nostalgic evening. Some are talking about taking it to the Blue Bell after the school finishes.

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 20:33

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

trouble is, I wont be able to sleep now, I've still not worked out who trixie and bert are...

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 20:39

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

thats your brother.

i knew a lot on that photo as i went to stubshaw cross school till i was 9/10

you still didnt say where you live now.

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 20:39
Last edited by trixie: 22nd Apr 2009 at 20:40:45

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

I'm in Sweden...

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 20:43

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

oh very nice,i'm in wales.

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 20:44

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

how do you put up with the welsh?

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 20:45

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

mmmmmmmmmm yaki da.

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 20:48

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

How about some clues to who you are?

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 20:49

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

well i lived with my grandmother grandfather.

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 20:54
Last edited by trixie: 22nd Apr 2009 at 21:43:48

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Suesa I did run about 16 photo's off and sent them to the school and asked them to get in touch if they required any more,I think they must have enough as no one got back to me
hope to say hello to you all on the 8th May

Replied: 22nd Apr 2009 at 22:58

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

dougie, I've just been looking at the photos on your blog. didnt recognise many places any more. Although in one of them, you must have been standing just yards away from Mams house.

Replied: 23rd Apr 2009 at 07:39

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

dougie takes some good photos,i have enjoyed seeing places i've not been to for years.they bring back so many memories.

also new places.i must make a trip to kevin's place+down to the owl's.

Replied: 23rd Apr 2009 at 09:04
Last edited by trixie: 23rd Apr 2009 at 09:07:24

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Would anyone like me to take a walk round the estate and take some photo's, I was asked by someone to do Bryn estate, I wouldn't normally take this sort of walk as it will never change but if any ex-greeners asked to see it again I would go round in the car as I did with Bryn,

The estate looks a lot smaller to-day than it did when we was young in the 40/50/60

Replied: 23rd Apr 2009 at 11:43

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

dougie, I would love it if you could take a picture of my old house. I've never seen it since I left, it would be nice to see it again.

One more thing, am i mixing you up with someone else, or was it you that used to have the 350 Velo? i've forgot exactly which house 16 was!

Replied: 23rd Apr 2009 at 12:04

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

You would remember my brother/sister better than me Ken/Lilly just across the road from you,
I did here about your Mum by the away so even if it was a long time from me leaving in 1963 people still let you know,
by the way Mrs Peet is still living do you remember her just across the road

I am on booking Travelodge rooms for £9 just booked two to Wales £18
and two up the lakes for £18 thats per room

Replied: 23rd Apr 2009 at 14:26
Last edited by dougie: 23rd Apr 2009 at 14:33:47

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

I remember her quite well, she must be getting on a bit by now, isnt she?

I do know of one from Poplar Ave. thats living in the lake district, I've have contact with her for a while now. Used to live on your side of the road at the bottom end.

If you would like to see some pics of my brothers kids, there are some on facebook if you ever go on there. Just look for me, and you will find them.

Replied: 23rd Apr 2009 at 15:16

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

my auntie lives in the house i lived in but not been for years,
D atki still lives in the same house i believe.
Although i go up there regular to see my mother in ashton i never get time to do the rounds.

Dougie do people not take offence you going round taking photos....?

Replied: 23rd Apr 2009 at 18:26

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Trixie If you look at my blog you will notice you don't see many cars or people on the snaps that I take in and around the wigan area,thats why it always looks like a Sunday,I don't think you will find one person that can be identified off my snaps other than the people that know they are on all the rest or strangers that are on the holiday witch everyone takes

Replied: 23rd Apr 2009 at 19:14

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

No what i meant just taking photos of there houses.

I would'nt like you getting any trouble.

I did notice nobody on photos.

Replied: 23rd Apr 2009 at 19:29

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

If dougie took those pictuers here, it would be illegal...thats how stupid things are here!

dougie, What I've been trying to work out is how you get to the start of your walks, and then get back at the end of them...bus? lift?

Replied: 24th Apr 2009 at 10:49

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

joe i tried to put you on my facebook but could'nt manage it.when were you at rectory or central school?

Replied: 24th Apr 2009 at 17:58

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

trixie, it was Rectory then Ashton Grammar. if you have any problems, you can pm me on the ww forum, I have the same user name as here.

Replied: 24th Apr 2009 at 19:03

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

no i can't manage it,i just cant place you,
i remember your brother a big lad and short trousers.

Replied: 24th Apr 2009 at 19:52

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Short trousers? well, he was a good sprinter, so they were probably running shorts!

I think that I've placed you though trixie....

Replied: 24th Apr 2009 at 20:48

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

woo,ihope you didn't have sleepless nights?

Replied: 24th Apr 2009 at 20:52

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

I'm having sleepless night figuring out how to contact you!

Replied: 24th Apr 2009 at 21:08

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

.let me know if you get it +i'll edit this.

Replied: 24th Apr 2009 at 21:33
Last edited by trixie: 24th Apr 2009 at 21:53:43

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Joe all the over 60s gets a free bus pass for anywhere in England plus trains anywhere in the Manchester area,so you can just get the bus back to Ashton

Replied: 24th Apr 2009 at 22:11

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

trixie: sorry missed it, had an early night...do you use the same name on the forum section? If you do I will pm you.

dougie: I'm that far from civilisation we dont even have buses here! The nearest one is over 6 miles away! Heaven!

Replied: 25th Apr 2009 at 07:37

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Good morning Joe I've the grandchildren staying over for the week end they are still in bed,so I was just looking to see what went on last night they call it mad Friday some time, my names the same (Dougie Forum) (Spiderman on my Blog)have you looked at the street section there are over 85% of street on of the Wigan area

Replied: 25th Apr 2009 at 08:01

Posted by: erwick (135)

Hi Everybody,
One last message concerning the Rectory Reunion.
We had a meeting during the week and all is going well. Can I just say that if you are intending to go, please get your tickets from the school as soon as possible in order to obtain numbers of people for catering purposes.
Thanks to Dougie and Lyndon and others who have sent in photos, if there are any more let's have them this coming week. If you live too far away and are unable to bring them befire the night itself please bring them with yoy on the night.
If there are any questions fire away.
Hope to see you on the night.

Replied: 25th Apr 2009 at 09:55

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Eric I asked on here if it was O.K.to copy there photo's for the School Reunion of the school and walking days,I left some with your Mun for you and some at the school but no one got back to me for more

Replied: 25th Apr 2009 at 10:09

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

From Joe--dougie: I'm that far from civilisation we dont even have buses here! The nearest one is over 6 miles away! Heaven

Sorry but I wouldn't like to live like that life is to short, from Ashton you could be up the lakes 60" Wales in 60" Blackpool in 40" Liverpool,Manchester,in 30" but going to Wigan could take you over an hour

Replied: 25th Apr 2009 at 10:14

Posted by: erwick (135)

Sorry Dougie, I did get those from my Mum's and have received quite a lot more from others who have left them at the school, I was just trying a final push on here.
The more the better.

Replied: 25th Apr 2009 at 10:20

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Dougie, its not as bad as it sounds. This place has a lot more space than England, so cars are needed to go everywhere. Living so remote, we can get about £1,50 per 6 miles from the government. travel tends to go quite quickly also. I'm abouth the same distance from gothenburg as you are from London. To go there takes me max 2 1/2 hours.

Replied: 25th Apr 2009 at 11:11

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

hi joe,i sent you an pm on forum,did you get it?

Replied: 25th Apr 2009 at 11:33

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

No, sorry trixie. I've just sent you one though...I hope you have the same name on there!

Replied: 25th Apr 2009 at 11:56

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

sorry joe i'm .... on forum as there was already a trixie.

Replied: 25th Apr 2009 at 14:19
Last edited by trixie: 25th Apr 2009 at 16:22:24

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Just sent you a reply...I hope that arrives!

Replied: 25th Apr 2009 at 14:41

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

hi joe i got your pm.thanks

Replied: 25th Apr 2009 at 16:23

Posted by: suesa (646)

Just bringing this up to the top again.
Can't have a thread about Downall Green slipping to page 2 on WW can we Tonker?

Replied: 2nd May 2009 at 21:33

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Not at all suesa, This thread is the 'St.Helens Mole' on this Wigan site. Keep it up!

Replied: 2nd May 2009 at 23:17

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Downall Greeners is going under.. Hopefully after the reunion it will pick up speed again..

Replied: 4th May 2009 at 23:26

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

It's not going under it's the likes of you two and other that just look and say nothing, come up with a good question thats not been asked and watch this space,
[r]Still asking for another new poster from the area[/r]

Replied: 4th May 2009 at 23:34

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Can't think of a question right now. I'm in the middle of packing and trying to get my grandson to take his bath and doing this. My mind is on too many other things at the moment.. Sorry if I ticked you off with my remark of DG going under, see I've only just joined and I'm upsetting people..

Replied: 5th May 2009 at 00:24

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

Where is bam bam not seen a post from him in a while?

Replied: 5th May 2009 at 05:48

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Dougie, this is my last post until June.. I'm leaving for the airport shortly and hope to meet you fri night..

Replied: 5th May 2009 at 15:29

Posted by: jondav (98) 

Where are you coming from jouell?

Replied: 5th May 2009 at 18:14
Last edited by jondav: 5th May 2009 at 18:20:59

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Last check before leaving. I am coming from the US, I will be at the reunion. If you are there John, maybe I'll get to meet you.. Have to go now...

Replied: 5th May 2009 at 18:35

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

When is the school reunion?and what year is going?

Replied: 7th May 2009 at 23:10

Posted by: suesa (646)

It's tomorrow Tina and it's for all past pupils aged 18+ to celebrate the 170th anniversary of the school opening.
Last I heard about 180 tickets had been sold. Looks to be a good night.

Replied: 7th May 2009 at 23:31

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

Don't forget to take pics for us all to see Thanks

Replied: 8th May 2009 at 14:03

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

i think it's ww meeting too?

Replied: 8th May 2009 at 15:04

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

i was browsing the other ex-Downall Greeners topic earlier, and it got me thinking a little.

If, for the sake of discussion, we say that Rectory Road started at Booths Brow Road, and finished at the Legion, I could remember 14 businesses along or adjacent to it. i cant remember a newsagents though. Was there one on Rectory road, or did everyone get their papers from somewhere else?

Secondly, I have a memory of two female window cleaners. does anyone remember them?

Replied: 8th May 2009 at 15:56

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

joe i dont remember the window cleaners but pies at the bottom of rectory road was a paper shop ,off licence etc.
opposite the coop +millingfords factory.

Replied: 8th May 2009 at 16:16

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Millingfords makes 15...

If I remember correctly, the female window cleaners lived on Downall Green Road.

Trixie, I bet we are the only two on here later, all the others will be back at school...or in the Bluebell!

Replied: 8th May 2009 at 16:29

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

yes it will be buzzin all night after.
i wonder how far they have travelled?

i will be in my bed.so i'll catch up tomorrow.

Replied: 8th May 2009 at 17:18
Last edited by trixie: 8th May 2009 at 17:26:11

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

U, J, Lizzie Wynn was one of the window cleaners,cant remember the other,By the way Uncle Joe, Should i know you?

Replied: 8th May 2009 at 18:56
Last edited by bentlegs: 8th May 2009 at 19:24:28

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

bentlegs, I know your name now, but I'm not sure if we know each other. We lived at the other end of the estate. Its more likely that you would have known my brother, everyone else seems to....bert, dougie, trixie....

Replied: 8th May 2009 at 20:03

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

Hope you all have a good time,well at this time party must be well into it.Hope you all have some good story's to tell.Wish I was there

Replied: 8th May 2009 at 21:02

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

i think they will all be on here later,

Replied: 8th May 2009 at 21:08

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

trixie,I thought you would be at the party?

Replied: 8th May 2009 at 23:14

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

Hi Tina

Replied: 9th May 2009 at 02:46

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

Hi lanky is it just us 2 tonight?

Replied: 9th May 2009 at 03:10

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

I think so

Replied: 9th May 2009 at 04:33

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Well come on Uncle Joe , what is your brothers name?

Replied: 9th May 2009 at 12:23

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

bentlegs, it was Arthur.

Replied: 9th May 2009 at 13:23

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

Over here it will be Mothers day on sunday.HAPPY MOTHERS DAY EVERYONE.Is everyone to hung-over to tell us what went on last night,or maybe they are still partying!!!!!!!!!!

Replied: 9th May 2009 at 21:09

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

i think so tina.i would have loved to have gone but 100 mile round trip.

it was mothers day here ages ago.

Replied: 9th May 2009 at 21:13

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

Happy Mothers day yall from the usa

Replied: 9th May 2009 at 21:27

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

thanks marg,


Replied: 9th May 2009 at 21:31

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Arthur Heaton U J ,

Replied: 9th May 2009 at 22:26

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Quite correct bentlegs, so i suppose you remember me now?

Replied: 10th May 2009 at 12:44

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

? haha.

Replied: 10th May 2009 at 13:01

Posted by: bert (704)

hi uncle joe i was with barry houghton at the reunion.told him about your arthur he was shocked and asked me to pass onhis deepest sympathy to arthurs family.and send his regards toyou and your family.

Replied: 10th May 2009 at 15:55

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Thanks bert, I'll be talking to his girls later on this week, so I'll pass the message on...

Can you send Barry my reards also?

Replied: 10th May 2009 at 16:01

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi bert, i must apologise to you and dougie and rest of people who turned up, unfortunately i had to do a charity gig in wales for the buffs, i am now the pgp for st helens and district province so had to make an appearance down there, thought i would have been back in time but traffic was bad, i was looking forward to re-union at rectory and i'm gutted i was not there, sorry i let you greeners down but hope i can make it up to you in future.

Replied: 10th May 2009 at 16:17

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

I was wondering where you was not seen you post in a while sorry you missed the reunion maybe Dugie will post some pics?
any road up glad your back

Replied: 10th May 2009 at 16:22

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks lanky, i feel really bad about missing that, and have been very edgy because i couldn't get there, my family have fell out with me for biting everyones head off, but?? what the hell i will just have to keep apologising like i always do, if bert and dougie and rest of greeners forgive me i may feel better, i know that it's once in a lifetime experience and that's what hurts.

Replied: 10th May 2009 at 16:39

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

you never know they may have another one.

Replied: 10th May 2009 at 16:51

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi trixie, i would love that it would be better than winning lottery for me.

Replied: 10th May 2009 at 16:58

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

i thnk i would get the flowers for the oldest there.

would you go to a ww downall green party/meetin?

Replied: 10th May 2009 at 17:16

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

That is a good idea Trixie set it up

Replied: 10th May 2009 at 17:27

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

maybe......you never know.he has'nt replied yet..

we could go inter national to florida.he how about that ,then you can come too.

Replied: 10th May 2009 at 17:31
Last edited by trixie: 10th May 2009 at 17:35:06

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

I'm not sure Florida could cope with more than 1 or 2 from DG at any one time...

Replied: 10th May 2009 at 17:45

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

well lanky's from bryn.so they've not noticed her yet....

Replied: 10th May 2009 at 17:48

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

We could all meet in St Augustine

Replied: 10th May 2009 at 20:00

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

forgot you from bryn not dg.but you can be guide.

Replied: 10th May 2009 at 20:12

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

If you do a reunion again give me plenty of time so I can come over.I will make sure bambam will be there even if I have to drag him with his tail,lol.Who was the youngest person there?

Replied: 11th May 2009 at 02:01

Posted by: bambam (3071)

oh thanks sis, is that something look forward to, sounds painful to me? if i would have attended i would have been the youngest.

Replied: 11th May 2009 at 02:15

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

hang on bambam ,they didn't give any flowers for the youngest...
i hope i can manage it next time.(but not as the oldest)

Replied: 11th May 2009 at 10:20

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

I did hear that a Mrs Parkinson was there, with her son, Harold. Was she not the oldest, or did she not go to Rectory?

Replied: 11th May 2009 at 13:27

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

I didn't see Mrs Parkinson but Harold and his two sisters was there

Replied: 11th May 2009 at 14:14

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

mrs parry was the oldest 97.

she got flowers.

Replied: 11th May 2009 at 15:26

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

Don't worry Bam bam we are all your friends on here

Replied: 13th May 2009 at 13:34

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

I think most people are friends on here... Its a nice place to be!

dougie: I dont remember Harolds sisters, what were their names?

Replied: 13th May 2009 at 13:56

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

my daughter spoke to a friend of her's that went,he is in his 30's he said that they were all "old" people there and only stayed 10 minutes and left.

Replied: 13th May 2009 at 14:48

Posted by: bert (704)

hi trixie i thought the same till i saw dougie and his brother ralph.and bam bam you dont need to apologise i know how the buffs works.shame though i was looking forward to seeing you again.

Replied: 13th May 2009 at 15:25

Posted by: bert (704)

hi dougie met your ralph in spain years ago and when i met him at the reunion he asked do i not go there anymore .i came home sunday and was informed my wife had booked us a holiday there as a surprise lovely .

Replied: 13th May 2009 at 15:32

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Aw how nice of her,

sounds like a nice lady bert.

Is she from dg?

Replied: 13th May 2009 at 15:36

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

UJ Edna and Jean but they would have been married in the 50s so you may not remember them

(Bert) hi trixie i thought the same till i saw dougie and his brother ralph, thanks for that was we the youngest Bert after you

Replied: 13th May 2009 at 16:49

Posted by: bert (704)

hi trixie no she was born in bryn rd .but she improved when she met a d greener.

Replied: 13th May 2009 at 18:56

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Aw you've gone and spoiled it now...

I thought you'd turned into a nice man.

Replied: 13th May 2009 at 19:07

Posted by: bert (704)

hi trixie just kidding wouldnt change her for the world.

Replied: 14th May 2009 at 11:01

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Oh that's alright then.

She seems a good'n.

Would i know her?

Replied: 14th May 2009 at 14:58

Posted by: bert (704)

hi trixie no i dont think so she is younger than me although she used to come to d green with her mate marilyn whos grandma lived in rectory rd .but it was when she was young.she went to grammer school .

Replied: 14th May 2009 at 19:56

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Are you a sugar daddy then?

How's your mary+kathleen going on?

Replied: 14th May 2009 at 20:13

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi lanky, thanks for that love i know you and bert both understand, i thank you dearly for that, yes bert i was looking forward to having a pint with you pal,but i will catch up with you eventually, the buffs now meet at bryn labour club if you ever decide to pay us a visit.

Replied: 14th May 2009 at 22:24

Posted by: bert (704)

hi trixie our kath is in a wheel chair and has been for a long time but is in good health for her age ha ha she will kill me if she reads this sometimes reads on here but will not come on .mary as been having chemo therapy for a cancer of the blood had things removed from her lung and they found the blood cancer so not in the best of health but carrying on .we all have our problems but have to get on with it

Replied: 15th May 2009 at 11:03

Posted by: bert (704)

hi bam bam i thought you were at old rd labour club .maybe one day i will shock you and turn up at the lodge .

Replied: 15th May 2009 at 11:06

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Oh sorry about kath +mary.

Hey less of your kath's age.i'm the same age as her...

I suppose your gettin your own back.

Replied: 15th May 2009 at 15:17

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

trixie, do you mean to say that you arent 21?

Replied: 15th May 2009 at 16:11

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Hey up joe,

I'm only 22 .

ger away with yer trouble

Replied: 15th May 2009 at 16:16

Posted by: bert (704)

hijoe if trixie 22 im 19 ha ha just getting ready to go and watch downall green in a football cup final at ashton town football club. come on you greeners.

Replied: 15th May 2009 at 18:00

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

where do you live now bert?

Replied: 15th May 2009 at 18:13

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

trixie, could we call it 21 and a few months? (about 300!)

Replied: 15th May 2009 at 19:49

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

ger away you cheeky begger.

(you might be right.)

Replied: 15th May 2009 at 19:53

Posted by: bert (704)

hi trixie i live in bryn

Replied: 15th May 2009 at 21:49

Posted by: bert (704)

hi joe been to the match winning 4 goals to 1 match abandoned because of collapsed drain.

Replied: 15th May 2009 at 21:54

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

I think you 2 are gangin up on me.

It's good to have a laugh.

Replied: 16th May 2009 at 10:14

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

I'm still laughing about the reason the match was abandoned...

Replied: 16th May 2009 at 10:59

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

yes,he didn't say who was winning!!!

they must have nearly finished.

Replied: 16th May 2009 at 15:26

Posted by: bambam (3071)

They would'nt have known trixie, i bet they was all tanked lol

Replied: 16th May 2009 at 23:58

Posted by: bert (704)

hi bam bam d greeners were winning and i was driving didnt have a drink..one or two others did and i was jealous.

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 11:44

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

You all didnt really expect that a team from ashton could beat downall Greeners did you? Well, really!

Bert, do you ever hear anything about Danny Mac?

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 13:25

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

well somebody "sabotaged" the drains then.

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 18:50

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

I wonder who that could have been?

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 19:11

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Ashton team,whoever they were...

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 19:46

Posted by: bert (704)

HI TRIXIE AND JOE the other team they were playing were goose green on a neutral ground .i often see danny mac around bryn he lives up the road from me .i see tom as well in the bowling club on a friday .danny retired from the gas board .

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 20:14

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Bert was it you that said you were going on a cruise this summer?

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 20:23

Posted by: bert (704)

no next year spain this summer for 11days and turkey later on .tried cruise last year for first time and loved it .

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 20:27

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

yes so did my husband,he wants to for 5 weeks next year.!!!we have booked for turkey in nov for a month.got a good deal

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 20:30

Posted by: bert (704)

love turkey we go to the south quieter down there

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 20:34

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

yes thats were were of to.no euro this year.

we used to have a house in kusidasi,our daughter lived in it.but sold it a few years ago.

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 20:44

Posted by: bert (704)

we going to lara beach in a hotel complex which may sink on its maiden voyage saw it being built a few years ago and managed to book it at right price last year .all the family and others going .

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 21:17

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

oh good you should enjoy it. sounds a rite good do.

we are going to side hotel perusso or somethin like that.

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 21:43

Posted by: bert (704)

went to side two years ago

Replied: 18th May 2009 at 16:27

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Trixie,I know this is a long shot but an old friend of mine from Spindle Hillock lives in Wrexham, Have you ever come accross him? his name is Tommy Dixon,Like i say it's a long shot but you never know.

Replied: 18th May 2009 at 19:19

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

No i'm afraid not.but do you remember mrs prole the teacher and her boys from spindle hillock.The boys live here and i saw her a while ago and she is looking to sell up and move here.

Replied: 18th May 2009 at 19:45

Posted by: whups (13685) 

on the football front , downall green replayed l/nite at g/wood united agst goose green & were victorious 3 - 0 . and knew tommy dixon very well or as "dixie" as he was known in the darts fraternity.

Replied: 19th May 2009 at 15:33
Last edited by whups: 19th May 2009 at 15:34:46

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

hello brian,were you bin?

iv'e been in contact with our john.
it's only bin 20 years.

Replied: 19th May 2009 at 15:37

Posted by: whups (13685) 

i did let hin know marge . anyway i,m glad he made contact .

Replied: 20th May 2009 at 14:55

Posted by: bert (704)

hi whups didnt see you at match.good win .

Replied: 20th May 2009 at 15:52

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

thanks brian.

Replied: 20th May 2009 at 19:07

Posted by: whups (13685) 

did,nt go bert , knee swollen-up . malc gave me a ring with the score . the cup-kings are back.

Replied: 21st May 2009 at 15:05

Posted by: bert (704)

hi whups it was like the old times but got a lot df young lads in and i didnt go back to bell getting old .

Replied: 21st May 2009 at 20:48

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi guys, nice to see they still got a team like they had in years gone by, don't think i would know any of em now.

Replied: 21st May 2009 at 23:28

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Is everybody asleep on here?

wakey wakey

Replied: 27th May 2009 at 18:06

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Now you've gone and woke us all up trixie....

Replied: 27th May 2009 at 18:42

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Aw what a shame.

no slackin on here.

you need your witts about you.

Replied: 27th May 2009 at 18:45

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

(Referring to the other topic) We cant have our wits about us, because if we did, we would be knit-wits....

Replied: 27th May 2009 at 20:48

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

I think some people think we are ,because we have a sense of humour..

Replied: 27th May 2009 at 20:54

Posted by: bert (704)

hi trixie not been on due to a bereavment in the family .another downall greener gone .funeral next week.

Replied: 28th May 2009 at 15:54

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Oh sorry bert,do i know them?

Replied: 28th May 2009 at 16:08

Posted by: bert (704)

yes lived round corner from you has a sister anne same age as you i think. they were all girls married to my brother who died a few years ago .

Replied: 28th May 2009 at 16:49

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

give us a name.i can only think of wilde's ,wright.lowe.

Replied: 28th May 2009 at 16:53
Last edited by trixie: 28th May 2009 at 16:59:24

Posted by: bert (704)

dot lived in lilac unsworth was her maiden name .

Replied: 28th May 2009 at 17:16

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

oh ye remember now.her dad brought them up.they lived next door to prescotts.

Replied: 28th May 2009 at 17:24

Posted by: bert (704)

yes thats them

Replied: 28th May 2009 at 17:26

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

RIP dot.have they got family?

Replied: 28th May 2009 at 17:44
Last edited by trixie: 28th May 2009 at 20:23:15

Posted by: bambam (3071)

so sorry to hear the bad news bert, i knew dot and children well, RIP DOT.

Replied: 28th May 2009 at 19:35

Posted by: suesa (646)

I'm so sorry to hear this sad news Bert. Dot & George lived next but one to my Mum when she lived in Lilac.
Thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Replied: 28th May 2009 at 20:11

Posted by: yamped (13)

am a new member of ww am a xdownallgrener did 21years at hawthorn ..went in bell and sns club..

Replied: 4th Jun 2009 at 23:39

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Welcome to the Message Board. now all you need to do is give us some clues as to who you are....

Replied: 5th Jun 2009 at 07:50

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Welcome David

Replied: 5th Jun 2009 at 10:01

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Trixie, how come you know who he is, and I dont?

Replied: 5th Jun 2009 at 11:33

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Are you related to 'FS1E'?

Replied: 5th Jun 2009 at 11:53

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

You just put your curser over "yamped" and click and it takes you to his profile...

Can you follow that?

I'll ask a silly question tonker but what is 'FS1E'?

Replied: 5th Jun 2009 at 17:04

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

An FS1E is a moped that Yamaha used to make. Probably the biggest thing Tonker could ride on L plates when he was 16. Of course, when we were kids, we could ride 250's, and some of us even bigger bikes...

Replied: 5th Jun 2009 at 17:10

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Thanks joe.i should have known that..

I'm only used to big bikes, bsa rockets,gold star and gold wings etc.

Replied: 5th Jun 2009 at 17:34
Last edited by trixie: 5th Jun 2009 at 18:56:12

Posted by: suesa (646)

Hiya David hope you're ok and welcome to Wigan World
You don't have to be mad to come on here - but it does help
Not seen you for ages, sometimes see your Sue and my Mum keeps in touch with yours.

Replied: 5th Jun 2009 at 21:30

Posted by: yamped (13)

does anyone know who is the landlord is at bluebell?

Replied: 6th Jun 2009 at 10:27
Last edited by yamped: 6th Jun 2009 at 10:53:35

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Johnny halliwell and friends last i heard.

Replied: 6th Jun 2009 at 14:22
Last edited by trixie: 6th Jun 2009 at 14:24:16

Posted by: whups (13685) 

pam prior { lazenko ) is running the bell as landlady .

Replied: 7th Jun 2009 at 10:49

Posted by: yamped (13)

thanks for that brian,long time since i saw old biuebell lads .

Replied: 9th Jun 2009 at 11:33

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yep dav , glad 2 see ur still around . how r things .

Replied: 10th Jun 2009 at 16:09

Posted by: yamped (13)

ya am ok Brian ru still hitting them 180s,do you stll go in the bell.its ages since i've been in.

Replied: 11th Jun 2009 at 22:29

Posted by: whups (13685) 

packed in playing darts 20yrs ago dav. dont go in the bell much these days . it,s 2 expensive . i,m always in tom & jerrys in ashton most weekends .

Replied: 12th Jun 2009 at 01:03

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

I remember the Pit Pony was the first new pub opened in the Ashton area (about 1980), I give a trophy for the first player ever to score 180 in a darts match,
when we played the Bell they was thinking Brian would get it you did score 180 but not in the match, as you know a good player like yourself only gets 3/4 attempts in any match

So someone out there as the trophy saying he was the first player ever to score 180 in a darts match

Replied: 12th Jun 2009 at 11:36
Last edited by dougie: 12th Jun 2009 at 16:42:37

Posted by: bert (704)

hi vamped or david as we know you welcome to wigan world nice to see another old downall greener on .only just seen it been away for a break.i remember you well and your family .

Replied: 12th Jun 2009 at 12:42

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

I'm still trying to work out who yamped is....and now whups has joined in....cant somebody help me?

Replied: 12th Jun 2009 at 13:36

Posted by: yamped (13)

I'l try & catch up with you 1 weekend in tom & jerry's & have a pint with you.

Replied: 12th Jun 2009 at 21:44

Posted by: broady (inactive)

Uncle Joe,

If you click on their names you will see that yamped is David Lindsay and whups is Brian Scully.

Replied: 12th Jun 2009 at 22:19

Posted by: yamped (13)

Hya Bert not sure who you are, can you give me any clues ?

Replied: 12th Jun 2009 at 23:12

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi yamped, welcome to greeners site on wiganworld, not seen you in years hope you are fine, we will have to go see whups in ashton and have good old knees up, are you living locally.

Replied: 12th Jun 2009 at 23:18

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Whups I remember, but not Yamped as yet, though I probably will when my brain gets in gear today...

Replied: 13th Jun 2009 at 08:08

Posted by: yamped (13)

Hya bam bam, no i don't live locally anymore i've emigrated (to a foriegn place called Ince) but i'm allowed back to birch grove on sundays to visit my mum. Yea it would be good to have a catch up in tom & jerry's with brian sometime.

Replied: 13th Jun 2009 at 10:20

Posted by: yamped (13)

bert i think i know you,did you live near the island on the estate?

Replied: 13th Jun 2009 at 10:49
Last edited by yamped: 13th Jun 2009 at 10:57:43

Posted by: bert (704)


Replied: 13th Jun 2009 at 18:15

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Bert, this question should really be on the S&S club thread, but who won the races on the green after closing?

Replied: 13th Jun 2009 at 19:51

Posted by: bert (704)

HI JOE it was always very close it usually came down to who had the extra pint but both david and arthur were fast.but always good friends .

Replied: 13th Jun 2009 at 19:56

Posted by: bambam (3071)

yamped that's great, just let me know when your ready and we will get in touch with bri and pay a visit.

Replied: 13th Jun 2009 at 23:55

Posted by: whups (13685) 

hi dav , wen u call at ur mums give me a knock as i still live in the same house in hawthorn .

Replied: 15th Jun 2009 at 13:04

Posted by: yamped (13)

yea brian i will i'l be there this sun about 2 ish so i call & see you. Does bambam still live in downallgreen ?

Replied: 15th Jun 2009 at 23:49

Posted by: yamped (13)

yea brian i will i'l be there this sun about 2 ish so i call & see you. Does bambam still live in downallgreen ?

Replied: 15th Jun 2009 at 23:49

Posted by: whups (13685) 

no dav , he lives in wigan now . has done 4 a few years .

Replied: 16th Jun 2009 at 14:10

Posted by: yamped (13)

whups.is jimmy(H)on wiganworld? if he so watt name dose he use?

Replied: 21st Jun 2009 at 16:00

Posted by: whups (13685) 

no dav , not on wigan w .

Replied: 22nd Jun 2009 at 11:30

Posted by: bert (704)

hi brian did david turn up on sunday hope so it would be nice for old friends.who is jimmy h do i know him .were as everybody gone its gone so quiet on here.

Replied: 30th Jun 2009 at 17:30

Posted by: whups (13685) 

hiya bert , yep david did turn-up on sun . jimmy h lives just up the road from u behind the park lane club . rides motor bikes 4 a living . ring any bells ? .

Replied: 30th Jun 2009 at 19:52

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

So you boys had a knee-up any good story,s to tell?

Replied: 1st Jul 2009 at 12:32

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Bert, His name is Jimmy Hodson,Used to race motor bikes,

Replied: 1st Jul 2009 at 19:18

Posted by: bert (704)

HI BENTLEGS i know who he is now .didnt his dad used to go in bell playing dominoes a long time ago with joe clarke .

Replied: 2nd Jul 2009 at 21:08

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

I know he went in the Bell Burt , He lived in Leylandgreen Rd,

Replied: 3rd Jul 2009 at 16:50

Posted by: bert (704)

is it dickies brother who lived near you .

Replied: 7th Jul 2009 at 15:17

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

It was Bert, his name was Jack,

Replied: 7th Jul 2009 at 19:19

Posted by: bert (704)

thanks bentlegs i thought it was .not seen your pete or any of you lately have you gone in hiding .tell them all i have been asking and give them my regards .

Replied: 9th Jul 2009 at 12:32

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

hya bert...

Replied: 9th Jul 2009 at 17:27

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Will do Bert,

Replied: 9th Jul 2009 at 19:21

Posted by: bert (704)

hi trixie have you been to kevins nursery yet.

Replied: 17th Jul 2009 at 11:32

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

No, not had time yet to go,but i WILL let you all know when i do..I may get marg to put my photo on here.

Replied: 17th Jul 2009 at 14:38

Posted by: bluesman (246)

Are the Bell and Stag pubs still open?

Replied: 18th Jul 2009 at 19:19

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Only Just, Struggling.

Replied: 18th Jul 2009 at 20:44

Posted by: bambam (3071)

The Bluebell got a new landlady at the weekend, good luck to her.

Replied: 21st Jul 2009 at 20:33

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Who's the new landlady bambam?

Replied: 21st Jul 2009 at 20:55

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi trixie, its Tony Harrison's daughter anne.

Replied: 21st Jul 2009 at 20:58

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

I don't remember them.

I hope it works out for her.

Your tina tell's me your mum is going to visit her.

Replied: 21st Jul 2009 at 21:16

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi Trixie, i think she is going over in august, there is a pic of tony on north ashton {album, places] last page.

Replied: 21st Jul 2009 at 21:25

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Yes of course i recognise him.

Replied: 21st Jul 2009 at 21:38

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

Hi bambam Whats wrong ,don't talk to your sister any more? when are you coming over? trixie told me how to do this tonight [the smile faces]

Replied: 22nd Jul 2009 at 01:10
Last edited by tina m lynaugh: 22nd Jul 2009 at 01:11:31

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi sis, hows tricks, not been on much lately bin to busy with work, hope tom and kids are ok bet your looking forward to mother coming over, jim can moither the life out of you all.

Replied: 22nd Jul 2009 at 21:38

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

Yes and he does it very well!
everyone is good,just got back from swimming 7:45pm . If the weather lets us we go every day.

Replied: 23rd Jul 2009 at 00:43

Posted by: bambam (3071)

our mother's looking forward to it tina, hope you all have a good time,shove jim in the irish bar and leave him there till plane's ready for leaving, ha ha

Replied: 23rd Jul 2009 at 23:48

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

that so funny,the sad part is he would have a good time

Replied: 24th Jul 2009 at 02:30

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

If you think he makes Donna crazy ,you should see Rachel and me with out a doubt .I think us girls should go some were !!!!!!!!!!

Replied: 24th Jul 2009 at 02:37

Posted by: bambam (3071)

well if you do take ma with you , and leave jim with tom hee hee

Replied: 24th Jul 2009 at 23:20

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

That will prove Tom,s love for me

Replied: 25th Jul 2009 at 17:44

Posted by: bambam (3071)

The worst possible senario is, tom will strangle him

Replied: 26th Jul 2009 at 02:20

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

Are you willing to take that chance??

Replied: 26th Jul 2009 at 19:42
Last edited by tina m lynaugh: 26th Jul 2009 at 19:43:21

Posted by: bambam (3071)

oh yes i've every confidence in tom, hope you all have good time anyway, this will probably be mothers last trip as she don't like travelling, i think she will probably tell you, please don't tell her i told you but she is not up to it anymore, truth is tina she is still having reperccusions after the op, but she's afraid to tell you, but i hope everything will go ok, she is making this trip as she loves you and her grandchildren, i know you will give her a good time.

Replied: 26th Jul 2009 at 23:32

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

I was surprised she is coming year.what is she afraid of telling me?I won't tell her about this.If she need,s me I will move back.

Replied: 26th Jul 2009 at 23:39

Posted by: bambam (3071)

its nothing serious tina, but jim booked the flight, i don't know if it was a suprise for mum or just a break for him, but either way i hope you all have a good time.

Replied: 26th Jul 2009 at 23:50

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

By the way why are you not making me a friend on face book?

Replied: 26th Jul 2009 at 23:51

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

You know Jim he always gets what he want,s

Replied: 26th Jul 2009 at 23:53

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Facebook, sorry sis but i was not impressed with it so i do not use it any more, i know jim always gets what he wants but its time he considered mothers health, i will e mail you and tell you in more detail.

Replied: 27th Jul 2009 at 00:06

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

thank you.

Replied: 27th Jul 2009 at 00:09

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi sis iv'e noticed your'e surfing the boards very late over here.

Replied: 2nd Aug 2009 at 02:42

Posted by: litavan (2)

Can anybody direct me to some good pictures of Rectory School, pref around 1969? Its the year i left for the secondary school in Ashton.

Replied: 3rd Aug 2009 at 07:18

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Hi welcome Litavan.you need to click on photos,go to album then schools area listed,

Replied: 3rd Aug 2009 at 08:35

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

bambam are you awake?

Replied: 4th Aug 2009 at 00:49

Posted by: whups (13685) 

hi vaughn , look 4 schools & look 4 d/green & north ashton or rectory school . did u sort the problem out with ur e-mail addy on the ex-pats site ? .

Replied: 4th Aug 2009 at 14:19

Posted by: bambam (3071)

whups, how is anne doing in the bell, blakey does'nt go in now so can't get any info.

Replied: 10th Aug 2009 at 21:59

Posted by: bert (704)

hi bam bam iwas out with h last week .he said it was just surviving.not heard off you for awhile.

Replied: 11th Aug 2009 at 09:40

Posted by: whups (13685) 

not b long b4 it shuts i dont think . there just like anyone taking the bell on . cant survive on 1 night a week . it,s just a matter of time .

Replied: 11th Aug 2009 at 17:43

Posted by: bert (704)

hi whups i saw you at dinner time in ashton i was turning up bolton rd tried to get your attentionbut no to busy noseying at other things .i did not know it was that bad in the bell doyou not go in now

Replied: 11th Aug 2009 at 18:14

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi bert, alreet pal not been on as much as i would like had a lot of trouble with the old diabetes, hope your all ok, its a shame about bell, i thought it would have done ok after all its only pub in village, must be to expensive or pot ale if its not getting support.

Replied: 11th Aug 2009 at 19:15

Posted by: whups (13685) 

it,s been like that bert 4 a very long time , since arthur williams got out . no-one can survive on 1 day a week 2 keep any place open . no , dont go in anymore . ashton is my watering hole now .1-65 a pint for lager in the robin hood . it,ll do me .

Replied: 12th Aug 2009 at 15:56

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi bri, so sad to see our old watering hole go down the pan i have many good memories of the bell as you well know,i remember you being in charge of bell run to ashton and back what great nights out we had, how great it wud be to turn clock back, hope your'e in good health bri will have to have a few pints in near future, rergards bam.

Replied: 13th Aug 2009 at 00:32

Posted by: whups (13685) 

yep dav, gud nights had by all. but all gud things must come 2 an end sometime . dont think it,ll shut in the near future , but it will come 4 sure . a vallient attempt but doomed 2 failure . just keepin me head above water if u know wot i mean dav.

Replied: 13th Aug 2009 at 01:05

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi bri, glad your ok i will be in touch in near future and organise i few scoops with you, please keep me informed with activties from your dwelling, regards bam.

Replied: 13th Aug 2009 at 23:26

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

Bambam we are off on our summer holiday, a couple of days late, but leaving 4.00am Saturday.Better late than never!!

Replied: 22nd Aug 2009 at 00:10

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi sis, hope you have a good time please send me the pics.

Replied: 22nd Aug 2009 at 01:51

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Tina hope jim has been a good boy, if not he will have to face the the committe at the workers, with a warrington jury he will know what i mean.

Replied: 22nd Aug 2009 at 02:06
Last edited by bambam: 24th Aug 2009 at 19:42:33

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi Tina, he will be grumpy now man u beat wigan 5 nil today.

Replied: 22nd Aug 2009 at 23:40

Posted by: cenac (20)

I heard that the Blue Bell is going to be on the telly. Was busy yesterday & film crew was there.

Replied: 24th Aug 2009 at 10:28

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Why is Blue Bell going to be on TV?

Replied: 24th Aug 2009 at 17:26

Posted by: whups (13685) 

hi dav , just to let people know who knows john ( sammy ) hughes that his wife marie passed away on thurs morning in here sleep . i think trixie should know as she is family .

Replied: 29th Aug 2009 at 12:20

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Brian can you get me more details as this is such a shock to me,i have not had heard from him for a couple of weeks.
i know his mum had a heart attack..thanks Brian was she ill?
I'm away on holiday and can't get hold of my mam.

Replied: 29th Aug 2009 at 14:31
Last edited by trixie: 29th Aug 2009 at 14:37:43

Posted by: whups (13685) 

hi marge , bernice went back in hospital , but back out now . gwyllm is in hospital after falling from johns car . they dont know as yet what caused marie,s death . it,s a complete mystry .

Replied: 29th Aug 2009 at 16:32

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Many thanks Brian.my uncle as also died this week too Paul.I presume you mean gwilym ?(dad).

A friend also had a stroke this week too.

I am so shocked today.I got hold of my mam to ask about Marie and they had tried to contact me about my uncle but did't know about marie.

Replied: 29th Aug 2009 at 17:24
Last edited by trixie: 29th Aug 2009 at 17:37:36

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Sorry to here about them but keep putting the news on here good or bad,I'am still and old Downall Greener even if I dont live there

Replied: 29th Aug 2009 at 17:54

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Did you know paul pownall Dougie?

I'm so glad of this site.it has helped me a lot.
Brian got me back in touch with my cousin after many years.And he as given me all this news today.
they are all downall geeners or have been in the past.

Replied: 29th Aug 2009 at 17:59

Posted by: suesa (646)

I'm sorry to hear of your loss Trixie. I remember your Uncle Paul. What a tough time your family is having, keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

Replied: 29th Aug 2009 at 23:14

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks bri, i did not know that will you please pass on my condoloncies to sammy, he must be really down and out at the moment, my thoughts are with him at this sad time, he was a good friend to me in late 70s early 80s, RIP Marie god bless.

Replied: 30th Aug 2009 at 02:22

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

If anybody gets any more info i would very much appreciate it.

Thanks to all.

Replied: 30th Aug 2009 at 11:04

Posted by: molly17 (919)

Ermmm, why is the bluebell gonna be on tv...

Replied: 30th Aug 2009 at 16:33

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi Bri, i've just been informed that sammy's dad has been admitted to hospital, if you get any info please let me know bri, thanks bam.

Replied: 30th Aug 2009 at 23:20

Posted by: bert (704)

hi trixie i have only just heard about your sammys wife marie and about gwylam and berniece and uncle paul.please pass on my condolences and thoughts to thier families.

Replied: 31st Aug 2009 at 12:39

Posted by: yamped (13)

brian, thanx 4 letting us know the sad news about sammy's wife our thoughts are with the family.

Replied: 31st Aug 2009 at 13:56

Posted by: whups (13685) 

hi dav , old gwyllem is going to be ok by the sound of it . he,s just bruised . still dont know on the mystery death of marie . will get to know something on wednsday as i,m trying to go & see him at home .

Replied: 2nd Sep 2009 at 01:32

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Hi brian.Give him my love.I could do with getting his address someway to go and see him.

Replied: 2nd Sep 2009 at 08:56

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks bri for keeping us informed.

Replied: 2nd Sep 2009 at 23:37

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

Hi yall just visiting see how things are going

Replied: 3rd Sep 2009 at 04:15

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi lanky, how ya doin.

Replied: 3rd Sep 2009 at 20:34

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Marie's funeral next thursday at 11am at St Oswalds and burial in Churchyard.

Replied: 3rd Sep 2009 at 21:00

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks for that trixie.

Replied: 3rd Sep 2009 at 21:18

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi bri, any news on gwyllem not seen mick middlehurst tonite, was hoping for some good news.

Replied: 6th Sep 2009 at 22:40

Posted by: whups (13685) 

he,s at home dav . slow going but that,s to be expected with recent events .

Replied: 7th Sep 2009 at 18:04

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks for that bri .

Replied: 9th Sep 2009 at 22:06

Posted by: sammys (292) 

thanks for everyone coming to the funeral all the the cards and donations love you all sammy

Replied: 16th Sep 2009 at 00:20

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Welcome sammy.Take care.XX

Replied: 16th Sep 2009 at 09:40
Last edited by trixie: 16th Sep 2009 at 16:30:41

Posted by: whups (13685) 

see u in tom & gerry,s or presi on friday sam .

Replied: 16th Sep 2009 at 16:32

Posted by: sammys (292) 

hi david lindsay i have not seen you since i caught the bus going to wigan to catch the train to go to london for my 40 birthday rememder hope you are keeping ok i remember you saying is it for your birthday because yours is a week later

Replied: 17th Sep 2009 at 22:58

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi sammy, hope you are are getting over the sad loss of your beloved marie, so sorry for that pal, remember you well guess who .

Replied: 18th Sep 2009 at 23:13

Posted by: bambam (3071)

i'll give you a clue sammy, you beat me at village club snooker knockout in 80s, on black ball,mind you i did have a 21 point advantage start, hope your still as good as you were then sammy, all the best pal.

Replied: 18th Sep 2009 at 23:19

Posted by: suesa (646)

Hi Sammy, both our Elaine & myself were so very sorry for your loss. Our thoughts are with you and your family, remember living across the road from you in Hawthorn very well.

Replied: 19th Sep 2009 at 23:14

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

Hey Bambam I was playing my farm town on face book well we have farms and we go to the market place to get help so i went to help and was hired by bambam lol I sent a message to see if it was you got reply saying no so now there are two of you lol
I am Margaret White on there if you use face book

Replied: 25th Sep 2009 at 16:26

Posted by: bambam (3071)

That sounds interesting lanky, though i don't believe my sister will agree there is another like me hee hee

Replied: 25th Sep 2009 at 20:29

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

You got that right!.the one and only,everything else is just copy right

Replied: 25th Sep 2009 at 22:35

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

ha ha ha you need to go suz this out lol
It was kinda funny two Bam bams

Replied: 28th Sep 2009 at 05:04

Posted by: bambam (3071)

you are cheeky sis .

Replied: 6th Oct 2009 at 19:00

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Tina where you hiding, i have had senior moment is mothers birthday on 13th or 15th, gee my memories goosed. .

Replied: 7th Oct 2009 at 22:26

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks for your reply sis, however i now know it's the 13th .

Replied: 10th Oct 2009 at 01:04

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

got tina hooked on the game

Replied: 10th Oct 2009 at 05:19

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi lanky, she's hooked on something.

Replied: 10th Oct 2009 at 09:50

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

sorry bambam its all lanky fault she got me plowing fields milking cow ect.Mum birthday is the 13th oct.jim is the 27 i thinksorry bambam have to go and gather eggs

Replied: 12th Oct 2009 at 02:09

Posted by: bert (704)

hi bam bam sorry i could not stop and chat on tuesday. i was taking the sister in law home.but it was nice to see you after all this time .next time i will stop.

Replied: 15th Oct 2009 at 13:42

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi bert, no probs pal was nice to see you as well i recognised your sister in law i used to have a few pints with her hubby in colliers.

Replied: 17th Oct 2009 at 19:14

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi whups, thats a good pic of you on album in prague.

Replied: 24th Oct 2009 at 22:13

Posted by: whups (13685) 

where abouts did u see it dav ? .

Replied: 25th Oct 2009 at 12:56

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi whups, have you any old pics of d-green, or d-greeners.

Replied: 1st Nov 2009 at 20:28

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 


Replied: 1st Nov 2009 at 23:33

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

So where is guy give him up Tina

Replied: 2nd Nov 2009 at 01:25

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

On a very sad note Pats Mam from downall green Died today rest in peace sweet lady you was very kind to me as I grew up may the angels carry you to Jesus

Replied: 4th Nov 2009 at 21:12

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

R I P.
How old was she marg?I can't think of her name.

Replied: 4th Nov 2009 at 21:45

Posted by: bert (704)

hi lanky is that reenie pats mam.

Replied: 5th Nov 2009 at 18:09

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

Not sure what her name was itwas so ong ago when I lived there but Pat was Pat painter

Replied: 6th Nov 2009 at 15:59

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

It was Renee.but i can't remember her married name.
I knew her second husbands family from stubshie

Replied: 6th Nov 2009 at 16:45

Posted by: bert (704)

hi trixie there names were yeats.arthur was at school with me .so sad to hear about reenie they lived next to us at downallgreen before they moved to brocstedes.been family friends ever since.

Replied: 6th Nov 2009 at 18:23

Posted by: bambam (3071)

hi sis, it don't seem 12 months ago since you and lanky tried burn me. lol.

Replied: 6th Nov 2009 at 22:07

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

not heard anything else but ido hope Pat and her family are ok and your right Burt that was her name A lovely lady

Replied: 7th Nov 2009 at 04:54

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi lanky, sorry about the news on pat's mother my heart goes out to all the family at this very sad time, god bless them all.

Replied: 7th Nov 2009 at 23:11

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

Yes I cried Bam bam I had a lot of really good times at her house

Replied: 10th Nov 2009 at 17:01

Posted by: bambam (3071)

yes it's sad lanky, hope pat and family come through it ok.

Replied: 14th Nov 2009 at 23:33

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi whups, did you have a look for any old pics of d-green.

Replied: 19th Nov 2009 at 22:21

Posted by: bambam (3071)

whups, going for a pint in thomas gerrard fri 4th dec about 1pm does tha fancy a couple, we can talk about good old days.

Replied: 29th Nov 2009 at 01:58

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)


Replied: 1st Dec 2009 at 19:30

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

The Blue Bell maybe on T.V.on the 8th December have you seen this advert thats running now

Replied: 3rd Dec 2009 at 23:14

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks dougie, i have seen it will have to remember that one.

Replied: 5th Dec 2009 at 01:15

Posted by: suesa (646)

I have just looked to see about this programme and it is on Sky,channel 534 (Blighty) on Friday at 8pm. It is a series that is on every night and features a different pub each night this week, Friday is The Blue Bell.
Hope you can all get to watch it.

Replied: 9th Dec 2009 at 20:13
Last edited by suesa: 10th Dec 2009 at 21:15:37

Posted by: whups (13685) 

hiya dav , not been well , had swine flu & not been out since 31 oct. still not right yet .

Replied: 10th Dec 2009 at 01:14

Posted by: suesa (646)

Sorry to hear that Brian, hope you're soon fully recovered.

Replied: 10th Dec 2009 at 21:17

Posted by: bambam (3071)

so sorry about that bri, get well soon mate.

Replied: 11th Dec 2009 at 23:20

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Merry christmas greeners and x greeners, and all you wiganworlders, have a good un.

Replied: 25th Dec 2009 at 10:52

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Happy new year everybody.

Sorry you've not been well brian.hope you feel better soon.
bam bam.I think we may be ready for X Greeners 3.

Replied: 26th Dec 2009 at 09:58
Last edited by trixie: 26th Dec 2009 at 10:01:02

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Posted by Tonker on the 31/01/09
ex-downall greeners (st.helens corner) V wheres me owd mate cocci (wigan corner)

Laydeeeeeees and Gentlemen,
in the first round, of this inter-borough contest, at WiganWorld Square Garden, after a submission from the ex-downall greeners thread, not being in a fit state to continue, the winner, by a clear siiiiiiiix hundreeeeeeeed and seventy siiiiiiiiiix replies ..........

'Wheeeeeeeeres me owd mate cocciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' !

The ex-downall greeners only declared on the 30/01/09 with 14620 Views,not out,to start a new thread

Me Oud Mate Cocci theard was all out on the 25/12/09 with 11782 Views, therefore I declare the winnerssssssssss Ex-Downall Greeners Thread

Replied: 26th Dec 2009 at 10:50
Last edited by dougie: 27th Dec 2009 at 16:14:00

Posted by: jouell (4705)

YEAH!! Ex Downall Greeners...

Replied: 27th Dec 2009 at 15:17
Last edited by jouell: 27th Dec 2009 at 15:18:54

Posted by: bert (704)

hi ever .ybody merry christmas and a happy new year not been on for awhile. trixie did you enjoy your holiday in turkey .

Replied: 27th Dec 2009 at 18:36

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Yes thanks got back last Tuesday,stayed in Kum Koy.
we had lovely weather for 10 days then the RAINS came.non stop torrential rain,thunder and lightening for 3 days.we had 3 lots of them.But we found something to do.we walked to Side on the beach.Hotel was lovely. We plan to go there again.
Happy New Year everybody.

Replied: 27th Dec 2009 at 20:13

Posted by: bert (704)

we stayed in titanic in lara behach lovely hotel and we had three nights of thunder and lightning but nice in the day.back to cruising next year.

Replied: 27th Dec 2009 at 20:24

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Ye were of to the caribean on 17 march for 22 days end up back in greece.waiting for phone call this week for new itinery to singapore next nov.

Replied: 27th Dec 2009 at 21:05

Posted by: bert (704)

oh to be rich like you only poor us going on rowing boat.

Replied: 28th Dec 2009 at 09:31

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Sorry,Did'nt i say we are going in a canoe and camping on the way....haha.

Replied: 28th Dec 2009 at 16:47

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi bert, my lifetime ambition was to do a world cruise,i don't suppose i will make it.

Replied: 8th Jan 2010 at 21:49

Posted by: bert (704)

hi bam bam not heard off you .happy new year mate.i would love to go on world cruisebut can only afford the cheap ones not like some people from wales.but we never know

Replied: 9th Jan 2010 at 19:36

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Hey i'll slap your legs Bert!!!!
I told you we are goin in a canoe!!!!don't you believe me...

Replied: 9th Jan 2010 at 20:50

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

u rich then Trixie or did ya win the lottery

Replied: 10th Jan 2010 at 05:10

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

No just worked for a livin.all our own work no inheritance.

Replied: 10th Jan 2010 at 10:15

Posted by: bert (704)

hi trixie i was talking to your john in bryn club last night ,hes looking very well.told him i contact you on here he says he some times has a look sends his regards.

Replied: 11th Jan 2010 at 14:34

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Hi bert. did he say whether his Dad was out of hospital?

glad to hear he was looking better.

Replied: 11th Jan 2010 at 15:01

Posted by: bert (704)

no he never said anything about his dad.i didnt no he was in hospital.

Replied: 12th Jan 2010 at 16:45

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

He has broke his hip and had a pin in it.

Replied: 12th Jan 2010 at 17:16

Posted by: bambam (3071)

where's everyone gone

Replied: 24th Jan 2010 at 23:16

Posted by: bert (704)

hi bam bam thought you emigrated were have you been

Replied: 25th Jan 2010 at 19:42

Posted by: bambam (3071)

alreet bert, not had much time to visit ww due to charaties with buffs and work as well, but hope to spend more time now on ww, hope you and family are ok pal.

Replied: 26th Jan 2010 at 23:17

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Welcome back,bambam.
I think your Tina's gone to ground playing games.

Replied: 27th Jan 2010 at 18:45

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks trixie, knowing her she will be upto summat.

Replied: 27th Jan 2010 at 22:58

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi bert, when are we having the next re union, i missed last one through no fault of me own.

Replied: 28th Jan 2010 at 00:09

Posted by: bert (704)

hi bambam i dont know not heard anythingbut would like another because ive met so many people who couldnt make it and were sad they missed it .better be doing were all getting older .it seems to go quickernowadays /have you heard how gwylam his.

Replied: 28th Jan 2010 at 15:01

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Hi Bert.Not heard anythin about Gwilym ,waitin for Brian to let me know if he is still in hospital or gone home.

Your right time seems to fly the older you get.

Guess what...We booked another cruise next february!!!!
No inheritance for the Kids at this rate.

Replied: 28th Jan 2010 at 15:27

Posted by: bert (704)

hi trixie nice one wished it was me. we have not thought of next year yet the wifes been getting the house altered again never ending.justgetting ready to go to bowling club for a nice pint i hope.

Replied: 29th Jan 2010 at 18:29

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Very nice,nowt wrong with a bit of modernisin,

We got lots snow here again..It's stickin too.

Replied: 29th Jan 2010 at 19:00
Last edited by trixie: 29th Jan 2010 at 19:52:26

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi trixie,bert, hope gwylam is better, i usually drop on him in anvil at top of wigan, hope to see him in near future.

Replied: 30th Jan 2010 at 14:30

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Hi Bambam.if you mean Big gwilym.i don't think you'll be seein him for a while as he is not very well at all.

Replied: 30th Jan 2010 at 15:02

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks trixie, thats so sad what a nice fella.

Replied: 30th Jan 2010 at 23:23

Posted by: bert (704)

hi trixie sorry to hear about gwylam. only just moved back home been staying with my daughter.new floor going down today.hopefully back to normal by weekend .

Replied: 3rd Feb 2010 at 10:37

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Gwilym's back home now.i had an e mail from Brian.

Sounds like she gutting the place,

Replied: 3rd Feb 2010 at 10:41

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks for that trixie, thats better news.

Replied: 3rd Feb 2010 at 21:47
Last edited by bambam: 3rd Feb 2010 at 21:48:03

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi trixie, any more news on mr hughes.

Replied: 8th Feb 2010 at 00:05

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

No more news. maybe Brian can tell us.Bambam.

Replied: 8th Feb 2010 at 15:49

Posted by: whups (13685) 

everything still ok & he,s still convelesing .

Replied: 13th Feb 2010 at 14:32

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Thanks Brian

Replied: 13th Feb 2010 at 16:58
Last edited by trixie: 13th Feb 2010 at 16:59:19

Posted by: cheesy (34)

Just to remind you all that it is 1year today since Craig Duffy died,my thoughts go to his family especialy Karen and Ryan.

Replied: 13th Feb 2010 at 17:13

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Does anybody know how Dennis Duffy is?Kevin's Brother used to live bottom of Rectory road.Not heard about him for years.

Replied: 13th Feb 2010 at 17:29

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Is that the brother that married one of the Hill girls ( can't remember her name now ) out of Rectory rd...? If it is he was at the reunion last year, in fact he took all of the photo's... I think they live in Spindle Hillock..

Replied: 13th Feb 2010 at 18:18

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

No jouell the Duffies werd Catholic.

I last saw Dennis when he was a patient in Billinge hospital when i worked there.

Replied: 13th Feb 2010 at 19:02

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Yes trixie I know Duffy's were catholic, but the one I'm talking about married one of the Hills and she went to the Rectory Rd school and he was there with her...

Replied: 13th Feb 2010 at 20:41

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi jouell, the duffy lad that married wendy hill was francis,yes they lived in spindle hillock top decorator to.

Replied: 13th Feb 2010 at 22:40

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Hi bambam, Francis and Wendy, could not remember their names, thank you.. Yes I'd heard he was a good decorator...took some good photo's at the reunion too..

Replied: 13th Feb 2010 at 22:50

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Thanks jouell, hope to meet you on next reunion.

Replied: 13th Feb 2010 at 23:04

Posted by: jouell (4705)

We'll see bambam, depends when it is. By the way, I think you know my baby bro, Ste Lomax.

Replied: 13th Feb 2010 at 23:43

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi jouell, is that ste of leyland green rd.

Replied: 14th Feb 2010 at 21:02

Posted by: jouell (4705)

He would be the one bambam

Replied: 14th Feb 2010 at 21:38

Posted by: bambam (3071)

oh yes he lives near me now.

Replied: 19th Feb 2010 at 13:32

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Yes he does, he told me a while back he had seen you going by his house one day..

Replied: 19th Feb 2010 at 14:07

Posted by: erwick (135)

I am trying to send you an email, but must have copied down the wrong one.
Can you get back to me?


Replied: 24th Feb 2010 at 17:43
Last edited by erwick: 24th Feb 2010 at 21:44:28

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Hi Eric, I've emailed you, you should take your email address off now..

Replied: 24th Feb 2010 at 19:46

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi bert, when are we having another re union.

Replied: 10th Mar 2010 at 18:28

Posted by: bert (704)

hi bam bam nice to hear of you not been on for a while been to busy at home and family not had chance to read anybodys remarks. i would like another reunion .

Replied: 12th Mar 2010 at 15:27

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Taken at Jack Lyons farm on 8th March Click Here

Replied: 15th Mar 2010 at 16:40

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Lovely Video Dougie.
Nice to see little lambs,I've been on the lookout for weeks.

Replied: 15th Mar 2010 at 16:48

Posted by: bert (704)

good one dougie not been up there for ages. been watching the lambing programe on t v .brings back memories of working on farm when i was younger,

Replied: 15th Mar 2010 at 16:51

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Dougie, is that the same Lyons farm up from the corner of the Dam? Loved the video, not much that's more cute than young lambs..Thanks!

Replied: 15th Mar 2010 at 17:37

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Yes it is jouell as you know lambs will only play if they feel safe so had to take the video from away off it's the best I could do , been expecting someone from Downall Green to upload photo's of the new dam bridge strengthening and road widening thats taken place over the last few months, looks like I'll have to upload them myself if no one else will

Replied: 15th Mar 2010 at 21:57

Posted by: jouell (4705)

I can't help you dougie, bit too far for me to travel, not that I don't wish almost every day that I was there.. That said I will await pictures from you...Thank you in advance.

Almost forgot to ask, is the farm still in the Lyons family?

Replied: 15th Mar 2010 at 22:45

Posted by: bert (704)

hi jouell yes it is still in the lyon family.andrew who is the grandson of jack has the farm and a very nice chap he is

Replied: 16th Mar 2010 at 12:49

Posted by: jouell (4705)

Hi bert, how're you doing? How nice to know it's still in the same family, doesn't happen too often any more. It's been many many years since I walked up there.. It's a lovely video dougie did, isn't it? Stay well bert..

Replied: 16th Mar 2010 at 13:20

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Bert was old Joe Lyon still living when you was going up the farm as a lad

Replied: 16th Mar 2010 at 17:37

Posted by: bert (704)

hi dougie yes joe wss still going iwas friends with john who ws jacks son.

Replied: 19th Mar 2010 at 14:32

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

The reason I asked we always called it Joe Lyons farm as Jack only worked there till his dad died he lived on Downall Green road as you know, so now people will be calling it Anddy Lyons farm (didn't know jacks grandson had it untill you posted it)

Replied: 19th Mar 2010 at 17:18

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

John, Jacks lad who is Andrews dad has been in a home for a long time so i have been told,

Replied: 28th Mar 2010 at 20:01

Posted by: bert (704)

hi bentlegs john had alot of problems which i would not talk about on here. but was a real nice lad when we were young.

Replied: 29th Mar 2010 at 12:28

Posted by: jouell (4705)

What a little cutie bentlegs, he has you wrapped round his little finger doesn't he?

Replied: 29th Mar 2010 at 12:41

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Sure dose jouell

Replied: 30th Mar 2010 at 19:37

Posted by: peemac (28)

john lyon andrews dad passed away 12 to 18 months ago,he is buried in our ladys graveyard

Replied: 7th Apr 2010 at 19:07

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

Peemac. I didn't know that.

Replied: 8th Apr 2010 at 15:09

Posted by: bert (704)

hi peemac i wasnt sure. i did hear about it i think but there is so many friends died i cant remember.nice to see you on here not seen you for ages give my regards to your better half.

Replied: 15th Apr 2010 at 17:26

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Tumtingle Is Peemac how I think it is Tumtell

Replied: 15th Apr 2010 at 19:25

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

It is Tumtell, Brother in law.

Replied: 15th Apr 2010 at 19:33

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

O.K. then it's nice to see you on here Peemac, may see you at the bowling club this summer

took this photo of the road widening and the new dam bridge looking from Lyons farm for anyone thats not seen it

Replied: 15th Apr 2010 at 20:19
Last edited by dougie: 15th Apr 2010 at 22:05:38

Posted by: jouell (4705)

A bit different from when we were all young, it's sunny, that's nice..Thanks dougie

Replied: 16th Apr 2010 at 10:28

Posted by: peemac (28)

good picture dougie,bert,me and the gang spent many a happy hour playing in and around that brook which runs under the dam bridge. we would get many a telling off from our mams + dads for coming home wet through and caked in slutch.

Replied: 16th Apr 2010 at 18:34

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

I was just making that video of the Lambs and just clicked the photo, as i've been passed many times in the car but never seen it from this angle

For the older ones on here do you all remember what it would have looked like on this photo when the dam corner was there 50s I can see it as if it was yesterday

Replied: 18th Apr 2010 at 10:18
Last edited by dougie: 18th Apr 2010 at 10:26:21

Posted by: bert (704)

good photo dougie .walked past the other day.still have to stop and look over the top it looked so deep when we were kids.i have taken my grandkids through the pen and into blue bell wood.gave them a lesson how to enjoy themselves without gadgets..tried a swing one day to bring back memmories could not move for weeks with chest pains.never learn.

Replied: 18th Apr 2010 at 10:44

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Bert--many good hours spent in the woods as a lad saying that we all did, how many do you think will know about the gypsy wood

Replied: 18th Apr 2010 at 11:36
Last edited by dougie: 23rd Apr 2010 at 18:35:24

Posted by: jouell (4705)

I remember, and for me it looked better then, than it does now. Now it looks just like anywhere else, compared to back in the 50s and earlier it had Character...

Replied: 18th Apr 2010 at 13:05

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

Dugie I loved the lambs video is that the farm on downallgreen road? if it is my mam was friends with them and we sent a lot of time there

Replied: 22nd Apr 2010 at 05:21

Posted by: erwick (135)

I don't know if the question has been asked before, but, where did Downall Green get the name?
Seeing Dougie's photo of the new dam reminded me of a question that was put to me a few weeks ago and that was about the brook under the dam. I've always known it as Millingford Brook, but when I asked a few questions,I found that the brook was actually called Down Brook and was changed to Millingford Brook by the Lowe family who owned Millingford Engineering. They didn't want the firm to be called Down Engineering.
The brook does in fact become Down Brook when it passes through Skitters Wood and through to Ashton.
So was Downall Green called after the brook?
Or was it called after the Downall family who lived there?


Replied: 22nd Apr 2010 at 19:16

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Are you any relation to "Tonker" by any chance.

Replied: 22nd Apr 2010 at 19:20

Posted by: erwick (135)

Not to my knowledge, but having said that I don't know who Tonker is.

Replied: 22nd Apr 2010 at 19:24

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Just joking.

Replied: 22nd Apr 2010 at 20:02

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

There was no brook upto the 40s thats why that stretch could have been called Millingford Brook, the dam was filled in about that time pushed the water to one side, making a channel for the water to escape under the bridge, their are people on this thread that will remember it being filled in as I do, it was joining the Del brook and the the dam Bridge
This is a photo of the dam about 1930s not sure but think it was called Mill Dam like the Mill Fields possable a mill was there at one time, the two in this photo may still be alive

Replied: 22nd Apr 2010 at 22:40

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Posted by: dougie (1114)
BamBam I know people don't post as much as they did, would like to recomend again that you do the same as you did last time and make a Downall Green Three, and add the link One and Two on your first post,
it you do so just copy and past the two links and add this ] to the end of each link to make it look like this [/url]

[url=http://www.wiganworld.co.uk/communicate/mb_message.php?opt=f2&opt2=&msd=96828&offset=0&subject=ex-downall greener 1]Downall Green 1[/url

[url=http://www.wiganworld.co.uk/communicate/mb_message.php?opt=f2&opt2=&msd=238110&offset=0&subject=ex downall greeners2]Downall Green 2[/url

Anyone else agree with this as it's getting to long are will he just let it go, has I think only he should restart it

Replied: 22nd Apr 2010 at 22:50
Last edited by dougie: 22nd Apr 2010 at 22:54:25

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Posted by: lanky11 (3556)
Dugie I loved the lambs video is that the farm on downallgreen road? if it is my mam was friends with them and we sent a lot of time there

Yes it's the same farm as I was making the video they stopped and asked if they could see it,as in the next field was a fold and it's mother running and enjoying the sun it was there first day out together, anyway I dropped a copy off from them (Nice to see you still look at the old place)

Replied: 23rd Apr 2010 at 07:29

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

I agree Dougie it's getting to long but i don't think bambam comes on very often these days so probably not read it.

Replied: 23rd Apr 2010 at 08:43

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Trixie he will pop back at some time to have a look,I could quite easily do it myself but it's bambams thread, just have to wait and see

Replied: 23rd Apr 2010 at 10:00
Last edited by dougie: 23rd Apr 2010 at 18:37:11

Posted by: lanky11 (4105) 

Dugie I spent a lot of time on that farm I can not remember Jacks wifes name but she was very sweet to me and always told me she wished I was her daughter great memories
I was scared of the farm house as the old lady that lived with them told me there was ghost up stairs so I alwayed stayed in the kitchen lol

Replied: 23rd Apr 2010 at 21:05

Posted by: bambam (3071)

started new link on ex downall greeners 3 please click on the link below.
ex-downall greeners3

Replied: 29th Apr 2010 at 19:38
Last edited by bambam: 29th Apr 2010 at 19:39:30

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Replied: 26th Jan 2014 at 00:14

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Ta ra

Replied: 26th Jan 2014 at 12:05


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