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S@S club downall green

Started by: fireplace6899 (inactive)

Many happy memoties of this club.Any one else ever go there?.

Started: 17th May 2009 at 18:44

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Definatley .many moons ago!

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 18:46

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Definatley .many moons ago!

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 18:46
Last edited by trixie: 17th May 2009 at 18:47:53

Posted by: fireplace6899 (inactive)

I spent many a hour on the snooker table.

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 19:08

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

fireplace, you cant be so old, most DG:ers know it as t'Legion...

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 19:10

Posted by: hughes the booze (2189)

What about the Blood Tub?

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 19:36

Posted by: fireplace6899 (inactive)

All I ever knew it by was the S@S.Tommy Aspinal (rip) was the chairman

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 19:54

Posted by: suesa (646)

Remember it very well.
Happy Days

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 20:02

Posted by: aspuller (1835) 

fireplace6899, "I spent many a hour on the snooker table"

Were you asleep?

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 20:08

Posted by: bert (704)

hi fireplace i remember it very well me and my friends used to go in most nights when i lived up downall green .my father was on the commitee with tommy aspinall and all the restof them who started the legion at the big house i think it eas known as beech house memory getting a bit tired now .

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 20:21

Posted by: trixie (5050) 


Replied: 17th May 2009 at 20:25

Posted by: fireplace6899 (inactive)

Nice to hear from you Bert.Never knew that about, how it started. Hope you can remember a bit more.

Hope you are keeping well.

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 20:26

Posted by: bert (704)

that was only when we were drunk joe s brother and atki ussd to race round green in stead he happy days ,.

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 20:30

Posted by: fireplace6899 (inactive)

We used to go in at about 6.30pm, on a Saturday to play snooker.

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 20:35

Posted by: bert (704)

we used to go in afternoons at weekend and at night loved itbut was alot younger then

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 20:39

Posted by: fireplace6899 (inactive)

Weren't we all.Taken to walking the dog now.

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 22:14

Posted by: bassman (3591)

Used to play there on Friday nights in the early seventies.

Replied: 17th May 2009 at 22:40

Posted by: ozzie (79)

saw Karl Denver and Brian Poole and the Tremeloes at the S&S good nights out.

Replied: 18th May 2009 at 00:06

Posted by: frankwalford (1098) 

Used to go every Saturday night,sit in the lounge with Karl Smith,Jackie Marsh and wives Remember Arthur Speakman[Red Un]on the door.I was also a member of the Legion Branch with Jack Greenall among about eight others

Replied: 18th May 2009 at 09:51

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

my frist time in the Legion was in 1952/3 to watch childrens hour in the front room Monday to Friday at 5.00pm, come on you old Greeners you must remember it ,

next was coming off afternoon shift from pit in 1957/8 the club closed at 10.30pm Summer and 10.pm Winter,but we still got a drink what ever time you got in off afternoon shift,

do you remember Bert & May behind the bar and the seats that Tommy and bambam's dad put in out of one of his old coaches,anyone remember the 3d fruit machine in the hall

Replied: 18th May 2009 at 10:51

Posted by: geoff zx9 (inactive)


Replied: 18th May 2009 at 10:52
Last edited by geoff zx9: 18th May 2009 at 10:53:53

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

there was three photo's taken round the green I can't find the last one of the old Legion it would be on the left of the second photo

Replied: 18th May 2009 at 11:27

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

I'm a bit surprised that more of you dont remember the original building that was the start of it all, and then the new part being built at the side of it.

I remember my Dad saying that right at the very start, they were only a handful of members, 5 or 10 perhaps. Can anyone confirm that?

Replied: 18th May 2009 at 11:57

Posted by: bert (704)

hi joe yes they used to meet at garswood labour club. and village club .my dad was one of those first members. on the photo of the outing to pilling bowling club most of the original members are on it .have a look on north ashton /

Replied: 18th May 2009 at 16:25

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Thanks Bert. I found the photo, and do remember most of the names on there, but sadly, none of the faces. Still, I wasnt very old then..

Last time i was in there, I think it was Johnny Waterworth that was the steward.

It seems a bit sad that the club only lasted two generations. What happened to it in the end? I know its not there anymore, but why?

Replied: 18th May 2009 at 17:04

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

U, J, I think it was a different generation comming along & as the old ones died off the young would rather have the pubs in King St, + money is always a factor, It was my second home untill i started couting & she wanted to go to posher places like Garswood Labour Club,

Replied: 18th May 2009 at 18:44

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

we used to go to garswood too.some good turns on.

Replied: 18th May 2009 at 19:47

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

You are probably correct there, bentlegs. It was only when I moved over here that I realised how valuable places like the Legion were to the community.

Replied: 18th May 2009 at 20:32

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

U.J. are you enjoying the Wigan world site 120 posts in under a month not bad that,also met some old friend and made some some new ones I hope it's bringing back some good memories for you,there is a photo of the old Legion on here somewhere

Replied: 18th May 2009 at 21:18

Posted by: suesa (646)

I remember the old legion. Went to a few wedding receptions there when I was very young and also remember when I was in the Girls Band we used to practice in the upstairs room there in the early 60s

Replied: 18th May 2009 at 22:18
Last edited by suesa: 22nd May 2009 at 20:28:27

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Yes, Dougie, I am enjoying the site, and some of the topics are making me remember things that I have never thought of for years. All of them pleasent, I must add.

Must try to get back over soon, and meet up with you all. Perhaps as Trixie suggested a few days ago, we could have some sort of reunion?

Going back on topic, it would probably be a surprise to you all to read that clubs such as the Legion aren't legal here for a stupid reason...

Replied: 19th May 2009 at 08:01

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

theres a travelodge in wrexham..

Replied: 19th May 2009 at 15:03

Posted by: fireplace6899 (inactive)

What was behind the name. Soldies and Sailots club?.

Replied: 19th May 2009 at 17:10

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Remember the club well, but only old enough to go in in late 70s, some names i knew very well, ken livsley, ronnie bold, brian clarence, arthur speakman, bernard lowe, brian eden, i think the stewards name at the time was paddy, a big lad with red hair, good times though, also remember the disco's on friday night.

Replied: 19th May 2009 at 19:38

Posted by: woodie (44)

Fireplace S+S stands for Services and Social club and not soilders and sailors as people think, this is because if it had been alled Soilders and Sailors they would have been restricted as to just the services people being members. Prior to being the British Legion it was owned by Bruce Magill who was a manager at Pilkingtons and a small part of the house was occupied by Jackie Green. Also twice a week Dr. Jones held a surgey in the back part of the house for the downall greeners. His main surgery was in Gerrard St. Ashton this was a large stone house near Cromptons works. Beech House was later financed by Sid Littler (of Bryn Hall) and became the British Legion. What a shame this impressive old house and orchard had to be demolished. But we did manage to salvage some stone lintels which we still have and a stone step which we use in the garden. We also have a photo of Beech House.

Replied: 19th May 2009 at 23:26

Posted by: dougie (5019) 

Woodi could you upload it please I have uploaded two round the green showing Billinge road, been looking on here for one that was uploaded of Beech house(Legion)but couldn't find it

Replied: 19th May 2009 at 23:50

Posted by: mojohess (3)

hi just found the thread about s&s club my first post remember boxing day charity concerts in the club everyone in room had to :do a turn or throw money into a sheet at front of stage. i lived in d/hall/gn.from 1955-68 but was born in brocstedes ave in 1945. i once dressed up in drag and did a strip for a laugh at one of these concerts.

Replied: 20th May 2009 at 11:45
Last edited by mojohess: 20th May 2009 at 18:55:48

Posted by: tina m lynaugh (233) 

I remember the s&s,but to young to go in .When I was old enough I went out of town.Had to get away from my brothers and everyone knew my dad.No fun for me.

Replied: 20th May 2009 at 12:16

Posted by: bert (704)

i remember the charity parties on boxing day nights. i remember arthur shaw one year stood at the front of stage asking you to knock his hat off. he always wore a trilby.he was one of the founder members.happy days.

Replied: 20th May 2009 at 15:51

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Not to mention the charity concerts that were held on the odd Wednesday night....I remember one in particular!

Replied: 20th May 2009 at 16:44

Posted by: bert (704)

welcome mojohess to wigan world i think i know who you are .are you one of my old neighbours.[;w]

Replied: 20th May 2009 at 16:53

Posted by: mojohess (3)

hi bert saw you last year with the parcel remember?

Replied: 20th May 2009 at 18:33
Last edited by mojohess: 20th May 2009 at 18:51:06

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Is she married to your old next door neighbour.

Replied: 20th May 2009 at 18:53

Posted by: mojohess (3)

trixie you are not quite near yet

Replied: 20th May 2009 at 18:59
Last edited by mojohess: 20th May 2009 at 19:24:31

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Oh sorry your joe then josie's brother?

Replied: 20th May 2009 at 19:06

Posted by: fireplace6899 (inactive)

The people i remember from my era are,the late Tommy Aspinall,Kenny Tabener, Brent Atherton,Jack and Enid Marsh,Ather Shaw, Jimmy Witherington, Marie Whittle, Kathleen Flynn,Kevin Atherton.

Replied: 20th May 2009 at 21:51

Posted by: bert (704)

hi uncle joe banged into david atkinson in ashton and he was asking about what happened to arthur. was it true danny mac had told him.so i said i would askyou later .he sends his regards .

Replied: 21st May 2009 at 20:13

Posted by: dianne (827)

does anyone remember gorden and milly they were always in the s&s they were my inlaws

Replied: 21st May 2009 at 23:35

Posted by: fireplace6899 (inactive)

dianne what was their last name?.Bert will know.

Replied: 21st May 2009 at 23:37

Posted by: dianne (827)


Replied: 21st May 2009 at 23:39

Posted by: fireplace6899 (inactive)

the name rings a bell.Like I said Bert will know.

Replied: 21st May 2009 at 23:42

Posted by: bert (704)

hi dianne i knew gordon and millie very well they lived in rectory rd.gordon did a lot of m c ing in the legion and when it turned to the s and s they were friends of my father .i think millie was related to the lowe family of birch grove.

Replied: 22nd May 2009 at 08:56

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Bert, the answer to your question was heart attack. I'll tell you more details around it offline.

Replied: 22nd May 2009 at 13:03

Posted by: bert (704)

hi joe it was just david asking and a few more no need to go into details not our buisness.

Replied: 22nd May 2009 at 13:15

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Bert, as I remember, you were all a pretty close group, so in a way, you all have the right to know, especially when ther was never an obituary put in the local papers.

Replied: 22nd May 2009 at 14:54

Posted by: veteran (1602)

Didn't North Ashton brass band practice there in the 50s an` 60s

Replied: 22nd May 2009 at 15:13

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi Dianne, nice to hear from you, not seen you post for a while, hope you and stu are ok, will never forget gordon & millie, class act those two and was very good friends of mine, gone but never forgotten gee i wish we could turn clock back.

Replied: 22nd May 2009 at 18:19

Posted by: bentlegs (5330)

The Band did practice at the S&S.

Replied: 22nd May 2009 at 19:09

Posted by: dianne (827)

not been on for a while millie and gordon were a class act thanks for that

Replied: 23rd May 2009 at 00:15

Posted by: likul j (16)

i remember stuart kitts was the dj. it was brill on a friday night i made loads of friends @ a gang of us sat together every week. i remember you bam bam.

Replied: 9th Jun 2009 at 10:02

Posted by: yamped (13)

s&s best fri nights out,disco & a live band good old days.

Replied: 9th Jun 2009 at 10:21
Last edited by yamped: 9th Jun 2009 at 10:30:22

Posted by: a proud latics supporter (6750)

They used to have strippers on during the mid 1970's

Replied: 13th Jun 2009 at 21:26

Posted by: bambam (3071)

Hi likul, thanks for your reply i am wondering who you are now, are you going to give me a clue, did you live on the estate.

Replied: 14th Jun 2009 at 00:04

Posted by: dianne (827)

im married to stuart he still has a lot off the records he used to play i play them every now and then brings back good times lol

Replied: 14th Jun 2009 at 00:17

Posted by: bambam (3071)

That's great dianne, stu had and played some classic records then, good old days.

Replied: 14th Jun 2009 at 01:07

Posted by: likul j (16)

no bam bam i didn't live on the estate. i'm a foriegner i used to catch 2 buses to get to s & s

Replied: 14th Jun 2009 at 19:40

Posted by: likul j (16)

no bam bam i didn't live on the estate. i'm a foriegner i used to catch 2 buses to get to s & s

Replied: 14th Jun 2009 at 19:40

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

You'll have to give us some more clues, we like guessing games on here...

Replied: 14th Jun 2009 at 19:59

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

2 buses.he could have been your neighbour joe.

Replied: 14th Jun 2009 at 20:41

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Thats true enough, but on the other hand, most places were two buses away from the S&S. We had to keep the refugees out of DG, you know!

Replied: 15th Jun 2009 at 08:10

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Abut he lives nearer than you NOW.


Replied: 15th Jun 2009 at 08:34

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

Timewise, most people live closer than I do now....

Replied: 15th Jun 2009 at 10:23

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

I think janet lives the farthest..

I'm back on my dongle by the sea.

Replied: 15th Jun 2009 at 18:18

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

I'm sure that England has moved closer to the US though over the years. 27 years ago, the scheduled flight time from here was 1 1/2hours. Today its 2. Travelling time then (driving plus boat, excluding rests) took 22 hours, today its 35....

Replied: 16th Jun 2009 at 08:10

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Have you never thought it's you gettin older +slower.

when were you last here?

Replied: 16th Jun 2009 at 09:25

Posted by: uncle joe (708)

True enough.

Last time was for the funeral in February, that involved 4 hours flying time!

Replied: 16th Jun 2009 at 09:39

Posted by: trixie (5050) 

Planes must be saving on fuel..or go slow.

Replied: 16th Jun 2009 at 12:36

Posted by: gaffer (8060) 

1939 Register

Bruce McGill, 77 Beech House, Spindle Hillock, Ashton in Makerfield. Mechanical Engineer, Maintenance Foreman at glass bottle manufacturer.

Replied: 7th Mar 2024 at 08:47


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