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Worn out Wigan....

Started by: chatty (9773)

An interesting video on Wigan (first two thirds) by a lad who travels the country doing You Tube videos on "The death of the high street"
I have seen a few and have been hoping he would visit Wigan.
On this occasion he has intertwined it with George Orwell's Road to Wigan Pier book.
What' s left of Wigan?
And believe it or not the town centre is in a lot better shape than a lot of the places he has visited.

You'll enjoy it whups

Started: 14th Dec 2023 at 15:36
Last edited by chatty: 14th Dec 2023 at 15:43:44

Posted by: ianp. (964) 

Chatty, Thank you for that link.
I have just watched it and I would like to say, I enjoyed it. It is more fascinating and realistic to be guided through areas of Wigan by a person from the North - who speaks clearly and honestly - rather than by someone from a distant town or city with no genuine connection to Wigan and Wiganers, a person whose real life is so distant from these old industrial towns that they have no clear understanding of the people for whom their own old industrial town and all that lays within its roots have been as important to them and their ancestors as the blood which is carried through the veins to the heart.

Replied: 16th Dec 2023 at 14:50

Posted by: JR (537)

Thanks Chatty,
I thoroughly enjoyed the documentary and the young lad is an excellent narrator. All delivered without any prejudice or bias.

Replied: 16th Dec 2023 at 15:00

Posted by: retep1949 (1244)

I enjoyed it.

Replied: 16th Dec 2023 at 15:17

Posted by: bambam (3071)

I enjoyed that thanks chatty, he mentions he has seen places worse than wigan, I thought we had a pretty run down area but obviously not as bad as some, let's hope they find the monies to rebuild having destroyed the galleries and market demise.

Replied: 16th Dec 2023 at 16:10

Posted by: whups (13685) 

not watched it yet . any mention of marsh green in there chatty ? .

Replied: 17th Dec 2023 at 01:11

Posted by: Joe Maplin (903)

Cheers Chatty

Replied: 17th Dec 2023 at 13:36

Posted by: riocaroni (703)

Really interesting and we'll narrated. Many thanks.

Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 12:53

Posted by: roylew (4096)

I’m afraid the internet has killed the towns…only city centres can survive ( for now)

Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 22:37

Posted by: JR (537)

Hi rowlew,
I do see what you mean. Many towns are now suffering... everywhere in the country. In contrast I was in Manchester the last 2 days and it was buzzing. The only shut down shops were where the owners had aspirations for more favourable development. Manchester has been one of the country's biggest building sites since the IRA bombing... continuing high rise buildings everywhere - offices or apartments. It is certainly the northern capital; a kind of mini-London.

Replied: 19th Dec 2023 at 17:38

Posted by: Don G.B (79)

Excellent watch was that.

Replied: 19th Jan 2024 at 19:17


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