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Speeding cars

Started by: nanajacqui (4361) 

GMP Wigan West
oSdnsperto1u425a2gu9743gl65584t99m10gu7h9m61i8i2l2m5f68t8m8c ·
A dispersal notice and large scale policing operation utilising specialist resources will be in place on the Wigan Division this weekend.
This is so we are able to enforce a dispersal order that has been implemented following weeks of anti-Social Behaviour by reckless and selfish individuals who are intent on travelling to the area in order to race and travel high speeds on our public roads. Not only are these individuals risking their own safety, but also the safety of other road users. This type of anti-social behaviour we not be tolerated.
Section 59 warnings are clearly in place in all areas and as such no further warning is required and immediate seizure of offending vehicles will be utilised.
Vehicles engaging in this activity will be seized, drivers prosecuted and insurance companies notified of this behaviour.
This action will be ongoing for the foreseeable future.GMP Wigan West
oSdnsperto1u425a2gu9743gl65584t99m10gu7h9m61i8i2l2m5f68t8m8c ·
A dispersal notice and large scale policing operation utilising specialist resources will be in place on the Wigan Division this weekend.
This is so we are able to enforce a dispersal order that has been implemented following weeks of anti-Social Behaviour by reckless and selfish individuals who are intent on travelling to the area in order to race and travel high speeds on our public roads. Not only are these individuals risking their own safety, but also the safety of other road users. This type of anti-social behaviour we not be tolerated.
Section 59 warnings are clearly in place in all areas and as such no further warning is required and immediate seizure of offending vehicles will be utilised.
Vehicles engaging in this activity will be seized, drivers prosecuted and insurance companies notified of this behaviour.
This action will be ongoing for the foreseeable future.GMP Wigan West
oSdnsperto1u425a2gu9743gl65584t99m10gu7h9m61i8i2l2m5f68t8m8c ·
A dispersal notice and large scale policing operation utilising specialist resources will be in place on the Wigan Division this weekend.
This is so we are able to enforce a dispersal order that has been implemented following weeks of anti-Social Behaviour by reckless and selfish individuals who are intent on travelling to the area in order to race and travel high speeds on our public roads. Not only are these individuals risking their own safety, but also the safety of other road users. This type of anti-social behaviour we not be tolerated.
Section 59 warnings are clearly in place in all areas and as such no further warning is required and immediate seizure of offending vehicles will be utilised.
Vehicles engaging in this activity will be seized, drivers prosecuted and insurance companies notified of this behaviour.
This action will be ongoing for the foreseeable future.GMP Wigan West
oSdnsperto1u425a2gu9743gl65584t99m10gu7h9m61i8i2l2m5f68t8m8c ·
A dispersal notice and large scale policing operation utilising specialist resources will be in place on the Wigan Division this weekend.
This is so we are able to enforce a dispersal order that has been implemented following weeks of anti-Social Behaviour by reckless and selfish individuals who are intent on travelling to the area in order to race and travel high speeds on our public roads. Not only are these individuals risking their own safety, but also the safety of other road users. This type of anti-social behaviour we not be tolerated.
Section 59 warnings are clearly in place in all areas and as such no further warning is required and immediate seizure of offending vehicles will be utilised.
Vehicles engaging in this activity will be seized, drivers prosecuted and insurance companies notified of this behaviour.
This action will be ongoing for the foreseeable future.GMP Wigan West
oSdnsperto1u425a2gu9743gl65584t99m10gu7h9m61i8i2l2m5f68t8m8c ·
A dispersal notice and large scale policing operation utilising specialist resources will be in place on the Wigan Division this weekend.
This is so we are able to enforce a dispersal order that has been implemented following weeks of anti-Social Behaviour by reckless and selfish individuals who are intent on travelling to the area in order to race and travel high speeds on our public roads. Not only are these individuals risking their own safety, but also the safety of other road users. This type of anti-social behaviour we not be tolerated.
Section 59 warnings are clearly in place in all areas and as such no further warning is required and immediate seizure of offending vehicles will be utilised.
Vehicles engaging in this activity will be seized, drivers prosecuted and insurance companies notified of this behaviour.
This action will be ongoing for the foreseeable future.GMP Wigan West
oSdnsperto1u425a2gu9743gl65584t99m10gu7h9m61i8i2l2m5f68t8m8c ·
A dispersal notice and large scale policing operation utilising specialist resources will be in place on the Wigan Division this weekend.
This is so we are able to enforce a dispersal order that has been implemented following weeks of anti-Social Behaviour by reckless and selfish individuals who are intent on travelling to the area in order to race and travel high speeds on our public roads. Not only are these individuals risking their own safety, but also the safety of other road users. This type of anti-social behaviour we not be tolerated.
Section 59 warnings are clearly in place in all areas and as such no further warning is required and immediate seizure of offending vehicles will be utilised.
Vehicles engaging in this activity will be seized, drivers prosecuted and insurance companies notified of this behaviour.
This action will be ongoing for the foreseeable future.GMP Wigan West
oSdnsperto1u425a2gu9743gl65584t99m10gu7h9m61i8i2l2m5f68t8m8c ·
A dispersal notice and large scale policing operation utilising specialist resources will be in place on the Wigan Division this weekend.
This is so we are able to enforce a dispersal order that has been implemented following weeks of anti-Social Behaviour by reckless and selfish individuals who are intent on travelling to the area in order to race and travel high speeds on our public roads. Not only are these individuals risking their own safety, but also the safety of other road users. This type of anti-social behaviour we not be tolerated.
Section 59 warnings are clearly in place in all areas and as such no further warning is required and immediate seizure of offending vehicles will be utilised.
Vehicles engaging in this activity will be seized, drivers prosecuted and insurance companies notified of this behaviour.
This action will be ongoing for the foreseeable future.GMP Wigan West
oSdnsperto1u425a2gu9743gl65584t99m10gu7h9m61i8i2l2m5f68t8m8c ·
A dispersal notice and large scale policing operation utilising specialist resources will be in place on the Wigan Division this weekend.
This is so we are able to enforce a dispersal order that has been implemented following weeks of anti-Social Behaviour by reckless and selfish individuals who are intent on travelling to the area in order to race and travel high speeds on our public roads. Not only are these individuals risking their own safety, but also the safety of other road users. This type of anti-social behaviour we not be tolerated.
Section 59 warnings are clearly in place in all areas and as such no further warning is required and immediate seizure of offending vehicles will be utilised.
Vehicles engaging in this activity will be seized, drivers prosecuted and insurance companies notified of this behaviour.
This action will be ongoing for the foreseeable future. This is in Poolstock & Asda area

Started: 10th May 2024 at 12:24

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15947)

It's the 'Fast and Furious' thing isn't it, on the new road 'Westwood Way' aka the 'Worsley Mesnes Speedway'

I think that there will be a bad accident on there, two of those idiots will come together and a car will become airborne and end up in't flash.

Replied: 10th May 2024 at 13:41

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

TTS I hope with the driver and passengers still in it. These idiot drivers have no regard to any ones health or safety and it would not be the 1st time an innocent person has been killed by these idiots So if a couple drowned in the flash to most people they would not be missed

Replied: 10th May 2024 at 14:08

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15947)

Replied: 10th May 2024 at 14:18

Posted by: riocaroni (703)

I totally agree with you peterp. Then the parents will be on the news saying what lovely kids they were!

Replied: 10th May 2024 at 19:35

Posted by: mollie m (7414) 

Speaking of which, only yesterday afternoon whilst driving home from work on Springfield Road, I pulled over to let a couple of cars through as there were cars parked on both sides.

I suddenly heard the roar of an engine approaching at speed, so I looked through my rear view mirror and saw a couple of hooligans driving a four wheel "off the road" bike, wearing no helmets.

They screamed up behind me and, because I was still letting other vehicles through, they mounted the pavement, going past two parked vehicles, then hit the road again, taking off at, at least, 60 mph on a 20 mph road. Just a few yards up there were kiddies and adults about to cross the road when they roared up to them.

More than likely had no licences or insurance, so I hope they get caught, and soon, as they're dangerous. If not, they'll probably end up wrapping the quad bike round a lamp post. Idiots!

Replied: 10th May 2024 at 19:49
Last edited by mollie m: 11th May 2024 at 02:09:47

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

I see that a lot, Mollie, in Ashton. They ride up and down Gerard Street and Bolton Road regularly.
Then there's the drug-dealing immigrants all over the place. But, the police say, "we haven't got the manpower to do anything about it"!

So, where are they finding the "manpower" to stop the boy-racers from making a nuisance of themselves?

Replied: 10th May 2024 at 19:59

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Mollie M talking about lampposts most of the posts are grey in colour . The council must have a excess of black paint plus the use of high reach cherry pickers plus 5/6 men to paint the posts black (Bryn Road).They should send these crews out filling pothole if trained to do so and spend money on tarmac etc not black paint

Replied: 10th May 2024 at 20:01

Posted by: tonker (28341) 

Replied: 10th May 2024 at 22:22

Posted by: AngelWood (1093)

Tonight I was driving home and got to the lights at Hindley Bird. 3 souped up cars with no regard to oncoming traffic went through the right turn onto Liverpool Road causing a near pile up and chaos.

Replied: 11th May 2024 at 00:26

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

A couple of weeks ago there were the idiots on motor bikes doing wheelies on Bolton Road this is a regular thing with no signs of a police presence. The day after there were at least a dozen police officers stationed on Bolton Road and Bartons car park doing speed checks and vehicle/document checks. Where are these officers when you need one

Replied: 11th May 2024 at 06:47

Posted by: Owd Codger (3416)

Our street like no doubt many others in the Wigan area is a "rat run" with idiot car drivers doing speeds of over 40mph but when we residents contacted our three local elected Ward Councillors about the problem, they were not in the least bit interested, even when we pointed out that it might only take for a young child run out of a garden and then there could be a serious injury or even a fatelity.

As for the idiot drivers, what else can you expect when so many now are driving around with alcohol or drugs in them as well as thinking that they are a Lewis Hamilton.

Replied: 11th May 2024 at 07:23

Posted by: retep1949 (1244)

Some of the most aggressive drivers I see are young women taking their kids to school in the morning.I then drop my wife off at the gym and the young women there are just as bad.

Replied: 11th May 2024 at 10:12

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15947)

Owd Codger

I am Lewis Hamilton

Replied: 11th May 2024 at 16:40

Posted by: mollie m (7414) 

I agree with Tonker and Owd Codger about the amount of idiots riding around causing mayhem, especially when they're high on drugs or alcohol.

When I had my Corsa Sting with "go-faster" stripes the lads at work called it Mollie's boy racer, and you'd would, or perhaps wouldn't, be surprised at how many times I was challenged by idiot young drivers wanting me to race them. Naturally, I let them overtake me and they didn't half get a shock when they passed and saw a little old lady at the wheel!

The bikes are also a nuisance with their two stroke (sorry Tommy ) lawn mower engines screaming up and down.

Unfortunately, the Police have relatively limited resources and can't be on every street at every time of the day and night so, even giving chase if caught, could lead to further danger to other drivers and pedestrians.

They should be banned, but then you'd get folk whingeing about their human rights.

Replied: 11th May 2024 at 19:19

Posted by: Owd Codger (3416)

This afternoon as I was going down the slip road to Junction 27, one of the budding Lewis Hamilton's in a red sports car passed me doing at least 50mph going in and out of the two lanes and when reaching the give way at the roundabout, went straight out and nearly hit a another car on the roundabout.

Hope it was not Tommy Two Stroke!

Replied: 11th May 2024 at 22:52
Last edited by Owd Codger: 12th May 2024 at 08:48:49

Posted by: Handsomeminer (2857)

Should you be driving?

Replied: 12th May 2024 at 08:47

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

Handsomeminer I got a pleasant surprise yesterday.Earlier this year I had to give my driving licence details to Motability and was shocked that my driving licence was due to run out in March. I renewed this on-line (never got a notification about renewal) and it cost me £14. I knew I would have to renew at the beginning of August due to turning 70 so expected to have to pay again Any way I got notification yesterday that if I renewed within 3 months of the renewal date 1st August it was FREE>Done and dusted

Replied: 12th May 2024 at 09:44

Posted by: Handsomeminer (2857)

Good on you Peter you deserve a bit of good luck I wish you and your Mrs all the the best stay strong Peter she needs you

Replied: 12th May 2024 at 20:01

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15947)

To all who don't like the standard of driving and parking in Wigan, there is a local website which deals in such matters, but be warned, it has a rude word in it's title LINK

Replied: 13th May 2024 at 14:17

Posted by: PeterP (11507)

I went out tonight about 9-15 and it was darkish and the street lights where lit. The amount of cars which had no lights turned on was unbelievable. All cars made after 2012 ( not registered in 2012) had to be fitted with daytime running, Some drivers must have found a way of turning these OFF because I have seen cars with no lights on and reg plates were 2014 onward These drivers must have a death wish

Replied: 14th May 2024 at 22:15

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15947)

They have been having a meeting on the Worsley Mesnes Speedway tonight

Replied: 14th May 2024 at 23:48


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