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"Mafia-like culture in top NHS management"

Started by: ena malcup (4151) 

Mentioned just on Newsnight.

I have complained about this for decades, and no one seemed to want to hear.

When I worked in NHS, both myself and my boss, (in totally separate cases) had the most senior manager attempt to pressure us into committing perjury.

The never ending sequence of scandals, repeatedly reveals the mismanagement that is commonplace.

Fraud and corruption: well, what can I say: I saw more of this in NHS than in any other context in which I have worked. NHS now has a specific agency to investigate these. It did not in my days there.

I can tell you of suicides and wholesale disappearance of clinical services to patients resulting from such maleficence. However, I think here is not the place to go into such details.

I would however like to point to one example.

NHS Counter Fraud Authority reported an estimate that fraud, bribery and corruption affecting the NHS cost the public purse £1.14 billion in the 2019-20. They draw attention to people occupying positions for which they are not qualified. I've seen this happen a handful of times.

A person who has the clout to be able to do so, gets his/her other half put on the payroll, and this person remains on the payroll when the relationship ends. The problem occurs when an incoming manager wishes to better use resources, and allocates this person to an actual task. Then, there you have it, someone performing a task that they are unable to satisfactorily carry out.

(Until recently, I could have given you a link to an Appeal Court ruling about just such a case, but it has disappeared behind a paywall)

Started: 8th Nov 2023 at 23:43

Posted by: whups (13685) 

which is wot the torys want or have people forgotten that it,s them that have caused the problem in the 1st place by massively underfunding the NHS .

Replied: 8th Nov 2023 at 23:53

Posted by: Handsomeminer (2857)

Spot on Brian this inept,corrupt government has ruined this country over the last 13 years

Replied: 9th Nov 2023 at 08:08

Posted by: Owd Codger (3416)

Here we go again, the usual suspects who don't want to remember the days of the seventies and the goverments of Heath, Wilson and Callaghan world of a power strike/three day week, high mortgage interest rates, a bin strike with rubbish piling up in the streets etc etc.

When willl it sink in that both the Tory and Labour Parties are as bad as each other when in power!

Replied: 9th Nov 2023 at 09:59

Posted by: Handsomeminer (2857)

More rubbish ,have you booked that test yet

Replied: 9th Nov 2023 at 10:15

Posted by: whups (13685) 

why dont you wise up todger & smell the coffee . you will need a bank loan to get help if this lot get their way & privitise the NHS . then you,ll come skriking on here saying that very thing that we keep bangin on about . get real .

Replied: 9th Nov 2023 at 11:41

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15947)

Poppycock !!!!

Replied: 9th Nov 2023 at 14:32

Posted by: Domin0 (652)

Whups you have been on about the Tories closing the NHS for years,but you never mention Labour wanting even more of the private sector to be used, and you turn a blind eye to the population increase,and you welcome all the young men coming here every day in boats, do you not think that could be a problem for the NHS.

Replied: 9th Nov 2023 at 15:57

Posted by: Owd Codger (3416)


Its people like yourself and Whups who need to take a test if you both think that things will be any different or better if the other lot get into power again!

Replied: 9th Nov 2023 at 16:34

Posted by: retep1949 (1244)

Whoever is in power will have a hell of a job to sort out the complete mess the UK is in.They can promise us anything but no party has the bottle to sort it out.We have gone over the cliff.

Replied: 9th Nov 2023 at 17:04

Posted by: whups (13685) 

be honest . the torys have systematicely underfunded the NHS every time it,s been in power & lanseys health & social care act was a complete disaster for the NHS . it now cant compete with private firms who are getting the vast majority of contracts the NHS shud have . branson took 10 million quid out of the NHS coffers & no one blinked an eye so is it any wonder the NHS is in the state it,s in. if you want to undervalue your own life then that,s up to you but me on the other hand wants to give myself the best chance of survival & dont forget 1stroke that you said "as much as it takes" when you were asked that question . if you want privitisation then i hope you have a pile of money coz your going to need it after this lot has done with it & there will be very little left for the labour party to work with .

Replied: 9th Nov 2023 at 23:56

Posted by: Owd Codger (3416)


How many Labour politicians at both national and local level are in private health insurance schemes or just pay for treatment at private sector doctors and dentists when needed ?

Not to mention, sending their children to fee paying private schools !

Their motto is, if it is good enough for the Tories etc, its good enough for us!

Replied: 10th Nov 2023 at 06:52
Last edited by Owd Codger: 10th Nov 2023 at 06:53:23

Posted by: Handsomeminer (2857)

More waffle OC get that test booked theirs probably about a 3 year waiting list thanks to the Tories

Replied: 10th Nov 2023 at 08:23

Posted by: Domin0 (652)

Whups, why no comment to this?

Whups you have been on about the Tories closing the NHS for years,but you never mention Labour wanting even more of the private sector to be used, and you turn a blind eye to the population increase,and you welcome all the young men coming here every day in boats, do you not think that could be a problem for the NHS.

Replied: 10th Nov 2023 at 09:44

Posted by: whups (13685) 

who says they want more private sector involvment . iv,e not seem it . is this more false news by domin0 .

Replied: 10th Nov 2023 at 12:55

Posted by: whups (13685) 

why are you so against labour & the NHS todger ? .

Replied: 10th Nov 2023 at 12:56

Posted by: Domin0 (652)

Whups will this do,there are more.

Labour’s shadow health secretary, Wes Streeting, has criticised the Tories for not using enough of the private health sector to tackle NHS waiting lists.

Over 7.3 million people are now waiting for NHS treatment. That is millions of people living in pain with health issues, and even in fear, as untreated health problems worsen. In March, 19,200 cancer patients were waiting over 62 days for treatment.

Labour’s plan is to “use the spare capacity in the private sector to get patients seen faster”. The Socialist Party happily supports making use of vital resources being hoarded by the private sector.

But why should these privatising vultures be allowed to make profit out of patients? Instead, bring them into public ownership, with no compensation to the fat cats.

Labour’s approach is a blank cheque to the private companies. Streeting has praised the Labour governments of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown for using the private health sector.

Blairite privatisation helped set up the NHS crisis we face today. The NHS still doles out around £2 billion a year to PFI profiteers.

Ten NHS trusts spend more than 10% of their income on PFI privatisation repayments. That money should be going to proper wages, decent staffing, and resources and infrastructure that health workers are crying out for.

When the NHS is struggling like never before, Labour’s policy is to set it up for even greater crisis by throwing yet more public money at private health profiteers.

This is the latest move by Keir Starmer’s Labour to try and ‘out-Tory’ the Tories! Starmer wants to make it clear to the bosses that the Jeremy Corbyn era is over, and that Labour is a pro-capitalist party for ever.

Streeting has repeatedly attacked the health unions for their strike action and pay claims. On the junior doctors, he said: “I don’t support the strike”.

Labour is promising more NHS privatisation, and has ruled out the massive increase in investment in healthcare that the NHS needs. Labour refuses to say it would match the pay rise demands of striking NHS workers if in government, which are definitely needed to begin to solve the staffing crisis.

Now, no major party stands up for the NHS. We need a new mass workers’ party that fights for inflation-busting pay rises, fully funded public services, and a fully public NHS run by workers, patients and communities to meet our needs

TAGSNationalisationNHSPrivatisationThe Socialist issue 1228W

Replied: 10th Nov 2023 at 17:00

Posted by: whups (13685) 

and that,s why they want to use the private sector to bring down the waiting list created by this government . then they will give them the big heave ho when they,ve done with them . so wots wrong with that .

Replied: 10th Nov 2023 at 23:52

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15947)

CoppyPock !!!!

Replied: 11th Nov 2023 at 00:18

Posted by: whups (13685) 

bullshit .

Replied: 11th Nov 2023 at 01:15

Posted by: Domin0 (652)

Labour want MORE use of the private sector,nothing to do with the Tories.

Replied: 11th Nov 2023 at 09:54

Posted by: whups (13685) 

only to get rid of the backlog created by the torys & wots wrong with that ? .

Replied: 11th Nov 2023 at 14:05

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15947)


"wots wrong with that ?"

Because it was the Covid pandemic, which caused the waiting times to increase, not the Tories, if Labour had been in power the same thing would have happened.

Replied: 11th Nov 2023 at 14:21

Posted by: whups (13685) 

1stroke we did,nt have covid from 2010 have we . get real .

Replied: 11th Nov 2023 at 14:30

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15947)


Well I am not arguing statistics with yoo Whupsy, because I would get more sense out of talking to a brick wall

Replied: 11th Nov 2023 at 14:35

Posted by: whups (13685) 

your the same . but why do you want the nhs privitised as you know wot will hapen if it is ? .

Replied: 11th Nov 2023 at 14:55

Posted by: Domin0 (652)

Whups, whats this all about then.

Labour’s approach is a blank cheque to the private companies. Streeting has praised the Labour governments of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown for using the private health sector.

Replied: 11th Nov 2023 at 15:11

Posted by: whups (13685) 

labour isnt in power are they & why do you want the nhs privitised ? .

Replied: 11th Nov 2023 at 15:24

Posted by: Domin0 (652)

Were do you get the idea that i want the NHS to go private, I don't want it to go private, and I can't see it ever will do, going private is all in your head,and it isn't doing you any good.

Replied: 11th Nov 2023 at 16:03

Posted by: whups (13685) 

it,s not in my head when we have nearly 8 million on a waiting list deliberately done by a government hell bent on privitising the NHS . all your posts attack the labour party & it,s the only one who can rectify the NHS . now we know that it will take time but we must get them in or do you want people in pain & taking out loans & going private . so come on domin0 which would you have in power ? .

Replied: 12th Nov 2023 at 01:20

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15947)


"come on domin0 which would you have in power ?"

So Whupsy, who would 'yoo' have in power ?

Labour Party ?

Socialist Workers Party ?

Communist Party ?

Workers Revolutionary Party ?

Replied: 12th Nov 2023 at 14:56
Last edited by Tommy Two Stroke: 12th Nov 2023 at 14:58:37

Posted by: Owd Codger (3416)

Tommy Two Stroke

You missed out the party of Whups former Union leader Arthur Scargill from your list,

The Socialist Labour Party!

Replied: 12th Nov 2023 at 15:05

Posted by: gaffer (8060) 

There’s a lengthy piece in today’s Sunday Times re the conversion from Corbynism to an electable party. During Jeremy Corbyn’s stint in charge a group of businessmen led by a political fixer met to decide how to make Labour a party of Government.
They approached Sir Keir Starmer and told him of their plans which included making him leader.Further approaches were made to a very small number of Labour MPs who were told that they should be part of the plan. This included Lisa Nandy.
However, the main thrust of the article was to report that a sum of over £700,000 was raised in donations but wasn’t declared.

Replied: 12th Nov 2023 at 15:50
Last edited by gaffer: 12th Nov 2023 at 15:52:18

Posted by: whups (13685) 

wot do you know todger it amazes me when you get up in a morning ,can you actually make a cup of tea . so who are you with todger ? . no need to ask me who i,m with 1stroke but you on the other hand have no conviction & votes which way the wind blows .

Replied: 12th Nov 2023 at 23:50

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15947)

Yes Whupsy, I am a floating voter

Replied: 13th Nov 2023 at 18:54

Posted by: Owd Codger (3416)


Actually, a cup of Coffee after a good nights sleep

No late night drinking for me!

Replied: 13th Nov 2023 at 21:02

Posted by: whups (13685) 

me neither .

Replied: 13th Nov 2023 at 23:49

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15947)

Replied: 13th Nov 2023 at 23:59

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

If you are concerned about disappearance of NHS, why not look at what people are actually experiencing.

Where I live has been described as a dental desert.

Being able to see a GP is rapidly becoming just as difficult.

GPs act as gatekeepers to wider NHS provision, so this easily becomes an impasse.

Then you will only progress to NHS treatment via A&E, which of course is also becoming overwhelmed.

You might get appropriate NHS treatment via A&E, though you may well be deteriorated, ie more sick and have to endure ridiculously long waits. Also you might become a victim of triage, when failure to recognise what your symptoms indicate blights your progress.

Last time I saw my GP, (and it was an appointment the GP requested I make) I did succeed eventually, though not at first attempt.

A young man appeared at reception position, had no name badge, did not introduce himself or give his name, and did not listen to why I was requesting an appointment. He simply told me that I could not have an appointment because my GP had more than 3,000 patients!

I had to return a week or so later, and arrange everything through the regular receptionist.

I have made some enquiries about going private, but the insurance based schemes are of little help. (Not covering pre-existing conditions) I did have a private GP when I was in Hong Kong. (She was Irish) I have even considered trying to contact her again.

(Spire offer 30 min private GP appointment from £110, but my GP cautioned me against this route)

I know NHS has problems. It did back when I was employed by them.

I do not find its present state at all satisfactory.

Replied: 14th Nov 2023 at 00:33
Last edited by ena malcup: 14th Nov 2023 at 00:41:52

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

ps I guess Spire at £110, is good compared with private dental who ask (check up, no treatment) more than £50 for a ten minute consultation, but you get less than 5 minutes.

Replied: 14th Nov 2023 at 00:45

Posted by: whups (13685) 

your wasting your time with some on here ena as i,ve been on about this for years but some on here turn a blind eye & make up some excuse or argument & seem to want a privitised system . wo betide if that happens here .

Replied: 14th Nov 2023 at 01:21

Posted by: Owd Codger (3416)


With the exception of yourself, nobody has said that they want a private NHS, only that with present problems of the NHS due to the ever increasing population and a situation that the NHS is no longer coping as lt used to do, there will have to be more use of the private sector to help the situation or it will go even worse which then because of the increasing financial burden might result in what you are claiming.

Better to have a NHS getting help from the private sector or having no NHS at all.

Even the Labour Party for whom you vote has conceded that we are now in 2023 and not 1947 and it will have to happen if the vision of Nye Bevan is to continue as a free NHS.

Replied: 14th Nov 2023 at 08:20
Last edited by Owd Codger: 14th Nov 2023 at 08:37:34

Posted by: whups (13685) 

i think it,s people like you who are in the minority on here todger & most of us dont want a privitised NHS . unlike you .

Replied: 14th Nov 2023 at 19:14

Posted by: Owd Codger (3416)


Digest what I actually said!

Replied: 15th Nov 2023 at 00:00

Posted by: whups (13685) 

i dont care wot you said coz your full of bullshit . and we still hav,nt heard who you coached in the pro circuit.

Replied: 15th Nov 2023 at 01:01

Posted by: Owd Codger (3416)


There you go again in not understanding what I said a while ago as I have never claimed to have coached football at a professional level, only said that when I was younger and finished playing football, I ran junior football teams for a well known Lads's club where some of the young lads went on to to play for clubs at a professional level.

And for the record I also played Cricket, but was never interested in just throwing bits of metal with feathers at a board in a pub as that did not keep you fit.

Not bull**** just fact!

Replied: 15th Nov 2023 at 08:06
Last edited by Owd Codger: 15th Nov 2023 at 08:18:08

Posted by: grimshaw (4020) 

Name one person from the lads club who went on to play at a professional level
Come on now .
Just one name .One teeny weeny name .
You can do it .

Replied: 15th Nov 2023 at 09:52

Posted by: Handsomeminer (2857)

Go easy Grim he might not be able to remember

Replied: 15th Nov 2023 at 12:35

Posted by: grimshaw (4020) 

Possibly so H M .
It does appear that way But he dosnt appear to have any difficulty when making critical comments regarding past failures of the L P or indeed the great many successful and not least outstanding achievements of said party.

Replied: 15th Nov 2023 at 12:47

Posted by: whups (13685) 

no chance of a reply back there grim but if it was about running the NHS down you,d have got one instantly .

Replied: 15th Nov 2023 at 17:14

Posted by: grimshaw (4020) 

True enough whups .
The words Selective memory recall springs to mind .

Replied: 15th Nov 2023 at 18:31

Posted by: Owd Codger (3416)

Is it any wonder, that less people are making comments when as Brasstoff has said on a sports topic, we have some who have not grown up yet and just want to ridicule or be sarcastic about what others have to say if it does not fall in line with their way of thinking, especially where politics and the NHS are concerned!

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 07:37
Last edited by Owd Codger: 16th Nov 2023 at 07:52:08

Posted by: Stardelta (12086)

Do you think your endless cynicism, negativity and daily critical comments could be putting people off OC?

Just asking

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 12:05

Posted by: Domin0 (652)

I don't post much, the reason being you, Stardelta and your endless nit picking.

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 12:37

Posted by: Stardelta (12086)

Ah well….that’s how these places work

One mans nitpicker is the next mans ( or woman’s) supersmashingniceguy.

Anyway, appreciate your comments, have a nice day.

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 13:47

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15947)


Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 13:55

Posted by: whups (13685) 

you can include yourself there 1stroke .

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 15:29

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15947)


I am not a shithouse

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 17:38

Posted by: whups (13685) 


Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 23:52

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15947)

Yes Really

Replied: 16th Nov 2023 at 23:59

Posted by: whups (13685) 

in your dreams . anyone who follows farage cant be nothin else .

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 01:01

Posted by: Owd Codger (3416)

Too many who come on here are just plain ignorant and/or sarcastic and it should be noted that they all appear support the same particular political party.

One of them started calling me todge and the others followed like sheep!

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 08:21

Posted by: Stardelta (12086)

Sorry Todge…. it just kind of rolled off the tongue.

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 13:12

Posted by: Stardelta (12086)

Posted by: Owd Codger (2739)
Too many who come on here are just plain ignorant and/or sarcastic.

But day after day you keep coming back to stick your oar in Todge so it can’t all be that bad.

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 13:14
Last edited by Stardelta: 17th Nov 2023 at 13:16:35

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15947)

Owd Codger

Doo yoo know what a 'Todge' is

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 13:17

Posted by: GOLDEN BEAR (6659) 

I just cannot understand anyone on this site NOT being able to agree with a SIMPLE FACT ,and that is the glaring size of the NHS waiting list we now have ,To be serious one has to look at the figure at the end of the last time Labour held office , that figure was WELL BELOW 1 MILLION PEOPLE WAITING FOR TREATMENT ,FACT!! So in my view in 13years of this particular administration it has shot up yo over 7 MILLION this by anyone's comprehension is UTTERLY,UTTERLY DEPLORABLE ,irrspective of one's political sway .As for all the back -biting etc I actually feel very sad if the Labour Party get elected because 1, they will never be given enough time to solve the NHS problem for 1 term of office is no-where near enough time to fix what is the most worst calamitous scandal of the modern age . A person wrote on here about our country is broke ,,,,
WELL i too have to agree with that comment this country HAS I BELIEVE HAS GONE OVER THE PRECIPICE!!!! There are FAR too many problems which i don't believe any party can remotely fix ,IE

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 13:44

Posted by: lectriclegs (5712)

"I just cannot understand anyone on this site NOT being able to agree with a SIMPLE FACT ,and that is the glaring size of the NHS waiting list we now have"

Here's my experience.
6/11/2023 telephone consultation with non specific symptoms consultant.
7/11/2023 full blood test (Linacre)
11/11/2023 CT scan RAEI anomaly found on lung.
13/11/2023 endoscopy Leigh.
17/11/2023 lung function test RAEI
18/11/2023 PET scan RAEI
19/11/2023 MRI scan RAEI
20/11/2023 Further endoscopy RAEI
21/11/2023 ECG RAEI.

I for one cannot agree with your "FACTS" GB.

( I know the above statement on my health will bring great glee to some on here)

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 14:23

Posted by: gaffer (8060) 


Read the attached to see the tremendous workload the NHS gets through yearly. The figures are mind boggling.
The NHS waiting list in 2010 when the Labour government left office was 2.5 million.


Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 14:36

Posted by: First Mate (2552)

Posted by: lectriclegs (5670)

"I just cannot understand anyone on this site NOT being able to agree with a SIMPLE FACT ,and that is the glaring size of the NHS waiting list we now have"

Here's my experience.
6/11/2023 telephone consultation with non specific symptoms consultant.
7/11/2023 full blood test (Linacre)
11/11/2023 CT scan RAEI anomaly found on lung.
13/11/2023 endoscopy Leigh.
17/11/2023 lung function test RAEI
18/11/2023 PET scan RAEI
19/11/2023 MRI scan RAEI
20/11/2023 Further endoscopy RAEI
21/11/2023 ECG RAEI.

I for one cannot agree with your "FACTS" GB.

( I know the above statement on my health will bring great glee to some on here)
Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 14:23

I wish you all the very best LLegs .Hope all goes well for you.

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 14:45

Posted by: lectriclegs (5712)


Although I can't understand why I'm being sent to the RAEI, it's a long way from Rainhill.

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 14:50

Posted by: First Mate (2552)

If I was you I'd......No, we wont get into that

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 14:53
Last edited by First Mate: 17th Nov 2023 at 15:00:21

Posted by: GOLDEN BEAR (6659) 

Thank you for supplying me with that i will read it later again thanks P.S.
I am very sad to hear about all your problems all i can add is that i WISH YOU THE VERY BEST OF HEALTH AND ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR FUTURE BUD!!G.B

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 15:00
Last edited by GOLDEN BEAR: 17th Nov 2023 at 15:03:03

Posted by: gaffer (8060) 


Wishing you an early diagnosis and a speedy resolution to whatever emerges from the tests and scans you’ve had. Good luck.

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 16:39

Posted by: lectriclegs (5712)

Cheers Gaffer

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 16:42

Posted by: First Mate (2552)

I am very sad to hear about all your problems all i can add is that i WISH YOU THE VERY BEST OF HEALTH AND ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR FUTURE BUD!!G.B

I'm fine GB I think you have me confused with Lectriclegs. The same mistake has been made by others.

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 19:24

Posted by: Stardelta (12086)

Best wishes lekky

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 19:25

Posted by: lectriclegs (5712)

Thanks SD.
Although I only put my experience on here as a response to GB's FACTS about waiting times for NHS treatment.

Replied: 17th Nov 2023 at 20:40


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