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Car Insurance Frauds …..

Started by: tonker (29145) 

….. well, today I noticed some money missing out of one of my hardly used bank accounts.
It turned out to be yet another insurance company pulling the ‘automatic renewal’ scam.
It’s happened to me before. This time, Tesco Bank Car Insurance.
I rang them and pointed out that I no longer have the car and, when I took out the policy, I clearly marked ‘NO automatic renewal’.
The lad I spoke to was very helpful and said he didn’t understand how it had happened, as it clearly shows you marked “NO automatic renewal” and the money will be returned within four working days.
Bloody Frauds!
Last time it happened another insurer said, “the policy has been active and needs to be paid for”!
Bloody Frauds they are!

Be aware!

Started: 29th Dec 2021 at 17:02

Posted by: broady (inactive)

You shouldn’t have so many accounts. I would rather poke hot pins in my eyeballs than have more than three.

Replied: 29th Dec 2021 at 18:24

Posted by: PeterP (12082)

These auto renewal insurance policies are a bind I thought they had to contact you 3 weeks before the renewal date by E-mail or post. When our house insurance was due they did both. There should be a tick box to cancel auto renewal

Replied: 29th Dec 2021 at 18:27

Posted by: tonker (29145) 

Broadly, I agree. I have five. That’s four too many!

They did send me a reminder e-mail that it was due, but I’d already opted out of auto renewal when I took the policy out. The lad I spoke to today could see that on my account, but they clearly thought they’d do it anyway, and I might not notice!

Replied: 29th Dec 2021 at 18:43

Posted by: tomplum (14113) 

insurers are crooks you pay to scam you and even better than that, they cannot be prosecuted, Its no accident they own all the prime buildings in every City centre,
When my house was burgled in 2008, Churchill who was my then insurer , did't make a move to help me, I have chase , chase them on the phone and had to prove I owned what i was claiming for, Then it was,,,," this is not insured, that is not insured bla bla bla, After the final settlement 18 months later of an amount much less than was Stolen I got on the phone and told them, " you are worse criminals than the bast%^&Ds that came through the window so don't be expecting any more custom from me ",

Replied: 29th Dec 2021 at 19:17
Last edited by tomplum: 29th Dec 2021 at 19:18:59

Posted by: broady (inactive)

Fully agree. I think they throw every claim to a little old guy in the corner whose standing order is to “ see how we can get out of paying that”

Replied: 29th Dec 2021 at 20:01

Posted by: tonker (29145) 

My trade insurance has massively out priced itself.
My latest renewal quote came in November …..
If you would like to discuss your Motor Trade Quotation: £3266.42, please contact our office on 01625 854 467 - Thank you.
Luke @ Gallagher & Co Insurance

Things in general aren’t looking too good for the coming year, at least!

Replied: 29th Dec 2021 at 20:56

Posted by: tuddy (1364)

There's a financial ombudsman who investigates things like this, especially if a company has acted against your instructions. If he finds in your favour he can ask for compensation for you. It's worth filling a form in.

Replied: 30th Dec 2021 at 13:10

Posted by: tonker (29145) 

Ironically, Tesco Bank Car Insurance sent me a survey, this morning, for me to fill in.
I gave ‘em a good tellin’!

Replied: 30th Dec 2021 at 13:20

Posted by: GOLDEN BEAR (6779) 

Well all i can do is to agree with you all totally and completely ,, Take as an example the young people of today who after being ""robbed " with their driving test's cost's ie "theory test " learner lesson's .. AFTER all that they pass the test and then try to buy a car , a slight problem ,then WE COME TO THE "ROBBER'S" THE CAR INSURANCE BANDIT'S! SOME OF THE FIGURE'S I HAVE HEARD FROM WHAT CERTAIN YOUNG PEOPLE HAVE TOLD ME , ARE ABSOLUTELY SCANDALOUS ,WE ARE TALKING THOUSAND'S OF POUND'S . TO ALL THE OLDER MEMBER'S ON HERE CAN YOU RECALL WHAT YOU PAID WHEN YOU FIRST PASSED ??? I WOULD BET IT IS NOWHERE NEAR 3 FIGURES ..... I AM AT LOSS HOW THIS ROBBERY COULD BE STOPPED ,,HAVE YOU ???? GB

Replied: 30th Dec 2021 at 14:09


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