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How smart is a smartfone ?

Started by: tomplum (12669) 

It can't work things out, It can only know what a human, or Alien has put in its memory so, Lets say, Your on a walk or bike ride in a remote part of the country, No WI-FI available and no network coverage, Your hiking in cold fog, you're lost and you can't see the stars, You're hungry thirsty and exposed to the rigors of nature, So you get out your smart phone, lay in on the floor and say " Siri light me a fire and put me tent up"

can that work ?

Started: 5th Oct 2023 at 21:52

Posted by: tonker (28103) 

"Flying Saucer, Shuttlecock Shaped"!

Replied: 5th Oct 2023 at 21:57

Posted by: tomplum (12669) 

I had a dog once, Its name was Minton and everytime he saw a shuttlecock he would catch it in flight and eat it, So I took him to a pet philologist who worked out he had a ' bad behavior problem' So gave me lessons on stopping him doing bad stuff,
He told me to praise the dog by saying good dog when he did good things and always mention his name like this.
Good dog, good dog Minton, and when he does bad stuff say " Bad dog " and mention his name,
So next day I'm walking him in the park, 2 lads are playing with a shuttlecock, he jumped the lead and caught the shuttlecock in mid flight and ate it,
I shouted " Bad Dog,,Badminton"

Replied: 5th Oct 2023 at 22:23
Last edited by tomplum: 5th Oct 2023 at 22:24:34

Posted by: PeterP (11430)

Tom some of these very expensive phones could start a fire because they have a problem with the batteries and getting too hot to handle Sorry but you will have to put your own tent up

Replied: 6th Oct 2023 at 06:54

Posted by: tomplum (12669) 

Ah thats good to know Peter but, having the means to ignite the fire is only one element To starting a camp fire, Like putting a tent up, Its a practical skill and you'd have to practice a few times before you can do it, The smart fone might help if you had WI-FI so you could get help from youtube or iwentcampingandfrozetodeath.com because, There is not always a MacDonalds in the woods or in the mountains,,

Replied: 6th Oct 2023 at 08:30

Posted by: Owd Codger (3213)

Only as smart as the person using it!

Replied: 6th Oct 2023 at 08:44


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