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Boston house Medical centre

Started by: tomplum (12755) 

During the last 12 months ,I've been taking my missus to Boston house for Physio , Due to circumstances beyond our control she is unable to attend an appointment this month so. I tried to contact Boston house to cancel that appointment, After failing miserably, I got on my bike and went to Boston house, Its quicker than driving and unpossible to park a car, I went to reception and was informed, ALL the building phone numbers have changes so,

If you need Boston House now ring, 0300 707 1113.

Started: 5th Oct 2023 at 15:35

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15702)

I used to go to Boston House a lot, it has several deps there, inclooding a psychiatric dept, in I think it was entrance 2

Replied: 5th Oct 2023 at 15:41

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Ain't it amazing: Twenty-first Century telephony means that for many of us, physically going in person to deliver a message is so often the way we have to do things.

Replied: 5th Oct 2023 at 15:51

Posted by: Brasstoff (507)

I've an appointment tomorrow, Geriatrics Dept
I don't bother trying to get on the car park, it's easier to park up on the side street's.

Replied: 5th Oct 2023 at 15:55

Posted by: tomplum (12755) 

Ena, The yoof of today would not think of doing what I did, manual options to get things done are not being taught and letter writing is also fast becoming summut what me granddad did .

Replied: 5th Oct 2023 at 16:19

Posted by: lectriclegs (5712)

Replied: 5th Oct 2023 at 16:25

Posted by: tonker (28150) 

I used to go to Old Boston quite regularly. In fact, I worked there for a year or so. It was crao, but ok in some ways.
Some people went on bikes. Not me though!

Replied: 5th Oct 2023 at 16:26

Posted by: Brasstoff (507)

Old Boston House, Hayduck?

Replied: 5th Oct 2023 at 16:32

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

Have the same problem with my GP.

In 25 years, have never succeeded in arranging an appointment over telephone, and they now restrict to one hour per day, the time when repeat prescriptions can be requested by phone, so likelihood of getting through for such is pretty miserable.

I used to be able to request repeat scripts online. In theory appointments too, although there never were any available whenever I looked. (System-on-line)

That arrangement was around 30% successful.

They scrapped it!

In theory, I can have the same functions on my mobile.

The downside: I have to go in and try to corner the practice manager for thirty minutes to set it up. That is far easier said than done.

Also I have arthritic fingers, spend ages correcting my mistakes if have to use mobile for such tasks.

Ah well, I need the exercise which a good walk provides, and it is simpler and QUICKER than the other options.

Replied: 5th Oct 2023 at 16:37

Posted by: First Mate (2480)

Posted by: lectriclegs (5598)

That's because the yoof of today are smarter

Replied: 5th Oct 2023 at 16:25

Thanks for that Lectriclegs

Boston House
Wigan Health Centre
Frog Lane
Telephone: 0300 7071113 (Physiotherapy)
0300 7071112 (MSK CATS)

Email: wwl-tr.mskphysio-bostonhouse@nhs.net


Replied: 5th Oct 2023 at 17:00
Last edited by First Mate: 5th Oct 2023 at 17:02:18

Posted by: lectriclegs (5712)

And I didn't have to break out the Lycra either.

Replied: 5th Oct 2023 at 17:03

Posted by: tonker (28150) 

My GP died about 40 years ago. I haven't seen him since!

Replied: 5th Oct 2023 at 17:42

Posted by: surfer_tom (878)

So did mine never spoken to him again,

Replied: 5th Oct 2023 at 20:43

Posted by: Owd Codger (3261)

When the local NHS Thrust know that the the parking at Boston House is so bad and going worse, surely the former Frog Lane Council Yard across the road should have been bought for overspill parking instead of houses.

They do it in other towns and cities, so what is the problem in Wigan.

And you would have thought that local MP Lisa Nandy would have done something about the problem!

Replied: 6th Oct 2023 at 08:15
Last edited by Owd Codger: 6th Oct 2023 at 08:50:57

Posted by: Handsomeminer (2817)

OC why ?

Replied: 6th Oct 2023 at 09:00

Posted by: Owd Codger (3261)


If you mean my comment about Lisa Nandy, it is because it is the kind of problem that a MP should be looking at to improve the everyday lives of their constituents.

Not just spending all her time in London or ranting on television!

Replied: 6th Oct 2023 at 09:10

Posted by: Handsomeminer (2817)

OF as I understand it the doctors practice is owned by the doctor share holders so why should public money be spent to improve there profitability

Replied: 6th Oct 2023 at 12:09

Posted by: Handsomeminer (2817)

I also use the doctors at Boston house ,I find the reception staff to be extremely pleasant and helpfully it isn't their fault the health service is crumbling after 13 years of tor y mismanagement they don't deserve the abuse they get off druggies, immigrants , downright moaning miserable rude british oap,s who don't get there own way and soft younger people with nowt wrong with them

Replied: 6th Oct 2023 at 12:15

Posted by: riocaroni (685)

Hm, how true that is!

Replied: 6th Oct 2023 at 12:35

Posted by: cheshirecat (1074) 

Posted by: Owd Codger
"it is the kind of problem that a MP should be looking at to improve the everyday lives of their constituents."

I wouldn't class people not being able to park on a doctors premises as an emegency!
What you are suggesting is that extra parking spaces on a car park should take priority over building new homes given the current housing shortage!
You could not invent a more idiotic suggestion

Replied: 6th Oct 2023 at 12:43
Last edited by cheshirecat: 6th Oct 2023 at 12:44:19

Posted by: Stardelta (11974)

“You could not invent a more idiotic suggestion“

Give him time

Replied: 6th Oct 2023 at 12:45

Posted by: Handsomeminer (2817)

We won't be waiting long

Replied: 6th Oct 2023 at 13:30

Posted by: gaffer (8002) 

According to the surgery website non of the GPs works full time at the surgery. One works 2 and a half days each week and the remainder 3 days.
NHS England is looking to stop new GPs working part time by imposing a mandatory full time period for five years after qualifying.

Replied: 6th Oct 2023 at 13:44

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

I am not up to date on this, but it had been quite common for GPs to have so called 'portfolio occupation'.

This entailed working for some days as a GP, and some days in other roles such as Surgeon at a private or NHS establishment, Occupational Health Physician for a local employer, etc etc.

I once had my GP tell me, "You will wait a year or so if I refer you for surgery, I do Occupational Health at the hospital where you work, Come in at 7-30 tomorrow morning, and I will perform the surgery." He did a good job.

(A hospital is often the largest employer in the district, so I am probably not the only person who enjoyed this benefit.)

Replied: 6th Oct 2023 at 14:03
Last edited by ena malcup: 6th Oct 2023 at 14:11:33

Posted by: mollie m (7298) 

I've been going to Boston House for many years, and yes, it is difficult to make an appointment over the phone these days. I don't bother anymore, so I email askMyGP and have never had a problem.

I became a patient as a child at the original surgery in Dicconson Street when the sole doctor was a Doctor Warburton, then when he retired, Doctor Calverley took over. The practice then expanded to Dicconson Terrace Surgery, and ultimately Boston House.

Following certain tests they sometimes write to me for them to arrange a phone appointment with me, if it's deemed necessary.

I don't have a problem parking because I only ever go after work around 4.45 and it's virtually empty then. However, I haven't seen a doctor in the last few years, but I do see one of the nursers who may, or may not, refer me to a doctor but, as I said, I haven't seen one for a few years now. There is no way I'd go there in the morning or afternoon. I did it just once, and that was the last, as parking at those times is a nightmare.

I phone the Pharmacy adjoined for my repeat prescription, which is delivered to me a few days later.

Replied: 6th Oct 2023 at 19:30

Posted by: Owd Codger (3261)


Boston House not just a doctors practice and a Chemist, but houses other NHS facilities.

And yes, parking is important, especially when people with mobility problems cannot get on a health centre car park because of more able bodied selfish people parking there and using somebody elses Blue Badge.

As for the sudden building of houses on Frog Lane, perhaps Cheshire Cat who did not know where Eckersleys Mill was in Wigan, can expain how the Cattle Market, Regentruck sites and more recently the former Council Yard can remain empty for so many years if there was a housing crisis.

Perhaps it is because the Housing crisis has been created by the massive invasion of migrants, massive increase in the birthrate, especially by people of foreign origin which has led to a ever increasing population and children when becoming of adult age wanting their own house and not live with parents like they use to do until they got married like in the past and also the ongoing programme of the demolition of older properties.

The building companies could see what a gravy train they were going to be on, especially with so many inheriting former Council Houses bought by parents and grand parents in the Thatcher era and selling them at a big profit or renting them out and moving into the new houses because they no longer want to live on a Council House Estate.

No wonder less people are posting when you see some of the snide and sarcastic comments by those who cannot debate a subject in a proper way!

Replied: 7th Oct 2023 at 08:49
Last edited by Owd Codger: 7th Oct 2023 at 09:02:22

Posted by: PeterP (11475)

When plans where put into the council for these clinics you would have thought all parties would know at least 90% of patients would go by car and make proper provision for this. Take the doctors/clinics at Ashton Medicentre where NO provision was made for parking except 8/9 disabled bays other patients have to park on the market square. Wigan Infirmary not much better with plans to expand yet again but no more parking provision

Replied: 7th Oct 2023 at 10:04

Posted by: cheshirecat (1074) 

Posted by: Owd Codger (2576)
" perhaps Cheshire Cat who did not know where Eckersleys Mill was in Wigan, can expain"

No need for snide remarks

Regarding the other sites you mentioned maybe there was a planning problem, land problem or the landowners didn't want to sell the land?
Obviously they decided that houses take priority over a few car parking spaces. And rightly so in my opinion. And again it could be that they thought that there is no money to be made on a car park due to the amount of blue badge holders who don't pay. I don't know?
Next time you are in ask your practitioner why the owners of the surgery / business didn't buy the land to create more parking slots.

Replied: 7th Oct 2023 at 10:11

Posted by: gaffer (8002) 

The large clinics in Wigan were built under a PFI scheme known as LIFT. As with all PFI schemes it is difficult to make changes, including parking facilities once a contract has been signed.
The schemes last for 25 to 35 years before the facilities are handed back to the NHS.

Replied: 7th Oct 2023 at 10:59

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15702)

Owd Codger said:

"As for the sudden building of houses on Frog Lane"

I would not say that those houses have been built 'suddenly', because Boston House, was built 30yrs ago, on the site of the old Council Cleansing Department Depot, which itself was situated on the site of the old Frog Lane Hospital, which was itself the old hospital department of the old Wigan Workhouse, the Wigan Workhouse site was a large site surrounded by a stone wall which still exists to this day, boundaried by Frog Lane, Lower St Stephen Street, Gidlow Lane, Diggle Street (little) and Diggle Street, the only break in the wall, is the small park area, which was constructed in between the two Diggle Streets.
Constructed on the site in the 1990's going in a clockwise direction are, Boston House (medical facility), Markland Court (scumbag facility), Silly Toe Drive (access road), Nightingale Court (sheltered retirement accommodation) and Kingfisher Court (social housing).

Owd Codger said:

"perhaps Cheshire Cat who did not know where Eckersleys Mill was in Wigan, can explain how the Cattle Market, Regentruck sites and more recently the former Council Yard can remain empty for so many years if there was a housing crisis"

Well yoo rude, geriatric nobhead, let me explain

Once upon a time (and this isn't a furry tail) Wigan Council had a plan to build a road from Frog Lane to the Saddle Gyratory Junction at Newtown, which would have gone through the old Cattle Market site, and the new road system at the Frog Lane end of the proposed road, would have required building on the old Regentruck site, so that area was legally protected from being built on, as regards the old Council Yard on the opposite side of the road to Boston House, as I understand it, the Council did consider using it for building extra parking spaces for Boston House, so that might be why they did not release that land for building on sooner.

Replied: 7th Oct 2023 at 11:29
Last edited by Tommy Two Stroke: 7th Oct 2023 at 11:31:34

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

You can see the problem though. Folk from Pemb would get lost trying to go to Wigan if you added that complexity to the already taxing Saddle Junction.

Replied: 7th Oct 2023 at 14:25

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15702)

The government of Tony Blair would not give Wigan the money to build the road, and when Southgate was built in 2013 that did away with the need for it, and now we have the new road too

Replied: 7th Oct 2023 at 17:16

Posted by: Owd Codger (3261)

Tommy Two Stroke

I have no objection to being call rude as it pales in comparison to what some say about others, but I take exception to being called a geriatic knobhead when even at my elderly age, I am more than likely to be fitter than yourself and as for the knobhead, there are some more befitting of that term with many of the comments they make!

Good Day!

Replied: 8th Oct 2023 at 07:34
Last edited by Owd Codger: 9th Oct 2023 at 07:16:15

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15702)

And good day to yoo too Mr Codger

Replied: 8th Oct 2023 at 10:34

Posted by: Handsomeminer (2817)

Name names OC

Replied: 8th Oct 2023 at 13:41

Posted by: tonker (28150) 

"I take exception to being called a diabetic knobhead"

So, you're NOT diabetic?

Replied: 8th Oct 2023 at 15:20

Posted by: Handsomeminer (2817)

Haha tonker

Replied: 8th Oct 2023 at 20:57

Posted by: Stardelta (11974)

Replied: 9th Oct 2023 at 07:16


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