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Wigan Galleries : Bad Feeling

Started by: Tommy Two Stroke (15699)

I have been to Wigan today to have a look at The Galleries, but most of it had gone

Then I was looking at the foundations of Marketgate, which was the old Wigan Centre Arcade, which I saw being built in 1972, there is a good view of them from Market Place, but I never thought I would see those foundations again, but it looks as though they will be using those same foundations for the new Market Hall, but I have a bad feeling about the whole Galleries redevelopment project

Started: 2nd Oct 2023 at 15:31
Last edited by Tommy Two Stroke: 2nd Oct 2023 at 15:32:26

Posted by: riocaroni (685)

Never saw the point of building the white elephant that is the Grand Arcade! They are supposed to be erecting a new market hall, what for? By the time it's finished there will be no stall holders left!

Replied: 2nd Oct 2023 at 15:49

Posted by: tomplum (12751) 

The signs on the boarded fencing say, " revitalizing Your Town " Who are they trying to convince ??? Certainly not Tommy 2 strokes nor myself. I've noticed the, cafes and hot food outlets are doing well though, All the workmen getting their meals and snacks, the down and outs also flourish from the the workmen chucking a couple of quid in their begging cups and throwing down half smoked cigs as they enter back into the site, The down and out are on those cigs ends like a laser guided missile

Replied: 3rd Oct 2023 at 11:57

Posted by: admin (1675)

This morning, 9.15am in Good Old Wigan Town...Outside what was WILKOS this morning a pile of cardboard, a pile of beer cans, loads of rubbish and a sleeping bag.. Half a dozen "ne'er-do-wells" effing and blinding at each other as they made their way to the Market Place The security man from B&M's chatting to a Community Policeman and pointing toward Wigan Lane.
Check out the old 50's and 60'simages of Standishgate on the site. You would think they were 200 years apart.

Replied: 3rd Oct 2023 at 17:16

Posted by: Owd Codger (3261)

rio caroni

It was the Galleries with its design of outside cold corridors which was the white elephant as proved by its emptyness and now demolition.

Cost millions to build it and now more millions to remove it.

With our inclement weather, a warm indoor shopping facility like the Grand Arcade is far better for shopping as you will find is the case in most other towns and cities.

Replied: 4th Oct 2023 at 13:17

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15699)

Owd Codger

AND the design of The Galleries did not encourage 'foot fall' so that those Galleries on the outside upper level, did not have people walking past them, so there was no passing trade.

The idea of the Grand Arcade by putting the 'anchor store' at the end of it, thus making people walk past every single store, was to create 'footfall' but I personally hate it, and just about everyone I have spoken to about the Grand Arcade, and that is a lot of folk, also hate it, so YES the Galleries maybe did not encourage 'footfall' but folk seemed to like it, but I think the reason The Galleries was a white elephant, was because it was just too bloody big for the size of the town.

Replied: 4th Oct 2023 at 13:27

Posted by: riocaroni (685)

Owd codger the majority was enclosed and heated. Although if I was ever going shopping, a bit of cowd weather never put me off and I suspect not a lot of real Wiginers!

Replied: 4th Oct 2023 at 13:55

Posted by: Owd Codger (3261)

What qualifications are needed to be a real Wiganer?

Shorts in bad weather?

Replied: 5th Oct 2023 at 15:10


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