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Photo-a-Day  (Tuesday, 26th December, 2023)

Sunset in Aspull

Sunset in Aspull
Such a beautiful world, why are we trying so hard to destroy it?

Photo: Dennis Seddon  (Sony DSC-HX99)
Views: 1,672

Comment by: Aspuller on 26th December 2023 at 00:17

Such a beautiful world in Aspull.
Merry Christmas Dennis.

Comment by: Arthur on 26th December 2023 at 00:22

Yes Dennis, we should all be aware of climate change. After saying that, we are trying in the UK, but other Countries aren't.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 26th December 2023 at 03:40

Very nice picture Dennis with the Crescent Moon just visible.

Comment by: Jeanette on 26th December 2023 at 08:08

Beautiful photo Dennis,you are so right.Many people seem to be able to ignore the consequences of their actions.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 26th December 2023 at 08:51

Beautiful sunset & you are spot on Dennis. We take this World for granted & think it will last forever. At the rate we are despoiling it I have my doubts.
So make the most of its beauty .

Comment by: Wiganer on 26th December 2023 at 08:54

We're not trying to destroy it, it's other Country's who do that. There is only one World and we are all in it together.
Just look how far we've cleaned up the UK since the 1960s. Over 13,000 steam trains scrapped for BR, steam factory's finished, coal fired power station's defunct, coal fires to heat our homes gone apart from Garrys home. Cleaner cars, van and lorries. So we ARE doing our bit to fight climate change, we've done nothing about aircraft though, they are the real polluters. So stop the wars, stop lauching rockets, stop smoking and vapes, stop bonfire nights and fireworks. We have done loads but there's more can be done.

Comment by: Poet on 26th December 2023 at 08:57

A classic waxing moon. . Awesome .

Gene Cernan said that in his own mind there were two moons . The beautiful romantic one seen in Dennis' picture and the cold hostile one that he walked on . Imagine looking up at it and remembering what it was actually like to be there. .

Grand picture .

Comment by: Sandra on 26th December 2023 at 09:00

We are all being conned with Climate change and ripped off the electric cars and emissions.
Gas and Electricity, food and petrol and diesel fuels.

Comment by: Malc on 26th December 2023 at 09:15

Climate change is a great big con.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 26th December 2023 at 09:23

Dennis, The Lord Giveth and The Humans Taketh Away.

Comment by: DTease on 26th December 2023 at 09:43

We should all remember that we need the planet, but the planet doesn’t need us.
This planet managed perfectly well before we came on the scene and it will manage perfectly well when we are long gone. We should cherish it while we can.

Comment by: Steve on 26th December 2023 at 09:51

China and India the worst polluters by far.

Comment by: Syd Smith on 26th December 2023 at 10:04

I suppose we get spoiled with spectacular sunsets, in Appley Bridge by living on the edge the Douglas Valley.

Comment by: Veronica on 26th December 2023 at 10:05

Well said Wiganer in a nutshell. We have taken everything out of the earth that can be taken. It’s the other countries that are catching up to what we have already done in the past. China especially. The clock is ticking…(.Spare us from Greta Thunberg though!)
I hate to think of not being able to fly anywhere in the World. We need more gifted scientists to come up with better cleaner ways and means.
A beautiful scene to dwell on today.

Comment by: Syd Smith on 26th December 2023 at 10:09

I suppose we get spoiled with spectacular sunsets, in Appley Bridge by living on the edge the Douglas Valley.

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 26th December 2023 at 10:19

I prefer to just enjoy that beautiful photo than to go into the whys and wherefores. It's just a beautiful local Winter sunset. Thanks for sharing it, Dennis.

Comment by: Neil Barker on 26th December 2023 at 10:22

Climate change is the word speak for our failed politicians.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 26th December 2023 at 10:44

When all the world's reputable scientists are agreed that it is man-made pollution causing global warming it is unwise to call the idea a fraud.
Yes, there are countries which pollute more than us - we've closed our manufacturing down - and exported the pollution it causes to the countries which now produce our consumer products. Most of the improvements in our pollution levels are down to that outsourcing - but, historically, we have been one of the main polluters.
Apart from China producing most of the solar panels, air source heat pumps, etc which we are buying to improve our carbon footprints, China is also a leading user of such technology itself - despite its awful record of opening new coal-fired power stations around the world.
Once upon a time Great Britain was able to use the moral authority which comes from doing the right thing ecologically to leverage other nations into following suit. The rowing back of our commitments this year weakens our voice, to the detriment of ourselves, and the rest of the world.
DTease is right - sunsets like this will continue... but who'll be around to see them, eventually?

Comment by: Garry on 26th December 2023 at 10:53

Well said Irene, I'm making my Coal/log fire, then it's Sherry time after dinner. That's my life and love it. All the best.

Comment by: DTease on 26th December 2023 at 12:09

India and China get a lot of abuse from the West, but the fact is countries like ours have exported their heavy industries like steel to India and China. We buy the steel from them and then abuse them for making the pollution that results from the making of that steel!

Comment by: Kath H on 26th December 2023 at 12:11

Thanks for another lovely photo of Aspull Dennis, and for all the others you take. Merry Christmas and all best wishes for 2024, to you and your family.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 26th December 2023 at 13:03

Thanks again Dennis for the picture.
I agree with almost everything the Rev Long says, I remember working in Runcorn in the 1990's, Fiddlers Ferry Power Station pumped out so much steam and toxic fumes most of Widnes and St Helen's was shrouded in cloud even on the clearest and sunniest of days as it travelled North East to dump its poisonous acid rain over Norway killing the forests.
I am not denying that there is some climate change brought about by humans but climate change has been around for tens of millions of years, its a natural cycle of events due to a great number of factors, Continental Drift, Volacano's etc.
Five million years ago North and South America were not joined and the Pacific flowed freely into the Atlantic, the climate in the world would have been very different then. Once the Costa Rica isthmus was formed joining the two the ocean currents took a different path and that would have been quite sudden and dramatic climatic event.
The earths orbit has a great influence and roughly every forty five thousand years it moves in and out from the sun. Closer, it gets warmer, further away it gets colder. Why do you think we once had Hippo's and Crocodiles in the Thames followed by Woolley Mammoths and herds of Elk and Bison roaming the vast expanse of Doggerland that is now the North Sea!
Sea levels rise and fall dramatically during these events, that's how the Rhinoceros got from Africa to Java. I don't thing the Red Sea parted and then they were airlifted from Dubai!
Turning back to Humans, we are credited as the only conscious species that can truly think and I would say rarely learning lessons, each scrappy little nation with its short sighted leaders vying to be the richest, most powerful and righteous. God forbit humans ever reach another habitable planet!
I recommend reading Earth Abides by George R Stewart written in the early 1950's in post WW2 America, quite a good read and a thought proving book even today. Nature always finds a way to put us in our place!

Comment by: Veronica on 26th December 2023 at 13:12

That is true Dtease. We preen ourselves to high heaven at what we are doing for climate change and have the brass neck to send all our old industries to China and India. I also remember vaguely reading that we send rubbish to be dealt with by another country and it’s just dumped.

Comment by: Julie on 26th December 2023 at 14:29

Nothing spectacular about Appley Bridge or Douglas Valley

Comment by: Dave on 26th December 2023 at 14:30

Yes we blame the Chinese but somebody's got to make the steel or we're going back to the Middle Ages.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 26th December 2023 at 15:51

I don't think you can compare changes which happened over thousands, even millions of years, sometimes involving the shifting of the earth's tectonic plates, with what has happened to our climate since the start of the Industrial Revolution around 250 years ago. It's of a totally different order.

Comment by: Dennis Seddon on 26th December 2023 at 16:34

Many thanks Kath H and all the best to you and yours for the coming year.

And the same to Brian and all the others who contribute to this site.

Comment by: Eddie Rowland on 26th December 2023 at 19:21

Nice to see Kath Ha. That you are still around on Wigan world,I hope you had your chat with Maria and brought those memories back to her,they are very clear to me even now looking back on my life of many years ago,l remember her mum and dad very well and the welcome that they gave me when I first met Maria,it's so lovely to know that she did have a happy life in the end like me.

Comment by: Pat McC on 26th December 2023 at 21:19

You are so right Rev Long. You've said it all. We have to take full responsibility for the part we have/and still play in the destruction of this beautiful planet we live on.

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