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Photo-a-Day  (Monday, 25th December, 2023)

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
All the best everyone, hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
Photo taken in Beech Hill.

Photo: Brian  (iPhone)
Views: 1,552

Comment by: Thomas(Tom)Walsh. on 25th December 2023 at 01:12

May I wish all Wiganworlders at home and around the World A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. Thanks are due to Brian,Ron and all the volunteers and contributors who make Wigan World what it is . The same message as last year,and the years before but no less heartfelt for that !

Comment by: Pw on 25th December 2023 at 05:11

Merry Christmas everyone.

Comment by: Pw on 25th December 2023 at 05:57

Merry Christmas everyone.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 25th December 2023 at 06:08

All the best to you too Brian and to everyone else who views today.

Comment by: PeterP on 25th December 2023 at 07:01

MERRY CHRISTMAS to one and all

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 25th December 2023 at 07:22

Happy Christmas everybody !
A bright & merry photo for Christmas Morning Brian.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 25th December 2023 at 07:26

Christmas Blessing to all Wigan Worlders - and especially to Brian for keeping the site going.

Comment by: DTease on 25th December 2023 at 08:46

Peace and love to everyone and may your God go with you.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 25th December 2023 at 08:56

I agree with that Rev Long....where would we be without Brian !

Comment by: Maureen on 25th December 2023 at 08:56

Merry Christmas everyone..love you all.xxx

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 25th December 2023 at 09:08

Many thanks to Brian, Ron and all at Wigan World for all they do all year round, and Merry Christmas to us all, however we celebrate, be it with friends and family or just quietly at home. Pass the sherry, Garry!

Comment by: WN1 Standisher on 25th December 2023 at 09:21

Season's Greetings to one and all, have a great day. Thanks Brian and Ron for all the hard work you put in keeping WW up and running. A good photo, there are some brilliant light displays this year. Get well soon Irene :)

Comment by: Garry on 25th December 2023 at 09:21

Merry Christmas Brian and a lovely Christmas photo too.

Comment by: Peter P on 25th December 2023 at 09:26

A thank you to everyone who posts and maintains this site. As an ex Wigan er it keeps me in touch with my home town. Although I have not lived there for 50 years I remain a Wiganer and enjoy this site. "A glass of sherry to you all" as Garry would say.

Comment by: Sandra on 25th December 2023 at 09:28

Beautiful photo....Merry Christmas.

Comment by: Aubrey on 25th December 2023 at 09:28

A very Merry Christmas everyone.

Comment by: Bar-Humbug on 25th December 2023 at 09:32

It will all soon be over!

Comment by: Joan on 25th December 2023 at 10:12

All the best to you all, I hope next year all this fighting will haved stopped.
Syd was you on your way to Parbold church this morning when you waved at me.

Comment by: Gary on 25th December 2023 at 10:54

Religion derives from a root word meaning ""binding".
Wigan Worlders do bind.
Best wishes to one and all.
Anyone know what has happened to Walt North Yorks?
He hasn't posted for a while.

Comment by: Alan on 25th December 2023 at 11:10

Good will to all men and hope women are making Christmas Dinner.

Comment by: Meh on 25th December 2023 at 11:18

Happy Christmas everyone and a huge thank you for the beautiful pictures.

Comment by: Aspuller on 25th December 2023 at 11:40

All the very best.
Garry the Sherry is on me.

Comment by: PeterP on 25th December 2023 at 12:13

I did not send the second post by Peter P

Comment by: Veronica on 25th December 2023 at 12:33

A very Sherry Christmas to all.
Especially Garry …who’s full of the Christmas spirit all year round.
Must get back to mi Turkey…

Comment by: Cyril on 25th December 2023 at 12:57

Happy Christmas everyone, +> cheers to admin team.

Aspire to acquire the desire you admire. But in the process you perspire, don’t retire but refire to acquire that desire that you admire.

Comment by: Wiganer on 25th December 2023 at 13:14

Lovely photo Brian.
Yes its Christmas everyday for Garry with his Sherry.
Merry Christmas everyone x

Comment by: Sue S on 25th December 2023 at 14:46

Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year
This site keeps me in touch with my hometown ,thanks to all of you for your photos and comments , keep them coming.

Comment by: Eddie Rowland on 25th December 2023 at 15:55

Wign world does it again keep these photos coming in especially of standish,let's have a peacefull year for everyone in 2024.

Comment by: Walt ( North Yorkshire) on 25th December 2023 at 18:12

Gary owd lad nice of you to ask, I'm still here in the wilds of the back of beyond. I never miss looking at WW each morning and enjoying looking at the pics and comments. So, Merry Christmas everyone, thanks to all who make such brilliant contributions, having left Aspull 40 years ago it's good to keep in touch. Best Wishes, Walt.

Comment by: Syd Smith on 25th December 2023 at 18:55

Yes Joan I was, then we went visiting some relations.

Comment by: Veronica on 25th December 2023 at 20:26

I forgot to say what a great display of lights you can certainly tell the folk love Christmas. A lovely photo to share with us Brian. Just to say I bought a pack of Hot Cross buns yesterday they were plump with fruit.

Comment by: Honest Wigan Mick on 25th December 2023 at 23:02

Why would someone born and raised 5 miles from Wigan, in St Helens, claim Wigan as his "home town"? He's a wrong-un.
All the best to the honest ones amongst us.

Comment by: George (Hindley) on 26th December 2023 at 22:47

Who are you saying is a wrong un Wigan Mick? Most on here would say it's you.
It's not that Edmund Rowlands is it? He's certainly not a wrong un. He goes to church regularly.

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