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Photo-a-Day  (Friday, 27th August, 2021)


Standishgate, Wigan.

Photo: Dennis Seddon  (Sony DSC-WX500)
Views: 2,196

Comment by: irene roberts on 27th August 2021 at 09:16

Nice to see a number of people about. In my mind's eye, I can see that scene in the sixties, when it wasn't pedestrianised, with two shoe-shops on the right, (Timpson's and Freeman, Hardy and Willis), with Debenhams, (formerly Pendlebury's), on the left. There is much talk now about how Wigan has gone to the dogs in recent years, (we went to Bolton last week and believe me it was even worse!), but I must say the trees and flower-displays on Standishgate look lovely.

Comment by: Veronica on 27th August 2021 at 09:47

There's quite a few people about, but the action is further up... you can sit and watch some entertainment if you find shouting and bawling intriguing! Then there's the old chap playing loud music and beating a tambourine - he doesn't have a dog with him nowadays collecting the money.
( if it is the same man!). The white statues seemed to have disappeared as well that used to scare little children. They mustn't have earned much money - perhaps they have given up and gone back home...they've seen the shops closing down and realised it's not much cop these days..Such is life in the 21st Century ...

Comment by: WN1 Standisher on 27th August 2021 at 10:17

Good capture Dennis and accurate ob's Ladies. The bollards make its safer up there now ( from traffic ), not much they can do about the ' not reets " You look at the big department stores in this picture and wonder what the future holds for them. They'll probably go the same way as the pubs.

Comment by: Veronica on 27th August 2021 at 11:38

" Not reets"....made me laugh that Standisher. Self inflicted though.... I have to say. Gone are the days when the bobby would have put the World to rights as he plodded round in his well polished 'turned up toe' shoes. It's like High Noon at the top of Wigan somedays......even the pigeons have flown. I think they were scared off by the White Statues coming to life as they were just about to drop their load on the spotless white heads. You notice more just by sitting down for a while -
and reminiscing ...until the peace is broken.

Comment by: DTease on 27th August 2021 at 12:10

Before the recent unpleasantness I was on a train coming home and there were only two other people in the carriage, an older gentleman and a young chap who was obviously on something that he didn’t get with a doctor’s prescription. The young man was shouting and talking to himself for most of the journey but, being British neither of us other two said anything. After a while the other gentleman got up to leave the train and, as he passed the youngster he tapped on his shoulder and said in a quiet voice “ Tha not wired up reet thee lad”

Comment by: AngelWood on 27th August 2021 at 16:16

Visiting town this afternoon, there were quite a few on the benches near Wilkos that weren't wired up right.

Comment by: George (Hindley) on 27th August 2021 at 17:35

“Tha not wired up reet thee lad”

DTease, that man couldn't have been from Wigan, as Wigan people just don't speak with that accent.

Comment by: irene roberts on 27th August 2021 at 18:14

Yes they DO speak with that accent!

Comment by: DTease on 27th August 2021 at 18:59

George, there's sum us speykes like that in Hindley un awe.

Comment by: James Hanson on 27th August 2021 at 18:59

Maybe he was from Haydock

Comment by: Bruce Almighty on 27th August 2021 at 19:18

My maternal grandad had that accent and he was a miner from Golborne. My wife's grandad didn't have that accent and he was a miner from Beech Hill, Wigan.

Comment by: Veronica on 27th August 2021 at 19:50

.I've even heard them talking like that on the bus from Hindley. I sat behind two men once going on ''abeawt a dog's back legs 'ud gone - they'd bin gooin a while, un they had 't'ave it put deawn !"

Comment by: DTease on 27th August 2021 at 20:17

I would like to refer any and all doubters to a small book written by Dave Dutton with the title of "Lanky Panky". A not too serious look at the Lancashire Dialect.
When I was a kid at Primary School "Lanky" was my first language. BBC English was what you spoke to the Teacher because he or she would not have had a clue what you were talking about if you didn't.
Even now after all these years I still find myself reverting to Lanky if I'm talking to someone of a similar age who I know will understand what I am saying.

Comment by: Gary on 27th August 2021 at 20:57

My maternal grandmother, Aspull born and bred, often used two salutes similar to each other:
Aw reet, morn neet
Aw reet, pigs' feet.
Definitely Wigan - Haydock? That's nearly in North Wales.

Comment by: Tonker (off Wigan World) on 27th August 2021 at 23:18

"Right" is "Reet", but not in Wigan where it's "Raaaaight", Laaaaike!

Comment by: Pw on 28th August 2021 at 06:50

Right is "reet" in Wigan.Tonker go and get your hearing checked

Comment by: Veronica on 28th August 2021 at 07:46

Language evolves and changes over time ... I still hear 'Reet' where I live - not that far from Wigan - 9 minute train journey away. Must admit 'Lanky' is dying or has died out ..even talking is dying out - young ones text more than talk. When they do speak it's a fast kind of 'street talk' between them.
' Like' is a repetitive word, used in most sentences over and over again - implying a lack of vocabulary.

Comment by: Tonker (off Wigan World) on 28th August 2021 at 10:08

"9 minute train journey away" ?

A nine minute train journey from Wigan and you're not in Wigan anymore. A nine minute train journey can take you through two distinct accent changes.

Comment by: Veronica on 28th August 2021 at 11:23

Yes a 9 minute train journey can take you through A few changes. I would say old Howfeners are more broad than Wiganers in their speech. I am still a Wiganer after all these years... only come back on the train..just 'reet' now.

Comment by: DTease on 28th August 2021 at 12:21

Is there a Polly Parrot in here Veronica?

Comment by: WN1 Standisher on 28th August 2021 at 13:16

Bi reet Veronica :)

Comment by: Veronica on 28th August 2021 at 14:11

You're dead 'reet' there Dtease .;))

Comment by: Pw on 28th August 2021 at 19:07

Were having chicken toneet,reet

Comment by: Veronica on 28th August 2021 at 21:34

I blame Little Richard - with that song of his 'Reet Pteet ' . I think it was him I could be wrong!

Comment by: Tonker (off Wigan World) on 29th August 2021 at 14:24

"Aaaah' feel laaaaike chicken tonaaaaight, laaaaike chicken tonaaaaight"!

Comment by: Veronica on 29th August 2021 at 19:28

No that's not reet - you're out o'tune ....

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