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Photo-a-Day  (Thursday, 26th August, 2021)


Every summer in Wigan the roads are festooned with the dreaded red cones. I know the roads have to be fixed, but do they have to dig them all up at the same time!

Photo: Dennis Seddon  (Sony DSC-WX500)
Views: 2,122

Comment by: Mick on 26th August 2021 at 07:01

Digging them up at the same time probably save us tax payers money in the long run, because the council can buy the cement, sand, tarmac and what ever else that is needed for the job in bulk.

Comment by: Veronica on 26th August 2021 at 08:00

Not the Wigan I'm familiar with. Terry Wogan was obsessed with cones if I remember.

Comment by: irene roberts on 26th August 2021 at 08:29

The worst thing of all is that the roads never seem to be any better when they have been fixed!

Comment by: joe bloggs on 26th August 2021 at 08:37

Mick, the council don't buy any materials the contractors do using negotiated prices, but such a lot of these essential roadworks don't seem to have any real need, the road near asda has been remodelled most years for 20 years

Comment by: Rocky P on 26th August 2021 at 08:46

Absolutely dreadful to drive around Wigan,just when we expect some relief from the chaos caused by the school run..

Comment by: Gary on 26th August 2021 at 10:59

Cones aren't necessary to cause traffic jams.
On 6th August left my son's house in Norfolk at 9.45pm and drove here, in the NE, normally 6 hours on a Friday.
I actually arrived home at 6pm, a full 8 hours on the road. The A1 was static for ages in three places - no accidents or roadworks. Just the sheer weight of traffic.
Neighbours last week went on a "quiet" 5 day stay near Fort William. The drive through the town itself took 40 mins. Again, sheer weight of traffic.
No Malaga, Benidorm or Majorca for most young families this year. Just traffic queues on staycation.
My local cobbler has had a small cottage in Keswick for forty years - two beds, now rented out at £180 per room per night. He's thinking of retiring!

Comment by: PeterP on 26th August 2021 at 11:05

I went into Wigan this morning for an appointment at the TLC and though I will give myself 45mins to get there.I left our house at 9-00 and was getting out of the car at 9-20. I went via Platt Bridge l/Ince and Scholes Would not like to try going via the Saddle. Sometime in the future I want to go to Wickes but will wait till some of the roadworks are finished

Comment by: Annoyed Wigan driver. on 26th August 2021 at 12:14

That's right the Council DON'T buy anything they appoint contractors. The problem is planning, the Council have wasted tax payers money by dreaming up failed projects only to have them put back as it was before. That photo of lower wallgate was only resurfaced last year.
I believe this project is cycle lanes that will not get used at all, most cyclists would sooner ride on the pavements or go through red traffic lights anything to break the highway code rules.

Comment by: Arthur on 26th August 2021 at 12:17

Not interested in other roads only Wigan.

Comment by: Mick on 26th August 2021 at 12:29

Its not always the weight of traffic that cause hold ups, most are cause by speeding motorist driving over the speed limit then having to quickly slow down.
One slows down a little bit, the next few slow down a little bit more,then the next slow down even more, until you get them at the back slowing down to a stop.
It's known as the ricochet effect.

Comment by: irene roberts on 26th August 2021 at 16:21

I have just got this week's Wigan Observer and it shows a list of roads which are closed due to roadworks until either November 7th or November 8th....Clayton Street, Wallgate, Miry Lane, Caroline Street and Queen Street! ALL are in close proximity to each other! WHY do they have to be done all at the same time? WHO ON EARTH has organised this chaos? They obviously couldn't organise a rice pudding! I don't live near there but God help the people who have no choice but to drive through that area to their jobs, or to hospital appointments etc as it will affect bus timetables too. It will be even worse at the beginning of September when the children return to school.

Comment by: Minato on 26th August 2021 at 17:09

Konnichiwa Mick, Knock on effect for cars causing road jam.
Ricochet effect for when Bullet trains cause track jam.

All these road works are for when Wigan council begin to introduce their congestion charges for vehicles entering the town centre and using the roads around. We will soon be riding around town on these complete with brollycape. https://youtu.be/j-1PU5bSx8c

Comment by: PeterP on 26th August 2021 at 17:24

Irene type in Wigan Council roadworks and there are SIX pages of roadworks in and around Wigan

Comment by: Carolaen on 26th August 2021 at 19:52

Minato. You might want to check your facts. I looked up this scheme.
1) its not a wigan Council Scheme. Its across the whole of Greater Manchester.
2) Its not a congestion charge as does not apply to all vehicles, but is a charge on polluting commercial vehicles.
3) It doesnt apply at all to domestic vehicles like your car.
Of course (I havent lived in Wigan for 50 years) it took me all of 30 seconds to find that out on the internet but dont let your lack of information get in the way.

Comment by: Angela on 26th August 2021 at 21:22

There is a brand new under used road that bypasses all this chaos.

Comment by: Tonker (off Wigan World) on 28th August 2021 at 17:32

Just look at all them traffic cones.

Trevor Smith would think it was Christmas!

(those who don't know 'Trevor Smith', just ask!)

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