Photo-a-Day (Friday, 23rd April, 2021)
The Pagefield

Photo: Dennis Seddon (Sony DSC-WX500)
I can't see that ever opening as a profitable pub again, sad as it was a good pub at one time. It would make very nice and much needed apartments for young Wigan couples to live. Hopefully it will not be demolished by some out of town developer with £ £ signs for pupils.
Though it looks as though containers or something similar is already on what was the bowling green at the side of the pub, has planning permission been passed for a development?
Great shot Dennis, & I have to agree with you such a shame to see such a beautiful pub this way, the entire UK is the same. Great shot
The Famous Pagefield, I dont know why it was Famous.
Craftsmanship at every turn ... no expense when this was built. It would make a grand walk in Health Centre.... save going into Wigan? There's so many buildings like this one, I suppose they just aren't feasible anymore, such a shame.
It was famous Mick because i used to work there, lol. Only joking of course about why it was famous, i agree with Mick and could never understand why they cheapened the pub by changing its name. I did used to work there part time as a newly wed, for extra needed income, when waiters served tables and we wore white / cream coloured jackets. I am talking 56 years ago since those halcyon days.
Lovely building. Is the Bowling Green still there and looked after or has that gone as well ?
It is such a shame, another fine building in Wigan gone.Its just pub after pub, and shop after shop closing.Were is this going to end..
Excellent picture for historical record. Even if it was preserved on the outside and turned into flats on the inside , the reality is not everybody wants to live in a building like this. Developers know, and they are the ones most likely to buy it, that it would be far easier to sell as a clean , new, fresh modern building, filled with glass to capture the sunshine. It would be far cheaper also to simply knock it down and start again.
It appears that current planning permission has been granted for development for 10 apartments in pub, and 8 semis and 1 detached house on bowling green along with 56 space car park and cycle facilities.
Bowled there many times over the years. I saw what was once one of the best bowling greens in Wigan only yesterday and was saddened to see what has become of it.
What Brewery originally owned it.
It was built in 1902 for Maggee, Marshall & Co.
I believe it is a Grade 2 listed building.