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Photo-a-Day  (Monday, 23rd December, 2019)

Royal Arcade

Royal Arcade

Photo: Brian  (iPhone)
Views: 2,301

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 23rd December 2019 at 08:02

Isnt that a nice arcade, very attractive. I would love to have a stroll through it. I think it was where we bought my red tap shoes for when I went to The Moss School of Dancing by the old bus station.

Comment by: Maureen on 23rd December 2019 at 08:12

It's as lovely as any arcade you'll find anywhere..and doesn't the floor finish it off,very classy.

Comment by: Veronica on 23rd December 2019 at 08:35

I love this arcade it's so quaint.... I don't walk down here as much these days since Peabodies left and the aroma of ground coffee went with them.....I don't know if it was ever replaced.

Comment by: irene roberts on 23rd December 2019 at 09:29

How attractive it looks! However, I wouldn't go into Wigan today or tomorrow for a gold clock! I'll shop down the road in Platt Bridge where we have two supermarkets and be thankful I am retired after a lifetime of shop work.

Comment by: Veronica on 23rd December 2019 at 11:20

I know what you mean Irene, I have just been up to Middlebrook ... It's a nightmare in Marks where I would normally have come to Wigan. There's twice as many customers, owing to the closure in Wigan. Trolleys everywhere, I'm glad I only had a basket piled up! Managed to get served quick, and out home on the bus!

Comment by: janet on 23rd December 2019 at 12:17

thanks irene we need a town centre supermarket ok wigan metro

Comment by: Cyril on 23rd December 2019 at 14:56

Does the floor dip down now or is it an optical illusion with the tiles, not been in there for years, but sure it was always level.

Janet, there is a town centre supermarket - Tesco Extra.

Comment by: XPat on 23rd December 2019 at 15:59

I only remember the Big Arcade and the Little Arcade . I don’t remember this at all ! I must have been in a dream growing up .
Irene , as a side note , if WW will allow me .
I have huge respect and admiration for women who did a lifetime of work , as well as raising a family and some going through two world wars .
Never even crossed my mother’s mind , God Bless her , not to go to work . She went from one job to the next and grafted when she got home , like many women did .
I know many will say raising a family is a full time job on its own , which it is , and also it should be a women’s right to choose whether to go to work or not , but women who do both I personally find amazing , especially as most of the child care , let’s face it will be done by her .
Better stop , sorry , going off track. A debate for another day perhaps
Happy Christmas to all Wigganers .

Thanks for posting Brian . Sorry for going off your great picture .

Comment by: Elizabeth on 23rd December 2019 at 18:26

It is a lovely arcade,so glad it's not been demolished like a lot of the buildings in Wigan have.Really like the tea rooms there as well.

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