Photo-a-Day (Sunday, 18th November, 2012)

Photo: Ernest Pyke (Praktica DCZ 6.2.)
Nice photo Ernest, I think this boat has been around for some time. Any idea how old it might be?? Looks a nice day for a trip.
It was for sale I wonder if it sold. Business for sale. Kittywake Canal Cruises – Wigan Pier
A ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY TO ACQUIRE A UNIQUE THRIVING & PROFITABLE, TOURISM, LEISURE & LIFESTYLE BUSINESS IN A PRIME LOCATION. Based at the world famous Wigan pier & established since 30th September 2007 – Kittywake Canal Cruises have built up an excellent reputation over the past 4 years and enjoys plenty of repeat custom. We operate boat trips and party cruises from our base at Wigan pier, 52 weeks a year. Most of our bookings are generated by word of mouth and via our website and as such our advertising costs are very, very low. Average turnover +£100,000 pa
Lovely photo Ernest, great reflections, and a lovely old boat, cheers!!!
Nice to see dennis's boat also a photo by ernest
Nice photograph Ernest. Where do the trips start from please?
Earnest,following on from Janice's commen, where do thy go to,and how often. Nice photograph. Thank you.
Nice picture Ernest.
Thanks for your comments.
Ken R, this boat was built by Liverpool Boat Co., has s metal hull, 55ft.long, 10`6" beam, 2`6" draft and power is 999 BHP.
Peterp, who is Dennis? Can you tell us how old this boat is?
Janice and Tom, look at
The building behind is the engine house at Trencherfield Mill.
Mick, came across your P-a-D of 13th July`12. my comment at 20:09, Wigan library told me yesterday they haven`t got the book.
The boat when it was running used to go as far as Gathurst.
Theres a few videos of it here
Ernest,Dennis is the owner of Kittywake
peterp, I gathered that, but can you help with the age of it?
Just shows what a modest camera can achieve.
Hello david. This camera was £125 in Dec.2007, but Serif offer for it was £50. For other photo`s taken by me this year, see P-a-D`s on 2nd & 3rd April, 3rd & 31st May, 1st June, 31st August.
Janice and Tom: On Sunday 2nd Dec.`12 from 10am to 4pm there are canal boat trips at Trencherfield Mill open day. There`s Vintage Market at Wigan Investment Centre nearby with free parking
Too High key, cobalt coloured water, converging verticals....
This is a constructive comment..;o)
Art, the colour is reflected from the boat to the water.
Can`t do anything about verticals - I just point and `shoot`!!
Reflections don't affect the whole body of water, just the strips reflected..
Art, the whole body of water isn`t cobalt on my laptop screen.
The barge reflects as black, the water reflects as Cobalt....Explain?
Art, best put your question to a professional photographer. e.g Dave (Oy) Green or Dan Highton.
Have you looked at my P-a-D 3rd May 2012? Was a dull day then but very sunny on this.
Art, the question of colour of water arose on Dan Highton`s P-a-D
2nd November 2012.
You have P-a-D on the brain ernie...Can't you stand constructive criticism, unlike the guff you post as choice of system.
ie: mono or polychrome, (wigan)animals in Wigan settings, plus others beyond belief...Time for thought methinks!! ;o)
The colour of water on the other pics was low warm light darkening the blue....Yours was an unearthly Cobalt Blue (not natural)