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Photo-a-Day  (Saturday, 17th November, 2012)

The Cenotaph Aspull

The Cenotaph Aspull
Taken last week at The Cenotaph at Aspull.

Photo: Thomas Walsh  (Canon PowerShot A1200)
Views: 3,975

Comment by: Ken R on 17th November 2012 at 00:08

Nice photo, thank you. I recognised this as soon as I opened it The Cenotaph at Aspull, my "Home Town". Great memories, thanks again.

Comment by: Brian from Massachuestts on 17th November 2012 at 00:48

My home town too. Feels like I am there. Thank you Tom.

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 17th November 2012 at 01:26

As we would say in Australia " Lest we forget". What a lovely photograph of remembrance, Thankyou Thomas.

Comment by: walt (North Yorks) on 17th November 2012 at 08:28

And my place of birth also, thanks for a good clear photo.

Comment by: tricia on 17th November 2012 at 10:32

When you go home
Tell them of us and say
For your tomorrow
We gave our today.

Comment by: Thomas(Tom)Walsh. on 17th November 2012 at 11:02

Who to blame.
By,Tom Walsh .

A snipers bullet,a road side bomb,a traitors kiss,a friends remiss.
What and who, matter little now a soldiers dead.
A mother weeps over a cold and empty bed.
A father ponders times of yore,of holidays,of football games.and those silly,silly childish names .
Those days can never be again,but who to blame ?
Not the politician,that's not his game,not the minister,O! the shame.
Not the Field Marshal,in braided splendour,
nor the Sergeant Major with voice like thunder.
Not the soldier in coffin dark awaiting his last long journey home.
To a family that will forever mourn.
Lessons will be learnt we're told,fighting and war will be no more, I think we have heard all that before.but who to blame?

Comment by: Barbara on 17th November 2012 at 11:50


Comment by: Cyril Ashurst on 17th November 2012 at 13:07


Upon a bleak November day
When th'cross becoom eawr host,
A rook o' quiet Aspull folk
Stood reawnd at th' Finger Post;
They huddle't theer bi th' Cenotaph
Bare yedded one an' aw,
To honour thoose who'd gie'd their lives
As they answer't th' battles caw.

They coom from every walk o' life
An' stood theer side bi side,
Their showders droop't i' sadness
Their poppies worn wi' pride;
They'd come to pray fer thoose lost souls
Who'd gone to lands afar,
Young lads who fowt fer freedom
An' had ne'er retearn't fro' th'waer.

Owd sowdgers stood i' ranks o' three
Just like thi'd often done,
As th' names o' thoose that fell i' waer
Wur read eawt one bi one;
An' then as th' Last Post seawnded eawt
An' echoed reawnd th' lone end
Thur wur mony a mon wi' tearful e'en
Who'd fowt an' lost a friend.

Like one big family i' grief
They sung thur hymns an' prayed
Fer thoose young sons o' th' Motherland
Who i' foreign graves are laid
Then when they'd laid their wreaths bi' th' cross
To th' memory of thoose men
Wi' th' strains o' th' National Anthem
Th' tribute eended once again.

As th' strains o' th' anthem deed away
Mother nature join't in then,
An' hoo cast her Heavenly tears deawn
O' th' yeds o' thoose sad men;
Then hoo seemed to pay her own respect
Wi a stiff November breeze,
I tribute to thoose fallen sons
It med leoves faw fro' th' trees.

Lest wey ferget thoose lads
Who lie i' graves so far away,
Each time wey pass yon owd stone cross
Let's pause a while an' pray;
Then readin' th' names o' thoose lost souls
Let's axe th' Good Lord above
To grant us what they deed for
A world o' freedom, peace an' love.

Comment by: bill7 on 17th November 2012 at 14:30

Lovely poem tom ,u tell me I have a talent I think u may be harbouring one yourself ,keep up the good work

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