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Photo-a-Day  (Tuesday, 19th June, 2012)

The changing face of Platt Bridge

The changing face of Platt Bridge
Taken from Liverpool Road, turn right for Walthew Lane, turn left for Platt Street.

Photo: Thomas Walsh  (Canon PowerShot A1200)
Views: 7,100

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 19th June 2012 at 03:12

The first McDonald`s, in the UK, was in Woolwich,London in 1974 and they have now approx.1200 restaurant`s in the UK.
No vehicles on the pavement, Tom!!

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 19th June 2012 at 03:31

For McDonald`s `Poetry` advertising video refer:-

Comment by: michael davies australia on 19th June 2012 at 04:08

the world comes to platt bridge guess the local chips feel the heat

Comment by: Mick on 19th June 2012 at 06:46

I once worked with an Australian in the 80s who said that he had never had a McDonalds.

I though he must be one of the few.

Comment by: Whelley Wayne on 19th June 2012 at 07:52

Much nicer and safer than Shevvy

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 19th June 2012 at 08:40

For the sake of us Wiganer`s, michael davies australia, would you please explain your comment?

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 19th June 2012 at 08:55

Mick, I`ve only been a couple of times in a McDonald`s - they don`t know how to make chips !!

Comment by: maggie on 19th June 2012 at 09:17

This is totally unknown to me and has made me feel a little sad. Where is Warrington Road from here?I have never had a Mc Donalds either.

Comment by: Maggie K on 19th June 2012 at 09:25

Well taken photo. You can see Belong in the background a very nice place and the Bistro is worth trying. As for Whelley Wayne - why do you have a chip on your shoulder about Shevington. I am a pensioner and can walk there at 11pm and feel very safe. It is one of the nicest places in WMBC. More of our Council Tax has been put into Platt Bridge to improve it than Shevington - Wigan don't even provide a park for the children of Shevington but we have one provided by the SECOND tax we pay to the Parish Council. Look at the plank in your own eye before you look at the splinter in some else's eye.

Comment by: cullie on 19th June 2012 at 09:41

hmmmmmmmmm golden arches .

Comment by: AP on 19th June 2012 at 09:44

I've never had a Mc.Donalds! Just does not appeal to me. I guess it is always possible, that one day, I will be very hungry, and they be the only option, but other than that, it is not likely that I ever will!

Comment by: Dave Marsh on 19th June 2012 at 10:31

Had a McDonalds in Moscow.Big queue but your order was taken whilst queuing and ready when you reached the front.Spotlessly clean including the toilets,about the only clean place in the city to spend a penny.

Comment by: aitch on 19th June 2012 at 10:35

the red door in the building facing was to have been a Tesco express, finished up being a betfred, that now makes 2 as there is already one across from Iceland, says much about the pace doesnt it, mind you Ince Bar now has 2 betting shops near to each other

Comment by: Mick on 19th June 2012 at 13:06

My first McDonalds was in Hongkong in the early 70s but since then Ive had them from all over the world including Califonia and in the worlds biggest in Singapore

Comment by: Loz on 19th June 2012 at 13:08

'Platt Vegas' as one wag described it. The trio isn't complete though. You need: Bettin Shop, Off License, and Newsagent.

Comment by: irene roberts on 19th June 2012 at 13:21

Maggie, What you are looking at is the very end of Liverpool Road in Platt Bridge, if it were possible to pan over to the right on the picture, across from the traffic light showing green, you would see The King Billy. McDonald's occupies the plot where the row of shops housing Webster's Butchers and Seth Ratcliffe's fruit and veg shop stood, and The Galloway's Bakers and chippy you can see are on the site of the now-demolished Platt Bridge Inn.If the turquoise-coloured car over to the right of the picture went left, it would go up to Abram, and if it turned right it would go towards Moss Lane and on to Wigan. Hope this helps to get your bearings; it must be so difficult if you can only see it in your mind as it used to be.

Comment by: Roy on 19th June 2012 at 13:37

I read not long ago that there are more McDonalds in Moscow now than there are in New York. Apologies Dave for misunderstanding your post re the Ritz.

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 19th June 2012 at 15:59

"I will be very hungry and they be the only option......"
Do you come from Somerset? An uncle of mine was a Somerset farmer and when he arrived somewhere, would never say like most of us do "Here we are". He`d say "Here we be."

Comment by: Dave Marsh on 19th June 2012 at 16:04

No problem,Roy,I sometimes type as I speak,very confusing.

Comment by: Dave Marsh on 19th June 2012 at 16:09

Sorry to go off at a tangent from Your photo,Thomas,but Roy just made me realise I never courted a girl in Wigan,quite a profound moment for me...to late now.

Comment by: AP on 19th June 2012 at 16:51

Ernest Pyke,

That does sound exotic: but alas no, I am from Scarisbrick Street.

Comment by: Peter on 19th June 2012 at 17:16

I had a mcdonalds in singapore but it was quite small
Hardly a big shop
This was in Kampong glam
I dont much care for McDonalds but its any port in a storm

Comment by: David on 19th June 2012 at 17:38

Irene, you mention Websters butchers, I used to know a Fred Webster - he had a mobile butchers van. Is he still around?

Comment by: Roy on 19th June 2012 at 18:13

So Dave you moved away from York St and Wigan before you started fancying the other gender, when did you leave TLS about 59/60? Again sorry Thomas for using your photo as a social network.

Comment by: Roy on 19th June 2012 at 18:19

Well said Maggie K, i did 30 years in Shevington and i know of the two where i,d prefer to walk arounnd at midnight and it aint Platt waz.

Comment by: Dave Marsh on 19th June 2012 at 19:39

I have moved our chat to The Wallgate thread,Roy.Cheers Thomas for your thought provoking photo.

Comment by: dave johnson on 19th June 2012 at 20:29

Mick, I have been in McDonald's largest outlet but that is in Orlando, Florida? The new one opening in London is going to be the NEW largest in the world

Comment by: Ellen on 19th June 2012 at 21:02

I've been in many McDonald's and their ilk,in the U.S. and Canada,but can't call myself a fan.(apart from McD's Egg Mc Muffin and the occasional salad.) Have to say,however, that the most exotic McDonalds I was ever in, was in the Haymarket in London, before the theatres,in the evening. Many beautifully dressed, bejeweled and fur-clad patrons at that time! It was all a little strange!

Comment by: Roy on 19th June 2012 at 21:07

Hi Dave i,ve been out, just back. How do i get on the Wallgate thread? With apologies once again to Thomas.

Comment by: steve on 19th June 2012 at 22:04

Platt Bridge certainly has changed over the years,not all for the best I might add.I refrain from saying Platt waz,a derogatory term used by outsiders.

Comment by: ann21 on 19th June 2012 at 22:38

Roy Click on "people" press "end" and it will take a few seconds to get to the end of the posts and you will be able to post. You can contemplate all the posts, over two thousand, at your leisure.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 19th June 2012 at 22:59

David - if you mean the Fred Webster who had a butcher's shop in Hope Street, Spring View - I took his Funeral in 2010, and his wife Veronica's in March of this year. They lived in a bungalow on Hope Street at the end of their lives. I only knew of a butcher's shop in the old Hope Street, opposite the chapel.

Comment by: Mick on 19th June 2012 at 23:18

Dave and Peter it used to be bigger when I went in and it say here they served up the worlds highest volume og burgers ,,,,in 1979. And what an event it was! The world's highest volume of hamburgers was served that auspicious October day at Liat Towers.


Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 19th June 2012 at 23:40

Welcome back Rev.David. What`s the present position re St.Catherine`s spire re-build? Refer P-a-D 14th April`12 for last info.

Comment by: Roy on 20th June 2012 at 00:30

Ann21, i,m still no wiser, clicked on 'people', but 'end' what,s that? Am i being dosy or what?

Comment by: michael davies australia on 20th June 2012 at 03:19

Gooday Ernest Pyke. My comments about McDonalds meant the local chip and fish shop will have competition....PS English was never my strong point. I was only educated at Gidlow Secondary Modern. Also McDonalds dont make chips. They make French Fries in Australia. At the moment they are doing London Fish and Chips. Not that I have had them so I dont know whether they are ok. Have a good day

Comment by: michael / australia on 20th June 2012 at 03:36

MAGGIE Walthew lane and Platt st are actually (in) warrington rd or part of according to the WIGAN A to Z.

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 20th June 2012 at 03:44

Tom, have you seen Dennis Miller`s photo #16319, one of 160 of Platt Bridge in Places, page 5, top row, 2nd from left? It shows Liverpool Road, in the early 1980`s, before McDonald`s and has 23 comments, several by irene roberts.

Comment by: irene roberts on 20th June 2012 at 08:37

David, only just seen your post as I was out last night. No, the Webster's Butchers I mentioned wasn't connected to Fred Webster, and I think Rev. Long may have come up with the correct person in his post.

Comment by: irene roberts on 20th June 2012 at 08:47

Roy, go on to "Communicate",. then "Places". Scroll down a bit and you will come to the Wallgate Thread which has loads of posts. Click onto it, wait for it to establish, (a few seconds), then press "end"; this will take you to the last post instead of having to scroll through the whole thing. You can then scroll up and down and read as many posts as you like.

Comment by: irene roberts on 20th June 2012 at 08:53

Roy, I think I may have put Click onto "Communicate", then "Places".... if I have, it should have been "People". Apologies.

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 20th June 2012 at 09:30

Thanks michaeldavies australia. Can see there being competion against local chip shops if they make the London chips which I presume are more thickly cut. Incidentally, Wikipedia shows a photo of a dish of french fries which look like chips to me !

Comment by: wigan3r on 20th June 2012 at 11:29

Just as a note for the above comments, the chip shop actually opened up 10 years after mcdonalds. So in affect they opened up in direct competition with mcd's :-)

Comment by: Phil Whitehead on 21st June 2012 at 00:06

There is an old railway bridge over that road a bit further back from where that shot was taken, is it possible to get on that bridge and walk along the old line?

Comment by: David on 21st June 2012 at 10:43

Rev. David, thanks for your reply. I think it must be the Fred Webster that I knew 40 years ago. he would be about 80 now. Fred used to drive an Austin A55 - I think - which was converted to a mobile shop. Thanks again, David.

Comment by: Ferg on 21st June 2012 at 12:02

aitch, the betting shop was always going in that unit - the only unit which is empty is the double-fronted one in the middle which was supposed to be a Tesco (it may still become one..).

I've lived in Platt Bridge for 3 years now. It is good to see improvements being made, but a place isn't made of bricks and mortar but the people in it - and unfortunately there's a few too many unsavoury folk around, who then in turn represent the many, as their inappropriate behaviour and lifestyle choices are more noticeable then those who conduct themselves with some respect.

Comment by: ann21 on 21st June 2012 at 17:11

Roy Click on "people" scroll down to "wallgate streets" Click on that and at the bottom right hand side of your keyboard you will see a key marked "end" Click and hold down til you get to the end and you will see Dave's post, it saves scrolling through all the posts each time, then you can peruse all two thousand posts at your leisure. Sorry I didn't explain properly before.

Comment by: gerald pilkington canada on 21st June 2012 at 23:54

check out super size me

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