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Photo-a-Day  (Monday, 18th June, 2012)


The oldest graffiti in Hindley (Lowe Mill Lane) to commemorate the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. Photo taken in the past (see 25th July 2008) and hasn't changed one bit!

Photo: Thomas Walsh  (Canon PowerShot A1200)
Views: 4,805

Comment by: AP on 18th June 2012 at 08:31

That wall appears to be badly in need of pointing!

Comment by: Dave Marsh on 18th June 2012 at 08:37

I remember so many of these tributes to Her Majesy The Queen on many a wall in Wigan.Good to see one again.

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 18th June 2012 at 09:51

Mean Machine
I am an urban artist
painting up the town
creating an impression
designed to make you frown.

Do you hate my slogans
my anti capitalist tirade?
I aim to cause frustration
to annoy the monied brigade.

Life, it isn't fair
I know not to expect too much
and not a single bastard will help me
so I kick them into touch.

You can clean away the graffiti
place cameras on the wall
but one thing that you can't destroy
is my mean and brooding soul.

Comment by: Gary on 18th June 2012 at 10:21

Like many a wall in Wigan, this one needs demolishing.

Comment by: irene roberts on 18th June 2012 at 12:24

I think it WAS demolished years ago. It was down a little street, (Pump Street, I think), off Low Mill Lane in Hindley, which in its turn is just off Maket Street.

Comment by: irene roberts on 18th June 2012 at 12:25

Sorry, just realised it says that on the top!

Comment by: wigan3r on 18th June 2012 at 19:01

Not been demolished still there! :-)

Comment by: Babsie on 18th June 2012 at 23:47

Walked past there today : why would you want to demolish it Gary? :) why?

Comment by: Gary on 19th June 2012 at 09:32

Isn't it obvious, Babsie? Its an eyesore and possibly unsafe. Why are so many Wiganers stuck in the past? No wonder the town still stuck with its cloth-cap image...

Comment by: Al. C. on 19th June 2012 at 10:09

Gary, like Wigan Council you are only interested in image, realities get swept aside.

Comment by: irene roberts on 19th June 2012 at 13:53

It is said that "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"; so are eyesores. It all depends on how a person sees it. I really thought it had been demolished, and am so glad it's still there.

Comment by: Jean F (Wales) on 19th June 2012 at 22:49

Why would anyone want to "praise" this wall/ Not exactly pretty is it ?(doesn`t look very safe either.)

Comment by: Andy on 21st June 2012 at 18:23

To be fair it is probably stronger than most walls, it looks abit like flemish bond.
More likely use the header brick to tie up the wall considering its age.

Comment by: Graham Tinsley on 22nd June 2012 at 11:33

Im watched this being painted, if I remember correctly, by a chap called Laurence Whittle who used to live in one of the houses in Pump street. Funny what we'd call graffiti today was seen at the time as a fitting tribute to our new Queen, and I doubt a wall built today and left to its own devices would still be standing 60 years later.

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