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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Photo-a-Day Archive
Photo-a-Day Archive

Photo-a-Day  (Sunday, 25th March, 2012)


Rowing pound L&L Canal, Haigh.

Photo: Ron Dawber  (Canon SLR 300mm lens)
Views: 4,196

Comment by: Phil Whitehead on 25th March 2012 at 00:33

Nice shot, i was there last Sunday and got some reasonable shots of these fellas but yours is great.

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 25th March 2012 at 06:16

Brian, are you deliberately antagonising us Wiganers who maintain that `wildlife` photo`s, which could be taken anywhere, are not revelant to Wigan World?
This is the fourth `wildlife` photo shown in the last eight days - 50%.

Comment by: irene roberts on 25th March 2012 at 09:44

He looks like he's smiling for the camera!

Comment by: Janice on 25th March 2012 at 11:37

Great photo Ron. C'mon Ernest where are your photos? (Love the sarky comments tho')

Comment by: maggie on 25th March 2012 at 12:15

I would like to thank Brian for all the wonderful photos that are shown here. if you as old as I am you would remember the dirt and destruction that was around in the area when I was a child. keep going Brian.

Comment by: Bill Eatock on 25th March 2012 at 12:41

Brilliant, Ron! Keep up the good work.

Comment by: dirty harry on 25th March 2012 at 14:36

oh for gods sake another stupid pic of a frog get a grip wigan world im getting sick of this now .

Comment by: peterp on 25th March 2012 at 16:08

you dont need to look at the photos if you dont want to do or click onto month calandar and leave comments aboutphotos you like

Comment by: David Barker on 25th March 2012 at 16:46

Gud un Ron, looks like hes going to have plenty company with all the frog spawn in there.

Comment by: Garry (bird, animal and spring lover) on 25th March 2012 at 18:24

Ernest Pyke Switch off and get on with it, I bet you was a belly laugh at work, your a bore. It's Spring for hevens sake...pity you can't hibernate.

Lovely shot Ron, keep em coming.

Comment by: Spring Watch on 25th March 2012 at 18:43

Dirty Harry, go and get a wash and take that ernest bloke with you. you both need a clean up and stop Whinging, take peterp's advice.

Comment by: Sanibel Fred on 25th March 2012 at 19:16

last night I watched a rerun of the movie " Brother where art thou." This frog reminds me of someone I used to know. Is it possible?

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 25th March 2012 at 20:45

Brian, how about replying to my comment?

Comment by: John Morris on 25th March 2012 at 20:52

If Ron says it is a Wigam frog then that is good enough for me. I love it and I love the frogs smile, it made me smile.

Comment by: Brian on 25th March 2012 at 21:57

Ernest, to put it another way its the fifth wildlife photo in 38 days. Not excessive.

Ernest, question for you, do you live locally?

Comment by: Dave (Oy) on 25th March 2012 at 22:00


Nice froggy!

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 25th March 2012 at 22:15

Brian, thanks for reply. I was born in Diggle St.Wigan in 1928. I`ve lived in Shevington since 1958. Is it not possible to have a separate section for these `wildlife` photo`s? I think we are being deprived from photo`s connected & identifiable with Wigan.

Comment by: Brian on 25th March 2012 at 22:37

Ernest, I spend too much time already updating ww so to create another new section would take too much of my time.

The photo-a-day section offers varied photos from nature, wildlife, buildings, scenery.

It's unfortunate that I can't please everyone all of the time. People complain about buildings, people complain about people photos, people complain about wildlife. I'm trying to provide a mix and am grateful to the contributors that have taken some excellent photos locally over the years.

Ernest, from your post, you would be around 84 years of age? Do you get out and about? If so, please send a photo for photo-a-day, if you don't have a camera you can use mine.

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 25th March 2012 at 22:49

Brian, I get out and about quite a lot using my pass. Played golf at Chorley 3 times last week. I`m no good with a camera.

Comment by: Brian on 25th March 2012 at 22:53

Ernest, there's nowt to it really, point'n'click, offer is still there - my camera is available.

You can contact me at brian@wiganworld.co.uk to keep the photo-a-day comments on track. Nice chatting.

Comment by: Ellen on 25th March 2012 at 23:19

For Ron-this is a great picture;I agree with Irene,he does appear to be smiling! Thankyou.

For Brian- I think you do a wonderful job on WiganWorld, it must take up a lot of your day. Know that it is much appreciated by at least one person(me!!),and I'm sure many others.

Comment by: Brian on 25th March 2012 at 23:26

It's been an interesting day on photo-a-day, keep the comments coming.

Thanks Ellen for your kind words.

Comment by: Syd (Australia) on 26th March 2012 at 13:31

Ernest, Your being given every opportunity to improve your idea of photo a day.I'm sure brian will show you how to activate the camera,
then take a photo.If your not willing to do this then I suggest you shut the hell up!

Comment by: sanibel fred on 26th March 2012 at 21:40

maggie, how old are you?

Comment by: maggie on 27th March 2012 at 09:07

sanibel fred, I am 76, that old enough? That is the real Maggie, not the one using my name.

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 27th March 2012 at 14:13

Maggie, I know Sanibel Fred`s age & you are a spring chicken compared to him !

Comment by: OZDON on 2nd April 2012 at 14:31

Brian you cannot please all the people all of the time, and the ones who complain about any picture you publish should get out and about with a camera and let us see what they can do.
Keep up the good work Brian and ignore the sad persons comments.
You do an incredible job.Many thanks.

Comment by: CJR on 21st April 2014 at 22:45

Excellent Brian. I have never contributed a photo to Photo of the Day as I don't live in Wigan anymore. I am grateful for all that do for bringing back some memories. Thanks one and all. Thanks to you Brian.

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