Photo-a-Day (Saturday, 24th March, 2012)
Sennicar Lane Bridge repairs

Photo: David Devine (Nikon Coolpix S6100)
Oh, is that a bird I see on the tree in the background ?
(Ooops, sorry , bad joke).
Tee hee... I like it... the joke , that is!
Nice to see they are relaying the cobbles and not tarmacing
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I think we ought to be grateful to all the photographers who contribute to Phtoto-a-Day,whatever the subject . I now many of the critical remarks about wildlife and the like,are very much tongue -in-cheek , and they also add to the enjoyment of the site .Wigan is fortunate indeed to have Wigan World,and to have the volunteers who make it all happen.
old lead based paint???
should have gone to spec-savers.
Hi John, You are right, all i can see on the bridge is RUST,not one spot of lead paint, bridge has been like this 30 yrs, I have been over this bridge quite often, Mr Devine surely needs the optician if he cant see what he is looking at, maybe the optician will visit him,
there hasnt been any paint on this bridge since i was a lad , many moons ago ,no ofence david
Emma,I only wrote the comment that the work men had give me. saying there wasn't any paint there. they had full suits with breathing lines.
and as for my eye sixty odd i will bet my eyes are as good as yours.
As the saying goes, sarcasm is the lowest form of wit
John, if you claim there wasn't any paint on the bridge, maybe you want to visit specsavers yourself.
I have lived 50 yards from the bridge for nearly 30 years, if you want to give me your email address I will supply you with photos,showing paint.
As i have said i have only repeated what the men doing the job have said.
Also the say because you cant see the paint pigment, doesn't mean the lead isn't still there.
Dave, Why dont you send a photo to Wiganworld showing the paint,that will quieten the doubters and those sarcastic clowns, I know you have put a lot of good stuff on here over the years and you know what your talking about, Jerry.
David Devine has sent in 2 photos.
Photo 1 shows green paint on bridge:
Photo 2 shows sign warning of lead:
Cut'n'past links into browser.
If you look close you can see green paint,