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Photo-a-Day  (Monday, 12th January, 2009)

Wind turbines

Wind turbines
Scout Moor Wind Farm near Edensfield. Taken in Wigan Borough, but where from?

Photo: Dave  (Nikon D3 - Sigma 150mm EX DG F2.8)
Views: 5,034

Comment by: Dave on 12th January 2009 at 00:02

If you look very closely in the shrubbery - there's a duck :-)

Comment by: Mick on 12th January 2009 at 06:19

Is that the top of Bryn Police Station sticking up from behind the trees ?

Comment by: Tom on 12th January 2009 at 10:05

Can only see it's beak, Dave, a close up would be nice !

Comment by: Jamie on 12th January 2009 at 15:05

Taken from the back of three sisters..!!! at a guess

Comment by: Frank Healy on 12th January 2009 at 16:26

Hi Dave. I can see a "rubber" but not a duck :0) I'll carry on looking.

Comment by: Cyril on 12th January 2009 at 16:44

It's a excellent and very clear photo, you could almost reach out and touch those turbines as they seem that close. Probably on a wild goose chase, but I would hazard a guess on it being taken from the top of St Wilfred's Church, Standish?

Comment by: Dave on 12th January 2009 at 17:11

Jamie's got it - and Mick too I think although there's no Polcie Station at Bryn, I'm sure he means Bryn Gates / Bamfurlong.

The photo was taken from the path that joins Three Sisters and Viridor Wood and comes out onto Bolton Road opposite Riding Lane.

How many other local landmarks can you spot in there?

Comment by: Cyril on 12th January 2009 at 19:24

Wouldn't have thought it was taken from there Dave, mind you I have never walked around that entire area only around the lake where the car park's are, I shall have to go and have a wander round and look at the views.

Comment by: DAVE MARSH on 12th January 2009 at 20:24

Great photo,Dave.Is that the duck just under the bushes on the right?

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 12th January 2009 at 20:31

Dave, I`ve looked closely in the shrubbery & can`t see a Canada goose either !

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 12th January 2009 at 20:57

Dave, Blow the photo up & see if all the blades on the windmills are intact. There may have been a UFO in the area !

Comment by: A Parr on 13th January 2009 at 00:52

Great shot Dave, they wont let you forget the duck,will they

Comment by: Mick on 13th January 2009 at 06:58

Thats what I ment Bryn Gates Ive rode my bike down a farm track that runs from that police station and comes out in Landgate.

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