Photo-a-Day (Sunday, 11th January, 2009)
On Thin Ice

Photo: Dave (Nikon D3 - Nikon 70-200mm AF-S F2.8)
What is the point of posting, day after day, photos of wildlife which could be from anywhere? This is a site about Wigan. Let's have photos of Wigan, not of boring ducks!
Excuse me ducky have you seen a fish swimming by I am surer I seen one have? You my duck
Cheer up Michael, its good to have a bit of variety, although I took a pic of a duck the other day. ;)
It's a great photo from a fellow Wiganer in the borough.
Maybe Michael would like a refund of his membership fee Brian? :)
Let's see some of your wonderful pictures then, Michael...
Is that a duck?.
I agree to a large extent with Michael. The subject should be changed, preferably daily. All those you took of the Wigan Xmas lights took the biscuit.
*Ducks for cover
I've typed a reply to Ernest three times and deleted it before clicking "Submit"
I really can't be arsed.
Amazed that some of you seem to get off on pictures of wildlife. Whatever floats your boat, but, personally, I'm more interested in Wigan. That's why I visit this site. I thought that was its central purpose.
It's not primarily a showcase for amateur photographers who think they're Lord Snowdon, or Patrick Lichfield or somebody...
BORING DUCK???...... where???
For your information this is a Canada Goose. And perhaps we should be proud of the wildlife we have here in Wigan. Perhaps it would appeal more to Michael with a pellet in its head and left for dead????
I like it.
Eight wildlife photos over the last 4 months.
That's nowhere near enough! Ducks for the next month folks! :-)
I was brought up in the environs of Wigan - there was pollution everywhere, when we brought our narrow boat along the canal, moored up near where I used to play, you cannot imagine how happy I felt to see a swan's nest and to see swallows flying. The bird pics are great, and you should count yourself that the birds are there, not drowned puppies that I used to see - and smell.
As Basil Fawlty said, "If you don't like duck... tough luck".
I marvel both at the quality of the photos on this site and the variety of shots you show on Photo-of-the-day. If they are not to your taste then I suggest you don't look at them. Is that too simple a solution?
keep up the good work dave.i really enjoy looking at the varied wildlife we are lucky to have in wigan.always outstanding quality as well.
Thanks for the support folks :)
your pictures are brilliant, all your pics are took in wigan, for the folk of wigan to enjoy, if micheal don,t like them he don,t need to look, he says he comes on this site to look at wigan! well so do the canadian geese, they come to pose for dave! so enjoy micheal, your website is! where!!!