Photo-a-Day (Saturday, 3rd January, 2009)
Face Right

Photo: Brian (Fuji Finepix S7000)
Nice one Brian!
Like it or not I bet more photos have been taken of this than any other "NEW" thing introduced into Wigan for a while.
True, I've seen a few taking photos. For the record, I like it. ;)
Much, much better than the one I took, from same viewpoint, with camera on my mobile phone, Brian !!!
It has certainly brought new life to that area of Wigan. I have seen some perfect expressions of sheer delight and expressions of pure horror too.
Brilliant photo Brian :o)
The photo is good enough,not taking anything away from Brian. As for the 'Subject', I'll just say, I wouldn't go out of my way to see it.
the photo is a cracker, but as for the " subject " i agree with janet, what is it supposed to represent ? someone with half a brain ?
Odd as it looks, its grown on me I like it, looks incredible from that angle.
its enough to scare the little un's away from the children's library !!
I like this face but its a shame its up a little side street where it wont be seen by many Wiganers or visitors to our town.
If it was me I would have located it where it could be seen by passing traffic.
Did they try to site it at the side of the plot first? it's a shame they had to put it over the "maze".
Must be the image of a Wigan planner:
All face, no brain behind!! ;o)
Lived in Wigan ten years ago. This is a nice addition to a nice part of the town.