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Photo-a-Day  (Friday, 2nd January, 2009)


Anyone know what type of duck this is? Photo taken late afternoon in Mesnes Park.

Photo: Brian  (Fuji Finepix S7000)
Views: 4,655

Comment by: Peter Johnson on 2nd January 2009 at 02:07

Its a Mandarin Duck Brian cracking little duck it is similar to the Wood Duck I think they are in the same family.

Comment by: DAVE MARSH on 2nd January 2009 at 09:09

It's a Mandarin,Brian.They came over from China and that is a long,long way to fly!

Comment by: Ron D on 2nd January 2009 at 09:26

Mandarin .I Sent you a pic of one a few months ago. You didn't publish it.They are native of China. The ones found in Europe and North America are ones that have escaped from zoos and private collectors. One or two have been seen for years At New Springs on the canal.The one I took was taken on the rowing pound of the Lancaster pound of the L and L canal.

Comment by: Del on 2nd January 2009 at 09:39

its a Mandarin duck Brian, we got a pic of it too on a snowy New years eve, in fact we saw you making your way into town, you was passing Wigan Infirmary with your camera in tow

Comment by: aitch on 2nd January 2009 at 10:09

That is a Mandarin duck Brian, there used to be one on the canal at Rose bridge a few years ago, but it did a vanishing act, the female is llike all female birds, very drab.

Comment by: zoe on 2nd January 2009 at 18:07

it looks like a painting, great pic, dont think ive ever seen one of those ducks before, id say it was a mandarin ;-) lol

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 2nd January 2009 at 19:05

Were their any Canadian geese there, Brian? I counted 28 of them, all on the grass, in December !

Comment by: Del on 3rd January 2009 at 13:56

Hiya Ernest

We was in the park the other day and there was a lot of canadian geese about, as well as seagulls walking on the frozen pond

Comment by: Mark on 5th January 2009 at 12:10

That must be the most photographed duck in Wigan.He'll start charging next.

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