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Photo-a-Day  (Saturday, 4th November, 2023)


Butchers shop on Market Place.

Photo: Brian  (iPhone)
Views: 1,701

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 4th November 2023 at 07:25

Not sure where I am Brian.....is that taken from where the underground toilets were ? Going down to Wallgate on the right ?

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 4th November 2023 at 08:21

Good photo Brian, and I can still, in my mind, see the old underground toilets that used to be on that spot. Are they still there, I wonder, under the ground? When we attend 1940s events, there is often a mock-up butcher's or greengrocer's van showing how they used to go round villages selling their produce on certain days of the week. Now we have no Morrison's or Marks and Spencers selling meat in the town centre, and there are no butchers' stalls left in the Market, except the pork butchers, and here we are buying meat off a van. What goes around comes around. I hope the butchers van does well, as with the fish van that is sometimes on the market square; they are filling a need and good luck to them. I just hope those buildings in the background won't come under the demolition hammer.

Comment by: Veronica on 4th November 2023 at 08:26

What a brilliant idea. ‘Needs must when the devil drives ‘….
Fill a gap with a lorry load of beef …there’s already travelling Fishmongers.

Comment by: John Chan on 4th November 2023 at 10:05

Fresh quality meat, that's a con for start, fresh meat should be fresh and never have been frozen.
If you want proper fresh meat, try eating Halal meat.

Comment by: Meg on 4th November 2023 at 11:22

The fish van is there every Friday from 8am.

Comment by: Ray on 4th November 2023 at 11:27

Yes Helen, The toilets were to the right. From the TUI travel agent to the
right is Market Street, and beyond the butchers van is top of Wallgate.


Comment by: Jack on 4th November 2023 at 12:33

It’s a sad picture when you compare it to others in the past. What a vibrant hub of the town that area was, until it was flattened by the council.

Comment by: PeterP on 4th November 2023 at 13:47

Typical Wigan scene NO people

Comment by: Gareth Cheetham on 4th November 2023 at 16:50

Unless PeterP, you count the 8 people in this single shot......

Comment by: PeterP on 4th November 2023 at 17:33

Gareth I will rephrase my comments a typical Wigan scene nearly devoid of people

Comment by: Bryn Gater on 4th November 2023 at 22:39

There's schh you know who, wearing them shoes - £9.99 at Timpsons and on his bike delivering Pizzas!

Comment by: Garry on 5th November 2023 at 06:58

Well I much prefer the traditional butchers shop, but a mobile butchers is just as good I suppose.
In my opinion, better food than that cyclist is carrying on his bike.
Junk Food for lazy people who don't want or who can't cook good protein food full of narishment.

Comment by: Malc on 6th November 2023 at 12:38

Ever been behind these food cycles on the road, they've no road sense at all. They go through lights on red, no hand signals, in and out of traffic. They are ablivios to danger.

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