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Photo-a-Day  (Saturday, 22nd April, 2023)

Lazy Days

Lazy Days
Near Red Rock Bridge.
It’s a shame that no one as yet found a use for the old Crawford Arms.

Photo: Dennis Seddon  (Sony DSC-WX500)
Views: 1,543

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 22nd April 2023 at 07:42

Another pub shut. If that was here down by The Broads or riverside I'm sure it would still be open. Looks an ideal setting by the canal but on reflection maybe a canal is not so busy with boaters.

Comment by: Gary on 22nd April 2023 at 08:31

My mother died in 2004 - for years she had artificial hips, fitted at Wrightington hospital - I used to travel down from the NE to take her to Wrightington for the regular checkups. Never a problem in 20 years.
We had a ritual - go to the hospital for the morning appointment, drive back to St Elizabeth's to look over the family graves, then to the Crawford Arms for fish (in beer batter) and chips for lunch.
Always felt this was one of the best placed pubs in the area.
Amazed no one can make it pay, doing Sushi or something, with varieties of ultra expensive coffee.
Fine photo Dennis - as usual.

Comment by: Garry on 22nd April 2023 at 08:37

Look at the custom that pub/restaurant looses out on each Summer. You would think pubs next to the Canal would do very well with all the boating around, but there is the Winter months that I presume is very quiet. The Dove Lock pub is another in ruining almost demolished by vandalism.

Comment by: T on 22nd April 2023 at 08:43

A lovely part of the world and a great walk especially in the summer. A shame that nothing has been done with the Crawford Arms yet, seems to have been no update / work done for years now.

Comment by: Veronica on 22nd April 2023 at 08:52

A lovely scene despite the old Crawford Arms building all boarded up. It would make some nice Apartments for retirees.
It’s certainly in a good spot overlooking the canal and surrounding countryside.

Comment by: freddie on 22nd April 2023 at 08:59

that building is a real money pit, used to have some really good sunday lunches in there years go

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 22nd April 2023 at 10:41

I once went for a walk with a friend along the canal behind the pub and it was such a lovely, peaceful place. I never went in The Crawford Arms but I remember when it was very popular. I agree with Gary in that pubs in Wigan should keep things simple.....reasonably-priced fish an chips or sausage and mash, and other simple dishes. People round here aren't overly impressed with Sushi, or in paying an extortionate amount for two tiny lamb chops with what looks like two blades of grass "arranged artistically" on a plate the size of a bin-lid, and they aren't prepared to pay silly prices for a glass of beer or a cup of coffee. It was tried and it didn't work and we lost our lovely, canal-side pubs, including The Dover Lock in Abram, where many colourful boats used to moor up from May onwards. So sad. Good Luck to the ones that are still operating, and long may they continue.

Comment by: Poet on 22nd April 2023 at 12:30

Foodies get on my wick . ' Hand cut chips ' , (does it really matter) .
' Panfried ' fish. What else would fry a bloody fish in !
Peas in stupid little tubs ' drizzled in vinegar and wild sea salt ' , that's £18 quid sir /madam .
Marvellous picture Dennis .

Comment by: DerekB on 22nd April 2023 at 12:55

Didn't the restaurant that took over the Crawford Arms site have the bad luck , shortly after the opening , to coincide with a long period when the section of the canal passing by it had to be closed to traffic?

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 22nd April 2023 at 14:08

I agree wholeheartedly, Poet. "Pan-fried" drives me potty....as you say, what else would you fry food in other than a pan?! It just makes it sound posh. They think "Fried liver and onions" sounds like Sid's Caff, but "PAN- FRIED liver and onions" sounds like The Savoy. And all these daft sandwiches containing Brie and Avocado, when all you want is a boiled ham butty. I laugh out loud at the late Paul O'Grady's very funny "rant" about sandwiches, (Youtube), but he was a man with both feet on the ground and he was right!

Comment by: Frank F on 22nd April 2023 at 16:31

I used to fish on the canal walking up towards Arley.Many's the time i had a pint in the Crawford before going home.I got friendly with one of the boaters who had a permanent mooring there.His name was Dennis and he had a house in Preston but preferred the boat to live on.Happy days.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 22nd April 2023 at 16:32

My son always says he would never ever set foot in a place that advertises that they serve ' Pan Fried Sea Sea Bass' !

Comment by: e on 22nd April 2023 at 20:27

Frank F
Thank you !

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 23rd April 2023 at 09:04

So you are "the man on the boat", "e"?? And what a co-incidence that Frank F should mention you. That is so nice to know!

Comment by: Elizabeth on 23rd April 2023 at 09:23

Been in here many times in the past and it seemed to be a goldmine.The food and service was always excellent.

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