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Photo-a-Day  (Tuesday, 20th December, 2022)

Central Park Way

Central Park Way
Accident on Central Park Way last Thursday evening. Luckily, no-one was injured.

Photo: Thomas  (iPhone)
Views: 1,813

Comment by: Wigan Mick on 20th December 2022 at 06:52

They could do with making the white broken lines into double white lines.

Comment by: Fred. on 20th December 2022 at 09:29

They should have been double white lines from the start, this road is very dangerous mainly to new users, moreso with the big bend, there have been some really bad crashes on it.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 20th December 2022 at 09:38

An odd subject but actually I think its very good, the colours really stand out . The blue of the smoke or maybe its steam & the red of the building. You don't see the fire engine to start with.

Comment by: freddie on 20th December 2022 at 10:00

loads of speeders on this road, even when red lights are showing absolutely mindless

Comment by: Veronica on 20th December 2022 at 10:59

Sorry about the accident and glad no one was hurt. Is the building what was St George’s school?. I am a bit disorientated with this photo. I have driven up there to go to the Infirmary 20 odd years ago but not since then.

Comment by: Cyril on 20th December 2022 at 14:52

It is Veronica, now St George's Care Home.

I agree that continuous centre white line should have been, and does need to be implemented along there, but would this stop the nutters who most likely think it is their right to drive along there as fast as possible, many a time I've been overtaken or undertaken by lane weavers going at crazy speeds.

Comment by: Syd Smith on 20th December 2022 at 15:08

I think some so called Wiganers get lost very easily, Ive only lived on the outskirts of Wigan for 9 years, but I know exactly were this accident happened.

Comment by: Veronica on 20th December 2022 at 15:49

I have lived away from Wigan 50 oddYears Syd Smith all this road work was built well after my time in Wigan. I remember how it was before - . If you don’t enquire you don’t find out Mr Know All ..For your information I was born in Wigan and not that far away from here. You can’t just tell from one photo although the building is familiar…

Comment by: WN1 Standisher on 20th December 2022 at 16:57

You're right about the white lines Mick, it's bedlam down there. Incidentally Mick, I think I saw you twice today, the 2nd time you even said how'do :)

Comment by: Garry on 20th December 2022 at 17:17

No sympathy at all for the driver, hope no innocent people got involved.
It's like Wacky Races jumping queues in and out of lanes, one of the worst is the two lane traffic going towards Adams railway bridge at the saddle, its like who gets there first, Shocking. Quite a lot of drivers Still use mobile phones and text whilst driving, the Police should step up more patrols and fine them heavy this will also help the Government to pay the Nurses wages. There are over 32 million vehicles on our roads in the UK, not all are bad drivers, but many are.
This is annoying I need a sherry.

Comment by: Weather Woman on 20th December 2022 at 18:40

Thighway code say this, A broken white line. This marks the centre of the road. When this line lengthens and the gaps shorten, it means that there is a hazard ahead. Do not cross it unless you can see the road is clear and wish to overtake or turn off.
What it needs is for drivers to pay attention to the road, you can all start tomorrow by looking at the lengths of the white line in your neighborhood.

Comment by: The Real James Hanson on 20th December 2022 at 19:44

It should be DOUBLE White Lines. No Overtaking (or Do Not Cross From Either Side)

Comment by: Alan on 20th December 2022 at 20:08

Good idea Garry, and when people park on double yellow lines throw rubbish out of car windows the government can rekupe thousands of pounds in finds and make places cleaner and safer. I'm not singling out motorists but you get my jest.

Comment by: . Ozy . on 20th December 2022 at 20:26

Better get used to it Garry , as things ain’t gonna ‘ improve any time soon , driving wise anyway .

This two lane downhill setup was totally barmy from day one … A full quarter mile of carriageway clearly marked with left turn arrows in the left hand lane and straight ahead arrows in the centre lane … on a blind right hand bend for Christ’s sake ! … This was the reason why that young woman was killed shortly after it’s introduction , when she collided head on with a numbskull boy racer overtaking on the uphill section … on that self-same blind bend … at the exact spot that this photograph depicts .

I’m not aware of the details regarding this particular incident , but I’m prepared to wager that the circumstances would have been remarkably similar .

Bottom line … three lane carriageways are bad news , irrespective of line markings … always have been .

Oh ! and before I forget , season’s greetings to all my mate out there , … and if he’s still standing upright , a special greeting to good old G.W .

I’ll have to leave it at that for now I’m afraid , as I’m currently directing all my time and energy into creating a traditional Yuletide log in time for Jesus’ birthday party .

Comment by: Wigan Mick on 20th December 2022 at 21:51

Standisher I cant remember you will have to remind me where I was .
Next time you have the pleasure of seeing say hey up Mick and I will stop

Comment by: Garry on 20th December 2022 at 22:18

All the best Ozy and all on WW.
That deserves a double sherry cheers .

Comment by: . Ozy . on 20th December 2022 at 23:08

Have one for me an’ all Garry .
… Or on second thoughts …
Don’t have one for me …

Just send me your postcode and house number and I’ll be round fust thing t’morn an’ a’l ay’ it misel’ .

Comment by: WN1 Standisher on 21st December 2022 at 22:58

Mick, you were heading back up Whitley towards Standish ( to which, I didn't know you'd defected to ) :) I was at my car taking Christmas stuff out, I thought i'd clocked you, you said how'do ;)

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