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Photo-a-Day  (Wednesday, 22nd June, 2022)

Taking a Ride

Taking a Ride
Ducks taking a ride down the canal near Bamfurlong.

Photo: Thomas Sutch  (Lumix TZ70)
Views: 1,956

Comment by: Judith on 22nd June 2022 at 02:17

Lovely photo

Comment by: Veronica on 22nd June 2022 at 07:04

That’s a brilliant picture. How intelligent are those ducks! You can see who’s in charge of the ‘raft’….! “Get ready to jump when I tells you… we’re nearing the rapids”…..

Comment by: John G on 22nd June 2022 at 07:24

We are sailing across the cut to be near you
We are sailing, we are sailing across the cut to be near you and to be free
Oh Lord, to be near you and to be free
Oh my Lord, to be near you to be free
Oh, my Lord, to be near you, to be free

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 22nd June 2022 at 07:50

Canny ducks, hitching a ride downstream, a pic that makes you smile Thomas.

For Pw.... re yesterdays pic, have posted info for you re finding burials.

Comment by: wigginlad on 22nd June 2022 at 08:03

I've heard of seafarers being made to walk the plank but...... messing about on the river (canal), notice they are all boys, the ladies looking after the family no doubt. Good photo Thomas.

Comment by: irene roberts on 22nd June 2022 at 08:55

What a lovely photo for a sunny morning! ! It reminds me of Vanity Fair's song, "A thumb goes up, a car goes by....it's nearly 1am and here am I....hitchin' a ride, hitchin' a ride". (Oh dear, showing my age there!).

Comment by: Poet on 22nd June 2022 at 09:02

A crew of Francis Drakes .

Comment by: freddie on 22nd June 2022 at 09:11

wigginlad the nearest duck is a lady duck

Comment by: Maureen on 22nd June 2022 at 10:24

What a lovely photo Thomas..thank you.

Comment by: Anne on 22nd June 2022 at 10:51

So that’s where my two resident ducks have got to! Mr. and Mrs. Mallard gone cruising. Amusing picture Mr. Sutch.

Comment by: DTease on 22nd June 2022 at 11:02

You can bet your life that’s she’s giving the orders then Freddie.

Comment by: Cyril on 22nd June 2022 at 11:11

A great photo and quite comical too with looking like they're having a go at paddle boarding.

Comment by: Bruce Almighty on 22nd June 2022 at 11:49

Even the ducks are opting to sail rather than fly.

Comment by: John G1 on 22nd June 2022 at 12:43

That’s a bad verse under my name, who ever is trying to impersonate me is making me laugh, that’s pathetic.
Poet can you improve on this jokers attempt!

Comment by: Joan on 22nd June 2022 at 13:05

Its a shame Wiganers find this photo funny, when they should be disgusted with the people who throw stuff like this chunk of wood into our canals.
I live on the canal bank and see so much rubbish floating down past my house.
The next stop for it will be getting stuck in the the locks mechanism.

Comment by: Veronica on 22nd June 2022 at 14:39

John G I sympathise with you but you are only one of the ‘alias’s…
Used by the impersonator. Scan down some of these comments I think you will agree, in the tone and subject!

Comment by: Poet on 22nd June 2022 at 15:36

Aye Aye John G

Ahoy me name is Francis Drake
Captain of this little craft ,
Toward the bow the watch I take ,
My bosun gazes aft .

We're seeking out another plank
Whose behaviour is appalling ,
He uses names not of his rank ,
When we catch him we'll keelhaul him .

Comment by: James Hanson on 22nd June 2022 at 17:03

Quack Quack Plank Plank

Comment by: Cyril on 22nd June 2022 at 17:12

John G 1 and Veronica, so true and so obvious as to who the menace is behind these many names. Are there plenty Barnacles on the keel Poet - if so all the better.

Comment by: John G1 on 22nd June 2022 at 17:15

Well done poet what a guy, now then spoon head that’s verse with a bit of class, and funny.
Your not in the same league dip stick, and never will be, just another spoonhead.

Comment by: John G on 22nd June 2022 at 17:23

Veronica; I get your drift, think back who used to say across the “ CUT “ that’s something I would never say. Yeah all is thick and stupid verbal mannerisms are coming out.
But like I say if you where born a dip stick it always shows.
Mummy must have denied him that extra five minutes in the shawl.

Comment by: irene roberts on 22nd June 2022 at 20:47

I was born and brought up in Wigan and we always called the canal "the cut" and the towpath was "The cut-bank". I still say it.

Comment by: George (Hindley) on 22nd June 2022 at 23:51

Irene, I'm sure you don't have to be from Wigan to call a canal "the cut". I'm sure it's a common reference in England.

Comment by: irene roberts on 23rd June 2022 at 11:25

You're probably right George but I didn't know that; I always thought it was a local term.

Comment by: Cyril on 23rd June 2022 at 21:44

Irene I too would have considered 'the cut' to have been a local term for a canal, however here is an interesting to read list of waterway terms in the Canal & River Trust jargon buster: https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/specialist-teams/planning-and-design/planning-and-waterway-jargon-busters/waterway-jargon-buster

I'd heard of Gongoozle before too, but never knew it was canal related

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