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Photo-a-Day  (Thursday, 2nd June, 2022)

Post Box

Post Box
Royal Mail Letter Box, in Appley Bridge.

Photo: Mick Byrne  (Panasonic DMC-TZ100)
Views: 2,029

Comment by: Julie on 2nd June 2022 at 07:43

Yet another shabby shop, but the letterbox is nice whoever did that.

Comment by: DTease on 2nd June 2022 at 08:46

They’re all set for the celebrations in Aspull, someone as tied a few ribbons round a lamppost at the Fingerpost!
O yes! By crickey! They know how to let their hair down in Aspull!
They’ll be dancing around the flagpole come Sunday. I can’t wait for the Clog Dancing Contest! Jed Campett wouldn’t stand a chance.

Comment by: PeterP on 2nd June 2022 at 09:11

The crowning glory

Comment by: WN1 Standisher on 2nd June 2022 at 09:56

I thought you'd flit Mick ?

Comment by: Roy on 2nd June 2022 at 09:56

A similar one on the post box at Standish Co-op / post office, well done to the people who are making these.

Comment by: irene roberts on 2nd June 2022 at 10:09

I personally have no interest in the celebrations, (though I have every respect for The Queen and am glad she has made it to her Platinum Jubilee). I feel sad when I see these convenience shops incorporating a Post Office. It is better than not having one but I have a "thing" about the old purpose-built Post Offices with their solid wooden counters and little slotted shelves holding deposit and withdrawal slips for Post Office Accounts. They seem so "plastic" these days. Well done to the maker of the Postbox's hat, (crocheted rather than knitted I would guess). At least we still have traditional red pillar boxes. Good wishes to all those who have organised street parties etc....I hope the weather stays fine and the adults and children all have a good time.

Comment by: DTease on 2nd June 2022 at 10:26

Jed Campett is Jed Clampett’s cousin. He’s one ‘L’ of a guy.

Comment by: Veronica on 2nd June 2022 at 11:43

It’s all the garishness of the ‘in your face’ adverts that spoil the look of shops these days. It’s as If they are battling for competition which they probably are. The building itself looks well maintained. The people who have crafted these Jubilee decorations must have the patience of saints. They are a real credit to them.
(We have our very own Jed in Howfen - he looks as poor as a scarecrow on his mobility scooter but he’s one of the richest landowners there is…).

Comment by: Bruce Almighty on 2nd June 2022 at 16:41

Veronica, his real name is Dave.

Comment by: Veronica on 2nd June 2022 at 17:39

I’ll ask him next time I see him on the road… actually it’s Ged….(short for Gerald I would think) That’s the only name he goes by as long as I’ve lived here, that’s half a century Bruce.

Comment by: Steve on 2nd June 2022 at 17:46

Congratulations to the Queen, pity her family have let her down !

Comment by: . Ozy . on 2nd June 2022 at 19:06

In order to celebrate HRH’s phenomenal achievement of clocking up 70 years of free foreign holidays, I’ve just purchased a 4 pack of pear cider and a couple of burgers from Lidl.

Then following France’s lead,…to further mark this momentous landmark in the country’s history, I’m preparing to light a beacon under the chip pan later on this evening.

And if the Anderson catches alight,…..well…long may it rain.

Comment by: Bruce Almighty on 2nd June 2022 at 19:36

Veronica, his name is Dave Whittle. Although he isn't short of a few bob, he's far from "one of the richest landowners there is". His nickname, Jed, came from remarks made in the White Lion about his apparent likeness to a certain Beverly Hillbilly.

Comment by: irene roberts on 2nd June 2022 at 19:40

Veronica, his real name is Rodney , but Trigger calls him Dave! Enjoy the feast, Ozy!

Comment by: Veronica on 2nd June 2022 at 20:01

Good for you Ozy - May the beacon under the chip pan be seen for many miles. I hope you have the bunting
( a long row of unmentionables) flying over the top while you’re about it.

Comment by: . Ozy . on 2nd June 2022 at 22:06

So, having witnessed HRH on tv at the traipsing of the colour on horse guards parade, closely followed by ELO at Wembley stadium , all that remains to round off my perfect day is for yonder Melanie Lewis-McDonald to call round at my gaff after the gig to oversee my protein intake.

I’m guessing that if there’s anyone qualified to sort out a poor burger, then it has to be someone named McDonald.

Comment by: DTease on 2nd June 2022 at 22:45

Well, that’s another Queen’s Birthday been and gone and I’ve been overlooked again.
The amount of groveling that I’ve done this year I was hoping to at least scrape in for an O.B.E. You would think that now we haven’t got a blinking Empire they would be two a penny, but nothing doing.
Maybe I should start working on Charlie, after all we have a lot in common, I talk to trees all the time and sometimes, after the Pubs shut the trees talk to me.
“Stop sitting’ on me roots and gerroff home” they say.
Chuck another Pratoe in your chip pan Ozy, I’ll be round shortly. P.S. I like plenty best butter on me bread.

Comment by: Veronica on 2nd June 2022 at 23:17

I could think of a better name for Ged he’s the spit of Worsel Gumidge.
I can honestly say I have never graced the doorway of the White Lion …

Comment by: . Ozy . on 2nd June 2022 at 23:42

You’d be most welcome to dine with us, err, me DTease, although be advised, my spuds are a bit wrinkly I’m afraid.

And I’d gladly spread some butter on your bread, if I had any butter, but I’m completely out of bread unfortunately.

By the way, just on the off chance that Melanie might have beaten you to it, it may be prudent if you coughed, or whistled, or fell down the steps, or lobbed a brick down the chimney, or did something equally noisy before entering.

You know what I mean, we’re all men of the world.

Comment by: DTease on 3rd June 2022 at 00:29

So Ozy gets his oats and poor owd DTease gets nowt. It was ever the way.
But don't worry about me Ozy, I understand your situation, opportunities must be few and far between when you live in a rusty old Anderton Shelter, even one with an Aga.
I'll be fine Ozy, I'm used to hunger pangs by now and the cold doesn't bother me anymore. No need for you to feel bad about it. I wouldn't want to put you off your stroke, as it were.

Comment by: Joan on 3rd June 2022 at 11:43

This is Randall Corner shop, its wonderful and so is the crocheted crown.

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