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Photo-a-Day  (Sunday, 15th May, 2022)

Lower Ince

Lower Ince
Ince Green Lane on the left. Manley Street on the right.

Photo: Dennis Seddon  (Sony DSC-WX500)
Views: 1,974

Comment by: irene roberts on 15th May 2022 at 07:51

I love this view. I have a 1925 directory of Ince, (you can access it on Wigan World, under "stuff"), showing all the names of the people who lived in every house in Ince, plus their occupations, and there was a man who lived in the first house on the left, just in front of the man with the dog, who was called Silas Peglar, which reminds me of the tales of Charles Dickens! Lovely photo, Dennis.

Comment by: Veronica on 15th May 2022 at 08:15

First impression is how clean and tidy it looks on the photo. Lovely well kept houses - it’s a long time since I’ve been down that way. A nice photograph of the area.

Comment by: Anne on 15th May 2022 at 08:55

Very familiar view for me although Morton’s shop has gone missing. Roller skating down from the Manley hotel required not to miss grabbing a lamp post so as to avoid hurtling off the pavement into the road.

Comment by: Gary on 15th May 2022 at 08:56

During lockdown, in the UK generally, and certainly where I live, everyone was buying a dog. Since then, most mornings and evenings around here it resembles Krufts.
However, for me, coming from Wigan, this was normal. In Aspull every "mon 'ad uh dog." They even had their own seating positions on Bolton Road with their owners.
This photo is true Wigan - red brick terraces, a bit uh green, a mon we uh dog.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 15th May 2022 at 11:50

Irene - Silas Peglar was the grandfather of Graham Worthington, a stalwart of local brass bands (as a trombonist) and St Mary's church, who lived at the bottom end of Manley Street. He let me copy many images which have appeared in the Album in the past. It's now nearly ten years since he passed away - a Peglar cousin dealt with his funeral.

Comment by: irene roberts on 15th May 2022 at 12:56

Thankyou Rev, David....how interesting. The 1925 directory is fascinating...my own Grandad, who I never knew, is mentioned. A little tale here......Many years ago I was walking down Manley Street, (it was around 1999 so a long time ago), and an old lady was standing outside her house, (I can see it on the photo), and asked me if I would go in for a moment, She told me that two lads had just walked in and had gone up her stairs! I shouted upstairs and couldn't hear a thing but I had no intention of going up! I ended up staying with her all afternoon as she was getting more and more confused in what she was saying, and I couldn't leave her, but I had family due home from college and work and eventually I rang the police and explained the situation and they sent someone round. She had imagined the whole incident and there was no-one upstairs! Isn't it odd the memories a photo can bring back?....I had forgotten that incident until I saw the house on the photo.

Comment by: Edna on 15th May 2022 at 14:28

Good photo Dennis, very clear, my brother in law lived in Manley St. for a while, yrs ago.But it brought memories back..Veronica I've sent you an email.xx

Comment by: Joan on 15th May 2022 at 14:55

My grandad came from higher Ince, they say he got drunk and fell asleep on a canal barge and woke up in Appley Bridge.

Comment by: Bill Morton on 15th May 2022 at 16:31

Anne, I have a couple of pictures of Mortons shop on the sharp angle between Ince Green Lane and Manley St. Does anyone remeber Regal Cinema on Bryn St. just off this picture on the right?

Comment by: Elizabeth on 15th May 2022 at 16:59

Memories of coming home from Wigan with my Auntie who lived in Christopher Street,getting off the bus in Warrington Road and walking up Manley Street.Also memories of my late friend Margaret Wall RIP, who I met when I first started work,who lived here for many years growing up.

Comment by: irene roberts on 15th May 2022 at 17:02

Bill, I never attended The Regal but my much-older brothers did. My Mam recalled taking a neighbour's little lad once and it was raining in the film, and the little lad nudged her and said, in a worried voice. "Tizzie, it's rainin' an' ah've not fotched me cap"!

Comment by: Elizabeth on 15th May 2022 at 17:40

Memories of coming home from Wigan with my Auntie who lived in Christopher Street,getting off the bus in Warrington Road and walking up Manley Street.Also memories of my late friend Margaret Wall RIP, who I met when I first started work,who lived here for many years growing up.Yes,can remember the Regal too.

Comment by: Anne on 15th May 2022 at 18:05

Bill….I certainly do remember the Regal. Saturday afternoon children's matinee, Flash Gordon, Batman plus all the westerns. Two houses in the evenings which changed shows three times a week. How could I forget.

Comment by: Edna on 15th May 2022 at 22:19

Irene, that story made me laugh, it reminded me of when we first got a telly, and I went to my friends house, and they had just got one as well. The news had just come on, and I said " Ho! He reads the news on our telly"!!!

Comment by: Derek C on 26th May 2022 at 01:57

I used to live in number 57 Manley street. And i'm sure these house's where built in the 1800's? All i know is i never beleived in ghost or spirits until i lived there. Never seen and ghost in there but felt them and smelt them. Couldn't wait to move out!!!! Proper haunted.

Comment by: Anne on 24th March 2023 at 12:27

Derek C……a bit late answering, only just seen that you lived in no 57. I knew the family well, a large family and at least three of that family died there. I also knew the family on the other side of the little entry, no.55.

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