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Photo-a-Day  (Monday, 7th February, 2022)

The Thing

The Thing
"The Thing" tied up on the canal near Top Lock.

Photo: Dennis Seddon  (Sony DSC-WX500)
Views: 2,184

Comment by: Mick on 7th February 2022 at 06:13

The owners of the boat will be council house dwellers.

Comment by: PeterP on 7th February 2022 at 06:47

It may look like a floating wreck but it is some ones pride and joy. Is it licenced to be on the canal?

Comment by: Poet on 7th February 2022 at 07:41

God save The Thing .

Comment by: Veronica on 7th February 2022 at 08:07

"The Thing" is has Thingy been abandoned? It looks a bit forlorn and t'windows could do with a bit of a scrub.

Comment by: irene roberts on 7th February 2022 at 09:09

I think somebody had a wooden spoon in their hand a 6.13 this morning, stirring up trouble for someone else.

Comment by: DTease on 7th February 2022 at 09:16

“God save the thing” Good one Poet, started my day of with a smile that did. Especially after Mick’s usual bout of misery.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 7th February 2022 at 09:21

Mick, you dont choose your words well.....

Comment by: Peter on 7th February 2022 at 09:32

It will end up sunk

Comment by: irene roberts on 7th February 2022 at 10:17

I have a feeling that the comment about council houses dwellers wasn't actually from Mick, hence my "stirring it" comment. I know Mick HAS said things that have got our backs up in the past, and will probably continue to do so, but something in that first comment this morning doesn't ring true. Just my opinion.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 7th February 2022 at 10:36

That did cross my mind Irene as I pressed send. If it is someone trouble making I apolgise to the real Mick...in the green jacket.

Comment by: janet on 7th February 2022 at 10:46

do i see the african queen dennis

Comment by: TerryW on 7th February 2022 at 10:53

I thought it was named after Mick

Comment by: Veronica on 7th February 2022 at 12:52

I have to say that was too blatant even for Mick...it's the imposter..

Comment by: Dennis Seddon on 7th February 2022 at 13:19

I didn’t see any evidence of Humphrey Bogarde or Katherine Hepburn having been there Janet, maybe they were off in the bushes getting rid of the leeches!

Comment by: Veronica on 7th February 2022 at 14:02

If I remember right ...the African Queen was blown up at the end, on the other hand I might be wrong. I watch that many old films they're all merging into one! Jim or George will know..

Comment by: Mick on 7th February 2022 at 14:03

Ive been told that a lot of these ramshackle boats are used as drug dens and brothels. and when they get passed there sell by date it will end being sunk then it will cost money to get it removed
I have to agree with Mick I also think the owners of the boat will be council house folk,

Comment by: Cyril on 7th February 2022 at 14:09

Maybe Thing belongs to Pugsley Addams and both he and Uncle Fester go 'sailing down the river on a Sunday afternoon.'

Comment by: John G on 7th February 2022 at 15:21

Theirs plenty of life left in the old girl, a good rub down, a good lick of paint, and a good polish.
And where down the canal for our first brothel trip! (Sorry our first sight seeing trip.)
By the way Mick, I’ve met some lovely caring people from a council house.

Comment by: Veronica on 7th February 2022 at 16:59

One of these days we'll be hearing Mr Pastry has been crumbled to bits....not nice at all..

Comment by: Roy on 7th February 2022 at 17:18

Second Mick is the real Mick...... When they get passed there sell by date,
should be, as the majority of us know.... When they get past their sell by date.

Comment by: DTease on 7th February 2022 at 17:32

There’s not room for many customers in this brothel Mick, you would be hard pressed to get the Can-Can dancers in there never mind the customers.

Comment by: Ray on 7th February 2022 at 18:12

Yes Roy, I spotted the spelling errors straight away. Cheers, Ray.

Comment by: Poet on 7th February 2022 at 18:25

I recall a brothel on a narrow boat called ' The Happy Pig ' , out of Adlington . It sailed to Top Lock and back . Good for stag do's .

Comment by: irene roberts on 7th February 2022 at 18:27

Well, I said what I thought was right, as did Veronica and Helen. If the true Shevy Mick doesn't appreciate that, so be it. You can't help some people. I just tried to be fair. I'm still not sure who's who with the two "Micks" but I give up now.

Comment by: Veronica on 7th February 2022 at 19:18

Perhaps its a form of Jekyl and Hyde at play Irene.. some people will do and say anything for attention. Let him face the consequences...it's not a good representation for this site either.

Comment by: Edna on 7th February 2022 at 20:20

This is to both Mick's. People in glass houses should not throw stones.

Comment by: annemarie on 7th February 2022 at 20:39

In these times it is sad to see class distinction in comments it is a boat nothing to do with class

Comment by: John G on 7th February 2022 at 20:54

Poet: You’ve taken me by surprise, a man of verse, Ode to everything tranquil, peaceful, and serine, a man that I put on a higher plain.
And all this time you’ve been catching the happy pig from Adlington, enjoying the company of undesirables, women of disrepute, getting drunk, and ending up at the top lock pub.(when it was open), then going for a fish supper, and not once did you tell me! Or DTease, Ray, Cyril,Peter, Dennis,
Terry, not to mention Mick.
I feel abandoned poet, gutted,we could have been at your side supporting you, but alas not to be.
If I knew some poetry I’am sure I could word it better.

Comment by: DTease on 7th February 2022 at 22:37

O Poet, repent ye thy wicked ways. Harken unto John G and follow him unto the path of righteousness….er is this boat still running by any chance? Just curious you understand.

Comment by: Poet on 7th February 2022 at 23:20

Cheers JB . Well they say there's weakness in us all , though it's not really weakness is it ? Just humans being human . Shakespeare was a tavern man , so was Dylan Thomas . Gainsborough was never out the brothel and
Mozart loved to ' slum it ' . These days I get goose pimples listening to Vaughan Williams , but looking back on those glory days , I have never reached a more higher plain than when I voyaged on The Pig .
God bless ' The Pig ' . And all who sailed in her .

Comment by: Poet on 7th February 2022 at 23:38

Not sure if it's still running DTs , but they used to stop at New Springs bridge for Aspullites . You could look out for it during on one casual walk .

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